110 research outputs found

    The Leadership Role of a Musicologist in the 21st Century Africa

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    In this 21st Century Africa, most music of today –the hip hop, rap, dub-step etc are inappropriate and have foul language. They are not leading people to the right parts. Critical evaluations of such music show that they are pointless (music without meaning- bad songs, bad vocal, poor message and so on). Our perception of music and appreciation today is not based upon real musical worth but rather upon heavy commercial marketing which often mislead critical evaluation of music in print, radio, and television media sources. Definitely bad music is produced not by musicologists that are competent both in theory and practice but rather by untrained/quack musicians. This paper examines the leadership role of musicologist in the 21st century Africa and was discovered that musicologist (composer, historian, music theorist, performer and so on) as a valid member of a society, a societal conscience and watchdog performs tremendous leadership role in all sphere of life including political system (in government). He functions as a social critic, a historian, a social witness and recorder of events. He functions in social mobilization, in social stability, in social control, and in external affairs. As an oracle of the society, he directs and redirects the mind of people, leading people aright. It is hoped that this paper would open people’s minds and souls to follow the right parts through right music which when evaluated, will be music that have immense worth for our African society. It recommends that the untrained musicians should use their musical power in the right context and not passing jargons and pointless music across.Key words: Musicologist, Leadership, Role, Musi

    Effects of Leadership and Political Corruption on Achieving Sustainable Development: Evidence from Nigeria

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    The Federal Republic of Nigeria, one of the countries in sub-Sahara Africa is richly endowed with natural resources and high quality human capital, but still struggling with the issue of sustainable development. One factor responsible for that ugly trend is attributed to the phenomenon of corruption. The study "Leadership and political corruption on achieving sustainable development in Nigeria" is aimed at identifying as well as espousing the factors hindering leaders from achieving sustainable development. This study examines what is most important to average Nigerian leaders and the value system obtainable in the country. The study also investigated the pre and post assessment of Nigerian leaders in relation to the obtainable value system. The study employed descriptive and content analytical method in its analysis, where data collected on issue were descriptively analyzed. The study utilized Karl Mark dialectical materialism theory as its theoretical framework. Therefore, the study revealed that an average Nigerian leader is mired in the pursuit of selfish and personal goals than integrity which is the hallmark of achieving sustainable development. And that the available value system is significantly linked to the problem of inefficient management of human and material resources in the country. It is therefore, the position of the paper that the issue of achieving sustainable development in Nigeria remains a mirage with dare consequences on the economy, the citizenry and on our collective image globally,   until our leaders develop the spirit of patriotism in their dealing with masses and ensure total rehabilitations of all the various subsystem in Nigeria. The paper therefore concluded that without efficient and pragmatic public leadership, there will be nothing like sustainable development. Keywords: Leadership, Political leadership, Political Corruption, Sustainable Development, Dialectical Materialism, Administration

    History, Education and Social Transformation in Africa

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    Africa’s current socio-economic predicament is often solely attributed to political and economic mismanagement. However, such an analysis is far from comprehensive, as it fails to account for the historical, sociological and psychological causes of the current unsatisfactory social conditions in the continent. The paper seeks to present the role of history and education in Africa’s social transformation. Thereafter, the paper reflects on some apparent mental impediments to Africa’s social transformation, namely, conservatism, feeble social consciousness, and blind acceptance of the white-black dichotomy, and a fixation with foreign paradigms of managing public affairs. The paper calls for an interdisciplinary approach to the verifying, mitigating and/or eliminating of these impediments. Key words: History, education, social transformation, Afric

    Impact of Fallen Oil Prices on the Nigeria Economy

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    Nigeria has substantially lost income from oil and has to fund the 2016 budget mainly from borrowed funds and perhaps from recovered loot. Thus, this study examined the impact of fallen oil prices on the Nigeria economy. The study relied deeply on secondary data. Materials and information were obtained from the CBN Annual Report and statement of Account, CBN Financial review, National Bureau of Statistics, Budget IT and Books and Annual Reports of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation. The methods used in analyzing the data are simple regression analysis, Pearson Product Moment Correlation and Chi-Square to determine the effect and relationship between oil price (Independent Variable) and economic growth indicators such as Foreign exchange earnings, aggregate expenditure, budget servicing and public sector employment rate (dependent variables). The study found that fallen oil price has a significant effect on the Nigerian economy and has impacted negatively on it. The study among others recommend that diversification of Nigerian economy is most imperative given the economic recession in the country now. Keywords: Oil, Economy and Nigeri

