One-year experience with implanon sub-dermal implants in Jos, Nigeria


To determine Implanon acceptance, the group of women accepting it, complications, indications for discontinuation; and report an initial experiencewith themethod. Thiswas a retrospective observational study of Implanon®, a single rod, long acting, reversible subdermal contraceptive implant system, containing the progestin etonogestrel, which was introduced in Jos, Nigeria, inMay 2006. Implanon capsules were accepted by 404 clients constituting 13.4% of acceptors of all contraceptive methods. The average age, parity and number of living children to the acceptors were 32.1 years, 3.6 and 3.3 respectively.About three-quarters (76.0%) of the women had secondary and tertiary education. Seventy-three (18.1%) of the women were taking a modern contraceptive method for the first time. There were 7 removals giving a high continuation rate of 98.3% in the first year. Menstrual disturbance was the commonest (57.1%) indication for removal. Implanon is an acceptablemethod of contraception among ourwomen  population.Keywords: Implant, Implanon, sub-dermal, Jos,Nigeria

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