21 research outputs found

    Interventions to increase use of services; Mental Health Awareness in Nigeria.

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    BACKGROUND: Mental health services in Nigeria consist mainly of large government psychiatric hospitals and there are very few mental health professionals to serve the large population of the country. However, more recently, community mental health services, which have been shown to improve access to care and clinical outcomes are beginning to develop in some locations. Despite efforts to promote more accessible services, low levels of knowledge about effective treatment of mental disorders means that even where these services are available, a very small proportion of people utilise these services. Therefore interventions to increase service use are an essential component of health system. METHODS: This intervention was designed to increase use of a mental health services through the work of community-based Village Health Workers. Fifteen Village Health Workers in each Local Government Area (district) were selected and trained to create mental health awareness in communities. Their function also include identification and referral of persons with mental illness to trained mental health nurses in the clinics. Attendance data prior to and after intervention were collected and compared. RESULTS: The incident rate for initial period of intervention is five times higher than the baseline rate (95% CI; 3.42-7.56; p < 0.001) though this diminished in the long term, levelling off above initial baseline. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated that addition of awareness raising using volunteers in communities as part of health programme implementation can increase services use by a population. Mechanisms such as informing populations of the existence of a service which they were previously lacking; explanation of causation of mental illness and achieving community leaders' support for a new service can make investment in services more efficient by increasing attendance

    The Mental Health Leadership and Advocacy Program (mhLAP): a pioneering response to the neglect of mental health in Anglophone West Africa

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    Developing countries in Africa and other regions share a similar profile of insufficient human resources for mental health, poor funding, a high unmet need for services and a low official prioritisation of mental health. This situation is worsened by misconceptions about the causes of mental disorders, stigma and discrimination that frequently result in harmful practices against persons with mental illness. Previous explorations of the required response to these challenges have identified the need for strong leadership and consistent advocacy as potential drivers of the desired change. The Mental Health Leadership and Advocacy Program (mhLAP) is a project that aims to provide and enhance the acquisition of skills in mental health leadership, service development, advocacy and policy planning and to build partnerships for action. Launched in 2010 to serve the Anglophone countries of The Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, this paper describes the components of the program, the experience gained since its initiation, and the achievements made during the three years of its implementation. These achievements include: 1) the annual training in mental health leadership and advocacy which has graduated 96 participants from 9 different African countries and 2) the establishment of a broad coalition of service user groups, non-governmental organizations, media practitioners and mental health professionals in each participating country to implement concerted mental health advocacy efforts that are focused on country-specific priorities. © 2014 Abdulmalik et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Emotional Difficulties and Experiences of Stigma among Persons with Lymphatic Filariasis in Plateau State, Nigeria.

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    Lymphatic filariasis (LF) is a chronic and often disfiguring condition that predominantly affects the rural poor and leads to social exclusion, stigma, and discrimination. Little is currently known about the emotional difficulties and stigma experiences among persons living with LF in Nigeria. Our study evaluated the emotional difficulties and stigma experienced by persons with LF in Plateau State, Nigeria. We utilized a combination of qualitative data instruments comprising focus group discussions, McGill's Illness Narrative Interviews, and key informant interviews. We transcribed and analyzed the data using a combination of inductive and deductive coding approaches. Sixty-nine respondents were interviewed: 37 females and 32 males. The prevalent community perception of LF was the belief that it was a spiritual problem. Emotional reactions included feelings of sadness, hopelessness, anger, frustration, worry, and suicidal ideation. These experiences, including those of stigma, discrimination, and social exclusion, culminated in difficulties with occupational functioning, marital life, and community participation. Our findings highlight the value of a rights-based approach that emphasizes state and non-state actors' need to provide access to the highest attainable standard of health, including mental health, and to protect persons with LF from stigma, discrimination, and social exclusion

    Protocol for process evaluation of integration of mental health into primary healthcare in two states in Nigeria: the mhSUN programme.

