2 research outputs found
Analisa pengaruh kualitas udara dan kelayakan investasi proyek penggantian AC pada gedung kantor PT ISM, Tbk - Div Bogasari Surabaya dengan pendekatan aspek finansial
The financial aspect is an important factor in any investment project. The purpose of this analysis is to be able to find out the effect on air quality and assess the feasibility of a project investment in replacing a conventional ductless ceiling AC with a Daikin VRV inverter AC. This research was conducted using a quantitative descriptive method. Based on the results of the analysis of this study, this project can provide significant energy savings and can reduce CO2 carbon emissions, which can have a better impact on air quality in the surrounding environment. There are several parameters used to review the feasibility of investing in this project, namely net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), benefit cost ratio (BCR), and payback period (PP). Some of these parameters can be used to determine the project's feasibility, with the analysis yielding an NPV of IDR 791,244,535, an IRR of 5.95%, a BCR of 1,185, and a PP of 4.2 years. Based on the NPV, IRR, BCR, and PP to ensure the project's financial viability and the effect on air quality, replacing this air conditioner can reduce CO2 emissions by 23.5 tons of equivalent CO2 per year
Optimasi Pabrik Asam Sulfat dari Sulfur dengan Proses Double Contact Double Absorber (DCDA) Menggunakan Metode Pinch Kapasitas 700.000 Ton/Tahun
Perkembangan industri kimia di indonesia mengalami
peningkatan setiap tahunnya, dengan hal itu kebutuhan bahan baku dan bahan penunjang dalam industri akan meningkat. Sulfur sebagai bahan baku pembuatan asam sulfat diperoleh dengan cara impor dari RRC. Kapasitas pabrik asam sulfat yang akan didirikan pada tahun 2025 ini adalah 700.000 ton/tahun. Lokasi yang dipilih untuk pendirian pabrik asam sulfat dari bahan baku belerang ini yaitu pada Ds. Remen�Tasikharjo, Kec. Jenu, Kab. Tuban, Jawa Timur. Proses pembuatan asam sulfat dengan proses double contact double absorber (DCDA) yang terdiri dari lima unit tahapan. Tahap pertama yaitu Sulfur Handling,
tahap kedua yaitu SO2 Generation, tahap ketiga yaitu SO2 Conversion, tahap keempat yaitu Drying & SO3 Absorption, tahap terakhir yaitu H2SO4 Storage & Distribution. Pabrik ini direncanakan beroperasi secara kontinyu selama 330 hari/tahun dengan basis 24 jam/hari. Bahan baku sulfur yang dibutuhkan sebesar 26.241,19 kg/jam. Pada pabrik
asam sulfat ini, kami mengoptimalkan jaringan HEN’s pada SO2 Convertion dengan menggunakan metode pinch. Dari hasil simulasi menggunakan Aspen Energy Analyzer V10 didapatkan adanya cross pinch pada kondisi existing pabrik asam sulfat yang dapat mempengaruhi luas area, capital cost, total cost, jumlah shells dan penambahan satu alat heat exchanger terhadap kondisi retrofit design berupa heater. Untuk luas area kondisi existing dan retrofit sebesar 2.047 m2 dan 1.372 m2 terhadap target sebesar 1.154 m2. Harga capital cost untuk existing
design sebesar 2,493 x 1011, sedangkan untuk retrofit design sebesar 1,796 x 1011. Total cost untuk existing design sebesar 2.085, sedangkan untuk retrofit design sebesar 1.503. Total shells dari target optimum kondisi operasi sebesar 5 unit heat exchanger, sedangkan pada kondisi existing dan retrofit sebesar 6 unit heat exchanger dan effisiensi masing�masing heat exchanger pada kondisi existing dan retrofit sebesar 100%. Berdasarkan analisa kelayakan ekonomi, pabrik asam sulfat dengan kapasitas 700.000 ton/tahun telah layak untuk didirikan dengan NPV, IRR, POT dan BEP yang diperoleh sebesar Rp928,872,515,488; 23,86%; 4,7 tahun dan 41%.
The development of the chemical industry in Indonesia has
increased every year, with this the need for raw materials and supporting materials in the industry will increase. Sulfur as raw material for the manufacture of sulfuric acid is obtained by importing from China. The
capacity of the sulfuric acid plant to be established in 2025 is 700,000 tons/year. The location chosen for the establishment of the sulfuric acid plant from this sulfur raw material is at Ds. Remen-Tasikharjo, Kec. Jenu,
Kab. Tuban, East Java. The process of making sulfuric acid using double contact double absorber (DCDA) process which consists of five units of steps. The first stage is Sulfur Handling, second stage is SO2 Generation,
third stage is SO2 Conversion, fourth stage is Drying & SO3 Absorption, and the last stage is H2SO4 Storage & Distribution. This plant is planned to operate continuously for 330 days/year on a 24 hour/day basis. The sulfur raw material needed is 26,241.19 kg/hour. In this sulfuric acid plant, we optimize the HEN's network on SO2 Conversion using the pinch method. From the simulation results using Aspen Energy Analyzer V10,
it is found that there is a cross pinch on the existing condition of the sulfuric acid plant which can affect the area, capital cost, total cost, number of shells and the addition of one heat exchanger to the retrofit design condition in the form of a heater. The area of the existing and retrofit conditions is 2,047 m2 and 1,372 m2 against the target of 1,154 m2. The capital cost price for the existing design is 2,493 x 1011, while for the retrofit design it is 1,796 x 1011. The total cost for the existing design is 2,085, while for the retrofit design it is 1,503. The total shells from the optimum target operating conditions are 5 units of heat
exchanger, while in the existing and retrofit conditions are 6 units of heat exchanger and the efficiency of each heat exchanger in the existing and retrofit conditions is 100%. Based on the economic feasibility analysis, a
sulfuric acid plant with a capacity of 700,000 tons/year is feasible to be established with NPV, IRR, POT and BEP obtained amounting to Rp928,872,515,488; 23.86%; 4.7 years and 41%