100 research outputs found

    Silage Production from Tropical Forages

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    Key Points The determination of overall DM recovery is important in tropical grass silage systems Silage fermentation profile and aerobic stability: trends and additional effects Combinations of chemical and microbial additives might be useful for control of losses Fermentation products should be considered in order to better predict animal performance A critical points database would be a helpful management tool for the development of a set of HACCP principles for the production and utilisation of tropical grass silage

    Decoquinato, lasalocida e monensina em concentrado inicial e desempenho de bezerros holandeses até 20 semanas de idade

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    A larga utilização de coccidiostaticos em rebanhos leiteiros tem levantado questões relacionadas à escolha do melhor produto baseada no suposto melhor desempenho de bezerros leiteiros. Este trabalho avaliou o desempenho de bezerros leiteiros recebendo 3 diferentes coccidiostaticos em fazenda no estado do Arizona, EUA. Sessenta e quatro bezerros holandêses foram distribuidos ao acaso em quatro tratamentos com 10 ± 4 dias de vida. Os bezerros receberam concentrado inicial sem (controle) ou com a adição de um dos seguintes coccidiostáticos: lasalocida, 30 mg kg-1; decoquinato, 19 mg kg-1; e monensina, 30 mg kg-1. Os bezerros receberam 3,6 kg d-1 de substituto de leite até 6 semanas de vida. O concentrado inicial foi oferecido "ad libitum" até o consumo de 2 kg d-1. Os animais tiveram acesso livre a água durante todo o período. Após a desmama foi fornecido feno de alfafa "ad libitum". O desempenho animal e o consumo de matéria seca (CMS) foram monitorados durante 20 semanas de tratamento, sendo este dividido em diferentes períodos (0-6, 7-12 e 13-20 semanas). Apesar do menor consumo de matéria seca e menor ganho de peso de fêmeas recebendo monensina durante todo o período experimental, não foram observadas diferenças entre os produtos nas condições deste experimento na maior parte das fases de monitoramento. Bom manejo e o clima quente e seco no Arizona reduziram as chances de aparecimento de cocidiose e portanto de diferenças no desempenho de bezerros leiteiros.The large utilization of coccidiostats in dairy herds has raised the question regards the best product to use, based on better animal performance. Sixty-four Holstein calves were randomly assigned to four treatments at 10 (±4) d of age to evaluate calf performance when fed approved coccidiostats available on the market in Arizona, USA. Calves received a dry calf starter without (control) or with one of the following coccidiostats: lasalocid, 30 mg kg-1; decoquinate, 19 mg kg-1; and monensin, 30 mg kg-1. Calves received 3.6 kg d-1 of a commercial 22% CP:20% fat milk replacer until 6 wk of age. Calves were offered starter "ad libitum" up to 2 kg d-1, and calves had free access to water throughout the trial. Alfalfa hay was offered "ad libitum" after weaning. Performance and dry matter intake (DMI) were monitored for 20 weeks and broken down in different periods of measurement (0-6, 7-12 and 13-20 weeks, respectively). Despite the lower dry matter intake and weight gain for females on monensin treatment during the whole period, differences among coccidiostats were seldom observed under the conditions of this study. Good calf management and the dry, hot climate of Arizona perhaps diminished the chances for subclinical and chronic disease appearance which negated potential differences and differences in calf performances

    Microbial silage additives in Brazil: review of aspects of ensilage and animal performance