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    BACKGROUND: Current international recommendations to address the large treatment gap for mental healthcare in low- and middle-income countries are to scale up integration of mental health into primary care. There are good outcome studies to support this, but less robust evidence for effectively carrying out integration and scale-up of such services, or for understanding how to address contextual issues that routinely arise. AIMS: This protocol is for a process evaluation of a programme called Mental Health Scale Up Nigeria. The study aims are to determine the extent to which the intervention was carried out according to the plans developed (fidelity), to examine the effect of postulated moderating factors and local context, and the perception of the programme by primary care staff and implementers. METHOD: We use a theoretical framework for process evaluation based on the Medical Research Council's Guidelines on Process Evaluation. A Theory of Change workshop was carried out in programme development, to highlight relevant factors influencing the process, ensure good adaptation of global normative guidelines and gain buy-in from local stakeholders. We will use mixed methods to examine programme implementation and outcomes, and influence of moderating factors. RESULTS: Data sources will include the routine health information system, facility records (for staff, medication and infrastructure), log books of intervention activities, supervision records, patient questionnaires and qualitative interviews. CONCLUSIONS: Evidence from this process evaluation will help guide implementers aiming to scale up mental health services in primary care in low- and middle-income countries

    Prevalence of depression and associated clinical and socio-demographic factors in people living with lymphatic filariasis in Plateau State, Nigeria.

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    BACKGROUND: Lymphatic filariasis is a chronic, disabling and often disfiguring condition that principally impacts the world's poorest people. In addition to the well-recognised physical disability associated with lymphedema and hydrocele, affected people often experience rejection, stigma and discrimination. The resulting emotional consequences are known to impact on the quality of life and the functioning of the affected individuals. However, the management of this condition has focused on prevention and treatment through mass drug administration, with scant attention paid to the emotional impact of the condition on affected individuals. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and severity of depression among individuals with physical disfigurement from lymphatic filariasis in Plateau State, Nigeria. METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional 2-stage convenience study was conducted at 5 designated treatment centers across Plateau State, Nigeria. All available and consenting clients with clearly visible physical disfigurement were recruited. A semi-structured socio-demographic questionnaire, Rosenberg Self-esteem and a 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) were administered at the first stage. Those who screened positive (with a PHQ-9 score of five and above) were further interviewed using the Depression module of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). RESULTS: Ninety-eight individuals met the criteria and provided consent. Twenty percent of the respondents met criteria for depression, with the following proportions based on severity: Mild (42.1%), Moderate (31.6%) and Severe (26.3%). History of mental illness (OR 40.83, p = 0.008); Median duration of the illness was 17 years (IQR 7.0-30 years) and being unemployed (OR 12.71, p = 0.003) were predictive of depression. High self-esteem was negatively correlated (OR 0.09, p<0.004). CONCLUSION: Prevalence of depression is high among individuals with lymphatic filariasis and depression in sufferers is associated with low self-esteem and low levels of life satisfaction

    A structured approach to integrating mental health services into primary care: development of the Mental Health Scale Up Nigeria intervention (mhSUN).

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    BACKGROUND: The treatment gap for mental illness in Nigeria, as in other sub-Saharan countries, is estimated to be around 85%. There is need to prioritise mental health care in low and middle income countries by providing a strong body of evidence for effective services, particularly with a view to increasing international and government confidence in investment in scaling up appropriate services. This paper lays out the processes by which a programme to integrate evidence-based mental health care into primary care services in Nigeria was designed, including a research framework to provide evidence from a robust evaluation. METHODS: This paper forms the first step in the overall process evaluation of the mhSUN intervention, where standard research practice indicates that the intervention, and its development, is clearly documented prior to subsequent evaluation. The report covers the period of programme development and evaluation design, and study site and design was chosen to allow generalisability and practical conclusions to be drawn for service development in Nigeria. In order to design an intervention that was informed by evidence and took into account local context and input of stakeholders, a structured process was followed, including: (1) Engagement of relevant stakeholders for information gathering and buy-in; (2) Literature review and gathering of pertinent evidence; (3) Situation analysis at a national and local level; (4) Model development (using Theory of Change); (5) Ongoing consultation, recognising the iterative nature of Theory of Change, and need for ongoing refinement of complex interventions. RESULTS: The different sections of the structured approach resulted in outputs that built the necessary components (literature review, situation analysis) for informing the Theory of Change. A Theory of Change map is presented, which includes transparent documentation of the assumptions and logic behind the activities to drive the desired change. In addition, it documents the indicators necessary to measure fidelity and draw conclusions as to hypothesised effects of different mechanisms of action in subsequent evaluation. CONCLUSION: In addition to the details of ensuring robust evaluation design, there are a number of considerations that are particular to the context that must be taken into account in programme development, including the relationships between ultimate beneficiaries, implementers, host government and institutions, donors, and programme evaluators. Structured methods from existing frameworks can be drawn upon to use and collate relevant information to maximise the local applicability of a generic evidence base. Theory of Change, with its documented assumptions can form the basis of subsequent evaluation and iterative programme refinement, contributing to a more scientifically valid means of developing mental health programmes for scale up

