5 research outputs found

    PERAN KARAKTERISTIK, PENGETAHUAN DAN SIKAP PEKERJA TERHADAP PRAKTIK PENGELOLAAN LIMBAH DI INSTALASI KARANTINA HEWAN (Characteristics, Knowledge and Attitude of Workers Regarding Waste Management Practices in Animal Quarantine Installations)

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    AbstrakLimbah Instalasi Karantina Hewan (IKH) ruminansia besar dapat menjadi sumber penularan penyakit yang mungkin terbawa akibat lalu lintas ternak serta dapat menimbulkan permasalahan lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis sejauh mana karakteristik, pengetahuan dan sikap petugas IKH berpengaruh terhadap praktik pengelolaan limbah di IKH. Responden adalah petugas yang melakukan pengelolaan limbah di IKH. Hubungan dan tingkat pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung pada variabel yang diamati dianalisis menggunakan analisis jalur (path analysis). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara keseluruhan karakteristik, pengetahuan dan sikap petugas IKH berpengaruh sebesar 68,85%. Pengaruh tersebut digambarkan sebagai pengaruh langsung sebesar 22,76% dan tidak langsung sebesar 46,09% terhadap praktik pengelolaan limbah di IKH. Pengetahuan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap sikap dan praktik pengelolaan limbah di IKH. Sikap berpengaruh signifikan terhadap praktik pengelolaan limbah di IKH. Pengelolaan limbah di IKH dapat ditingkatkan dengan cara meningkatkan pengetahuan melalui pelatihan sistem manajemen lingkungan sesuai ISO 14001:2015, pelatihan AMDAL dan UKL/UPL serta pengetahuan mengenai risiko penyakit yang mungkin terbawa oleh limbah IKH.AbstractWaste from large ruminant animal quarantine installations (IKH) can be a source of disease transmission that may be carried away due to livestock traffic and can cause environmental problems. The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics, knowledge and attitudes of IKH officers to influence the practice of waste management in IKH. Respondents were officers who carry out waste management in IKH. The relationship and magnitude of direct and indirect effects on observed variables were analyzed using path analysis. The results showed that overall the characteristics, knowledge and attitudes of IKH officers had an effect of 68.85%. The influence is described as a direct influence of 22.76% and indirectly by 46.09% on the practice of waste management in IKH. The practice of waste management in IKH is influenced by significant knowledge and attitudes. Attitudes are influenced by knowledge of waste management in IKH. Waste management in IKH can be improved by increasing knowledge through training in environmental management systems in accordance with ISO 14001: 2015, training on AMDAL and UKL / UPL as well as knowledge about the risk of diseases that may be carried out by IKH waste


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    ABSTRACT Indonesia regulates post-entry observations of slaughter animals through the Animal Quarantine Installation (AQI). For the continuation of the existence of AQI, it is necessary to carry out an analysis of the sustainability of AQI waste management, because errors in waste management can cause disease and environmental pollution. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and determine the sustainability of AQI based on 5 dimensions, namely the dimensions of ecology, economics, technology, social, and institutions. AQIs taken as research objects are one government AQI and one private AQI. The study was conducted by observation. The results of the observations were analyzed using a modification of the Rap-fish method with Multidimensional Scaling called Rap-AQI. The results showed the sustainability of private AQI in multidimensional aspects showing a sustainability index of 57.47, each indicated from the dimensions of ecology (54.17), economy (70.12), social (57.47), technology (54.89), and institutional (50,73). Whereas the government's AQI showed unsustainable results with a sustainability index of 45.02, each from ecological dimensions (49.24), economic (45.30), social (55.77), technology (29.27) and institutional dimensions (43.53). Leverage attribute analysis shows that of 54 existing attributes, there are 12 sensitive attributes as a key factor in the sustainability of AQI waste management. Keywords: Sustainability, animal quarantine installation, atribute, dimention   ABSTRAK Indonesia mengatur pengamatan pasca-masuk hewan potong melalui Instalasi Karantina Hewan (IKH). Pemerintah telah melakukan kebijakan untuk pencegahan atau meminimalkan risiko penyebaran organisme penyakit hewan dan zoonosis pada kegiatan impor hewan dipintu masuk yaitu IKH. Untuk keberlanjutan keberadaan IKH, perlu dilakukan analisis keberlanjutan pengelolaan limbah IKH, karena kesalahan dalam pengelolaan limbah dapat menimbulkan dampak penyakit dan pencemaran lingkungan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan evaluasi dan menentukan keberlanjutan IKH berdasarkan 5 dimensi, yaitu dimensi-dimensi ekologi, ekonomi, teknologi, sosial dan kelembagaan. IKH yang diambil sebagai objek penelitian adalah satu IKH pemerintah dan satu IKH swasta. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pengamatan. Hasil pengamatan dianalisa dengan menggunakan modifikasi metode Rap-fish dengan Multidimensional Scaling yang disebut Rap-IKH. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keberlanjutan IKH swasta dalam multidimensi aspek menunjukkan indeks keberlanjutan 57,47, masing-masing ditunjukkan dari dimensi ekologi (54,17), ekonomi (70,12), sosial (57,47), teknologi (54,89), dan kelembagaan (50,73). Sedangkan IKH pemerintah menunjukkan hasil yang kurang berkelanjutan dengan indeks keberlanjutan 45,02, masing-masing dari dimensi ekologi (49,24), ekonomi (45,30), sosial (55,77), teknologi (29,27) dan dimensi kelembagaan (43,53). Analisis leverage atribut menunjukkan bahwa dari 54 atribut yang ada, terdapat 12 atribut sensitif sebagai faktor kunci keberlanjutan pengelolaan limbah IKH. Kata kunci: Keberlanjutan, instalasi karantina hewan, atribut, dimens

