53 research outputs found

    Physicochemical Properties of Palm Stearin and Palm Mid Fraction Obtained by Dry Fractionation

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    Palm stearin was obtained from the 1st  dry fractionation at a yield of 27.6 % with IV: 37.6 and SMP: 51.8 oC while palm mid fraction (PMF) was obtained from the 2nd dry fractionation at a yield of 24.1 % with IV: 45.8 and SMP:42.7 oC. Palm stearin consisted mainly of POP (31.06 %), PPP (20.61%) and POO (15.81 %) while palm mid fraction had disaturated TAG (such as POP: 61.05 % and POSt: 11.76 %) as the major constituents. From melting properties,palm stearin had a higher melting temperature (T : 46.7 oC) than that of PMF (T : 38.5 oC). It was also shown that,M Min general, palm stearin had higher solid fat content at any temperature compared to PMF. Palm stearin will likely besuitable as hard stock for shortenings and PMF has potency in margarine formulations

    Dry Fractionation of RBD (Refined Bleached and Deodorized) Palm Oil

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    It has been done an investigation about dry fractionation of RBD-palm oil to obtain stearin and olein fractions. Dry fractionation was conducted using a pilot plant crystallizer equipped with a high pressure filtration. Initial palm oil comprised of two major TAG, namely POP (27.88 %) and POO (24.51 %). After dry fractionation, there were accumulations of more saturated TAG in stearin fraction (POP: 31.93 %, PPP: 21.89 %). Meanwhile, more unsaturated TAG was accumulated in olein fraction (POO: 30.76%, OOO: 6.84 %). At a yield of 65 %, it was produced the olein fraction with IV: 59.7 and CP: 3.9 C. It was also found that stearin fraction had a lower iodine value (IV: 35.8) than the original palm oil (IV: 51.4) because of the accumulation of more saturated TAG. Olein fraction also showed the similar result but at the other way around. These variations of chemical composition on the palm oil and its fractions influenced their thermal behavior. The thermogram of palm oil as measured by DSC showed two melting peaks. After dry fractionation, the higher melting peak still remained in the stearin fraction (T p-stearin: 47.49 C) and the lower melting peak stayed on the olein fraction (Tp-olein: 6.01 C).ABSTRAKTelah dilakukan penelitian tentang pengolahan minyak sawit murni menjadi fraksi padat (stearin) dan fraksi cair (olein) dengan proses fraksinasi kering. Fraksinansi dilakukan menggunakan alat skala laboratorium yang terdiri dari tabung kristalisasi yang dihubungkan dengan penyaringan bertekanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di dalam minyak sawit murni terkandung dua komponen utama triacylglycerol (TAG), yaitu POP (27.88%) dan POO (24.51%). Setelah dilakukan proses fraksinasi, kandungan TAG dengan derajat kejenuhan tinggi terakumulasi pada fraksi stearin (POP: 31.93%, PPP: 21.89%). Sementara itu, pada fraksi olein terakumulasi TAG dengan derajat ketidakjenuhan tinggi (POO: 30.76%, OOO: 6,84%). Pada tingkatan hasil 65%, fraksi olein yang diperoleh mempunyai nilai IV (‘iodine value’): 59.7 dan CP (‘cloud point’): 3.9 C. Angka iod dari fraksi stearin (IV: 35.8) akan lebih rendah dari minyak sawit (IV: 51.4) karena terkonsentrasinya TAG dengan derjat kejenuhan tinggi. Hal yang berkebalikan terjadi pada fraksi olein. Fakta ini memperkuat grafik dari analisa DSC, dimana dua puncak leleh pada sampel minyak sawit akhirnya terpisah menjadi masing-masing satu puncak leleh utama pada fraksi stearin dan fraksi olein. Puncak lelehpada suhu yang lebih tinggi akan merujuk pada fraksi stearin (T p-stearin: 47.49 C) sedangkan puncak leleh pada suhu yang lebih rendah akan merujuk pada fraksi olein (T p-olein: 6.01 C)

