8 research outputs found

    An Introduction to Indonesian Wild Shiitake

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    Pegler suggested that shiitake comprises three morphological species: Lentinula edodes (continental and northeast Asia), L. lateritia (tropical Asia and Australasia), and L. novae-zelandiae (New Zealand). The current study reported for the first time the occurrence of L. lateritia (Berk.) Pegler in Indonesia. During a fungus foray in Kerinci (Jambi, Sumatra, Indonesia) in 2022 and 2023 by the Indonesian mushroom hunter community, some basidiomata of Lentinula were obtained. At a glance, our specimens resembled L. edodes. The current study aims to justify the taxonomical position of our specimens based on morphological and molecular data. The fresh basidiomata were used for morphological and molecular analyses. The molecular work was done using ITS 4/5 Primers for phylogenetic analysis of rDNA-ITS region. Morphologically, the uniformly reddish brown, smooth, and glabrous of pileus confirmed our specimens as L. lateritia. In addition, the absence of a range of colors and squamules pileus distinguished L. lateritia BO24628 form L. edodes, while the formation of florets cheilocystidia in L. madagasikarensis was the distinctive character of our specimens. The BLAST result revealed that our specimen has high similarity (99-100%) with L. lateritia and L. edodes as the top hits. The phylogenetic tree (RAxML) nested our specimens in the L. lateria clade and is closely related to one specimen from Papua New Guenia (PNG) (BS 98%). In addition, L. lateritia BO24628 has a sister clade of the specimen from PNG and Australia. Moreover, we provide the herbarium collection of wild L. lateritia in Indonesia

    Decolorization of Synthetic Dyes by Tropical Fungi Isolated from Taman Eden 100, Toba Samosir, North Sumatra, Indonesia

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    Taman Eden 100 is one of the tourist parks located in Toba Samosir, North Sumatra, Indonesia that provides a wide range of biodiversity. The objective of this research was to obtain the potential fungal isolate with high laccase activity to decolorize synthetic dyes. The results show that six isolates of Perenniporia subtephropora EDN 050, Trametes hirsuta EDN 082, T. hirsuta EDN 084, T. hirsuta EDN 085, Deconica coprophila EDN 114, and T. pavonia EDN 134, which were confirmed by molecular identification using 5.8 rDNA/ITS analysis, exhibited decolorization activity. Six potential isolates showed the ability to decolorize textile dyes of Acid Blue 129, RBBR,Orange II, and Reactive Black 5. The highest decolorization rate of 100 ppm Acid Blue 129, RBBR, Orange II, and Reactive Black 5 dyes by using T. pavonia EDN 134 were 98.87%, 98.26%, 100%, and 98.11%, respectively after 96 h incubation. Almost all positive isolates also decolorized dyes at higher concentrations (1,000 ppm). This study offers the potential of Indonesian tropical fungal isolates for synthetic dyes waste treatment

    Revitalisasi Lembaga Adat dalam Menyelesaikan Konflik Etnis Menghadapi Otonomi Daerah: Studi Kasus Pulau Bangka

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    "Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dampak otonomi daerah terhadap identitas lokal. Sebagaimana terlihat dari kasus Sampit di Kalimantan Tengah, otonomi daerah terkait dengan munculnya identitas putra daerah. Kasus yang dibahas dalam tulisan ini berkaitan dengan pembentukan Provinsi Bangka-Belitung (Babel) yang mengakibatkan munculnya identitas putra daerah di kalangan orang Melayu di Bangka-Belitung. Dalam tulisan ini, saya menganalisis sejauhmana lembaga hukum adat dapat menyajikan solusi untuk mengatasi konflik etnis yang sedang terjadi di Bangka Belitung.

    The species of Amanita mushroom at Haurbentes Research Forest, West Java

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    Ectomycorrhizal fungi play an important role in a forest ecosystem. The genus of Amanita is one of the common ectomycorrhizal fungi in the forest. The information on the diversity of Amanita in Indonesia is not properly organized. This is due to most of the prior publications were not equipped with basidiomata descriptions. The current research aimed to inventory the diversity of Amanita and provide a description of the basidiomata from the Haurbentes Research Forest, West Java. Macrofungi exploration was carried out by the opportunistic sampling method and identification of fungi based on morphological characters. A total of seven species of Amanita were successfully described and identified in this study : Amanita sp.1, Amanita sp.2 sect. Vaginatae, Amanita sp.3 sect. Vaginatae, Amanita cf. alboflavescens, Amanita cf. virginea, Amanita cf. fulva and Amanita cf. sychnopyramis.This report is the first information of Amanita in research site and adds to the record of mushroom diversity in Indonesia

    The Unpopular Edible Bolete (Phlebopus portentosus) in Indonesia

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    Phlebopus portentosus (Berk. and Broome) Boedijn was firstly constructed from the collection of Indonesia in 1951. To date, the subsequent collection of this ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi has not been done in Indonesia. In addition, the utilization information of this edible mushroom as food is not popular for the country. The goal of our work was to update the current collection, provide the morphological and molecular data, and promote the utilization of this edible mushroom in Indonesia. Fresh fruiting bodies were evaluated for morphological and molecular evidence. The basidiomata were analysis on the basis of the morphological and molecular evidence. The phylogenetic tree was constructed following the rDNA-ITS 1/2 sequence. P. portentosus was verified by morphological and phylogenetic studies combined. The indigenous people in the research site use this wild edible mushroom for self-consumption and sell it to local market. Phlebopus portentosus BO24626 was solitary to connate, boletoid basidioma, yellowish to greenish brown pileus and stipe, yellowish hymenophore, clavate stipe, club shaped basidia, oval to subglobose basidiospores, cystidia present. The absence of sponge-like tissues and the occurrence of sterigmata distinguished our specimens from the similar morphological species P. spongious. The lack of reddish stipe distinguished our specimen from P. roseus. In addition, the presence of hymenial cystidia delimits our specimens from P. colossus. The inferred phylogenetic tree nested our specimen in the group of P. portentosus (sister to P. spongiosus). The ITS sequence of our specimen is now deposited at GenBank and can be applied to upcoming research of P. portentosus


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    Clarkeinda trachodes is an interesting agaric and has been acknowledged as one of the poisonous mushrooms worldwide. This species has mentioned to be found in tropical regions of Asia, including Indonesia. However, no clear record has been found regarding the primary information and herbarium collection of this species in Indonesia. During our regular mushroom foraging at IPB University campus forest Indonesia, the basidiomata of Clarkeinda was encountered. The current study aimed to confirm the taxonomical position of our specimens based on morphological and molecular evidence. Fresh basidomata was observed on the macro- and micromorphological features. The molecular analysis and phylogenetic tree construction were done based on ITS 1/2 sequence. The combination of morphological and molecular evidence confirmed our specimen as C. trachodes. Morphologically, Clarkeinda trachodes BO24637 can be determined by a large basidiocarp of Agaricales, prominent pellicle on disc pileus, notable ring, reddish brown context and stipe when injured, and truncate apex of basidiospores. The BLAST result showed that our specimen has a high similarity to C. trachodes as the top hits. In addition, the phylogenetic tree constructed by ITS sequence committed specimen BO24637 as C. trachodes with 100% BS value. The current study resolves a clear and accessible document of C. trachodes in Indonesia. In addition, we provided the morphological and molecular information as well as herbarium collection of C. trachodes in Indonesia, which can be used for future study of this species