222 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Nurmi, Anna (Paris, Oxford County)

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    Peers as Teachers in Physical Education Hip Hop Classes in Finnish High School

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    In this case study, theoretically rooted in peer-assisted learning (PAL), ten female high school students, acting as peer teachers, taught hip hop dance in a voluntary physical education course. The data, derived from questionnaires and interviews with the peer teachers, were analysed using content analysis. The results showed that the peer teachers considered dance an important subject in the weekly curriculum. On the one hand, peer teachers enjoyed the freedom of making the class look like their own, the fast learning of their students, and the increased self-confidence acquired over the course. On the other hand, most of them were self-critical and felt ashamed when making mistakes. They also felt uncomfortable teaching same-aged or slightly older peers, and were surprised at the unwelcoming and rather arrogant attitude of their students. This article illustrates not only the difficulties that a peer-teaching experiment can encounter, but also the value of peer teaching in offering positive experiences and engaging students in school PE through urban youth culture

    Absorption and metabolism of berry polyphenols

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    We studied the absorption and metabolism of phenolic compounds present in bilberry-lingonberry purée, which was administered with and without oat cereals

    Health from Herbs? Antioxidant Studies on Selected Lamiaceae Herbs in vitro and in Humans

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    High dietary intake of fruits and vegetables has been linked to protection against chronic diseases, of which cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the major cause of death in Finland. One of the hypotheses underlying the mechanism behind this effect is the antioxidant action of several dietary factors, including vitamins C and E, carotenoids and polyphenolic compounds. Polyphenols are consumed in large quantities in plant rich diets and observations on their antioxidant potency in vitro have made them a hot research topic during the past twenty years. The present study deals with the antioxidant activity of selected members of the plant family Lamiaceae sage (Salvia officinalis L.), thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and two oregano species (Origanum vulgare L., Origanum onites L.). Due to the abundance of various phenolic compounds in these herbs, they are considered as a potential source of health-beneficial natural components with usage as health-promoting dietary supplements. The applicability of hydrodistillation, methanolic and ethanolic extraction, and pressurised hot-water extraction (PHWE) to extract phenolic antioxidants from sage was studied. Based on the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH ) scavenging activity of the different extracts, PHWE was the most effective technique. The hydrodistillation method was chosen for the further production of study extracts due to sensory properties of the extracts suitable for human consumption. The technique was also easily applicable in a larger scale production. The in vitro antioxidant properties of water extracts from sage, rosemary, thyme and oregano (O. vulgare) were characterised using three radical scavenging assays, a reductive capacity assay and a human low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation assay. The total phenolic content of these extracts was determined. Depending on the method used, the extracts showed varying degrees of antioxidant activity. The absorption and metabolism of oregano (O. onites) extract in humans was evaluated by analysing the urinary excretion of phenolic metabolites using liquid chromatographic methods. The excretion of phenolic metabolites in urine was markedly increased following a single ingestion of O. onites extract, and the pattern of urinary metabolites suggested effective metabolism to take place. The in vitro antioxidant activity of phenolic constituents and human metabolites of O. onites were studied in DPPH and LDL oxidation assays. The phenolic acids from O. onites showed a range of antioxidant activity in the assays used, and some degree of activity was observed for many of the aglycone forms of their human metabolites. In a double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial, the effects of oregano (O. vulgare) extract consumption on different biomarkers of antioxidant