    Impact of Fiscal Policy Instability on Foreign Direct Investment in Nigeria

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    Fiscal policy is the planning of revenue and expenditure levels and pattern by government to influence the circular flow, or specifically to promote full employment production, price stability and national welfare. The need for a more stable macro-economic environment in Nigeria through sound fiscal and monetary actions is still paramount. This study investigated the impact of fiscal policy instability on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). The objective of this study was to find out if measures of fiscal policy a significant effect on the FDI instability. The data used for this study was obtained through secondary source. This data included Nigeria’s gross domestic product, foreign direct investment, government revenue, government expenditure, balance of payment and government total debt from 2000-2014. Data showing the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) from 2000-2014 was also obtained. The regression analysis technique was used to test the hypotheses. The study founded that coefficient of determination R2 explained a total variation of 93% (percent) of the dependent variable (FDI) which means that measures of fiscal policy instability are important predictor of FDI. The study revealed that fiscal policy measures of the federal government have not significantly improved FDI. The study concluded that Fiscal Policy instability on FDI could be as a result of the insufficient domestic investment to accelerate growth, hence, recommended that there should be improvement in the overall fiscal operations of the Federal Government to ensure sound and stable macroeconomic environment that will attract investors. Keywords: Fiscal Policy, FDI and Macroeconomic Environmen

    Real Interest Rate, Investment and Economic Growth: Panel Evidence from West African Monetary Zone

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    Purpose: This paper investigated the effect of interest rate on investment and growth on countries under the West African Monetary Zone (Gambia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Ghana, Guinea and Liberia) with the use of Panel data analysis from 2000 to 2021.   Approach/Methodology/Design: The study uses the Levin and Lin test to confirm the unit root of the selected variables. The stationarity shows that real interest rate, exchange rate, inflation and term of trade are integrated at levels and real gross domestic product, investment, and savings are integrated at order one. Also with the use of Kao Panel Co-integration test, it was confirm that there exists a long run relationship among the variables.   Findings: The study revealed that real interest rate shows a non-significant relationship to both investment and growth in the countries under the West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ). According to the study, these countries need to reduce their real interest rates in order to increase investment in WAMZ, particularly Ghana, Gambia, and Liberia, as a result of the findings. It is imperative that policy makers in West African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) countries implement policies that will contribute to the achievement of the threshold inflation rate consistent with higher economic growth. Originality/Value: In this study, Panel data analysis has been estimated and after the test of hausman test the random effect method was used to carry out the estimation to know the impact of real interest rate on investment and economic growth with evidence for West African Monetary Zone for the period 2000 to 2015

    Corporate sustainability strategies in institutional adversity: antecedent, outcome, and contingency effects

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    This study examines: (i) how top-level managerial institutional ties drive corporate sustainability strategies of emerging market firms operating under conditions of institutional adversity; (ii) the impact of corporate sustainability strategies on market performance; and (iii) the moderating role of financial resource slack on the relationships between corporate sustainability strategies and market performance. The study builds from institutional development logic and the structure–conduct–performance paradigm. Primary data are collected from 300 firms operating in a major sub-Saharan African market. Findings show that top-level managerial institutional linkages with regulatory national governmental officials, local community leaders, and top managers at other firms drive corporate proactive and responsive sustainability strategies, which in turn influence market performance. In addition, the findings reveal that financial resource slack strengthens the path between corporate proactive sustainability strategies and market performance, but not the path between corporate responsive sustainability strategies and market performance. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed

    Regional expansion of emerging market SMEs: the roles of domestic market environmental uncertainty and international alliance partner diversity

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    This study develops and tests a framework of the effect of domestic market environmental uncertainty on international alliance partner diversity (IAPD) and the effect of IAPD on small and medium-sized enterprises’ (SMEs’) regional expansion. Leveraging primary data from a sample of 232 Pakistani SMEs, the findings indicate that domestic market dynamism and technological dynamism drive SMEs to engage in IAPD. The analysis further reveals that IAPD improves SMEs’ regional expansion, and particularly so at higher levels of cross-cultural knowledge absorption. The research and practical implications of these findings are discussed