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    O uso de inoculantes microbianos no Brasil vem aumentando nos últimos anos, embora o número de trabalhos ainda seja pequeno quando comparado aos observados no exterior, principalmente no que se refere ao desempenho de animais. Nos estudos com silagens de milho e sorgo os inoculantes avaliados foram compostos exclusivamente de bactérias homofermentativas, que também representaram a maioria das pesquisas em silagens de capins, enquanto que nas silagens de cana-de-açúcar predominou o uso de bactérias heterofermentativas. Em geral, o uso de bactérias homofermentativas apresentou resultados favoráveis apenas para as silagens de milho e capins, traduzidos na maioria das vezes por menores teores de fibra e valor de pH, compensados pelo maior teor de PB. No caso das heterofermentativas foram encontrados bons resultados principalmente para as silagens de cana-de-açúcar, com menor pH e teor de compostos fibrosos em face aos aumentos do teor de carboidratos solúveis, associado à maior recuperação de MS e aumento de estabilidade aeróbia. A associação de bactérias hetero e homofermentativas proporcionou respostas satisfatórias e potencialmente interessantes embora os dados nacionais ainda sejam escassos. Investimentos adicionais na interface forragem:microrganismo poderá permitir exploração de novas perspectivas de aplicação e consolidação das recomendações desses aditivos.In recent years, the use of microbial inoculants has been increased in Brazil, although the number of trials is still behind the international standards, mainly regarding animal performance data. In corn and sorghum silages studies, homofermentative bacteria represented the exclusive source of inoculants evaluated, which in turn, were also the major inoculant used for tropical grass silages research, whereas in sugar cane silages predominated heterofermentative bacteria. Usually, the application of homofermentative bacteria showed favorable results only for corn and grass silages, based on the lower fiber content and pH values, offset by the higher PB levels. Heterofermentative bacteria were useful mainly for the sugar cane silages, leading to lower pH values and fiber content and increased aerobic stability which promoted higher DM recovery rate and soluble carbohydrate content. The combination of the two groups of bacteria showed positive and potentially interesting results although the national database are still under development. Additional research efforts on the interface forage source: microorganisms might enhance the opportunities, offer new enterprise for the utilization and better establish reliable conditions for recommendation of microbial additives for silage

    Changes in morphological composition according to the maturity stage in corn cultivars for silage production

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    Objetivou-se avaliar o teor de matéria seca (MS) e a participação percentual das frações da planta em híbridos de milho colhidos em diversos estádios de maturação. Utilizou-se um delineamento em blocos casualizados, com esquema fatorial 8 × 6 × 2, composto de oito épocas de corte, seis híbridos de milho e duas safras (2001/2002 e 2002/2003). Os híbridos CO 32, AG 5011, P 3041, DKB 333B, AG 1051 e Z 8550 foram colhidos ao atingirem 50% de florescimento masculino, 15 dias após esta data e, posteriormente, a cada semana, totalizando-se oito cortes. As plantas atingiram o teor de MS para ensilagem (32 a 35% MS) 92 a 112 dias após a semeadura (DAS). O avanço da maturação aumentou os teores de MS das frações colmo (de 16,9 para 28%), folha (de 23,2 para 48,8%), sabugo (de 10,0 para 55,5%) e grãos (de 50,4 para 70,9%). Além disso, promoveu aumento das proporções de MS acumulada nos sabugos (de 1,6 para 9,2%) e grãos (de 0 para 43,4%) e redução na proporção de colmo (de 63,4 para 29,5%) e folhas (de 27,5 para 10,8%). A comparação dos híbridos de milho colhidos em estádios fisiológicos diferentes considerando apenas a participação das frações na planta deve ser feita com muito critério, uma vez que a época de corte pode alterar significativamente a composição morfológica da planta.The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the dry matter (DM) content and the percent participation of fractions that compose the plant in corn cultivars harvested at different maturity stages. A randomized block design with an 8 × 6 × 2 factorial scheme composed of eight harvesting times, six corn cultivars and two harvest years (2001/2002 and 2002/2003) was used. Cultivars CO 32, AG 5011, P 3041, DKB 333B, AG 1051 and Z 8550 were harvested when they reached 50% male flowering; 15 days after this date and later, each week, totalizing eight harvesting times. The plants reached the recommended DM content for silage production (32 to 35% DM) between 92 and 112 days after sowing (DAS) at the evaluated years. The maturity advancement resulted in increases in DM content in stem (from 16.9 to 28%), DM content in leaves (from 23.2 to 48.8%), DM content in cob (from 10 to 55.5%), and DM content in grains (from 50.4 to 70.9%). Furthermore, it resulted in increases in cob (from 1.6 to 9.2%) and grain proportion (from 0 to 43.4%), and decrease in stem (from 63.4 to 29.5%) and leaves proportion (from 27.5 to 10.8%). The corn cultivars showed distinct growing pattern for the evaluated variables. Therefore, plants harvested at different physiologic states can only be compared with fractions participation with considerable discernment, once the harvesting time can modify significantly the plant morphological composition

    Ingestive Behavior of Beef Cattle Fed Either Protein or Energy Supplements under a Rotational Grazing System