    Isothermal Crystallization Properties of Rbd-Palm Oil as Measured By Dsc and Oscillatory Rheometry

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    In this research, the crystallization properties of refined bleached and deodorized (RBD) palm oil under isothermal conditions were investigated. A good quality of RBD palm oil (showed by IV, FFA content, PV, and AV with the values of 52.14, 0.06%, 1.39 meq/kg, and 0.88, respectively) was used in this research. In general, RBD palm oil demonstrat­ ed a two­step crystallization process at the isothermal crystallization temperatures/  of 18oC, 20oC and 22oC. From differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurement of RBD palm oil, the melting heats/showed decrement values (33.84 J/g, 26.83 J/g and 22.47 J/g) but the peaks of the corresponding endotherm/ showed increment values (33.52oC, 34.72oC and 36.44oC) when both were correlated to the increased values of iso­ thermal crystallization temperatures/  (18oC, 20oC, and 22oC, respectively). From rheometry analysis of RBD palm oil (at the isothermal crystallization temperature of 18oC), the rheograms gave the values of the phase shift angle ( ), storage modulus () and complex modulus () at the end of crystallization process as follows: 24o,11.36 kPa, and 39 kPa. The overlay of   andgavewith the value of 49.6 Pa at the isothermal time of 11.7 minute

    Correlation Between Physicochemical Properties of Palm Super/ Top-Oleins and Their Transparent Stability

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    Telah dilakukan proses fraksinasi bertingkat untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah RBD-palm olein. Palm olein difraksinasi menghasilkan super-olein dan super-olein difraksinasi ulang untuk menghasilkan top-olein. Dengan pengulangan proses fraksinasi akan diperoleh fraksi olein dengan derajat ketidak jenuhan yang makin tinggi. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan makin meningkatnya angka iod dari RBD-palm olein (IV: 57.2) ke top-olein (IV: 71.3). Hasil analisis GC juga menunjukkan terjadinya peningkatan jumlah asam-asam lemak tidak jenuh, yaitu RBD-palm olein (53,88 %), superolein (59,12 %) dan top-olein (67,51 %). Penurunan kandungan lemak padat (SFC) teramati secara jelas pada fraksi-fraksi olein dengan derajat ketidak jenuhan yang makin tinggi. Pada suhu 0oC, kandungan lemak padat RBD-palm olein, super-olein dan top-olein adalah 63,4 %, 43,5 % dan 4,3 %. Sedangkan pada suhu 25 oC, semua sampel minyak berada pada kondisi sepenuhnya cair. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya keterkaitan antara sifat fisiko-kimia minyak fraksi olein dengan kestabilan sifat kejernihannya. Fraksinasi berulang minyak sawit terbukti dapat meningkatkan stabiltas sifat kejernihan. Minyak superolein akan sesuai digunakan sebagai minyak masak atau minyak goreng sedangkan minyak top-olein mempunyai potensi untuk digunakan sebagai stok minyak untuk pembuatan minyak salad

    Physicochemical Properties of Palm Stearin and Palm Mid Fraction Obtained by Dry Fractionation

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    Palm stearin was obtained from the 1st dry fractionation at a yield of 27.6 % with IV: 37.6 and SMP: 51.8 oC while palm mid fraction (PMF) was obtained from the 2nd dry fractionation at a yield of 24.1 % with IV: 45.8 and SMP:42.7 oC. Palm stearin consisted mainly of POP (31.06 %), PPP (20.61%) and POO (15.81 %) while palm mid fraction had disaturated TAG (such as POP: 61.05 % and POSt: 11.76 %) as the major constituents. From melting properties,palm stearin had a higher melting temperature (T : 46.7 oC) than that of PMF (T : 38.5 oC). It was also shown that,M Min general, palm stearin had higher solid fat content at any temperature compared to PMF. Palm stearin will likely besuitable as hard stock for shortenings and PMF has potency in margarine formulations

