10 research outputs found

    Pencegahan dan Promosi Kesehatan secara Tradisional untuk Peningkatan Status Masyarakat di Sumenep Madura

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    The health cost increases higher and higher. This occurs in case of the diagnostic and medical treatments of the health care are too expensive. There should be efforts to compress the increased medical treatment cost; one is by carrying out as soon as possible the earlier prevention treatments and health promotions. The prevention treatments and health promotions are lower cost and better than curative. It can be done by using traditional methods. The fact is that the traditional culture has the enormous conceptions of them, but still it has no many studies exposed and publicized yet. This research is aimed at discovering: 1) the conceptions of disease preventions and health promotions in the system of building and environment structures; 2) the conception of disease prevention and health promotion in the traditional ceremonies; 3) the conception of disease prevention and health promotion in the traditional body treatment and beauty care; and 4) the rationalization of that traditional culture in accordance with the medical science discipline.The result of this research shows that the conception of prevention and health promotion in traditional methods located in Madura area can be categorized into three preventive stages as stated in medical science such as Primary Prevention-health promotion; Secondary Prevention-earlier diagnostic and medical treatments; and Tertiary Prevention-healing. Primary prevention is preventive actions taken before one is getting illness. The actions are: a) the health promotion indicated to improve the individual immune toward the health problems; b) the typical protection that is specific attempts to prevent the transmission of certain disease taken place.In Primary Prevention stage, the prevention is carried out long before a health disruption occurs. The efforts of this stage are initiated by choosing a certain sacred place by which the people do not allow to break the traditional regulations of"nombak tobun", "nombak songai", and "nombak lorong". Still, in this stage, Madurian always maintain their health by consuming traditional medicines and this health maintenance is frequently performed all over body treatments and other medical cares. The traditional ceremony in terms of ceremonial meal of either circle of life or exorcism ritual (ruat) of warding off misfortune (tolak balak) can be categorized as primary prevention as well as secondary prevention. This is a result of ceremonial meal ritual which can be carried out before and after the health disruption period

    Perbedaan Prestasi Belajar Mata Pelajaran Mipa Kelas X Antara Siswa Reguler Dengan Siswa Akselerasi Di SMA Negeri 3 Malang

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    Terdapat kesenjangan antara harapan dan Kenyataan pada prestasi belajar mata pelajaran MIPA siswa kelas X antara siswa Reguler dengan siswa kelas Akselerasi. Ada anggapan atau kecendrungan bahwa prestasi belajar mata pelejaran MIPA siswa Reguler lebih rendah daripada siswa Akselerasi. Peneliti ingin melihat keadaan sesungguhnya di lapangan bagaimana prestasi mata pelajaran MIPA kelas X antara siswa Reguler dan siswa Akselerasi di SMA Negeri 3 Malang. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu (1) Untuk mengetahui perbedaan prestasi belajar mata pelajaran MIPA antara siswa kelas Reguler dan siswa Akselerasi di SMA Negeri 3 Malang. (2) Untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap prestasi siswa kelas regular dengan siswa kelas akselerasi di SMA Negeri 3 Malang. Manfaat penelitian ini (1) Manfaat teoritis dari penelitian ini adalah dapat diketahui faktor-faktor apa sajakah yang berpengaruh terhadap prestasi belajar MIPA.(2) Untu memberikan masukan kepada sekolah-sekolah tentang system pendidikan yang ada. Populasi penelitian adalah semua siswa kelas Reguler dan Akselerasi, sedang sampel penelitian yang digunakan adalah siswa kelas X1 program Reguler dengan siswa kela X program Akselerasi, Penelitian ini di laksanakan di SMA Negeri 3 Malang. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah uji-t pada dua sampel bebas dan analisis regresi linear berganda. Dari hasil analisis data didapatkan hasil (1) nilai t-hitung nilai F-tabel pada taraf signifikasi 0,05 maka variable yang diteliti yaitu waktu yang dicurahkan untuk belajar, buku pelajaran MIPA yang dimiliki, Waktu untuk kegiatan selain belajar di sekolah berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap prestasi belajat mata pelajaran MIPA

