302 research outputs found

    Microfinance Institutions in Nigeria

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    The advocation of micro – financing was triggered by the poor performance of the conventional finance sector. The essence was to reach the overwhelming population of the poor to assist in the drive to alleviate poverty. Barely a million had been provided with some credit in Nigeria while a yawning 40 million poor people are yet to be attended to. In terms of supply, commercial and development finance institutions are in the fore front of the outfits that provide credits to the microfinance institutions. Despite their efforts, rates of interest, inequitable distribution of wealth and income and outreaching the poor constitute challenges to the operations. The establishment of microfinance institutions in Nigeria was based on weak institutional capacity, weak capital base, existence of a huge unserved market, utilization of SMEEIS fund among other thingsmicrofinance, financial institutions, agricultural credit and finance

    Motivation and Academic Performances of Students in Economics in Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State

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    This study was carried out to investigate motivation and academic performances of students in economics in oshimili south local government area of delta state. The research is a descriptive research. Questionnaire was as instrument used for data collection. The researcher used simple random sampling method to select a total of three hundred (200) respondents. The collected data were analyzed using t-value. Several findings were made from the Study that lack of desirable resources and other instructional facilities, lack of relevant text books or materials in the library affect performance of the students. Based on these findings, the researcher recommended that students should have all the necessary materials required by the subject teacher, and dumping of some topics by the teachers should be checked by the heads of department. Finally, suggestions for further studies were made. Key words: motivation, academic performances, economics Oshimili Sout

    The Impact of Non-Oil Export Strategies on Econonic Growth in Nigeria [1970-2013]

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    Export promotion strategy is a deliberate government policy undertaken to encourage and boast the production of commodities for export. This is meant to diversify the export base that led to favourable Economic Growth. Primarily, data were collected from statistical bulletin (CBN) and hypothesis formulated. Non-oil export strategies have impact on Economic Growth. Using the econometric tool of regression analysis, the infrastructure bears a negative relationship with the GDP and credit from commercial bank and tariffs have positively affected economic growth in Nigeria. This was supported by their t-statistics which are all significant. Based on the above, the following recommendations are made, the government should enforce non-oil export policies towards resuscitating the failing non-oil export industry, improve on export incentives and infrastructures, review of policies and practices that are not favorable to the exporters in the country. Keywords: Non-oil Export Strategies, Economic Growth, Nigeri

    Poverty Reduction through Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Nigeria

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    This study was carried out to identify poverty reduction through Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in Nigeria. It reviews the significance of TVET, discusses poverty and its effects and as well as impact of poverty on TVET. The study addresses the factors affecting implementation of TVET programmes and it also explores how TVET can be used as a tool in reducing poverty and enhances development in Nigeria. The study ends up with a deep conclusion and also recommends that in order to combat the scourge of poverty in Nigeria; Government should review vocational education policy to strengthen the development of the Nation. Keywords: Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), Poverty Reductio

    Influence of Gender and Socio-Economic Factors on Students Performance in Mathematics in Shomulu Local Government Area of Lagos State

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    Mathematics is not only compulsory in primary and secondary schools but a sin qua non for gaining admission to any tertiary institution in Nigeria. This study examined the influence of gender and scio-economic factors on students’ performance in mathematics in shomulu Local Government Area of Lagos state. The study used the survey design in the collection of data. The method of data analysis adopted in this study was based on Lewin’s 1979 interaction theory which is expected to influence the dependent variable, that is performance in mathematics, and the explanatory variables are gender and socio-economic factors. Multiple equations are adopted because, according to Pyndyck and Rubinbfeld (1995), a dynamic equation provides a better representation of the real world. The researcher concluded there is significant difference between the students’ gender and performance in mathematics. It was recommended the boys and girls should be given equal opportunities in studying mathematics and other related discipline, and parents whose academic background are low should make efforts to improve themselves educationally so that they would be able to cater for the education needs of their children. Keywords: Gender, Socio-economic, Students, Performance, Mathematic

