16 research outputs found


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    This investigation dealt with the dyeing and fastness properties of crude constituents of Ixora coccinea and Hibiscus sabdarriffa plant species extracted using distilled water, methanol and chloroform. Approximately 150 g of each sample was soaked in the chosen solvent for four weeks, the percentage yields of the aqueous, methanol and chloroform extracts of Ixora coccinea were 38.47% and 13.40 % and 3.88 % respectively; Hibiscus sabdariffa gave yields of 22.85 %  for the aqueous extract, 12.24 % for the methanol extract and 3.79 % for the chloroform extract. Aqueous, methanol and chloroform extracts of Ixora coccinea were all pink in colour; Hibiscus sabdariffa gave red aqueous extract, red methanol extract and orange chloroform extract. The extracts were used without further purification in dyeing unmordanted and mordanted cotton and polyester fabrics. Different colour shades were obtained after dyeing. The mordanted fabrics using CuSO4, FeSO4 and K2CrO7 were fast to acid, alkali and washing.Key words dyeing, extract, fastness, mordant, solven

    A survey on artificial intelligence based techniques for diagnosis of hepatitis variants

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    Hepatitis is a dreaded disease that has taken the lives of so many people over the recent past years. The research survey shows that hepatitis viral disease has five major variants referred to as Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. Scholars over the years have tried to find an alternative diagnostic means for hepatitis disease using artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in order to save lives. This study extensively reviewed 37 papers on AI based techniques for diagnosing core hepatitis viral disease. Results showed that Hepatitis B (30%) and C (3%) were the only types of hepatitis the AI-based techniques were used to diagnose and properly classified out of the five major types, while (67%) of the paper reviewed diagnosed hepatitis disease based on the different AI based approach but were not classified into any of the five major types. Results from the study also revealed that 18 out of the 37 papers reviewed used hybrid approach, while the remaining 19 used single AI based approach. This shows no significance in terms of technique usage in modeling intelligence into application. This study reveals furthermore a serious gap in knowledge in terms of single hepatitis type prediction or diagnosis in all the papers considered, and recommends that the future road map should be in the aspect of integrating the major hepatitis variants into a single predictive model using effective intelligent machine learning techniques in order to reduce cost of diagnosis and quick treatment of patients

    An Integrated Model for Monitoring Nodes in Computer Networks

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    Monitoring complex computer network environment is now a very challenging task for network administrators despite the various existing monitoring applications for networks that are faced with the issues of centralized monitoring, which causes network traffic, reduces network bandwidth, and are unable to concurrently run two or more network services. This research paper was designed to tackle the problems exhibited by the existing network monitoring application by integrating different network monitoring services in a single model using the power of agent’s distributed processing and monitoring services. Data about the existing and proposed model was gathered using key informant interview approach, and observation of the existing software. Iterative software model was adopted as the software development life cycle based on its strengths and suitability. The proposed model was developed using use-case and sequence diagrams. Suitable programming languages and development environment such as Java, JavaScript, Hypertext Preprocessor, Hypertext markup language and MySQL were used in coding the software prototype. The functionality of the proposed system was tested and results showed that the proposed system has 100% anomaly network intrusion detection rate and better functional features as compared to the existing network monitoring applications observed

    An Implementation of K-NN Classification Algorithm for Detecting Impersonators in Online Examination Environment

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    The online examination platforms also known as computer-based testing (CBT) platforms for conducting mass-driven examinations over computer networks to eliminate certain issues such as delay in marking, misplacement of scripts, monitoring, etc., associated with the conventional Pen and Paper Type (PPT) of examination have also been bedeviled with the issue of impersonation commonly associated with the PPT system. The existing online examination platforms rely on passive mechanisms such as the CCTV system and the human invigilators for monitoring the examination halls against cheating and impersonation. The proposed model integrates some level of intelligence into existing online examination prototype by designing and developing an intelligent agent service that could assess students against impersonation threat in an online examination environment using the K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) machine learning classification technique considering the level of accuracy and response time in answering the questions. A total of 3,083 dataset was downloaded from an online repository; 80% (2,466) of the dataset was used for training the model, while 20% (617) dataset was used in testing the model to enable the model detect unseen data correctly. Results showed that the developed model has a 99.99% accuracy rate, precision, recall and f-score

    A Model for Stock Market Value Forecasting using Ensemble Artificial Neural Network

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    Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a model used in capturing linear and non-linear relationship of input and output data. Its usage has been predominant in the prediction and forecasting market time series. However, there has been low bias and high variance issues associated with ANN models such as the simple multi-layer perceptron model. This usually happens when training large dataset. The objective of this work was to develop an efficient forecasting model using Ensemble ANN to unravel the market mysteries for accurate decision on investment. This paper employed the Ensemble ANN modeling technique to tackle the high variations in stock market training dataset faced when using a simple multi-layer perceptron model by using the theory of ensemble averaging. The Ensemble ANN model was developed and implemented using NeurophStudio and Java programming language, then trained and tested using daily data of stock market prices from various banks, for a period of 497 days. The methodology adopted to achieve this task is the agile methodology. The output of the proposed predictive model was compared with four traditional neural network multilayer perceptron algorithms, and outperformed the traditional neural network multilayer perceptron algorithms. The proposed model gave an average to best predictive error for any day when compared with the other four traditional models

    A fuzzy logic model for evaluating the standard performance of a prototype online voting system

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    This paper described the major challenges associated with existing methods of voting; hence a prototype online voting system was developed and proposed for credible election in Edo state with a mind set to trash out the various problems identified with the existing system. In order to determine if the prototype online voting system developed is of standard performance a fuzzy clustering means (FCM) was designed to evaluate and ascertain its performance based on certain criteria gathered using questionnaire designed. The FCM model was simulated and tested for evaluation taking into consideration stakeholders of election that were drawn from twelve (12) local government areas, out of the Eighteen (18) local government areas of Edo state. Opinions of stakeholders of the election concerning the wished-for model were arbitrarily sampled and analyzed for the use of assessment in particular when compared to the present system of selection. In addition, other factors that can promise an open and just election were also discussed and place into consideration throughout the implementation of the developed prototype online voting system. The result from the evaluation revealed that the seven (7) local government areas which formed about (58.33%) of the beyond least standard cluster and the five (5) local government areas, which also formed about (41.66%) of the regular standard cluster of the entire population of (12) local government areas were both above the average acceptable benchmark for elections, which is a key indicator that the developed prototype online voting software meets more than the standard for a credible election process and it is therefore proficient as a verdict announcer for a transparent electoral process when fully implemented and deployed for usage

    Factors Affecting the Adoption of ICT in the Hospitality Industry in Imo State

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    ABSTRACT The impact of ICT (Information Communication Technology) hotel and hospitality industries has been widely recognized as one of the major changes in the last decade: new ways of communicating with guests, using ICT to improve services delivery to guest etc. The study tried to investigate the ICT Infrastructural Diffusion in hotels in Owerri, Imo State. In order to know the extent of spread, the study examine the current ICT infrastructures being used, the rate at which its being used and the factors affecting its adoption. The data collected was analyzed using SPSS Software and Regression model was estimated. The findings revealed that the rate at which hotels adopt and use ICT infrastructure is low and the most significant factor affecting the adoption and use of ICT is scope of activities the hotel is engaged in. It is therefore recommended that Government should increase the economic activities in the state so as to increase the adoption of ICT infrastructures