10 research outputs found


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    Abstract The sustainability of the rice field in Java as the main rice producer land in Indonesia is induced by the rice field conversion into settlement and indusfrial areas due to increase of population. These conversions cause decreasing of both quantity and quality of the land As mentioned in the Government Act Number 26/2007 concerning the Spatial Use Planning (SUP), the goal of SUP is to protect spatial use function of the land and to prevent negative impacts to the environment as a result of unproper land management The objective of this study is to assess the consistency of governmental policies in implementing the Act Number 26/2007 to achieve the rice field sustainability on the basis of agro-ecological concept By using the GIS modelbase, the rice field agro-ecological zones which are proposed as the standard rice field areas for the benchmark of the sustainable rice field agriculturemanagement system are synthesized from the spatial database of land system, land cover, agro-climate, irrigationcondition, social and economic data from the administration boundary layers. The results of this study show that the governmental policies from non-agricultU/:a1 sector in allocating the area status of the settlement areas as presented at the provincial regional spatial planning map (RTRW map) have not been fully consistent with the regulations as stated in Act Number 26/2007 for protecting a productive rice field function as the national rice producer. The potential loss of the rice production which is caused by the implementation of the rice field conversion into settlement areas and is allocated to the productive rice field agro-ecologicalzones is predicted 3.5 milliontons per year. Keywords: rice field agro-ecological zone, spatial use management, GIS modelbase, land conversio

    Sustainability Index of Rice Field for Supporting Spatial Planning (Case Study in Jember District, East Java)

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    Rice Field agriculture in Jember district is a main sector due to its contribution to rice production in this region. The objective of this study is to determine the rice field sustainability index based on agro-ecosystem zone and to formulate policy alternatives for supporting the spatial planning in achieving sustainable rice field agriculture. The study used the primary andsecondary data which include biophysical environment, economy, social and culture. The data analysis used GIS (Geographic Information System) modelbase, factor analysis, and AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). The results showed that the sustainability index of the rice field agro-ecosystem zones were different. The threats of the rice field sustainability were causedby the main indicators of the biophysical environment, economy, social, and culture such as water availability, soil nutrients of Carbon organic content, Nitrogen, and Phosphor-available, profit, fertilizer access, land conversion, land ownership and fragmentation, farmer education, and age of farmer. To overcome those threats, the policy consideration was more dominantly determined by the biophysical factor rather than that of theeconomy, social, and culture. The implementation of the policy tohandle the threats needs to be coordinated among the stakeholders, considering that the rice field resource can be categorized into a common pool resource

    Land use planning of paddy field using geographic information system and land evaluation in West Lombok, Indonesia

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    Planning analysis to increase rice production either through intensiḀcation of existing paddy Ḁeld area or ex-tensiḀcation in potential land area was conducted in West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Existing paddy Ḁeld was delineated using high-resolution data from IKONOS imagery of 2012. Land use and land cover outside existing paddy Ḁeld were interpreted using SPOT-5 imagery of 2012. ἀe Automated Land Evaluation System (ALES) was used for land suitability analysis for paddy. ἀe results are interpreted in terms of the potential of paddy Ḁeld intensiḀcation in existing paddy Ḁeld area and the potential of extensiḀcation in land potentially used for paddy Ḁeld. ἀe result of analysis showed that in West Lombok Regency, there are still possible to do intensiḀcation and extensiḀca-tion of paddy Ḁeld to increase rice production in order to improve regional food security

    Providing of Spatial Wetland Information for Supporting National Development

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    The wetland has a strategic role in national development. The potential uses of the wetland are varied such as for agriculture, fisheries, industries, and forestry. The intensive use of the wetland for agricultural development in Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua through transmigration projects has been run since in 1973. Unfortunately, not all the projects were well developed, causing the social, economic, and physical environmental problems. These problems resulted in the negative impact for the life of the transmigration people. For that reason, the community empowerment for the unlucky transmigration people by handling the physical and non physical aspects is very important. This paper will describe the importance of providing spatial data and information biophysical wetland as an initial step in empowering people who live in the wetland resource

    Providing of Spatial Wetland Information for Supporting National Development

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    The wetland has a strategic role in national development. The potential uses of the wetland are varied such as for agriculture, fisheries, industries, and forestry. The intensive use of the wetland for agricultural development in Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua through transmigration projects has been run since in 1973. Unfortunately, not all the projects were well developed, causing the social, economic, and physical environmental problems. These problems resulted in the negative impact for the life of the transmigration people. For that reason, the community empowerment for the unlucky transmigration people by handling the physical and non physical aspects is very important. This paper will describe the importance of providing spatial data and information biophysical wetland as an initial step in empowering people who live in the wetland resource

    Ecosystem Services Dynamics in Bogor Regency

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    The decline in the quality of ecosystem services in Bogor Regency is indicated by the existence of various natural disasters in recent years. Prudent development must be carried out to minimize the impact of a decrease in the ecosystem services index. The purpose of this research is to map ecosystem services for food supply, water supply, water and flood management, and tourism aspects within 2000-2017. The data used were land cover and land facet maps at a scale of 1:25,000 obtained from BIG, accompanied by a reinterpretation process. The data sources were Indonesia's topographic maps (RBI), Citra SPOT 7, DEMNAS, and field surveys. The ecosystem services index (ESI) is calculated based on an analysis of changes in land use and land facets. The value of ESI was weighted using analytic hierarchy process approaches to each of the variables assessed by experts. The results showed that the largest changes in land use occurred in residential and forest areas. The residential area increased by 1.96%, while the forest area decreased by 1.8% in 17 years. Bogor Regency is dominated by forest and rice fields which are spread over four main landforms, namely volcanic, structural, fluvial, and karst. The most significant increase of 5.65% was found in the clean water provisioning function, while the most significant decrease of 38.47% was found in the tourism and ecotourism sector. Accumulatively, the increase in ESI was 23%, while the decrease was 20.64%.  Mitigation efforts that can be done are to maintain the availability of green open space by implementing strong regulations


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