24 research outputs found

    Framework for Analyzing Netizen Opinions on BPJS Using Sentiment Analysis and Social Network Analysis (SNA)

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    The Social Security Administrative Body is a legal entity established to administer social security programs. News about BPJS policies is often found online and social media that has received responses from netizens as a form of public opinion on the policy. One of them is the opinion of netizens on social media Twitter. Ideas can be positive, neutral, or negative. These opinions are processed using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method, in some SVM studies still getting unsatisfactory results, with rates below 60%. For this reason, it is necessary to have feature selection or a combination with the other methods to obtain higher accuracy. To see the actors who influence the opinion of netizens on the topic of BPJS, the Social Network Analysis (SNA) method is used. Based on the SVM Method's test results, the best accuracy results are obtained in combining the SVM Method with Adaboost, with an accuracy rate of 92%. Compared to the pure SVM method by 91%, the Combination of SVM Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) by 87% and SVM using Feature Selection Genetic Algorithm (GA) by 86%.The Social Security Administrative Body is a legal entity established to administer social security programs. News about BPJS policies is often found online and social media that has received responses from netizens as a form of public opinion on the policy. One of them is the opinion of netizens on social media Twitter. Ideas can be positive, neutral, or negative. These opinions are processed using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method, in some SVM studies still getting unsatisfactory results, with rates below 60%. For this reason, it is necessary to have feature selection or a combination with the other methods to obtain higher accuracy. To see the actors who influence the opinion of netizens on the topic of BPJS, the Social Network Analysis (SNA) method is used. Based on the SVM Method's test results, the best accuracy results are obtained in combining the SVM Method with Adaboost, with an accuracy rate of 92%. Compared to the pure SVM method by 91%, the Combination of SVM Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) by 87% and SVM using Feature Selection Genetic Algorithm (GA) by 86%

    Utilization of E-Voting as A Medium for Decisions Making on The Use of Village Funds

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    Setiap daerah di Indonesia memiliki kekurangan dan kelebihan seperti lokasi, sarana dan prasarana. Kekurangan dan kelebihan tersebut memunculkan kesenjangan sosial, khususnya daerah pedesaan. Untuk memperkecil kesenjangan sosial, emerintah menyediakan dana desa yang dapat digunakan untuk membangun sarana dan prasarana, pelatihan, dan pengembangan pariwisata melalui Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes). Penggunaan bantuan dana desa didiskusikan dalam musyawarah perangkat desa bersama masyarakat. Beberapa kendala yang dihadapi dalam musyawarah diantaranya adalah kehadiran peserta yang minim, peserta kurang optimal mendapatkan informasi dan memberi pendapat, serta adanya pandemi corona virus-19. Kekhawatiran masyarakat terhadap pandemi Covid-19 mengakibatkan pertemuan tatap muka beralih menjadi pertemuan virtual. Pada penelitian ini, opini publik yang diperoleh dari e-voting desa diolah menggunakan TF-IDF yang bertujuan untuk memberi bobot kata-kata untuk menjadi acuan dalam menentukan prioritas pembangunan dan pemberdayaan yang dibutuhkan masyarakat. Setelah sistem selesai dibuat, dilakukan pengujian sistem dengan tiga karakteristik dari ISO 9126 yaitu usability, efficiency, dan functional test. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pengujian ISO 9126 adalah 86.5% untuk usability, 80% untuk efisiensi, dan 75.5% untuk fungsionalitas. TF-IDF menghasikan permintaan pemberdayaan, sarana dan prasarana yang ditingkatkan, serta pendidikan. Pada word cloud, pemberdayaan menjadi yang paling dominan sehingga tergambar paling besar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prioritas masyarakat dan hasil sistem berjalan dengan baik.Each region in Indonesia has advantages and disadvantages, such as location, facilities, and infrastructure. These advantages and disadvantages give rise to social inequalities, especially in rural areas. To minimize social inequality, the government provides village funds that can be used to build facilities and infrastructure, training, and tourism development through Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes). The use of village fund assistance is discussed in village council meetings with the community. Some of the obstacles faced in the deliberations are the minimal attendance of participants, less than optimal participants getting information and giving opinions, and the corona virus-19 pandemic. Public concern about the COVID-19 pandemic has turned face-to-face meetings into virtual ones. In this study, public opinion obtained from village e-voting is processed using TF-IDF which aims to give weight to words as a reference in determining development priorities and empowerment needed by the community. After the system is completed, the system is tested with three characteristics of ISO 9126: usability, efficiency, and functional test. The results obtained from testing ISO 9126 are 86.5% for usability, 80% for efficiency, and 75.5% for functionality. TF-IDF generates requests for empowerment, improved facilities and infrastructure, and education. In the word cloud, empowerment becomes the most dominant, depicting it as the biggest. The results showed that the community's priorities and the results of the system were running well


