186 research outputs found

    Citizens control and the efficiency of local public services

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    It is generally accepted that fiscal decentralization increases citizens control over politicians, fostering accountability and increasing efficiency. This article identifies the socioeconomic characteristics of citizens (potential voters) that increase their control over local policy-makers and thus generate greater efficiency in a decentralized context. We also highlight the fiscal characteristics of local governments that influence this control and efficiency. The study examines a sample of Spanish municipalities, applying a methodology based on the conventional procedure of two-stage estimation. In the first stage we estimate the efficiency of local public services by calculating a new version of a global output indicator using the DEA technique. In the second stage, using a Tobit type estimation (censored models) and bootstrap methods, we show how the factors mentioned may influence efficiency. The results suggest that strong presence of retailers, retired people, and people entitled to vote favour citizens control, which fosters accountability and efficiency. A factor that facilitates this control, and therefore greater efficiency, is the presence of low opportunity costs for obtaining information regarding local public service management.technical efficiency, local governments, socioeconomic and fiscal variables, citizens control

    Lattice-Based proof of a shuffle

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    In this paper we present the first fully post-quantum proof of a shuffle for RLWE encryption schemes. Shuffles are commonly used to construct mixing networks (mix-nets), a key element to ensure anonymity in many applications such as electronic voting systems. They should preserve anonymity even against an attack using quantum computers in order to guarantee long-term privacy. The proof presented in this paper is built over RLWE commitments which are perfectly binding and computationally hiding under the RLWE assumption, thus achieving security in a post-quantum scenario. Furthermore we provide a new definition for a secure mixing node (mix-node) and prove that our construction satisfies this definition.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Measuring the efficiency in spanish municipal refuse collection services

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    The objective of this study is to analyse the technical or productive efficiency of the refuse collection services in 75 municipalities located in the Spanish region of Catalonia. The analysis has been carried out using various techniques. Firstly we have calculated a deterministic parametric frontier, then a stochastic parametric frontier, and finally, various non-parametric approaches (DEA and FDH). Concerning the results, these naturally differ according to the technique used to approach the frontier. Nevertheless, they have an appearance of solidity, at least with regard to the ordinal concordance among the indices of efficiency obtained by the different approaches, as is demonstrated by the statistical tests used. Finally, we have attempted to search for any relation existing between efficiency and the method (public or private) of managing the services. No significant relation was found between the type of management and efficiency indices.efficiency, management, local public services

    Restoration of San Pietro in Montorio church in Roma

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    [EN] The Church of San Pietro in Montorio (1473-1500), is located on Mount Gianicolo, on the property of the Spanish State, where is the Royal Academy of Spain. In its 517 years of existence, it has experienced extensions (chapels Piedad and Raimondi, seventeenth century), partial landslides (French bombing of 1849 and earthquake of Avezzano in 1915), which together with its geo-hydrological situation, supposedly the realization of inadequate structural reinforcement actions during the twentieth century, producing a significant current state of deterioration. The article gathers the historical-constructive evolution, the inquiries to know the current state of conservation and the causes of the damages, exposing the projected actions to give an adequate response to the problems posed, concreted in: geodetic control of the deformations; thermo-hygrometric and strain-gauge control; new floating and flexible roof structure; desiccation of walls with restoration of stuccos and ornamentation; access solution to the bell tower; pedestrian accessibility to the Church.[ES] La Iglesia de San Pietro in Montorio (1473-1500), se sitúa en el monte Gianicolo, en la propiedad del Estado Español, donde está la Real Academia de España. En sus 517 años de existencia, ha experimentado ampliaciones (capillas Piedad y Raimondi, siglo xvii), derrumbes parciales (bombardeo francés de 1849 y terremoto de Avezzano en 1915), que junto a su situación geo-hidrológica, ha supuesto la realización de inadecuadas actuaciones de refuerzo estructural durante el siglo xx, produciendo un importante estado actual de deterioro. El articulo, recoge la evolución histórico-constructiva, las indagaciones para conocer el estado actual de conservación y las causas de los daños, exponiendo las actuaciones proyectadas para dar respuesta adecuada a los problemas planteados, concretadas en: control geodésico de las deformaciones; control termohigrométrico y extensométrico; nueva estructura-cubierta flotante y flexible; desecación de muros con restauración de estucos y ornamentación; solución de acceso al campanario; accesibilidad peatonal a la Iglesia.Bosch Reig, I.; Bosch Roig, L.; Marcenac, V.; Salvador Luján, N. (2018). Restauración de la iglesia de San Pietro in Montorio de Roma. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 23(33):62-77. doi:10.4995/ega.2018.10403SWORD6277233