    Dry Fractionation of RBD (Refined Bleached and Deodorized) Palm Oil

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    It has been done an investigation about dry fractionation of RBD-palm oil to obtain stearin and olein fractions. Dry fractionation was conducted using a pilot plant crystallizer equipped with a high pressure filtration. Initial palm oil comprised of two major TAG, namely POP (27.88 %) and POO (24.51 %). After dry fractionation, there were accumulations of more saturated TAG in stearin fraction (POP: 31.93 %, PPP: 21.89 %). Meanwhile, more unsaturated TAG was accumulated in olein fraction (POO: 30.76%, OOO: 6.84 %). At a yield of 65 %, it was produced the olein fraction with IV: 59.7 and CP: 3.9 C. It was also found that stearin fraction had a lower iodine value (IV: 35.8) than the original palm oil (IV: 51.4) because of the accumulation of more saturated TAG. Olein fraction also showed the similar result but at the other way around. These variations of chemical composition on the palm oil and its fractions influenced their thermal behavior. The thermogram of palm oil as measured by DSC showed two melting peaks. After dry fractionation, the higher melting peak still remained in the stearin fraction (T p-stearin: 47.49 C) and the lower melting peak stayed on the olein fraction (Tp-olein: 6.01 C)

    Pengaruh Jenis Pengekstrak Dan Jenis Pati Terhadap Sifat Gel Cincau Yang Dibuat Dengan Ekstraksi Dan Pemasakan Optimal

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    ABSTRACT Black cincau (Mesona palustris) gel is made traditionally by boiling a mixture containing the alkaline extract of the herb and starch followed by cooling to room temperature. In this study, herb extraction time and boiling time of the mixed stuff were optimized based on the smallest degree of syneresis of the gel following cold storage. The alkaline solutions use were solution of qi (traditional alkali) ash and of NaOH at pH 11 and the starches were of tapioca, aren (Arenga pinata) and sago. Effects, of type of alkaline solutions and different starches on the characteristics of gel were also studied. The optimum extraction time using qi ash 4% was 70 min. When the extraction using NaOH at pH 11 was effected, it needed 60 min to get the extract which resulted the most stable gel. The optimum boiling time of the qi extract mixed with tapioca, aren, and sago starches were 60, 40, and 50 min, respectively. Boiling the NaOH extract mixed with tapioca, aren, and sago starches needed 70, 40, and 50 min, respectively, to get the best result. Extraction using qi 4% gave higher total solid of the extract and higher pH of the gel. The highest breaking strength of the gel was produced when the fornulae comprising qi solution and aren was adopted. The gels made from qi extract boiled along with aren and sago starches gave more acceptable gels than that along with tapioca starch. Extraction using the NaOH solution improved the acceptability of the gel made with tapioca starch. Kata kunci: cincau, qi, basa, pati, sineresis, breaking strength, tingkat penerimaa

    Pengaruh cara ekstraksi dari daun janggelan (Mesona palustris BL.) Dengan perebusan dan pengempaan terhadap sifat gel= (effect of extraction methods on janggelan (Mesona palustris BL.) Leaf by boiling and pressing ...

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    A study on the effect of extraction methods on fanggelan leaf by boiling and pressing has been conducted. langgelan leaf was extracted for gel forming component by: boiling, pressing and combination of boiling and pressing. A 100 ml filtrate obtained front each extraction method was Mixed with 3 g suspension of tapioca and boiled with constant agitation. The mixture was then allowed to cool to room temperature and form a cincau gel. The gel was characterized for breaking strength and syneresis in addition to the yield that was determined for each extraction method. The extraction method with the highest yield was continued to optimize using respond surface methodology (RSM) for the best condition. The results indicated that the yield of extraction methods were 6,06% for pressing15,29% for boiling18,96% for boiling and pressingand 22,13 % for pressing and boiling. The best condition for pressing and boiling extraction method was 275,4 kg/crn2 (pressure) for 3,2 minutes (time) which resulted gel 33,98 N (breaking strength). Kato kunci: Extraction, boiling, pressing, gel funning component, respond surface methodology (RSM)
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