11 research outputs found

    Morfometrik Dan Meristik Ikan Baronang (Siganus Canaliculatus Park, 1797) Di Perairan Teluk Bone Dan Selat Makassar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis dan menentukan perbedaan karakter morfometrik dan meristik ikanbaronang Siganus sp yang berada di Teluk Bone dan Selat Makassar, untuk menentukan apakah spesies Siganussp yang ada di Kabupaten Luwu memiliki perbedaan dengan daerah lain. Sampel ikan 60 ekor diidentifikasi dandianalisis dengan mengacu pada metode identifikasi Saanin (1995), Allen (2000) serta Carpenter (2001).Analisis data yang digunakan adalah Analisis Faktorial Diskriminan dengan bantuan Software microsoft exceldan SPSS Statistics 16.0, untuk menguji apakah terdapat perbedaan karakter yang nyata antar kelompokpopulasi yang ditentukan oleh sejumlah variabel kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapatduakarakter penciri untuk Kabupaten Luwu yaitu Panjang Total, dan Lebar Mata, sedangkan untuk perairan KotaParepare memiliki tiga karakter penciri yaitu Tinggi Badan, Panjang Jari-jari Sirip Perut Terakhir, dan PanjangHidung. Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkandarikedualokasimerupakanspesies yang sama. Ujitest of equality dari 29karakter yang diuji menghasilkan 24 karakater yang tidak bersifat pembeda atau sekitar (83%) karakater(cenderung sama), dan sekitar (17%) karakteristik morfometrik yang cenderung berbeda

    Pengelolaan Risiko Produktifitas pada Usahatani Bawang Merah Pasca Covid-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic that hit regions in Indonesia has limited community activities. This research was conducted in Mataran Village, Anggeraja District, Enrekang Regency, to analyze productivity risk management (ex-ante, post-Covid-19 shallot farming). The method in this research was quantitative descriptive with a sample size of 36 shallot farmers. The sampling technique used a simple random method (random sampling). The research results show that the respondent farmers' ex-ante risk management strategy is to carry out a planting pattern, namely shallots-shallots-shallots, with a monoculture system. The seeds used are sourced from other parties; generally, only one type of seed is planted for different lands. For interactive strategies used by respondent farmers, they are planting shallots at the end of the dry season before the rainy season, using organic and inorganic fertilizers, replanting if a plant dies, mixing pesticides to save costs and eradicate more pests and diseases. Meanwhile, ex-post risk management means that if the shallot farming business fails, the action taken by the farmer is to look for additional work but continue to plant shallots in an area adjusted to the available capital. If there is a lack of capital, the respondent farmers borrow from fellow farmers or families, and some borrow from farmer kiosks or banks. Therefore, it is hoped that the role of agricultural extension workers will be more optimal in helping shallot farmers manage productivity risks and access capital.The COVID-19 pandemic that hit regions in Indonesia has limited community activities. This research was conducted in Mataran Village, Anggeraja District, Enrekang Regency, to analyze productivity risk management (ex-ante, post-Covid-19 shallot farming). The method in this research was quantitative descriptive with a sample size of 36 shallot farmers. The sampling technique used a simple random method (random sampling). The research results show that the respondent farmers' ex-ante risk management strategy is to carry out a planting pattern, namely shallots-shallots-shallots, with a monoculture system. The seeds used are sourced from other parties; generally, only one type of seed is planted for different lands. For interactive strategies used by respondent farmers, they are planting shallots at the end of the dry season before the rainy season, using organic and inorganic fertilizers, replanting if a plant dies, mixing pesticides to save costs and eradicate more pests and diseases. Meanwhile, ex-post risk management means that if the shallot farming business fails, the action taken by the farmer is to look for additional work but continue to plant shallots in an area adjusted to the available capital. If there is a lack of capital, the respondent farmers borrow from fellow farmers or families, and some borrow from farmer kiosks or banks. Therefore, it is hoped that the role of agricultural extension workers will be more optimal in helping shallot farmers manage productivity risks and access capital