    Linear parks understood as vertebration instruments of the city

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    [EN] This research raises as thesis the idea that Linear Park is an urban instrument capable of vertebrate the city and, consequently, of regenerate it. To this end, ten parks strategically located in big cities such as Rio de Janeiro, London, Paris, Madrid, Barcelona, ​​or in medium or small cities such as Valencia, Castellón or Figueres, have been analyzed. Of this analysis we have deduced some characteristics that are considered key in the linear and transversal vertebration of the city, such as: - Green axis-corridor approach - Sequence of events with integration of public buildings - Continuity derived from the union of different areas - Promotion of active leisure activities, individual or collective: sports, cultural, .... - Capability of relation and regeneration of ecosystems: forest, meadow, orchard, nurseries, water, city, .... - Capability to restore environment, with reduction in CO2, in noise pollution, ... - Establish relations between the city and the territory with definition of natural parks - Contribute to prevent thermal inversion in the city - Establish a beginning and an end as recognizable elements in city. - Confrontation of opposites: static or dynamic; soft (green) or hard (pavement); unitary or fragmentary, cartesian or organic, ... The parks thus understood can be organized in diverse typologies, such us: classic order; in net; upholstery-continuos map; linear order with grooves, tapes or bands; landscaper and naturalist; ... .. The work delves into these themes by recognizing tools of interest such as: harmonic relationship; human scale; non-guided tours; sensory experimentation: spaces, sights, aromas, sounds, colorful, ...; unexpected and random; pragmatic and passionate; order within disorder; activation of spaces without hierarchies or apriorisms; flee from monotony; evocations; ...Bosch Reig, I.; Bosch Roig, L.; Marcenac, V.; Salvador Luján, N. (2018). Linear parks understood as vertebration instruments of the city. En 24th ISUF International Conference. Book of Papers. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 983-993. https://doi.org/10.4995/ISUF2017.2017.6136OCS98399

    La capacidad redistributiva y estabilizadora del presupuesto del gobierno central español

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es estimar los efectos redistributivo y estabilizador/asegurador del presupuesto de la Administración Pública Central española en el período 1991-1996 a nivel regional. Este análisis se lleva a cabo para el conjunto del presupuesto a través de los saldos fiscales regionales y, separadamente, para el conjunto de ingresos y gastos y sus principales categorías. La metodología empleada es un modelo econométrico de datos de panel. La principal conclusión es que el presupuesto tiene más poder redistributivo que estabilizador, presentando en ambos casos un mayor poder los gastos que los ingresos. Classification-JEL : E62, H11, H23flujos fiscales, redistribución y estabilización regional

    Finding a suitable catalyst for on-board ethanol reforming using exhaust heat from an internal combustion engine

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    Ethanol steam reforming with pure ethanol and commercial bioethanol (S/C = 3) was carried out inside the housing of the exhaust gas pipe of a gasoline internal combustion engine (ICE) by using exhaust heat (610–620 °C). Various catalytic honeycombs loaded with potassium-promoted cobalt hydrotalcite and with ceria-based rhodium–palladium catalysts were tested under different reactant loads. The hydrogen yield obtained over the cobalt-based catalytic honeycomb at low load (F/W 200 h) at high load (F/W = 150 mLliq·gcat-1·h-1, GHSV = 2.4·103 h-1) showed that promotion of the ceria-supported noble metal catalyst with alumina and zirconia is a key element for practical application using commercial bioethanol. HRTEM analysis of post mortem honeycombs loaded with RhPd/Ce0.5Zr0.5O2–Al2O3 showed no carbon formation and no metal agglomeration.Postprint (author's final draft

    Desarrollo de una GUI en MATLAB que simula un escáner de Tomografía Computarizada para pocas proyecciones

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    [ES] En este trabajo se presenta un diseño e implementación de una aplicación informática mediante el uso de un entorno de desarrollo (GUIDE), que se encarga de generar interfaces gráficas de usuario (GUI) en el lenguaje de programación de MATLAB. Dicha aplicación realiza las simulaciones de sinogramas de baja dosis en fantomas de tomografía computarizada (TC) en 2D y la reconstrucción de las imágenes médicas de TC asociadas a dichos sinogramas. La finalidad de este trabajo es, que con la ayuda de la aplicación que se ha llevado a cabo, los investigadores puedan generar una base de datos que servirá para entrenar una red neuronal donde, dado un sinograma, lo asocie a un TC y así facilitar la reconstrucción de imagen médica de TC algebraico iterativo.[EN] In this work, the creation of a computer application is presented. The application has been developed using a development environment (GUIDE), which is responsible for generating graphical interfaces of user (GUI) in the MATLAB programming language. This application is in charge of carrying out the simulations of low-dose sinograms in 2D computed tomography (CT) phantoms and the reconstruction of the CT images associated with these sinograms. The purpose of this work is that, with the help of the application that has been carried out, researchers can generate a database that could be used to train a neural network where a given sinogram could be associated with a set of CT reconstructions and thus it would facilitate the subsequent reconstructions by iterative algebraic methods.Bosch Ventura, N. (2020). Desarrollo de una GUI en MATLAB que simula un escáner de Tomografía Computarizada para pocas proyecciones. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/151735TFG

    Medición de la eficiencia en la provisión del servicio municipal de recogida de basuras

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    El trabajo empírico realizado sobre la medición de la eficiencia microeconómica en la provisión de bienes y servicios públicos es relativamente amplio, especialmente en lo que respecta al sector sanitario. Sin embargo, y curiosamente, las aplicaciones al campo de los servicios públicos locales son más bien escasa. En este marco de análisis se encuadra la comunicación que presentamos. Nuestra intención es profundizar en la medición de la eficiencia en el campo de los servicios públicos provistos por los municipios españoles. Concretamente, el programa de investigación que presentamos tiene un doble objetivo. En primer lugar, pretende medir la eficiencia en la provisión del servicio municipal de recogida de basuras utilizando técnicas no paramétricas. En segundo lugar, se tratarán de explicar los indicadores de eficiencia obtenidos mediante la estimación de un modelo econométrico en el que se incorporarán variables de tipo sociodemográfico y económico, de tipo político, de carácter fiscal y de tipo organizativo de los municipios estudiado

    International Mobility of Women in ICT sectors: professional and personal goals, responses and outcomes

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    Sección Deptal. de Economía Aplicada, Pública y Política (Políticas)Fac. de Ciencias Políticas y SociologíaTRUEMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN)submitte