capacity and lipid peroxidation were studied in healthy men. No short- or long term effects on the antioxidant parameters followed were observed. This work revealed several aspects on the problematic nature of studies on antioxidants. Even though these extracts and their constituents seem promising antioxidant candidates in vitro and are at least to some extent available in the body, they lack effects on an array of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant capacity parameters in vivo. The findings suggest that their potential health-beneficial effects on humans are not mediated via direct antioxidant action. However, the epidemiologically observd association between the high intake of polyphenol rich fruits and vegetables and the decreased risk of CVD, as well as accumulating in vitro evidence on several bioactivities of polyphenols support the theory that polyphenols may have favourable effects on human health mediated via some other mechanisms.Epidemiologisten tutkimusten perusteella runsaasti kasviksia ja hedelmiä sisältävä ruokavalio vähentää riskiä sairastua sydän- ja verisuonisairauksiin. Yksi vahvimmista suojavaikutusta selittävistä teorioista pohjautuu ruokavalion hapettumista estävien eli antioksidatiivisten komponenttien, kuten C- ja E-vitamiinin, karotenoidien ja fenolisten yhdisteiden, toimintaan ihmiselimistössä. Tässä työssä tutkittiin Lamiaceae-heimon maustekasveja: salviaa (Salvia officinalis L.), timjamia (Thymus vulgaris L.), rosmariinia (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) ja kahta oreganolajiketta (Origanum vulgare L. ja Origanum onites L.)., jotka sisältävät runsaasti antioksidatiivisia fenolisia yhdisteitä. Työssä tutkittiin vesitislauksen, metanoli- ja etanoliuuton sekä paineistetun kuumavesiuuton käyttöä fenolisten antioksidanttien uuttamiseen salviasta. Uutteiden fenoliprofiili selvitettiin nestekromatografisesti ja niiden antioksidanttitehoa 1,1-difenyyli-2-pikryylihydratsyyliradikaalin (DPPH ) sieppaajina tutkittiin. Paineistettu kuumavesiuutto osoittautui menetelmistä tehokkaimmaksi. Osatöissä käytettävien uutteiden valmistamiseen valittiin vesitislaus, jolla valmistettujen uutteiden maku- ja hajuominaisuudet olivat käyttötarkoitukseen soveltuvat, ja joka oli helposti siirrettävissä suurempaan tuotantomittakaavaan. Salvian, rosmariinin, timjamin ja oreganon (O. vulgare) vesiuutteiden kokonaisfenolipitoisuus määritettiin, ja niiden antioksidanttiominaisuuksia koeputkimalleissa (in vitro) tutkittiin radikaalinsieppauskykyä, rautaionien pelkistämiskykyä ja low density lipoprotein (LDL) -kolesterolin hapettumisenestokykyä mittaavilla menetelmillä. Kaikki uutteet toimivat antioksidantteina käytetyissä koeputkimalleissa, mutta aktiivisuusjärjestys vaihteli menetelmittäin. Oreganon (O. onites) fenolisten happojen imeytymistä ja metaboliaa ihmiselimistössä arvioitiin tutkimalla uutteen nauttimisen jälkeen virtsaan erittyviä fenolisia metaboliitteja nestekromatografisesti. Metaboliittien määrä lisääntyi merkittävästi osoittaen, että ainakin osa uutteen fenolisista komponenteista imeytyi elimistöön. Yhdisteprofiilin perusteella uutteen fenoliset hapot metaboloituivat tehokkaasti. Saman uutteen fenolisten komponenttien ja niiden metaboliittien antioksidanttitehoa tutkittiin DPPH - ja LDL-malleissa. Uutteen fenolisilla yhdisteillä sekä niiden metaboliittien aglykonimuodoilla havaittiin antioksidanttiaktiivisuutta; metaboliittien aktiivisuudet olivat lähtöaineitaan alhaisempia. Kaksoissokkoutetussa, lumekontrolloidussa kliinisessä kokeessa tutkittiin, onko oreganouutteella (O. vulgare) vaikutuksia elimistön antioksidanttikapasiteettiin tai rasvojen hapettumista kuvastaviin mittareihin terveillä miehillä. Lyhyt- tai pitkäaikaisia vaikutuksia ei havaittu. Tutkitut yrtit sisälsivät voimakkaita vesiliukoisia antioksidantteja, joista suurin osa oli fenolisia happoja. Ainakin osa oreganon fenolisista yhdisteistä imeytyi ihmiselimistöön ja metaboloitui tehokkaasti. Siitä huolimatta 45 koehenkilöllä tehdyssä syöttökokeessa ei havaittu antioksidanttivaikutuksia yleisesti käytetyillä, luotettavina pidetyillä mittareilla. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että yrttien fenolisten yhdisteiden mahdolliset terveyshyödyt eivät välittyisi suoran antioksidanttivaikutuksen kautta. Runsaasti fenolisia yhdisteitä sisältävän, kasvis-ja hedelmäpainotteisen ruokavalion epidemiologisesti havittu yhteys alentuneeseen sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien riskiin sekä fenolisten yhdisteiden lukuisat bioaktiiviset mekanismit koeputkimalleissa viittaavat kuitenkin siihen, että terveyshyötyjä voisi välittyä jonkin muun mekanismin kautta