    Quantitative Teaching in Economics through Effective Utilization of Learning Resources in Senior Secondary Schools in Shomolu Lga of Lagos State

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    This study investigated quantitative teaching in economics through effective utilization of learning resources in the secondary schools in Shomolu LGA of Lagos state. The analysis was carried out among 240 economics teachers. A validated questionnaire constructed for data collection by the researcher formed the main instrument for the study. The arithmetic mean, Standard Deviation, and ranking were used for data statistical analysis. The findings of the study point to the fact that teachers made use of available resources and most of available economics resources’ were not adequate for use by the teachers, and the teachers seem to lack the knowledge in selection and utilization of these resources. Based on the findings, it was recommended that devices like the audio-visual should be encourage and used by all teachers in order to add value to the practices of technology in the classroom, and Workshops and seminars may be organized to educate teachers on ways to improve and effective utilization of economics learning resources for implementation of secondary school curriculum to achieve the desire goals in Lagos state. Keywords: Quantitative Teaching, Economics, Learning Resources, Senior Secondary School

    Funding Education for Sustainable Development in Nigeria: Challenges and the Way Forward

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    Funding education for sustainable development is viewed in terms of what sustainable options for funding education are to be adopted for sustainable educational development in Nigeria. In analyzing this paper, the researcher established a problem and attributed the cause of unsustainable funding for education to a change in the price of oil, as a base of revenue generation in the country from 1970-2011. Optional for funding was viewed in terms of education as private good and public good, regular contributions from communities, state, large company and regular financial support from international organizations. Challenges and way forwards were based on the analysis that government should recognize basic education (that is primary and secondary education) as public good, accepts the responsibility of providing education free for all citizen and for tertiary education as private good, the private sector is encouraged to invest in and operate the provision of education base on market demand and supply framework. Keywords: Funding, Education, Sustainable, Development, Challenges

    School Environment and Teachers’ Performances in Economics in Senior Secondary School Education in Oshilimi South Local Government Area of Delta State

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    This paper discusses school environment and teachers’ performances in economics in senior secondary school education in Oshilimi South Local Government Area of Delta state. The study was a descriptive survey research, Frequencies, arithmetic means, standard deviations and t-statistical were tools used to analyse the data. The findings concluded that despite the impact of change in the school environment in the state, the performance of teachers still remain below average in most senior secondary schools. Base on the findings the recommendations made that state government in collaboration with Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council should embark on teacher capacity building to enhance teacher performances in the schools. The state Ministry of Education Authority should provide a favourable school climate and physical facilities to improve the performance of teachers in the schools. Keywords:  School environment, Teachers’ performances, Economics, senior secondary school, Educatio

    A survey on the effects of air pollution on diseases of the people of Rivers State, Nigeria

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    The effect of air pollution on diseases of the people of Rivers State, Nigeria has been studied by analyzing epidemiological data collected from the State Ministry of Health, Nigeria in relation to ambient Air Quality data of the State and National Ambient Air Quality Standard data. It was found that a total number of 30,435 disease cases were reported during 2003 to 2008, out of which 61 patients died. The diseases found to be prevalent in the study area as a result of air pollution were pertussis, pulmonarytuberculosis, cerebrospinal meningitis (CSM), pneumonia, measles, chronic bronchitis, and upper respiratory tract infection (URT). The ambient air quality observed in the state (lead = 0.1115 ppm/year, particulates = 10 ppm/year, N-oxides = 2.55 ppm/year, SO2 = 1 ppm/year, VOC = 82.78 ppm/year) was far worse than the World Health Organization Air Quality Standard (Lead = 1 Ă— 10-6 ppm/year, particulates = 105 ppm/year). This clearly indicates their unsafe levels and concomitant health risks. This study (survey on diseases) showed that air pollution has direct impact on health of the people. The intensification of environmental education, especially among rural dwellers in the state is very essential to overcoming the health as well as pollution problems.Key words: Air pollution, air quality standard, environmental education, epidemiological data, health effects, Niger-Delta, rural dwellers, World Health Organizatio
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