11 research outputs found

    Novel robust biomarkers for human bladder cancer based on activation of intracellular signaling pathways

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    Sherpa Romeo blue journal. Open access article. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (CC BY 3.0) applies.We recently proposed a new bioinformatic algorithm called OncoFinder for quantifying the activation of intracellular signaling pathways. It was proved advantageous for minimizing errors of high-throughput gene expression analyses and showed strong potential for identifying new biomarkers. Here, for the first time, we applied OncoFinder for normal and cancerous tissues of the human bladder to identify biomarkers of bladder cancer. Using Illumina HT12v4 microarrays, we profiled gene expression in 17 cancer and seven non-cancerous bladder tissue samples. These experiments were done in two independent laboratories located in Russia and Canada. We calculated pathway activation strength values for the investigated transcriptomes and identified signaling pathways that were regulated differently in bladder cancer (BC) tissues compared with normal controls. We found, for both experimental datasets, 44 signaling pathways that serve as excellent new biomarkers of BC, supported by high area under the curve (AUC) values. We conclude that the OncoFinder approach is highly efficient in finding new biomarkers for cancer. These markers are mathematical functions involving multiple gene products, which distinguishes them from “traditional” expression biomarkers that only assess concentrations of single genes.Ye

    Retroelement—Linked Transcription Factor Binding Patterns Point to Quickly Developing Molecular Pathways in Human Evolution

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    Background: Retroelements (REs) are transposable elements occupying ~40% of the human genome that can regulate genes by providing transcription factor binding sites (TFBS). RE-linked TFBS profile can serve as a marker of gene transcriptional regulation evolution. This approach allows for interrogating the regulatory evolution of organisms with RE-rich genomes. We aimed to characterize the evolution of transcriptional regulation for human genes and molecular pathways using RE-linked TFBS accumulation as a metric. Methods: We characterized human genes and molecular pathways either enriched or deficient in RE-linked TFBS regulation. We used ENCODE database with mapped TFBS for 563 transcription factors in 13 human cell lines. For 24,389 genes and 3124 molecular pathways, we calculated the score of RE-linked TFBS regulation reflecting the regulatory evolution rate at the level of individual genes and molecular pathways. Results: The major groups enriched by RE regulation deal with gene regulation by microRNAs, olfaction, color vision, fertilization, cellular immune response, and amino acids and fatty acids metabolism and detoxication. The deficient groups were involved in translation, RNA transcription and processing, chromatin organization, and molecular signaling. Conclusion: We identified genes and molecular processes that have characteristics of especially high or low evolutionary rates at the level of RE-linked TFBS regulation in human lineage

    Algorithmically Reconstructed Molecular Pathways as the New Generation of Prognostic Molecular Biomarkers in Human Solid Cancers

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    Individual gene expression and molecular pathway activation profiles were shown to be effective biomarkers in many cancers. Here, we used the human interactome model to algorithmically build 7470 molecular pathways centered around individual gene products. We assessed their associations with tumor type and survival in comparison with the previous generation of molecular pathway biomarkers (3022 “classical” pathways) and with the RNA transcripts or proteomic profiles of individual genes, for 8141 and 1117 samples, respectively. For all analytes in RNA and proteomic data, respectively, we found a total of 7441 and 7343 potential biomarker associations for gene-centric pathways, 3020 and 2950 for classical pathways, and 24,349 and 6742 for individual genes. Overall, the percentage of RNA biomarkers was statistically significantly higher for both types of pathways than for individual genes (p < 0.05). In turn, both types of pathways showed comparable performance. The percentage of cancer-type-specific biomarkers was comparable between proteomic and transcriptomic levels, but the proportion of survival biomarkers was dramatically lower for proteomic data. Thus, we conclude that pathway activation level is the advanced type of biomarker for RNA and proteomic data, and momentary algorithmic computer building of pathways is a new credible alternative to time-consuming hypothesis-driven manual pathway curation and reconstruction

    A systematic experimental evaluation of microRNA markers of human bladder cancer

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    Background: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small RNAs that regulate gene expression. They are aberrantly expressed in many human cancers and are potential therapeutic targets and molecular biomarkers. Methods: In this study, we for the first time validated the reported data on the entire set of published differential miRNAs (102 in total) through a series of transcriptome-wide experiments. We have conducted genome-wide miRNA profiling in 17 urothelial carcinoma bladder tissues and in nine normal urothelial mucosa samples using three methods: (1) An Illumina HT-12 microarray hybridization (MA) analysis (2) a suppression-subtractive hybridization (SSH) assay followed by deep sequencing (DS) and (3) DS alone. Results: We show that DS data correlate with previously published information in 87% of cases, whereas MA and SSH data have far smaller correlations with the published information (6 and 9% of cases, respectively). qRT-PCR tests confirmed reliability of the DS data. Conclusions: Based on our data, MA and SSH data appear to be inadequate for studying differential miRNA expression in the bladder. Impact: We report the first comprehensive validated database of miRNA markers of human bladder cancer

    A systematic experimental evaluation of microRNA markers of human bladder cancer

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    Background: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small RNAs that regulate gene expression. They are aberrantly expressed in many human cancers and are potential therapeutic targets and molecular biomarkers. Methods: In this study, we for the first time validated the reported data on the entire set of published differential miRNAs (102 in total) through a series of transcriptome-wide experiments. We have conducted genome-wide miRNA profiling in 17 urothelial carcinoma bladder tissues and in nine normal urothelial mucosa samples using three methods: 1) An Illumina HT-12 microarray hybridization (MA) analysis 2) a suppression-subtractive hybridization (SSH) assay followed by deep sequencing (DS) and 3) DS alone. Results: We show that DS data correlate with previously published information in 87% of cases, whereas MA and SSH data have far smaller correlations with the published information (6% and 9% of cases, respectively). qRT-PCR tests confirmed reliability of the DS data.Conclusions: Based on our data, MA and SSH data appear to be inadequate for studying differential miRNA expression in the bladder. Impact: We report the first comprehensive validated database of miRNA markers of human bladder cancer

    MiRImpact, a new bioinformatic method using complete microRNA expression profiles to assess their overall influence on the activity of intracellular molecular pathways

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    <p>MicroRNAs (miRs) are short noncoding RNA molecules that regulate expression of target mRNAs. Many published sources provide information about miRs and their targets. However, bioinformatic tools elucidating higher level impact of the established total miR profiles, are still largely missing. Recently, we developed a method termed OncoFinder enabling quantification of the activities of intracellular molecular pathways basing on gene expression data. Here we propose a new technique, MiRImpact, which enables to link miR expression data with its estimated outcome on the regulation of molecular pathways, like signaling, metabolic, cytoskeleton rearrangement, and DNA repair pathways. MiRImpact uses OncoFinder rationale for pathway activity calculations, with the major distinctions that (i) it deals with the concentrations of miRs - known regulators of gene products participating in molecular pathways, and (ii) miRs are considered as negative regulators of target molecules, if other is not specified. MiRImpact operates with 2 types of databases: for molecular targets of miRs and for gene products participating in molecular pathways. We applied MiRImpact to compare regulation of human bladder cancer-specific signaling pathways at the levels of mRNA and miR expression. We took 2 most complete alternative databases of experimentally validated miR targets – miRTarBase and DianaTarBase, and an OncoFinder database featuring 2725 gene products and 271 signaling pathways. We showed that the impact of miRs is orthogonal to pathway regulation at the mRNA level, which stresses the importance of studying posttranscriptional regulation of gene expression. We also report characteristic set of miR and mRNA regulation features linked with bladder cancer.</p