2 research outputs found

    Project Delay Risk Assessment

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    Maintenance activities on power plant projects, which are located in remote areas, are prone to risks related to project delay due to the high complexity of work and limited completion time. This research aimed to fill the existing research gap by developing a delay risk assessment of those projects using a probability impact matrix, which is then transformed into a fuzzy set theory. A case study has been undertaken to represent this research topic at three PLTMGs in Nusa Tenggara. The research steps were potential delay risks identification, critical risk assessment, and risk response development. The results show that the critical risks are lack of skilled and experienced manpower, delay in material and equipment delivery, poor communication and coordination between the contractor and the client, unavailability of materials in the local market, and incomplete material received. Several risk responses are provided in this research, such as strengthening the qualification of the job vacancy, having regular training or sharing sessions before the project execution, and having a stock of emergency spare parts in the central warehouse

    Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Adopsi Green Building Di Kota Surabaya Menurut Perspektif Pengembang Properti

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    Kondisi saat ini kepedulian terhadap perubahan iklim, pemanasan global, dan peningkatan polusi membuat para pemangku kepentingan harus merancang strategi serta kebijakan untuk pembangunan bangunan hijau atau bangunan ramah lingkungan untuk kehidupan dimasa depan. Termasuk adanya pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk yang dapat meningkatkan pembangunan industri konstruksi. Dengan adanya permasalahan secara global dan menyadari seriusnya permasalahan dalam lingkungan maka diperlukan suatu konsep pembangunan berkelanjutan dan menerapkan konsep pembangunan bangunan ramah lingkungan. Salah satu konsep yang digunakan untuk permasalahan yang telah terjadi yaitu menggunakan konsep Adopsi bangunan Green Building. Adopsi Green Building merupakan secara fisik menerapkan konsep yang dapat mengurangi dampak negatif terhadap pertumbuhan alam dan lingkungan. Konsep adopsi green building yang dapat diterapkan seperti penerapan efisiensi energi, konsep ruang terbuka, memperbanyak tanaman hijau. Dalam mengadopsi bangunan ramah lingkungan, ada beberapa faktor yang diperhatikan untuk mendorong keberhasilan pembangunan Adopsi bangunan ramah lingkungan, diantaranya faktor yang memiliki kepentingan dalam penerapan Adopsi Green Building yaitu Dukungan Pemerintah, Manajemen Perusahaan, Dukungan Masyarakat, dan Kesiapan Pasar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa faktor yang mempengaruhi Adopsi Green Building di kota Surabaya. Menggunakan Analisa SEM-PLS (Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling) hasil yang didapatkan adalah Dukungan Pemerintah, Manajemen Perusahaan dan Dukungan Masyarakat memberikan pengaruh terhadap Adopsi Green Building di kota Surabaya, sedangkan kesiapan pasar tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap perkembangan Adopsi Green Building di Kota Surabaya ===================================================================================================================================== The current condition of concern for climate change, global warming, and increasing pollution makes stakeholders have to design strategies and policies for the construction of green buildings or environmentally friendly buildings for life in the future. Including population growth which can increase the development of the construction industry. With the existence of global problems and realizing the seriousness of problems in the environment, we need a concept of sustainable development and apply the concept of environmentally friendly building development. One of the concepts used for problems that have occurred is using the concept of Green Building Adoption. Adoption of Green Building is physically implementing a concept that can reduce the negative impact on natural growth and the environment. The concept of adopting green buildings that can be applied is the application of energy efficiency, the concept of open space, increasing green plants. In adopting environmentally friendly buildings, there are several factors that are considered to encourage the successful adoption of environmentally friendly buildings, including factors that have an interest in implementing Green Building Adoption, namely Government Support, Company Management, Community Support, and Market Readiness. The purpose of this research is to analyze the factors that influence the Adoption of Green Buildings in the city of Surabaya. Using SEM-PLS (Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling) analysis the results obtained are Government Support, Company Management and Community Support have an influence on the Adoption of Green Buildings in the city of Surabaya, while market readiness does not have an influence on the development of Adoption of Green Buildings in the City of Surabay