17 research outputs found

    Genetic Variability of Polymesoda Erosa Population in the Segara Anakan Cilacap

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    Mud clams Polymesoda erosa in the Segara Anakan Cilacap are highly exploited by the local communities for daily consumption. This is presumed causing population decline and potentially causing loss of genetic diversity. Genetic diversity level within population can be obtained by population genetic study using molecular marker such as randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Here we amplified RAPD marker using ten arbitrary primers to assess genetic diversity of P. erosa population in the Segara Anakan Cilacap to provide genetic data for its sustainable use. The result proved that the used RAPD marker has high polymorphisms. The mud clam population was also showed a high level of heterozigosity and genetic diversity. This has important implication for the management plan towards ustainable use of P. erosa in the Segara Anakan Cilacap

    Penjinakan Dan Budidaya Ikan Brek (Puntius Orphoides) Sebagai Upaya Menuju Diversifikasi USAhatani Ikan Domestication and Culture of Tinfoil Barb (Puntius Orphoides) as an Effort Toward Fish Farming Diversification

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    Aims of this research were to investigate hatching rate of Puntius orphoides eggs resulted from artificial spawning and the effect of different water inlet number with different water debit and food on growth rate and survival rate of P. orphoides fry. Experimental method with factorial pattern was used. The first factor was ponds culture without water inlet and with one water inlet (10 LPM/m³ water debit), two water inlets (20 LPM/m³ water debit), and three water inlets (30 LPM/m³ water debit). The second factor was feeding with pellet and Tubifex. Each treatment was repeated twice. Parameter measured was number of hatched egg, increasing of body weight, length and survival rate. The data was analyzed by one way anova and further analysis with Duncan test. Result showed that P. orphoides could spawn in culture ponds with hatching rate of the egg was 82%. The highest growth rate was reached in the ponds with three water inlets (30 LPM/m³ water debit), while the best survival rate was reached in culture ponds with three water inlets (30 LPM/m³ water debit). Pellet food and Tubifex gave the same effect on the fish growth

    Diversitas dan Distribusi Ikan di Segara Anakan Cilacap

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    Fish is one of the aquatic commodities with significant economic value, and Segara Anakan areas is a habitat for valuable fishes for local fisherman. Segara Anakan is a eutrophic waters and serves as nursery and spawning ground and also provide an optimal environment for several species fish larvae to grow, either sedentary or migratory species. Therefore it is suggested that diverse species inhabit Segara Anakan and different part of those areas has different species because different species commonly exhibit different habitat preferences. The objectives of this research were to determine the diversity and spatial distribution of fish species in Segara Anakan Cilacap. This research was a survey with the Cluster Random Sampling was implemented as sampling technique. Species diversity was analyzed descriptively, as well as the spatial distribution. The relationships between environmental parameters and spatial distribution were analyzed using Principal Component Analysis. Environmental factors such as temperature, pH, salinity, and water DO were measured. The result showed that Stolephorus indicus was the most dominant species in Segara Anakan. The spatial distribution of fishes in every sampling station was found fluctuated. The environmental factors and fish were found highly correlated

    Deteksi Gen Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II pada Yuwana Gurami Sowang, Osphronemus Goramy Lacepede, 1801 Asal Satu Pemijahan

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    Petani ikan percaya bahwa ikan gurami ras sowang memiliki laju pertumbuhan yang tinggi. Namun budi daya ras tersebut terkendala oleh kematian yuwana yang tinggi akibat rendahnya resistensi terhadap infeksi Aeromonas hydrophila. Resistensi merupakan sifat yang diwariskan oleh induk ke anakan. Induk resisten dapat diperoleh melalui seleksi menggunakan penciri molekuler terkait dengan sifat resisten, seperti Major Histocompatibility Complex kelas II (MHC II). Sebagai langkah awal, perlu dilakukan deteksi keberadaan gen MHC II pada yuwana gurami sowang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah 1) mendeteksi keberadaan gen MHC II pada yuwana gurami sowang dan 2) menganalisis tingkat resistensi yuwana ikan gurami sowang yang berasal dari satu pemijahan. Sebanyak 100 ekor ikan diinfeksi mengguna- kan 0,1 ml bakteri Aeromonas hydrophila dengan kepadatan koloni 108 CFU. DNA diisolasi menggunakan Thermo- scienstific DNA easy kit dan gen MHC II dimplifikasi menggunakan dua pasang primer dari ikan stickleback. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif. Keberadaan gen MHC II ditentukan berdasarkan kemunculan pita DNA pa- da gel agarosa, sedangkan tingkat resistensi ditentukan berdasarkan jumlah ikan yang mati dan hidup pascainfeksi. Am- plifikasi gen MHC II dari individu yang mati menghasilkan fragmen DNA sepanjang 400 bp. Namun, amplifikasi gen MHC II dari individu yang tetap hidup pascainfeksi menghasilkan fragmen DNA sepanjang sekitar 400 pb dan 585 bp. Fragmen gen MHC II berukuran sekitar 585 bp merupakan marka molekuler spesifik untuk gurami sowang tahan infek- si A. hydrophila. Sebanyak 71% ikan mati dan 29% hidup setelah 14 hari pascainfeksi. Hasil tersebut membuktikan bahwa yuwana gurami sowang memiliki resistensi berbeda terhadap Aeromonas hydrophila

    Fish Diversity At Cileumeuh River In District Of Majenang, Cilacap Regency, Central Java [Diversitas Ikan di Sungai Cileumeuh Kecamatan Majenang, Kabupaten Cilacap, Jawa Tengah]

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    Cileumeuh River is one of the large rivers in Western Cilacap Regency, Central Java. This river, from its upper reaches to its mouth runs through forest, farming, and housing areas. This condition leads to the prediction that the Cileumeuh River has altered its physic-chemical characteristics which led to be its being inhabited by diverse fish species. This study aims to collect data about fish species that inhabit Cileumeuh River. The survey method used was to cluster random sampling according to upper, middle, and lower parts of the river. The observed variables were number of species and abundance. During the survey a total number of 288 fish individuals were collected. Identification placed the samples into 22 species and 10 families. The obtained families were Clariidae, Loricariidae, Bagridae, Cichlidae, Synbranch-idae, Channidae, Belontiidae, Anabantidae, Cyprinidae, and Poeciliidae. Among ten families, Cyprinidae had the highest number of species (ten species) and followed by Bagridae with five species. The other eight families each have one species. High number of species and families has confirms that the Cileumeuh River has high fish diversity