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    Pembelajar anak usia dini lebih suka belajar melalui bermain. Namun, ketika Covid-19 menyebar, proses belajar mengajar sangat dibatasi. Akibatnya anak kecil lebih banyak menghabiskan waktunya untuk bermain daripada belajar, dan mereka disibukkan dengan ponsel atau smartphone mereka, terlepas dari teman mereka, yang membuat mereka malas untuk belajar. Pendidikan usia dini anak memiliki enam tujuan: norma agama dan moral, pengembangan keterampilan fisik dan motorik, pengembangan kognitif, pengembangan sosial-emosional, pengembangan bahasa, dan pengembangan artistik. Belajar sambil bermain adalah cara yang bagus untuk menggunakan teknologi sebagai media pembelajaran di masa pandemi ini. Membuat belajar lebih mudah bagi anak-anak melalui Android dan teknik Speech Recognition (perintah suara) membuat belajar menjadi menyenangkan bagi anak-anak! Dalam metode waterfall, kerja suatu sistem dilakukan secara berurutan atau linier. Dengan bantuan aplikasi game edukasi ini, anak-anak akan belajar bagaimana berkomunikasi dan memperluas wawasan mereka ketika belajar atau menjawab pertanyaan di kemudian hari. Berbagai materi akan disajikan dalam game ini untuk membantu mengenalkan siswa pada huruf arab, angka, dan hijaiyyah. Ini adalah alat yang sangat baik untuk dimiliki oleh orang tua atau guru PAUD

    Anticancer Molecules from Catharanthus roseus

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    Catharanthus roseus is an important medicinal plant found in various parts of the world and the bioactive compound has been extracted and used as anti-cancer agent to treat the cancer over decades. However, the extraction of bioactive compound also results in the generation of large quantities of pollution with wasted solvents. Toxic pollution occurs when synthetic chemicals are discharged or natural chemicals accumulate to toxic levels in the environment, causing reductions in wildlife numbers, degrading ecosystem functions and threatening human health. This review covers the extraction and phytochemical obtained leading to chemical compounds related to anti-cancer property of C. roseus. Additionally, recent advances of using biological cell cultures were also addressed. Thus, this work can be used for further investigation of C. roseus to be undertaken in future for its anti-cancer property further development and efficient production in drug industr

    Purification of Fim-C-Salmonella typhi recombinant protein with Ni-NTA resin as raw material for typhoid disease detection kit

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    Typhoid fever caused by Salmonella typhi is an endemic disease in Asia, including Indonesia. Based on data from the World Health Organization (WHO), there are 81% per 100,000 people in Indonesia infected with typhoid. Based on this, development of typhoid detection kit that is simple, fast, specific and sensitive is still needed. One of the developments of detection kits currently available is the antigen and antibody interaction approach. This study aims to obtain comprehensive information about purification of recombinant Fim-C-S. typhi proteins as antigens for raw materials for manufacturing typhoid detection kits. This study uses the IMAC method with Ni2+ metal, which has advantages in high selectivity and purity. The results of this study report that purification of recombinant Fim-C-S. typhi protein inclusion bodies with variations in the binding and washing process at 3, 5, and 7 times gave percent yields correspondingly of 37.84, 39.44, and 38.21% pure protein. Previous studies have also reported variations in binding and washing at 2, 4, and 6 times and gave percent yields respectively were 35.37, 39.11, and 40.49%. Based on the data, we concluded that the variation of 6 times is the best repetition variation to get the largest percent yield so that it can be used as a reference in large-scale purification

    Variation in recombinant protein production volume of Fim-C-salmonella typhi as a raw material for typhoid detection kit at laboratory scale

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    Salmonella typhi is gram-negative bacteria that caused typhoid fever in humans; prevention of the disease is currently through vaccination. The development of disease detection tools is also being carried out so that the detection process is faster and more accurate. In line with the development of typhoid detection devices, prior studies have managed to find factors that influence the production of Fim-C S. typhi protein on a small scale as raw material for typhoid detection kits. The purpose of this research is to apply the results of previous studies in the production of recombinant Fim-C-S. typhi proteins with volume variations of 50mL-300mL, as a foundation for large-scale production. The results of protein production were characterized by Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Polyacrilamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and protein concentration measurements using the Bicinchoninic Acid (BCA) Assay at a wavelength of 562 nm. The results showed an amount of that protein increase along with gradually production volumes, mainly the protein in the form of inclusion bodies. According to the results obtained can be concluded production of the recombinant protein Fim-C-S. typhi at 50-300 mL volume variation on a laboratory scale has been successfully performed with consistent results, which is expected to be basic in production at pilot scale and large scale