    Oppilaiden kokemuksia osallisuudesta omassa kouluyhteisössään

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    Koulutuspolitiikkaa ohjaava keskeinen arvo on inkluusio. Inkluusio voidaan määritellä sosiaalisen- ja emotionaalisen osallisuuden sekä akateemisen suoriutumisen kokemukseksi. Inklusiivisten toimenpiteiden suuntautuessa oppilaisiin on tärkeä saada tietoa, miten oppilaat kokevat näiden toimenpiteiden vaikuttaneen omaan kouluarkeensa. Toistaiseksi ei ole paljonkaan tutkimusta siitä, miten oppilaat kokevat sosiaalista- ja emotionaalista osallisuutta sekä akateemista suoriutumista omassa kouluyhteisössään. Oppilaiden omien kokemusten kartoittaminen tarjoaa mahdollisuuden tutkia osallistavaa koulutuspolitiikkaa uudesta näkökulmasta. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on saada esille, miten erityisopetuksen- ja yleisopetuksen koulun 3.–6. -luokkalaiset kokevat sosiaalista- ja emotionaalista osallisuutta sekä akateemista suoriutumista omassa kouluyhteisössään. Tutkimuksen toisena tavoitteena on vertailla 3.–6.-luokkalaisten, eri tuen asteella olevien, oppilaiden kokemuksia vastaavilta osa-alueilta. Tutkimus on määrällinen survey-tutkimus. Tutkimusaineiston keräämiseen käytettiin Likert-asteikollista PIQ-aineistonkeruumenetelmää, joka on suunniteltu inkluusiokokemusten kartoittamiseen. Tutkimuksen kohteena oli länsisuomalaisen erityisopetuksen- ja yleisopetuksen koulun 118 oppilasta. Tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin kvantitatiivisin menetelmin. Tämän tutkimuksen tulosten valossa vastaajat kokivat sosiaalista- ja emotionaalista osallisuutta sekä akateemista suoriutumista lähdeaineistossa kuvattujen aikaisempien tutkimustulosten tapaan. Yleisesti ottaen oppilaat kokevat hyvää tai melko hyvää sosiaalista- ja emotionaalista osallisuutta. Samoin he kokevat akateemisen suoriutumisensa melko hyväksi. Kaikilla edellä mainituilla osa-alueilla erityisopetuksen koulun oppilaiden kokemukset jäivät kuitenkin verrokkeja alemmalle tasolle. Tuen aste vaikuttaa osallisuuden ja suoriutumisen kokemuksiin. Kokemusten myönteisyys heikkenee tuen asteen vahvistuessa. Avainsanat: inkluusio, osallisuus, erityisopetuksen koulu, yleisopetuksen koulu, kolmiportainen oppimisen ja koulunkäynnin tuen järjestelm

    Changes in CRP and CA19-9 during Preoperative Oncological Therapy Predict Postoperative Survival in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma

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    Introduction: Tumor and systemic inflammatory markers predict survival. This retrospective study aimed to explore the changes in CRP, CA19-9, and other routine laboratory tests during preoperative oncological therapy as prognostic factors in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Methods: Between 2000 and 2016, 68 borderline resectable PDAC patients received preoperative oncological therapy and underwent subsequent surgery at Helsinki University Hospital, Finland. We investigated changes in CRP, CA19-9, CEA, albumin, leukocytes, bilirubin, and platelets and examined the impact on survival. Results: In the multivariate analysis, CRP remaining at >= 3 mg/L after preoperative oncological therapy predicted a poorer postoperative outcome when compared to CRP decreasing to or remaining at 90% during preoperative treatment predicted a favorable postoperative outcome (HR 0.297, 95% CI: 0.124-0.708, p = 0.006). In the Kaplan-Meier analysis, the median survival for patients with CRP remaining at = 3 mg/L (42 months vs. 24 months, p = 0.001). Patients with a CA19-9 decrease >90% or level normalization (toPeer reviewe

    Assessment of Cartilage Repair Quality With the International Cartilage Repair Society Score and the Oswestry Arthroscopy Score

