83 research outputs found

    Penurunan Tingkat Partisipasi Pemilih pada Pemilihan Gubernur Riau Tahun 2013 Putaran Kedua (Studi di Kelurahan Rejosari dan Kelurahan Kulim)

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    Enacting Undang-Undang No. 32 tahun 2004 to the beginning of the implementation of local elections. On September 4th 2013 gubernatorial election held of Riau that have five pairs of candidates. However, in the first round of voting no one candidate won the election, so that the second round of the election held on November 27th 2013, which was have two pairs of candidats who have the most votes in the first round. In the second round, the level of public participation is lower than the first round. Data showed an increase in the number of voters who abstain from voting or non-voting highest in Tenayan Raya highway with the number increased is 7,79%. Recapitulations data of vote counting in the district Tenayan Raya, taken two villages that showed the highest increase in non-voting and non voting lowest increase, the villages are Rejosari and Kulim.This research is a field research by combining quantitative and qualitative approaches, where all the symptoms observed, measured and reaized in numbers and analyzed in descriptively. The result showed sociological factors, psychological, and rasional are factors that affect the decline in voter participation. At Rejosari village, rational factor is the factor most affecting of non-voting as many as 68,67%. Whereas psychological factors are the factor that most influence on the Kulim village, as many as 75,33%.Keyword: Non Voting, Voters Participation, Gubernatorial Election

    Retention Strategy to Minimize Nurse Turnover: a Systematic Review

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    Background: Communication skills are essential for nurses in providing health services. Efficacious communication will impact in the quality of care and patient safety. This manuscript is to identify factors predisposing implementation of effective nurse communication. Method: This study that data was retrieved uses systematic review design. Data was retrieved from database ProQuest, SCOPUS, EBSCO, Science-Direct, JSTOR, and Wiley-Online in the period of 2011 – 2017. The study was done for journal, article and literature review by applying the keywords nurse communication, health\u27s communication, effective communication of nurse. Results: A total of 12518 studies was found from six databases. From, the number of these direct search, systematic review identifies conformity based on the title, so that it obtained 31 studies with a title that suitable for a selected discussion. The total of selected papers were 16 studies and identified Efficacious communication. Analysis result from the paper research was there were 16 papers that complement the criteria determined. Six factors are identified to have effect in an implementation of effective nurse communication: (1) intelligence and self-efficacy, (2) Communication Skills, (3) Work Experience, (4) Perceptions, (5) Socio-cultural, and (6) Organization culture

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Distribusi Obat Pasien Rawat Inap (Studi Kasus : RSUD Cideres Kadipaten)

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    Bentuk pelayanan rumah sakit yang paling utama adalah memberikan pengobatan. Permasalahan yang timbul yaitu terjadi kesalahan pemberian obat, tetapi bukan dari kesalahan resep obat melainkan karena kesalahan distribusi obat yang kurang tepat sasaran dan pengelolaan data distribusi obat pasien rawat inap. Dimana jika ada pasien yang ingin menanyakan kapan obat datang, jenis obatnya apa saja, pada tanggal berapa itu sulit untuk mencari datanya. Begitu pula dengan data riwayat pemberian obat pasien. Pasien ataupun dokter harus datang kepada bagian administrasi atau rekam medis dan meminta buku Medical Record jika ingin mengetahui dan membutuhkan data tersebut. Pembuatan aplikasi sistem informasi distribusi obat pasien rawat inap memungkinkan dilakukannya inventarisir obat, distribusi obat, dan mutasi obat. Proses peringatan yang ada pada sistem akan sangat membantu pengguna dalam pengawasan terhadap obat-obat yang kadaluwarsa dan mencapai minimum stok. Laporan pengadaan, dan distribusi dengan periode per bulan yang dihasilkan sistem, membantu untuk kontrol dan monitoring persediaan obat

    Analysis of Predictive Factors of Mortality in Hemorrhagic Stroke Patients at Soebandi Hospital Jember

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    Stroke is a cerebrovascular disease that is often found in developed countries and currently also presents in developing countries, and one of them is in Indonesia. The high prevalence of stroke in Indonesia is affected by several risk factors such as obesity, lack of physical activity, unhealthy diet, smoking, high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar, and elevated blood lipid profile. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between predictors of hemorrhagic stroke such as obesity, blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipid profile with mortality in hemorrhagic stroke patients in RSD dr. Soebandi Jember. This research was a quantitative research with a retrospective approach. The number of samples was 101 medical record data. Univariate analysis was used to identify the description of each variable, a chi-square test was applied to analyze the correlation between variables, and the logistic regression analysis was applied to identify the most dominant factor influencing mortality of hemorrhagic stroke. The result of bivariate test showed p-value of obesity= 0,039, p-value of blood pressure= 0,478, p-value of blood sugar= 0,04, p-value of blood lipid profile= 0,026. Logistic regression obtained p-value for obesity= 0.043, OR = 2.689; p-value of blood sugar= 0,042, OR = 2,656; p-value of blood lipid profile= 0.069, OR = 3,749. There was a significant association between obesity, blood sugar, and blood lipid profile with mortality in hemorrhagic stroke patients. Obesity and blood sugar are predictors that can be used to predict mortality in hemorrhagic stroke patients, where obesity is the most dominant factor affecting mortality in hemorrhagic stroke patients