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    Eight Nellore bullocks were assigned to a Tanzânia grass pasture (Panicum maximum Jacq.) under a rotational grazing system, to evaluate the ingestive behavior under two different grazing residues. Stocking rate intensity was used to reach either 1000 kg DM.ha-1 (R1) or 4000 kg DM.ha-1 (R2) as residual targets. Three grazing days followed by 33 days resting period, composed a 36 day grazing cycle. Each grazing plot supported four animals, in a 4x4 Latin square design, within the following supplementation rates and sources: S1 = no supplement; S2 = 2,0 kg DM.day-1 coarsely ground corn - 8 mm sieve; S3 = 2,0 kg DM.day-1 steam flaked corn (360 g/L) and S4 = 0,7 kg DM.day-1 soybean meal. Grazing behavior measurements were taken every 15 days after 9 a day adaptation period, during two consecutive summer grazing cycles. Animal activities were recorded every 5 minutes during day time and 15 minutes during night time throughout a 24 hour period. Supplementation with S2 decreased (P \u3c 0,05) rumination time under a higher grazing residue (R2). Both grazing and rumination time were increased and led to a decreased resting time (P \u3c 0,05) in R2 animals compared with R1

    Custo e análise de sensibilidade na produção de silagem = Cost and sensitivity analysis in the production of silage

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    Para que o produtor possa optar por alternativas corretas entre as diferentes fontes de forragem, é necessário conhecer o custo de produção bem como os fatores que mais impactam na formação do custo. Assim, objetivou-se fazer o levantamento de custo de produção, do impacto econômico e das perdas na produtividade da silagem de milho. Para tanto, utilizou-se de sete sistemas de produção de silagem localizados no estado de São Paulo e 11 sistemas no estado de Minas Gerais. O período de coleta de dados foi de setembro de 2015 a maio de 2016. O custo operacional efetivo foi composto pelas despesas com análise de solo, calcário, óleo diesel, fertilizantes, sementes, herbicidas/inseticidas, lona plástica, inoculantes e despesas diversas. O custo total de produção da silagem de milho na safra 15/16 foi de R317,30portoneladademateˊriasecaouR 317,30 por tonelada de matéria seca ou R 104,71 por tonelada de matéria verde. Os insumos (sementes, fertilizantes e defensivos) foram os itens de maior representatividade no custo, seguido pela colheita e ensilagem, plantio e tratos culturais e preparo de solo. A análise de sensibilidade mostrou que o custo foi 1,92 vezes maior considerando as diferentes produtividades e percentuais de perda, sendo o menor custo R81,57eomaiorR 81,57 e o maior R 157,32. = In order to choosing the correct alternatives among the different sources of forage, the producer needs to know the cost of production as well as the factors that have more impact on the its formation. The objective of this study was to determine the cost of production, the economic impact and the losses of corn silage productivity. Seven silage production systems were used in the State of São Paulo and 11 systems in the state of Minas Gerais. The data collection period was from September 2015 to May 2016. The values used to compose the effective operating cost were expenses with analysis of soil, limestone, diesel oil, fertilizers, seeds, herbicides/ insecticides, tarp, inoculants and miscellaneous expenses. The total production cost of corn silage in the 15/16 year crop was R317.30pertonofdrymatterorR 317.30 per ton of dry matter or R 104.71 per ton of green matter. The inputs (seeds, fertilizers and pesticides) were the most representative items in the cost, followed by harvesting and silage, planting and cultivation, and soil preparation. The sensitivity analysis shows that the cost is 1.92 times more considering different productivity values and percentages of loss, being the lowest cost R81.57andthehighestR 81.57 and the highest R 157.32

    \u3cem\u3eLactobacillus buchneri\u3c/em\u3e and Storage Periods Affect the Fermentation Profile and Aerobic Stability of Corn Silage

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    Previous studies have shown that the utilization of Lactobacillus buchneri reduces the yeast population and improves the aerobic stability of corn silage (Driehuis et al. 1996) mainly because of the conversion of lactic acid to acetic acid and 1,2-propanediol (Oude Elferink et al. 1998; Driehuis et al. 1999). Recent studies have also shown that some microbial processes occur during prolonged storage and this may improve the quality of corn silage. For instance, Hoffman et al. (2011) suggested that proteolytic activity was responsible for improvements in starch digestion of high moisture corn over extended periods of ensiling and Kleinschmit and Kung (2006) reported that L. buchneri remained fairly active for prolonged periods of time (up to a year) in silage, even under anaerobic conditions at a low pH. Thus, the objective of this trial was to evaluate the effects of increasing levels of L. buchneri and different storage periods on the fermentation profile and aerobic stability of corn silages