    Primer concentration and Pre-denaturation Time Effect on cyt-K Bacillus cereus Detection using Real-Time PCR Method

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    Foodborne disease is a global threat that can affect all sections of society, both in developed or developing countries. Bacillus cereus is a Gram-positive bacteria that can cause food poisoning disease in humans. [2] Real-Time PCR detection method is one of the molecular marker methods that has been widely recognized as a fast, reliable, sensitive and specific detection tool for detecting pathogenic bacteria. In previous studies, the optimum condition and formulas applied for cyt-K 2 primer pairs have been obtained using Real-Time PCR. The purpose of this study is to find out the best conditions work of the primer pair cyt-K Bacillus cereus on detecting bacteria target using variations of pre-denaturation time and primer concentration with Real-Time PCR method. The annealing temperature used for PCR is at 60°C with sample concentration 50 ng/µL of B. cereus. Real-time PCR detection of variations in pre-denaturation time and primer concentration obtained the best conditions for primer pair cyt-K work at minute 4 with a primer concentration of 10 pmol and successfully amplifying the target by producing a Ct value of B. cereus at 13.04. Based on the results of the study, the primer pair cyt-K were reproducible in detecting the target gene and in the further step, this research can be continued to developed a prototype detection kit for foodborne pathogen bacteria using Real-Time PCR method

    Analysis of User Readiness Using the TRI Model for Smart School Implementation in the City of Pekanbaru

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    Currently, Smart Schools have been widely applied in several schools, within the scope of education and services as they are being encouraged to support Smart City. Smart Schools is a school concept utilizing information technology used in the teaching and learning process in the class and school administration. One of the schools in Pekanbaru City that will implement smart schools is Junior High School 17 Pekanbaru. The aspect of building smart schools themselves is not only adequate infrastructure such as servers, labor, and integrated systems but also the readiness on the part of schools and students in implementing Smart Schools in the future. Therefore, to find out the level of readiness of prospective users of the Smart Schools concept, the technology readiness index (TRI) method with four personality variables; optimism, innovativeness, discomfort, and insecurity was used. The purpose of this research was to find out the readiness index of prospective users in the implementation of Smart Schools and see what factors need to be improved from the readiness of prospective users. The results show that teachers and students are ready to apply new technologies in an effort to implement smart schools at Junior High School 17 Pekanbaru. This can be seen from the results obtained, namely the optimism and innovation variables received medium to high ratings. for the discomfort and insecurity to be completely low. However, the student guardians are still unsure because all variables get medium scores. From these results it was stated that Junior High School 17 Pekanbaru was ready to apply new technology for implementing smart schools. In addition, this research can also serve as a guideline for other junior high schools in analyzing new technology users, so that the applied technology can run well.  Currently, Smart Schools have been widely applied in several schools, within the scope of education and services as they are being encouraged to support Smart City. Smart Schools is a school concept utilizing information technology used in the teaching and learning process in the class and school administration. One of the schools in Pekanbaru City that will implement smart schools is Junior High School 17 Pekanbaru. The aspect of building smart schools themselves is not only adequate infrastructure such as servers, labor, and integrated systems but also the readiness on the part of schools and students in implementing Smart Schools in the future. Therefore, to find out the level of readiness of prospective users of the Smart Schools concept, the technology readiness index (TRI) method with four personality variables; optimism, innovativeness, discomfort, and insecurity was used. The purpose of this research was to find out the readiness index of prospective users in the implementation of Smart Schools and see what factors need to be improved from the readiness of prospective users. The results show that teachers and students are ready to apply new technologies in an effort to implement smart schools at Junior High School 17 Pekanbaru. This can be seen from the results obtained, namely the optimism and innovation variables received medium to high ratings. for the discomfort and insecurity to be completely low. However, the student guardians are still unsure because all variables get medium scores. From these results it was stated that Junior High School 17 Pekanbaru was ready to apply new technology for implementing smart schools. In addition, this research can also serve as a guideline for other junior high schools in analyzing new technology users, so that the applied technology can run well