21 research outputs found

    Liquid biopsy for the assessment of adrenal cancer heterogeneity: where do we stand?

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    Almost 10 years have passed since the first attempts of liquid biopsy aimed at the characterisation of tumor cells present in the bloodstream from a regular sample of peripheral blood were performed. Liquid biopsy has been used to characterise tumor heterogeneity in various types of solid tumors including adrenocortical carcinoma. The development of molecular biology, genetics, and methodological advances such as digital PCR and next-generation sequencing allowed us to use besides circulating tumor cells a variety of circulating cell-free nucleic acids, DNAs, RNAs and microRNAs secreted by tumors into blood and other body fluids as specific molecular markers. These markers are used for diagnosis, to check tumor development, selecting efficient therapies, therapy monitoring and even possess prognostic power. In adrenocortical carcinoma, there are some studies reporting analysis of circulating tumor cells, circulating cell free DNA and microRNAs for assessing tumor heterogeneity. Among microRNAs, hsa-miR-483-5p seems to be the most important player. Combined with other microRNAs like hsa-miR-195, their expression correlates with recurrence-free survival. Most studies support the applicability of liquid biopsy for assessing temporal tumor heterogeneity (i.e. tumor progression) in adrenocortical cancer. In this mini-review, the available findings of liquid biopsy for assessing tumor heterogeneity in adrenocortical cancer are presented

    Analytical performance of ngs-based molecular genetic tests used in the diagnostic workflow of pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma

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    Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)-based methods are high-throughput and cost-effective molecular genetic diagnostic tools. Targeted gene panel and whole exome sequencing (WES) are applied in clinical practice for assessing mutations of pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma (PPGL) associated genes, but the best strategy is debated. Germline mutations of at the least 18 PPGL genes are present in approximately 20–40% of patients, thus molecular genetic testing is recommended in all cases. We aimed to evaluate the analytical and clinical performances of NGS methods for mutation detection of PPGL-associated genes. WES (three different library preparation and bioinformatics workflows) and an in-house, hybridization based gene panel (endocrine-onco-gene-panel- ENDOGENE) was evaluated on 37 (20 WES and 17 ENDOGENE) samples with known variants. After optimization of the bioinformatic workflow, 61 additional samples were tested prospectively. All clinically relevant variants were validated with Sanger sequencing. Target capture of PPGL genes differed markedly between WES platforms and genes tested. All known variants were correctly identified by all methods, but methods of library preparations, sequencing platforms and bioinformatical settings significantly affected the diagnostic accuracy. The ENDOGENE panel identified several pathogenic mutations and unusual genotype–phenotype associations suggesting that the whole panel should be used for identification of genetic susceptibility of PPGL

    Analysis of Circulating MicroRNAs In Vivo following Administration of Dexamethasone and Adrenocorticotropin

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    Purpose. The interaction of hormones of the pituitary-adrenal axis and adrenal cortex-associated circulating microRNAs is mostly unknown. We have studied the effects of dexamethasone and adrenocorticotropin on the expression of five circulating microRNAs (hsa-miR-27a, hsa-miR-200b, hsa-miR-214, hsa-miR-483-5p, and hsa-miR-503) reported to be related to the adrenal cortex in plasma samples. Methods. Expression of microRNAs was studied in plasma samples of 10 individuals examined by 1 mg dexamethasone suppression test and another 10 individuals stimulated by 250 μg tetracosactide (adrenocorticotropin). Total RNA was isolated and microRNA expression was analyzed by real-time reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction normalized to cel-miR-39 as reference. Results. Only circulating hsa-miR-27a proved to be significantly modulated in vivo by hormonal treatments: its expression was upregulated by dexamethasone whereas it was suppressed by adrenocorticotropin. Secreted hsa-miR-27a was significantly induced by dexamethasone in vitro in NCI-H295R cells, as well. The expression of hsa-miR-483-5p proposed as diagnostic marker for adrenocortical malignancy was not affected by dexamethasone or tetracosactide administration. Conclusions. hsa-miR-27a expression is modulated by hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis both in vitro and in vivo. The biological relevance of hsa-miR-27a modulation by hormones is unclear, but the responsiveness of circulating microRNAs to hormones of the pituitary-adrenal axis is noteworthy

    Exploratory Circular RNA Profiling in Adrenocortical Tumors

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    The histological differential diagnosis of adrenocortical adenoma and carcinoma is difficult and requires great expertise. Measures taken towards the distinction of adrenal tumors are of paramount importance. The non-coding circular RNAs (circRNAs) were shown to be expressed in a tissue and tumor specific manner. CircRNAs are investigated as a useful adjunct to the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant tumors of several organs, but they have not been investigated in adrenocortical tumors yet. Here, we have performed circRNA profiling in adrenocortical tumors by next-generation sequencing to detect already known and de novo circRNAs. Out of the five most differentially expressed circRNAs, circPHC3 could be confirmed by TaqMan RT-qPCR to be overexpressed in carcinoma and adenoma vs. healthy tissues in an independent validation cohort

    A jelentés és megértés kérdése az analitikus filozófiában, a fenomenológiában és hermeneutikában = The Issue of Meaning and Understanding in Analytic Philosophy, Phenomenology and Hermeneutics

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    A kutatás során a jelentés és a megértéshez kapcsolódó problémák egy részét jártuk körül az analitikus, a fenomenológiai és a hermeneutikai tradíció keretén belül. A kutatás központjában az alábbi kérdések álltak: (1) A nyelv szerepe. Mi a viszony a nyelvi és nem-nyelvi megértés között? (2) Az interszubjektivitás. Mi biztosítja az egyének és kultúrák közötti megértést? (3) A jelentés meghatározottsága. Milyen tényezők korlátozzák az értelmezés szabadságát? (4) A holizmus és a hermeneutikai kör. Mennyiben holisztikus jellegű a megértés? Vannak-e önállóan értelmezhető kisebb egységek? Mely pontokon kezdődhet el az értelmezés? Szintén kísérletet tettünk a különböző jelentés- és megértés-elméleti koncepciók alkalmazására egyes konkrét problémákra, valamint filozófiai és irodalmi szövegekre vonatkozóan. | The research aimed at the exploration of some of the problems relating to meaning and understanding within the framework of three philosophical traditions, analytic philosophy, phenomenology and hermenutics. The central questions were the following: (1) The role of languages. How are linguistic and non-linguistic forms of undestanding connected? (2) Intersubjectivity. What are the possible foundation of interpersonal and intercultural understanding? (3) The determinacy of meaning. What factors may limit the range of admissible interpretations? (4) Holism and the hermeneutic circle. How holistic is understanding? Are there smaller units which allow independent interpretation? What are the starting points of interpretation? We have also made attempts to apply the various meaning- and understanding-theoretic approaches to particular problems as well as to philosophical and literary texts