    Pengelolaan Risiko Produktifitas pada Usahatani Bawang Merah Pasca Covid-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic that hit regions in Indonesia has limited community activities. This research was conducted in Mataran Village, Anggeraja District, Enrekang Regency, to analyze productivity risk management (ex-ante, post-Covid-19 shallot farming). The method in this research was quantitative descriptive with a sample size of 36 shallot farmers. The sampling technique used a simple random method (random sampling). The research results show that the respondent farmers' ex-ante risk management strategy is to carry out a planting pattern, namely shallots-shallots-shallots, with a monoculture system. The seeds used are sourced from other parties; generally, only one type of seed is planted for different lands. For interactive strategies used by respondent farmers, they are planting shallots at the end of the dry season before the rainy season, using organic and inorganic fertilizers, replanting if a plant dies, mixing pesticides to save costs and eradicate more pests and diseases. Meanwhile, ex-post risk management means that if the shallot farming business fails, the action taken by the farmer is to look for additional work but continue to plant shallots in an area adjusted to the available capital. If there is a lack of capital, the respondent farmers borrow from fellow farmers or families, and some borrow from farmer kiosks or banks. Therefore, it is hoped that the role of agricultural extension workers will be more optimal in helping shallot farmers manage productivity risks and access capital.The COVID-19 pandemic that hit regions in Indonesia has limited community activities. This research was conducted in Mataran Village, Anggeraja District, Enrekang Regency, to analyze productivity risk management (ex-ante, post-Covid-19 shallot farming). The method in this research was quantitative descriptive with a sample size of 36 shallot farmers. The sampling technique used a simple random method (random sampling). The research results show that the respondent farmers' ex-ante risk management strategy is to carry out a planting pattern, namely shallots-shallots-shallots, with a monoculture system. The seeds used are sourced from other parties; generally, only one type of seed is planted for different lands. For interactive strategies used by respondent farmers, they are planting shallots at the end of the dry season before the rainy season, using organic and inorganic fertilizers, replanting if a plant dies, mixing pesticides to save costs and eradicate more pests and diseases. Meanwhile, ex-post risk management means that if the shallot farming business fails, the action taken by the farmer is to look for additional work but continue to plant shallots in an area adjusted to the available capital. If there is a lack of capital, the respondent farmers borrow from fellow farmers or families, and some borrow from farmer kiosks or banks. Therefore, it is hoped that the role of agricultural extension workers will be more optimal in helping shallot farmers manage productivity risks and access capital

    Marketing Strategy of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus Ostreatus) in Maritengngae District, Sidenreng Rappang Regency (Case Study of Independent Mushroom Business)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the internal (strengths and weaknesses) and external (opportunities and threats) factors in Mandiri Mushroom's business and to determine the right strategy for marketing oyster mushrooms in Mandiri Mushroom business. The analysis method used is the SWOT analysis. The result showed that internal and external factors based on weighting and rating obtained scores for the main strength factor in this Mandiri Mushrooms business werw the good quality of oyster mushrooms and the weakness namely the lack of venture capital. Meanwhile, the most supportive opportunity factor for marketing in this business is that it can compete with other oyster mushroom businesses and the threat factor that will be faced is the presence of pests that cause oyster mushrooms to not develop properly. The strategy that should be applied to this Mandiri Mushroom business based on the SWOT matrix is the Strengths-Opportunities (S-O) strategy, which is to try to use its main strengths to maintain the quality of oyster mushrooms so that they get the main opportunity, which is to compete with other oyster mushrooms businesses

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pendapatan Nelayan Tradisional di Kabupaten Bone, Sulawesi Selatan

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    Traditional fishers play an essential role in Indonesia's fishing business because most fishers are small-scale fishermen who are commonly referred to as conventional fishermen. This study's aim was to determine the factors that affect the income of traditional fishers in Bone Regency. The data used were cross-section data of 30 traditional fishermen in Tanete Riattang Timur and Sibulue Districts, Bone regencies. Data were analyzed by multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the variable price, amount of catch, and experience in fishing had a positive and significant effect on increasing fishermen's income in Bone Regency. Meanwhile, the variables of capital, number of workers, level of education, and number of dependents had no significant effect on fishermen's opinion. So the stability of fish prices during the fishing season needs attention from the government to increase fishermen's income

    Prospek dan Strategi Pengembangan Jagung (Zea Mays L) Berbasis Agribisnis di Kota Parepare

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    The food crop sub-sector has an important and strategic role in national development. The development of the agribusiness sector in Indonesia as an integral part of national development has a very strategic role in the recovery of the national economy. The role of the food crop sub-sector not only to food security but also contributes substantially to the increase of Gross Domestic Product, the provision of food, the provision of industrial raw materials, the increase of exports and foreign exchange, poverty alleviation, the provision of employment opportunities, the source of farmer's income and welfare Communities, and regional and national economies. This study aims: 1) To analyze the prospect of agribusiness system in corn commodity development in Parepare City which includes upstream agribusiness sub-system, Agricultural Business sub-system and downstream agribusiness sub-system; 2) To examine the policy strategy that can support the implementation of agribusiness system of corn commodity in Parepare City.  Location of research in Kecamatan Bacukiki Kota Parepare, Technic of data analysis used is qualitative discriptive analysis and SWOT Analysis.  The results showed that. L) the application of agribusiness system in corn commodity development in general is not maximal, 2) policy strategy that can support corn commodity development with agribusiness approach are: (a) optimize land utilization and improve performance of extension officer in development of corn farming, (b) Human resources development through training of both farmers and officers. (C) enhancing government support through agribusiness-based project activities (d) establishing partnerships with agribusiness actors or entrepreneurs; (e) enhancing the role of banks and other financial institutions in strengthening farmers' capital and streamlining existing institutional presence within Support the corn agribusiness development program, (f) streamline marketing channels both production and production facilities