223 research outputs found

    Profili giuridici della comunicazione in Internet

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    L’avvento della rete Internet ha rappresentato una rivoluzione per l’epoca contemporanea, avendo ingenerato una maestosa serie di cambiamenti nella vita sociale e soprattutto di relazione. La dimensione dell’accesso alla Rete si presta ad essere analizzata sia dal punto di vista individuale circa il modo in cui l’individuo esprime la sua personalità ed esercita i propri diritti di cittadinanza on line, tanto da aver sollevato, in dottrina e in giurisprudenza, il dibattito in ordine al riconoscimento costituzionale del diritto di accesso ad Internet, sia dal punto di vista delle relazioni tra il cittadino e le istituzioni. Il Web, potenzialmente, può essere un ambiente in cui gli individui condividono contenuti e creano reti relazionali, attuando una socializzazione on line fra soggetti inizialmente distanti e magari contrapposti. La comunicazione veicolata dalla Rete tra soggetti pubblici e privati sarà, dunque, destinata ad assumere una direzione bidirezionale quanto più i cittadini siano posti in condizione di essere informati sulle politiche pubbliche e potenzialmente capaci di relazionarsi con i soggetti autori e responsabili di quest’ultime. Non sfugge, quindi, la biunivocità fra amministrazione e comunicazione nella consapevolezza che la pubblica amministrazione è nello stesso tempo soggetto e oggetto di comunicazione, al suo interno e verso l’esterno (va comunicata, comunica se stessa e per il tramite della comunicazione interagisce con il pubblico di riferimento). A queste condizioni il recupero di informazioni fattuali provenienti dai cittadini e, per converso, la loro consultazione da parte dei politici e delle istituzioni consente una maggiore trasparenza dei processi decisionali e agevola, al tempo stesso, un più democratico meccanismo di formazione delle decisioni

    Do university hospitals perform better than general hospitals? A comparative analysis among Italian regions

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    Objective: The aim of this research was to investigate how university hospitals (UHs) perform compared with general hospitals (GHs) in the Italian healthcare system. Design and setting: 27 indicators of overall performance were selected and analysed for UHs and GHs in 10 Italian regions. The data refer to 2012 and 2013 and were selected from two performance evaluation systems based on hospital discharge administrative data: the Inter-Regional Performance Evaluation System developed by the Management and Health Laboratory of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa and the Italian National Outcome Evaluation Programme developed by the National Agency for Healthcare Services. The study was conducted in 2 stages and by combining 2 statistical techniques. In stage 1, a non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was carried out to compare the performance of UHs and GHs on the selected set of indicators. In stage 2, a robust equal variance test between the 2 groups of hospitals was carried out to investigate differences in the amount of variability between them. Results: The overall analysis gave heterogeneous results. In general, performance was not affected by being in the UH rather than the GH group. It is thus not possible to directly associate Italian UHs with better results in terms of appropriateness, efficiency, patient satisfaction and outcomes. Conclusions: Policymakers and managers should further encourage hospital performance evaluations in order to stimulate wider competition aimed at assigning teaching status to those hospitals that are able to meet performance requirements. In addition, UH facilities could be integrated with other providers that are responsible for community, primary and outpatient services, thereby creating a joint accountability for more patient-centred and integrated care

    Seismic reliability of the Abruzzo hospital system and upgrading strategies

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    SUMMARY A model for the regional hospitals system behavior in case of a seismic event is developed. The aim is the evaluation of the vulnerability of the system as well as the selection of the best intervention strategy for the retrofitting of the hospitals so as to minimize the cost benefit ratio and to evaluate the effect of different post-earthquake emergency measures like the use of camp hospitals. The efficiency of the system is measured in terms of mean distance to be cured for persons injured by the earthquake. In a previous work by the authors [Nuti and Vanzi, 1998c] a common fragility law had been assumed for all the hospitals in Abruzzo because of lack of information. This information is now available, since the vulnerabilities of the Italian hospitals have been computed and presente

    Experimental tests on existing RC beams strengthened in flexure and retrofitted for shear by C-FRP in presence of negative moments