    Immunogenicity of Oral Rabies Vaccine Strain SPBN GASGAS in Local Dogs in Bali, Indonesia

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    Dog-mediated rabies is endemic in much of Indonesia, including Bali. Most dogs in Bali are free-roaming and often inaccessible for parenteral vaccination without special effort. Oral rabies vaccination (ORV) is considered a promising alternative to increase vaccination coverage in these dogs. This study assessed immunogenicity in local dogs in Bali after oral administration of the highly attenuated third-generation rabies virus vaccine strain SPBN GASGAS. Dogs received the oral rabies vaccine either directly or by being offered an egg-flavored bait that contained a vaccine-loaded sachet. The humoral immune response was then compared with two further groups of dogs: a group that received a parenteral inactivated rabies vaccine and an unvaccinated control group. The animals were bled prior to vaccination and between 27 and 32 days after vaccination. The blood samples were tested for the presence of virus-binding antibodies using ELISA. The seroconversion rate in the three groups of vaccinated dogs did not differ significantly: bait: 88.9%; direct-oral: 94.1%; parenteral: 90.9%; control: 0%. There was no significant quantitative difference in the level of antibodies between orally and parenterally vaccinated dogs. This study confirms that SPBN GASGAS is capable of inducing an adequate immune response comparable to a parenteral vaccine under field conditions in Indonesia

    Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus Clade in Domestic Ducks, Indonesia, 2022

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    Highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) clade viruses were isolated from domestic ducks in South Kalimantan, Indonesia, during April 2022. The viruses were genetically similar to those detected in East Asia during 2021–2022. Molecular surveillance of wild birds is needed to detect potential pandemic threats from avian influenza virus

    Detection and identification of foot-and-mouth disease O/ME-SA/Ind-2001 virus lineage, Indonesia, 2022

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    ABSTRACTFoot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a contagious disease affecting cloven-hoofed animals, which has been well-documented as one of the major animal diseases that causes severe economic loss in livestock sectors. The disease is endemic in many countries, particularly in Asia and Africa. Indonesia has been declared a disease-free country since 1986, and the World Organization of Animal Health (WOAH/OIE) recognized Indonesia as an FMD-free country without vaccination in 1990. However, the FMD virus was detected in many disease outbreaks in cattle and goats in Indonesia in May 2022. This study reports the detection and identification of FMD serotype O viruses in Indonesia. Although these viruses appeared to belong to the ME-SA/Ind-2001e lineage, they formed a unique cluster with 95.3% average nucleotide sequence similarity of the FMD VP1 gene to Ind-2001e viruses from other Asia countries. The illegal trade of live animals from endemic areas in Southeast Asia is one of the possible routes regarding the incursion of FMD in Indonesia, however, it requires further investigation