    Pengembangan Media Berbasis Multimedia Interaktif Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Siswa Man 2 Batu Materi Kingdom Animalia

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    Learning biology plays an important role in the educational process as well as the development of technology, because biology has an effort for human to generate interest in science and technology development.Various issues that arise in school in biology learning materials associated with the Kingdom Animalia and the material is very much difficult for students to understand and time limitations in the learning process. So there should be used development of teaching media to overcome this. The purpose of this study are: (1) to know the effectiveness of the implementation of teaching media development, (2) to know the level of students understanding by using the application of teaching media development. This type of research is development research or Research and Development (R & D). the development used is based on the development steps from Borg & Gall (1983) modified from Sukmadinata (2010) which includes three steps, namely: preliminary study, development and validation. To determine the effectiveness of the implementation of teaching media development is done by giving the questionnaire to students. To determine the level of students understanding performed pretest and posttest. The research was conducted on 28 March to 29 September 2013 at MAN 2 Batu Malang. The results of this development in the form of teaching media product Biology that has been through some trials and revisions of the experts and students. Based on the feasibility of media experts, subject matter experts, and students teaching media are stated that it is very viable and effective used in learning. Based on the experimental test on class treatment there was an increasing students\u27 understanding of the material of the Kingdom Animalia that is the average value before using the media (pretest) increased from 41.60 to 90.3 after using the media (posttest), while the control class average value before reading textbooks (pretest) increased from 48.80 to 68.60 (posttest) after reading the textbooks. Thus it can be stated that teacing media based interaktive multimedia is more effective in improving students\u27 understanding of X class of MAN 2 Malang on the Kingdom Animalia subject

    Perbedaan Model Pembelajaran Open Inquiry Dan Guided Inquiry Berdasarkan Kemandirian Belajar Dan Berfikir Tingkat Tinggi Pada Mata Pelajaran Biologi Kelas 11 Man Tempursari – Ngawi

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    Based on PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) data which PISA is International studied about reading, math, and science literacy students achievement attained the age of 15 giving the result. In 2006 at Indonesia that students answer composition indicated lower understanding toward basic of science concepts (students could not interpret the data, explain casual relationship, solve the problems), limited expressing in mind, had lower scientific logical, lower ability toward basic of science concept and connection toward the surrounding facts. It is supported with lower teacher competency data and the USAge of un-variation learning model. In that case, it is needed an learning model to solve the problem, one of learning model that can be used is Open Inquiry and Guided inquiry. In this present study, researcher used true-experiment by using simple random sampling technique. The purposes of this study are; (1) to know the differences study between Open Inquiry and Guided inquiry learning model, (2) to know the differences higher order thinking between Open Inquiry and Guided inquiry learning model. This research was hold in XI Science Class MAN TempursariNgawi. Independent Learningdata obtained based on temporary questionnaires, higher order thinking obtained by essay questions. The data analysis used by using one way Anova test. The result of this study showed that (1) Ftest>Ftable , 5.805 > 4.07till the using of learning model give different result toward independent learning, (2)Ftest>Ftable, 4.374 > 4.07till the using of learning model give different result toward higher order thinking skill

    The effectiveness of problem-based learning in improving creative thinking skills, collaborative skills and environmental literacy of Muhammadiyah secondary school students

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    This research aimed to analyze the effectiveness of the problem-based learning (PBL) model in improving creative thinking skills, collaborative skills and environmental literacy of Muhammadiyah secondary school (Senior High School and Vocational School) students. The type of research is quasi-experimental. The research design uses Pretest-Posttest Non-equivalent Control Group Design. The experimental research was preceded by a survey regarding the independent and dependent variables, followed by the development of learning tools consisting of a syllabus, student worksheets, creative thinking skills instrument, collaborative skills instrument and environmental literacy instrument. The research sample consisted of 150 grade 10 students taken by total sampling. Data was obtained through observation, questionnaires and tests. The research was conducted from September to December 2023. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to verify the data against the proposed hypothesis. The research results show that PBL is effective in improving creative thinking skills, collaborative skills and environmental literacy of Muhammadiyah secondary school students in Batu City. PBL can be implemented widely in an effort to develop creative thinking skills, collaborative skills and environmental literacy