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    The International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS) score and the Oswestry Arthroscopic Score (OAS) have been validated to evaluate repair tissue quality. However, the performance of these scores has not been studied in typical patients undergoing cartilage repair and who have lesions of varying sizes. In this study, we compared the performance of the ICRS and the OAS scores and analyzed the effect of lesion characteristics on the performance of these two scores. Cartilage repair quality was assessed in a total of 104 arthroscopic observations of cartilage repair sites of the knee in 62 patients after autologous chondrocyte implantation. Two observers scored the repair areas independently with the ICRS and the OAS scores. The performance of both scores was evaluated according to internal consistency and inter-rater reliability and correlation between the scores. The frequency and proportion of disagreements were analyzed according to the repair site area and the given score. The correlation between the scores was good (r = 0.91, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.87-0.94). Both scores showed moderate internal consistency and inter-rater reliability. Cronbach's alpha was 0.88 (95% CI: 0.80-0.92) for the ICRS score and 0.79 (95% CI: 0.70-0.86) for the OAS score. The intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.89 (95% CI: 0.84-0.92) for the ICRS and 0.81 (95% CI: 0.74-0.87) for the OAS scores. The frequency and proportion of disagreements were higher in larger repair sites. In arthroscopic use, both ICRS and OAS scores perform similarly, however, their reliability deteriorates as the lesion size increases. (c) 2019 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop ResPeer reviewe

    The expression and prognostic value of toll-like receptors (TLRs) in pancreatic cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant therapy

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    Publisher Copyright: Copyright: © 2022 Nurmi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Objectives Toll-like receptors (TLRs) play a pivotal role in the immune system and carcinogenesis. There is no research on TLR expression and association with survival among preoperatively treated pancreatic cancer patients. We studied the expression intensity and prognostic value of TLRs in pancreatic cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant therapy (NAT) and compared the results to patients undergoing upfront surgery (US). Method Between 2000 and 2015, 71 borderline resectable patients were treated with NAT and surgery and 145 resectable patients underwent upfront surgery at Helsinki University Hospital, Finland. We immunostained TLRs 1–5, 7, and 9 on sections of tissue-microarray. We classified TLR expression as 0 (negative), 1 (mild), 2 (moderate), or 3 (strong) and divided into high (2–3) and low (0–1) expression for statistical purposes. Results Among TLRs 1, 3, and 9 (TLR1 81% vs 70%, p = 0.008; TLR3 92% vs 68%, p = 0.001; TLR9 cytoplasmic 83% vs 42%, p<0.001; TLR9 membranous 53% vs 25%, p = 0.002) NAT patients exhibited a higher immunopositivity score more frequently than patients undergoing upfront surgery. Among NAT patients, a high expression of TLR1 [Hazards ratio (HR) 0.48, p<0.05] associated with a longer postoperative survival, whereas among US patients, high expression of TLR5 (HR 0.64, p<0.05), TLR7 (HR 0.59, p<0.01, and both TLR7 and TLR9 (HR 0.5, p<0.01) predicted a favorable postoperative outcome in separate analysis adjusted for background variables. Conclusions We found higher immunopositive intensities among TLRs 1, 3, and 9 in NAT patients. A high TLR1 expression associated with a longer survival among NAT patients, however, among US patients, high expression intensity of TLR5 and TLR7 predicted a favorable postoperative outcome in the adjusted analysis.Peer reviewe

    Association between case volume and mortality in pre-hospital anaesthesia management: a retrospective observational cohort

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    Background: Pre-hospital anaesthesia is a core competency of helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS). Whether physician pre-hospital anaesthesia case volume affects outcomes is unknown in this setting. We aimed to investigate whether physician case volume was associated with differences in mortality or medical management. Methods: We conducted a registry-based cohort study of patients undergoing drug-facilitated intubation by HEMS physician from January 1, 2013 to August 31, 2019. The primary outcome was 30-day mortality, analysed using multivariate logistic regression controlling for patient-dependent variables. Case volume for each patient was determined by the number of pre-hospital anaesthetics the attending physician had managed in the previous 12 months. The explanatory variable was physician case volume grouped by low (0-12), intermediate (13-36), and high (>= 37) case volume. Secondary outcomes were characteristics of medical management, including the incidence of hypoxaemia and hypotension. Results: In 4818 patients, the physician case volume was 511, 2033, and 2274 patients in low-, intermediate-, and high-case-volume groups, respectively. Higher physician case volume was associated with lower 30-day mortality (odds ratio 0.79 per logarithmic number of cases [95% confidence interval: 0.64-0.98]). High-volume physician providers had shorter on-scene times (median 28 [25th-75th percentile: 22-38], compared with intermediate 32 [23-42] and lowest 32 [23-43] case-volume groups; P Conclusions: Mortality appears to be lower after pre-hospital anaesthesia when delivered by physician providers with higher case volumes.Peer reviewe