    Sugar cane silage as compared to traditional supplemental sources of forage in the performance of high production cows

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    O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho de animais de alta produção alimentados com rações com diferentes fontes de volumosos. Foram availados os seguintes tratamentos: cana-de-açúcar in natura (CA); silagem de cana-de-açúcar inoculada com L. buchneri (SCA); silagem de milho (SM); e mistura de cana-de-açúcar in natura e silagem de milho (CASM). O experimento foi conduzido em quadrado latino 4×4 com períodos de 21 dias, de modo que, nos sete últimos dias, realizou-se a coleta de amostras. Além da avaliação de desempenho, foram feitas análises bromatológicas dos volumosos, das rações e das sobras e análises da composição do leite e da estabilidade aeróbia dos volumosos e das rações. Observaram-se diferenças quanto ao consumo de MS, que foi maior quando os animais foram alimentados com a SCA (23,5 kg/dia) e a CASM (23,5 kg/dia). Todas as rações propiciaram aos animais elevada produção leiteira (24,4 a 25,5 kg/dia), que não diferiu entre os volumosos. A composição do leite variou somente quanto ao teor de gordura, que foi maior quando os animais foram alimentados com SM (36,1%) e CASM (34,8%). Os resultados de estabilidade aeróbia comprovaram efeito positivo da aditivação bacteriana na SCA, que apresentou a maior estabilidade entre os volumosos (13,63 horas). A ração contendo SM como fonte de volumoso apresentou a menor estabilidade, o que provavelmente explica o baixo consumo dos animais nesse tratamento. A SCA é uma alternativa tecnicamente viável à utilização da planta in natura e ambas podem proporcionar elevadas produções de leite, desde que as rações sejam corretamente balanceadas. A inoculação com L. buchneri melhorou o valor nutritivo e reduziu as perdas fermentativas.The experiment was carried out to evaluate the performance of high produce animals fed rations with different sources of forage, what resulted in the treatment: fresh sugarcane (SC), sugarcane silage inoculated with L. buchneri (SCS), corn silage (CS) and mixture of fresh sugarcane and corn silage (SCCS). The experiment was carried out in a 4×4 latin square design with periods of 21 days, and the last 7 days, of each period was used for sample collections. Besides the performance evaluation, chemical analyses of forages, rations and orts were performed and analyses of milk composition and aerobic stability of forages and rations were also made. There was differences for DM intake, which was higher for SCS (23.5 kg/day) and SCSM (23.5 kg/day). All rations provided to the animals high milk production (24.4-25.5 kg/day), which did not differ among the animals. The milk composition varied only as for fat content, which was higher in the animals fed CS (36.1%) and in the SCCS (34.8%). The aerobic stability results showed positive effect of the bacterial aditivation in SCS, which presented the highest aerobic stability among the forages (13.63 hours). The ration with CS as source of forage presented the worst stability, which could explain the lower intake by the animals in this treatment. The SCS is a technical viable alternative to the use of fresh plant and both can proportionate high milk production, as long as, the rations are properly balanced. The inoculation with L. buchneri showed capable to bring benefits for nutritional value and fermentative losses

    Effects of Dry Matter Content and Microbial Additive on Tifton 85 \u3ci\u3e(Cynodon dactylon ssp.)\u3c/i\u3e Wilted Silage Fermentation Parameters

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the wilting and the addition of a bacterial-enzymatic additive effects on the fermentation parameters of Tifton 85 (Cynodon dactylon spp.) silage. Forage was stored as 326 kg bales wrapped with a plastic film. Treatments consisted of 5 forage dry matter levels (20-30%, 30-40%, 40-50%, 50 -60% e 60 a 70%) without additive and 3 dry matter levels (20-30%, 40-50%, e 60-70%) with additive. Buffered propionic acid solution was sprayed onto 60-70% dry matter bales, prior to wrapping, determining an additional treatment. Core samples were taken at 0, 6, 12 hours and 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 days after wrapping to establish silage pH and temperature trends. Field dry matter losses during the baling process were also evaluated. Bale weight with no additive decreased (364 kg to 254 kg) with increased forage DM content, which in turn resulted in lower bale bulk density (310 to 216 kg/m3 ). Lower field DM losses (281 to 177 kg/ha) were associated with higher forage DM content. Final silage pH and temperature peaks were increased at higher DM content, whereas the presence of microbial additive prevented temperature surge