    The Medicinal Plant Potential Parts and Species Diversity as Antipyretic: Ethnobotany Study at Senduro Lumajang

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    Fever is characterized by high body temperature caused by a bacterial infection, virus, and other pathologist conditions. Traditional medicine role in reducing fever by using medicinal plants, mainly potentially as antipyretic. One of the communities that still maintain the use of the medicinal plant is the Senduro sub-district community Lumajang regency, which is occupied by the Tengger, Javanese, and Madurese ethnic. This research aims to investigate the antipyretic plant species diversity and the parts utilized by the community. This research was implemented mix method approach with an explorative, descriptive research type. The used data collection techniques were direct observation, interview, documentation, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The data analysis techniques were qualitative and quantitative, while Miles and Huberman's analysis technique was used in the qualitative analysis. The research result shows that the Senduro sub-district community uses 21 species of antiphrastic plant which included in 16 groups of families, such as Amaryllidaceae, Annonaceae, Araceae, Arecaceae, Brassicaceae, Clusiaceae, Cucurbitaceae,Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae, Musaceae, Pandanaceae, Piperaceae, Poaceae, Rutaceae, and Zingiberaceae. The plant parts that tend to be utilized are the fruits, seeds, rhizomes, leaves, tubers, flowers, and shoots

    The Environmental Education Sustainability at SMA Adiwiyata Malang

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    This study aims to: (1) Describe the Adiwiyata program at the schools; (2) Describes the implementation of environmental programs through learning activities; (3) Describes implementation of programs Adiwiyata activities through participatory environment.(4) to discribe the supporting factors, inhibiting factors, and provide a description in Overcoming the inhibiting factors of Adiwiyata program on Senior Public High Schools 8 and 7 in Malang. This research used a descriptive qualitative approach. The results Showed that the policy of living environment in the school already stated in the official decision and integrated in each subject. Then, the schools socialize some of the main activities using the approach to the students to Obtain perfect support to create absolute agreement that the school is truly environmental school. The supporting system like garden, open areas, waste water installation and monitoring tool units are already exist and environmental friendly. Furthermore, researcher still found various situations inhibiting the continuous implementation of Adiwiyata, such as the unit of the task is not on time, and there is a group of students who have not been Tirrenus in understanding the concept of environmental schools, funding issues, and the support of the society and other parties are going low when the shifting of hapened school leader. It is better if the schools have implemented a strategic steps to overcome the barriers existing. &nbsp

    “Let’s transform!”: A systematic literature review of science learning in COVID-19 pandemic era

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    Currently, the world’s science learning is being affected by COVID-19 pandemic, which requires researchers to address it. Researchers’ attention and concern for the theme of science learning is highly expected, as evidenced by the existence of publications in reputable journals. The purpose of this systematic literature review is to review and compare investigations of research on articles published by Scopus-indexed journals (published during COVID-19 pandemic: 2020-2022). The researchers used a “science learning” phrase in the search menu of Scopus database and 1,484 articles were found by the researchers. Furthermore, 62 articles met the criteria to be analyzed. The inclusion and exclusion model used was preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis. Based on the results of the analysis, we found that in the last three years, there had been a decline in research on science learning. The science issues could be approached through quantitative, qualitative, mix-method, case study, and even development research. Marianne Kinnula is the author who has received the most attention in the study of science learning. According to the data, it is known that science learning and science education keywords are the most dominant keywords that used in a publication. There are 36 countries of origin for authors who publish articles, with the majority coming from Europe, though Indonesia has the most publications (Asia). Science articles are written by authors from all over the world. It was discovered that more articles were published as a result of collaboration. There are 69 institutions globally that fund science learning research and publications. We offer three perspectives on transformation science learning during a pandemic that can be used as a baseline and reference by other researchers or education policymakers. As an implication, the second and third perspectives from transformation that we have formulated are interesting for further study