    Depression and experience of incarceration in North Central Nigeria: a situation analysis at Makurdi medium security prison

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    Abstract Background Human rights watchdogs have described conditions in Nigerian correctional facilities and detention centers as damaging to the physical and mental health of inmates. While the prevalence of mental disorders is high, access to appropriate healthcare is grossly inadequate. Understanding the current state of prison inmates’ mental health and well-being is an essential first step to addressing this important issue. This study aims to document the mental health and experiences of incarceration of inmates of the largest medium security prison in Nigeria’s Benue State. Methods A cross-sectional survey and descriptive analysis was carried out with a random sample of 381 prison inmates of Benue State Makurdi Medium Security Prison. Survey tools included: (1) a structured questionnaire on participants’ experiences in prison, and (2) the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), a screening tool for depression. Results Most participants were young men (95.5%, mean age 27.95) and had completed secondary school (63.5%). While prison authorities had identified only 27 participants as having a mental disorder, 144 (37.8%) screened positive for depression. Twenty six had received professional counseling while in prison. Of the six participants who were already taking a psychotropic medication at the time of imprisonment, four received medication after being imprisoned. Approximately half, (52%) of participants were dissatisfied with prison health care. Conclusions Despite the high prevalence of depression among prison inmates, few cases are detected and treated. Prison staff may not recognize depression as a mental disorder, and the mental health care available is generally poor. Inadequate mental health and social care not only affects prison inmates’ well-being, but may also impact recidivism and health outcomes upon release. Prison inmates should be screened routinely for depression and other less-commonly recognized mental health conditions, and appropriate treatment made available. </jats:sec

    Integrating mental health into primary care in Nigeria: Implementation outcomes and clinical impact of the HAPPINESS intervention

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    Abstract Background The Health Action for Psychiatric Problems In Nigeria including Epilepsy and SubstanceS (HAPPINESS) intervention is a multicomponent, community-based, mobile technology-supported intervention that integrates mental health into primary health care centers in Nigeria using the World Health Organization’s Mental Health Gap Action Programme-Intervention Guide (mhGAP-IG). This study evaluates its implementation and patient-level clinical impact using a quasi-experimental design (single cohort with pre- and post-measures). Findings The HAPPINESS intervention implementation demonstrated high feasibility with 84% adoption rate (% of participating primary health centers that completed its roll out) and 81% fidelity (% of clinicians who completed required intervention components according to the protocol). Retention rate in care at 12 months was 86%. Among patients with complete clinical records analyzed (n = 178), there was a statistically significant reduction in 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire scores from baseline (Md = 9.5) to 6 months (Md = 3.0) post-intervention (z = 80.5, p < 0.001), with a large effect size (r = 0.8) and statistically significant reduction in Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale scores from baseline (Md = 36.0) to 6 months (Md = 17.0) post-intervention (z = 128.5, p < 0.001), with a large effect size (r = 0.9). Implications Mobile technology-enhanced, mhGAP-IG-based efforts to scale-up mental health services in Nigeria are feasible and effective

    Addressing mental health and wellbeing in the context of climate change: Examples of interventions to inform future practice.

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    Climate change is now recognised as contributing to an increasing number of emergencies globally, which are having substantial effects on mental health and wellbeing of affected populations. In this report, we give case studies of mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) activities linked to climate change-related emergencies in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Madagascar, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe. The emergencies range from floods and cyclones to drought and food scarcity, often in complex humanitarian settings including conflict affected regions. A range of activities, based on the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Guidelines for MHPSS in emergency settings, are discussed, many of which also focus on inclusion of people with disabilities. These include preparedness and resilience building as well as responses such as provision of basic needs, strengthening community capacity to provide psychosocial support and mental health system strengthening. We conclude that meeting basic needs is an essential prerequisite to address mental distress, that MHPSS is an essential component of any climate change-related response, that advance preparedness and adaptation is a good investment, and that meaningful participation of people in the global South, particularly marginalised communities such as people with disabilities and the very poor, is essential for the transformative change needed in addressing climate change