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    Abstract The shear strength of reinforced concrete beams extracted from existing buildings often reveals insufficient transversal steel reinforcement, mainly due to design or construction defects or increased design load requirements. FRP wrapping is one of the best solutions to improve beam shear strength as the retrofitting intervention is fast and the cost is modest. Design codes provide clear indication about the retrofitting design of simply supported beams, while the case of a beam with negative moments at the end is not considered, although this is in the case of a beam in a framed structure. One of the main uncertainties lies in the effectiveness of the FRP U sheet anchorage behavior in the area of negative bending moments with cracked concrete. This may limit the shear strength of the retrofitted beam. In this study, two beams extracted from an existing building constructed in the 1930s in Rome and retrofitted by carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (C-FRP) U strips placed at beam ends, where also negative bending moments were present, and have been evaluated with experimental tests at the laboratory of the Department of Architecture of Roma Tre University. Beam steel and concrete characteristics were evaluated by means of different tests. The experimental results are discussed considering the final results in terms of maximum shear resistance in the presence of negative bending moments. Load deflections at different points along the beam, shear-C-FRP deformation along the reinforcement strips and the damage state for different load levels, are presented. The importance of avoiding possible fragile mechanisms in the sections retrofitted with FRP is clearly shown

    Asynchronous earthquake strong motion and RC bridges response

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    The dynamic response of long structures (e.g., bridges) is sensitive to the spatial variability of strong ground motion (asynchronous motion). Ground motion differences increase from point to point with increasing foundation distance. This latter is due to two physical phenomena: soil-wave interaction, that causes the loss of coherence and local amplification; wave traveling with finite velocity, that causes signals time lag. This ground motion variability produces a different structural demand compared to the synchronous one, which is the only one considered by designers in the majority of cases. A few codes consider this type of actions, therefore further research efforts are necessary. In this study, asynchronous ground motions are generated by means of a new generation procedure implemented in the software GAS 2.0 using as input the simultaneous strong motion records from the April 6th, 2009, L'Aquila (Italy) at the seismic stations AQA and AQV, located in the Aterno River valley. These records are used to calibrate the generation model and to produce sets of asynchronous earthquake sampling. The asynchronous earthquake sets are applied on a typical highway reinforced concrete bridge to study its dynamic response considering two different configurations: non-isolated with traditional supports and isolated bridge with lead rubber bearings. The bridge is placed in two positions along the wave propagation direction: a position near one recording station and a position between the two stations to consider local soil effects. The response parameters investigated are the maximum relative displacements of soil and deck. The results show that there is an important variation of relative displacement along the direction of wave propagation due to asynchronous motion with effects that designer should consider for the structural details design of isolated and non-isolated bridges. Keywords: Asynchronous motion, Bridges, Seismic response, Earthquake spatial variabilit

    Damage patterns in the town of Amatrice after August 24th 2016 Central Italy earthquakes

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    The impact of the two seismic events of August 24th 2016 on the municipality of Amatrice was highly destructive. There were 298 victims, 386 injured, about 5000 homeless, and the historical center of the town suffered a great number of partial and total collapses. The 260 strong motion records obtained for the first event were analyzed and plotted in a shakemap, comparing them with the macroseismic damage surveys made in 305 localities. On the basis of an inspection survey made in September 2016, a map of the damage patterns of the buildings in the historical center was elaborated according to the EMS 98 classification. The damage level resulted very high with more than 60% of the inspected buildings showing partial or total collapse. The elevated level of destruction was mainly caused by the high vulnerability of the masonry buildings, mostly due to specific vulnerability factors such as the poor quality of masonry, the lack of connections between walls and the poor connection between external walls and floors

    Spectroscopic Kernel Quality From A Symbiotic Corn Production

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    The management of the inoculation of a plant's roots, by means of biofertilizers (BF) containing arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, is aimed at inducing modifications of the quality of the seeds. It is here shown that a seed-soil treatment can be elicited in the fingerprints of a symbiotic treatment using Near Infra Red (NIR)-SCiO NIR-SCiO spectra collections of single kernels: overall, a sensitivity of 73% and a specificity of 73% have been achieved, thus suggesting that it may be possible to assign the symbiotic origin of corn from just twenty kernels, provided that the dataset is adequately representative of the cultivar and AM. A global correlation study has shown a positive general trend (R2 0.45) of quality vs. quantity, in the sense that an increase in yield corresponded to an increase in the spectral differences between the symbiotic spectra and the control ones, but the inverse was also true, as a result of the parasitic behaviour of the BF treatments. The efficacy of the symbiosis can be back predicted from the NIR spectra; in fact, around 90% of the positive yield outcome results were discriminated from the negative ones. A reduction in the foliar pH (R2 0.37) and an increase in the foliar protein (R2 0.43) were observed as immediate phenotypic signs of a productive symbiosis. The commercial raw composition of the kernels appeared to only be affected slightly by the BF treatments; thus, till now uncharted secondary compounds of the maize kernels are involved, as supported by animal performances

    Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Branched Bimetallic AuPd Nanoparticles with a Highly Tunable Optical Response

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    Funding Information: This work received financial support from Portugal national funds [Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (FCT/MCTES)] through the Projects UIDB/50006/2020 and UIDP/50006/2020. Silvia Nuti, Carlos Lodeiro, José-Luis Capelo-Martinez, Adrián Fernández-Lodeiro, and Javier Fernández-Lodeiro thank the financial support from national funds (FCT/MCTES) through Project Met4Cat (EXPL/QUI-COL/0263/2021). The authors thank the financial support by the PROTEOMASS Scientific Society (Portugal) (General Funding Grant 2023). The authors acknowledge funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Grant 823717-ESTEEM3, and Ana B. Hungría thanks the financial support from Junta de Andalucía Project P20_00968. Silvia Nuti thanks FCT/MCTEC (Portugal) for her doctoral grant associated with the chemistry Ph.D. program (SFRH/BD/144618/2019). Javier Fernández-Lodeiro thanks FCT for the research contract through the Program DL 57/2016-Norma Transitória. The work was carried out partially through the INL User Facilities (Braga, Portugal) and the Electron Microscope Division (DME) of the Servicios Centrales de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (SC-ICYT) at Cadiz University (Cadiz, Spain). The authors thank Dr. Jamila Djafari for the assistance with the design of the graphical abstract. Funding Information: This work received financial support from Portugal national funds [Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (FCT/MCTES)] through the Projects UIDB/50006/2020 and UIDP/50006/2020. Silvia Nuti, Carlos Lodeiro, José-Luis Capelo-Martinez, Adrián Fernández-Lodeiro, and Javier Fernández-Lodeiro thank the financial support from national funds (FCT/MCTES) through Project Met4Cat (EXPL/QUI-COL/0263/2021). The authors thank the financial support by the PROTEOMASS Scientific Society (Portugal) (General Funding Grant 2023). The authors acknowledge funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under Grant 823717-ESTEEM3, and Ana B. Hungría thanks the financial support from Junta de Andalucía Project P20_00968. Silvia Nuti thanks FCT/MCTEC (Portugal) for her doctoral grant associated with the chemistry Ph.D. program (SFRH/BD/144618/2019). Javier Fernández-Lodeiro thanks FCT for the research contract through the Program DL 57/2016–Norma Transitória. The work was carried out partially through the INL User Facilities (Braga, Portugal) and the Electron Microscope Division (DME) of the Servicios Centrales de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (SC-ICYT) at Cadiz University (Cadiz, Spain). The authors thank Dr. Jamila Djafari for the assistance with the design of the graphical abstract. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society.Bimetallic nanostructures composed of gold (Au) and palladium (Pd) have garnered increased interest for their applications in heterogeneous catalysis. This study reports a simple strategy for manufacturing Au@Pd bimetallic branched nanoparticles (NPs), which offer a tunable optical response, using polyallylamine-stabilized branched AuNPs as template cores for Pd overgrowth. The palladium content can be altered by manipulating the concentration of PdCl42- and ascorbic acid (AA) that are injected, which permit an overgrowth of the Pd shell up to ca. 2 nm thick. The homogeneous distribution of Pd at the surfaces of Au NPs can be carried out regardless of their size or branching degree, which allows for an adjustment of the plasmon response in the near-infrared (NIR) spectral range. As a proof of concept, the nanoenzymatic activity of pure gold and gold-palladium NPs was compared, exploring their peroxidase-like activity in the oxidation of 3,3′,5,5′-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB). The bimetallic AuPd NPs demonstrate an increase in the catalytic properties attributed to the presence of palladium at the surface of gold.publishersversionpublishe

    Discovery of a new selective inhibitor of A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 10 (ADAM-10) able to reduce the shedding of NKG2D ligands in Hodgkin's lymphoma cell models

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    Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) is the most common malignant lymphoma in young adults in the western world. This disease is characterized by an overexpression of ADAM-10 with increased release of NKG2D ligands, involved in an impaired immune response against tumor cells. We designed and synthesized two new ADAM-10 selective inhibitors, 2 and 3 based on previously published ADAM-17 selective inhibitor 1. The most promising compound was the thiazolidine derivative 3, with nanomolar activity for ADAM-10, high selectivity over ADAM-17 and MMPs and good efficacy in reducing the shedding of NKG2D ligands (MIC-B and ULBP3) in three different HL cell lines at non-toxic doses. Molecular modeling studies were used to drive the design and X-ray crystallography studies were carried out to explain the selectivity of 3 for ADAM-10 over MMPs
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