61 research outputs found

    Trichoderma-Induced Resistance to Botrytis cinerea in Solanum Species: A Meta-Analysis

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    With the idea of summarizing the outcomes of studies focusing on the resistance induced by Trichoderma spp. against Botrytis cinerea in tomato, the present paper shows, for the first time, results of a meta-analysis performed on studies published from 2010 to 2021 concerning the cross-talk occurring in the tomato–Trichoderma-B. cinerea system. Starting from an initial set of 40 papers, the analysis was performed on 15 works and included nine parameters, as a result of a stringent selection mainly based on the availability of more than one article including the same indicator. The resulting work not only emphasizes the beneficial effects of Trichoderma in the control of grey mold in tomato leaves (reduction in disease intensity, severity and incidence and modulation of resistance genes in the host), but carefully drives the readers to reply to two questions: (i) What are the overall effects of Trichoderma on B. cinerea infection in tomato? (ii) Do the main effects of Trichoderma differ based on the tomato species, Trichoderma species, amount, type and duration of treatment? At the same time, this meta-analysis highlights some weak points of the available literature and should be seen as an invitation to improve future works to better the conceptualization and measure

    Beneficial effects of Trichoderma harzianum T-22 in tomato seedlings infected by Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)

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    The study of the biochemical and molecular mechanisms deriving from the host-pathogen-antagonist interaction is essential to understand the dynamics of infectious processes and can be useful for the development of new strategies to control phytopathogens, particularly viruses, against which chemical treatments have no effect. In this work, we demonstrate the ability of the rhizospheric fungus Trichoderma harzianum strain T-22 (T22) to induce defense responses in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme) against Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV, family Bromoviridae, genus Cucumovirus) strain Fny. A granule formulation containing T22 was used for treating the plants before, simultaneously or after the CMV inoculation, in order to study the molecular and biochemical aspects of the interaction between T22 and tomato against the virus. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the genes encoding for ROS scavenging enzymes were investigated. Histochemical analysis revealed a different increase in the superoxide anion (O2 ) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) content in plants infected by CMV alone or in the presence of T22, confirming the involvement of ROS in plant defense responses. Gene expression analysis suggested a definite improvement in oxidative stress when plants were treated with T22 after inoculation with CMV. In conclusion, our data indicate that Trichoderma harzianum T-22 stimulates the induction of tomato defense responses against CMV, an action that implies the involvement of ROS, pointing towards its use as a treatment rather than as a preventive measure

    Development and analytical performance of an automated screening method for cannabinoids on the Dimension clinical chemistry system

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    A fully automated, random access method for the determination of cannabinoids (UTHC) was developed for the Dimension AR and XL clinical chemistry systems. The method utilizes Abuscreen ONLINE reagents and a multianalyte liquid calibrator containing 11-nor-Δ9-THC-9-carboxylic acid. Within-run and total reproducibility, determined using NCCLS protocol EP5- T2, was less than 0.6% and 1.6% CV, respectively, at all concentrations. Calibration stability was retained for at least 30 days. An extensive evaluation of non-structurally related drugs and various physiological substances indicated lack of interference in the method. No sample carry-over was observed following a specimen containing 1886 ng/ml 11-nor-Δ9-THC-9-carboxylic acid. A 99.1% agreement (N = 445 samples) was found between an EMIT based method on the aca discrete clinical analyser and the Dimension UTHC method

    Convegno "Apprendere al museo: didattica dei Beni musicali"

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    Come si pu\uf2 stimolare e favorire l\u2019accostamento dei giovani e degli adulti ai beni musicali esposti nei musei della musica? Quale valore pedagogico-didattico assumono le testimonianze materiali della musica (partiture, libri, strumenti, dipinti ecc.) nella formazione culturale del cittadino? Il convegno intende affrontare e discutere questi interrogativi, gravati dalla costitutiva ambivalenza del concetto stesso di \u2018beni culturali\u2019 applicato alla musica, ossia ad un\u2019arte intrinsecamente immateriale. Interverranno studiosi di discipline e paesi diversi, che discuteranno le specificit\ue0 e le condizioni di accesso a tale categoria di beni (cosiddetti \u201cnon consueti\u201d), nonch\ue9 le azioni e strategie didattiche che rendono l\u2019esperienza museale durevole e qualitativamente apprezzabile sul piano degli apprendimenti
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