    Extracting physical observables using macroscopic ensemble in the spex-mixer/mill simulation

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    A technique to simulate the spex-mixer/mill system as a macroscopic ensemble rather than a pure dynamical system is proposed. The treatment is suitable especially for comminution processes generating the nanomaterial up to nanometers scale where the geometrical displacements are unobservable. It is argued that the method is simple and experimentally verifiable since relevant physical observables can be extracted using partition function without solving the equation of motions.Comment: 6 page

    Perancangan Visualisasi Materi Pembelajaran Biologi Mengenai Anatomi Otak Manusia Menggunakan Adobe Flash Cs3

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perancangan visualisasi media pembelajaran biologi mengenai anatomi otak manusia mengunakan Adobe Flash CS3yang merupakan visualisasi media pembelajaran berbasis multimedia diharapkan peserta didik tidak bosan dan termotivasi dalam mengikuti kegiatan pembelajaran danmateri yang disajikan diharapkan dapat lebih interaktif menarik dan mudah dipahami. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan berdasarkan ahli media masuk dalam kategori sangat baik dengan rata-rata skor keseluruhan aspek 4,41 dan persentase kualitas media 88,09%. Berdasarkan ahli materi masuk dalam kategori sangat baik dengan rata-rata skor keseluruhan aspek 4,21 dengan persentase kualitas media 84,5%. Berdasarkan uji coba siswa/responden, media pembelajaran ini masuk dalam kategori baik dengan rata-rata skor keseluruhan aspek 3,78 dengan persentase kualitas media 76,5% Jadi berdasarkan ahli media, materi, dan responden maka perancangan visualisasi media pembelajaran biologi megenai anatomi otak manusia ini layak digunakan untuk mendukung kegiatan belajar mengajar sisw

    Pengaruh Corporate Governance Terhadap Intellectual Capital Disclosure

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    The aims of this study is to examine the effect of corporate governance on intellectual capital disclosure. The population in this study are all of listed firms in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013, 2014 and 2015. The sampling method in this study is purposive sampling. Criteria for the firms sample is which companies included in the index KOMPAS 100. And at the last, this study used 274 firms-years observations. The analysis technique used is multiple regression. The analysis showed that independence of the board of commisioners, the number of board meetings, the number the board of directors, audit committee size and concentration of ownership have not possitively significant effect on intellectual capital disclosure. The variable frequency of audit committee meetings have positive and significant effect on intellectual capital

    Aplikasi Interaktif Materi Pembelajaran Perkembangan Janin dan Persalinan pada SMK Kesehatan Mutiara Insani

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    - Komunikasi adalah aktifitas menyampaikan apa yang ada dipikiran, konsep yang kita miliki yang ingin kita sampaikan pada orang lain atau sebagai seni mempengaruhi orang lain untuk memperoleh apa yang kita inginkan. Berbagai metode telah diterapkan untuk mencapai hasil pembelajaran yang maksimal. Namun banyak guru/dosen yang menggunakan metode pembelajaran dengan lisan saja. Hal ini membuat para pelajar jenuh dan bosan. Bahkan sering terjadi dalam Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM) seorang guru/dosen sulit menjelaskan materi ajar kepada murid-muridnya, karena keterbasan dalam menggambarkan (visualisasi) permasalahan atau materi yang sedang disampaikan. Sebaliknya tidak jarang siswa/mahasiswa yang kreatif ingin membuat sendiri gambaran secara visual materi ajar yang ia terima dari dosen/guru. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, penulis membuat suatu aplikasi berupa aplikasiinteraktif/multimedia interaktif yang tujuannya untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar melalui pengembangan dan penciptaan sarana belajar, sumber belajar, dan menunjukkan kemajuan teknologi informasi. Aplikasi interaktif ini menggunakan metode perancangan sistem Finite State Machine (FSM) sebagai sebuah metodologi perancangan sistem kontrol, penerapan FSM telah banyak diterapkan pada perangkat lunak.Kata Kunci – Aplikasi, Animasi Interaktif, Finite State Machine (FSM
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