70 research outputs found

    Produktiviti berdasarkan orientasi input Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) di Kota Dumai-Riau-Indonesia

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    Pendidikan adalah salah satu cara yang paling penting dan efektif dalam membangunkan watak dan keperibadian anak bangsa. Jenis dan sekolah yang dipilih juga memberikan kesan dan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pendidikan. Oleh itu, sering didapati bahawa dalam penerimaan pelajar baharu setiap ibu bapa menginginkan anaknya mendapatkan sekolah yang terbaik. Penilaian sekolah yang terbaik banyak dilakukan berdasarkan persepsi yang terbentuk dalam masyarakat daripada satu kaedah efektif pemasaran iaitu daripada mulut ke mulut. Melalui hal tersebut, sebuah kajian ilmiah perlu dilakukan untuk melihat produktiviti Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) di Kota Dumai sebagai panduan dan informasi bagi ibu bapa dan masyarakat untuk menentukan sekolah yang sesuai bagi anak-anak mereka. Dalam hal ini, data kajian diambil daripada Dinas Pendidikan Kota Dumai bagi tahun pengajian 2012/2013. Perkara yang akan dikaji ialah produktiviti sekolah berdasarkan orientasi input iaitu jumlah guru, jumlah siswa dan jumlah ruang belajar

    Perspective of Teacher in Dumai-Riau Indonesia Suitability National Examination as A Picture Quality Student

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    The national test is one method that is chosen by the Indonesian government to determine the stage and picture quality of education in Indonesia. However, in reality the national exam is also used as a measure for the condition continue to the next level of education. Various views on the implementation of the national exam. Who wants to be a teacher in the city is the perspective that is, in the Sma Dumai Ykpp (private) and Sma Binsus (government) on the implementation of the national exam subjects / material in the national exams. The method chosen is by using a questionnaire. The study subjects were obtained is carried out by teachers in the city of Dumai less effective or appropriate

    Construct Validity and Reliability of Creativity and Innovation in Public Sector: A Rasch Measurement Model Approach for Pilot Study

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    A pilot study is imperative to test the questionnaire items, confirm and check the research instrument’s reliability to obtain the best items. This pilot research aimed to test the reliability of the developed public sector instrument and identify its weakness. The instrument was purposefully designed to recognise the factors that affect creativity and innovation in the Malaysian public sector and their influence on government agencies’ performance. The instrument included 90 items and was distributed to 120 civil servants from several ministries mostly located in Putrajaya and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The goal of this instrument was to measure five study constructs: individual creativity (IC), team creativity (TC), organisational innovation (OI), innovation processes (IP), and organisational performance (OP). The method employed to analyse the validity and reliability of the items and respondents in this study was derived from the Rasch Measurement Model Approach, which is far more valid and well-grounded than only relying on Cronbach’s Alpha output produced. The Winsteps version 3.73 was used to verify the items’ functionality in aspects such as the item’s reliability and separation of the item-respondent, polarity item, item fit in measuring constructs, item difficulty level, the respondent’s ability, and the standardised residual correlations. It also enabled the removal of items based on polarity items’ statistics and the item’s suitability. At the end of the analysis, it was established that there was a total of 9 items that were discarded because they did not meet the inspection criteria specified per the Rasch Model. A total of 81 items were recorded on the final instrument that could be used to measure the five constructs

    Faktor utama keupayaan inovasi syarikat milik rakyat Malaysia: analisis kepentingan-keberkesanan

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    Kajian ini mengukur tanggapan syarikat milik rakyat Malaysia terhadap kepentingan dan keberkesanan faktor inovasi dalam meningkatkan keupayaan inovasi syarikat mereka. Faktor keupayaan inovasi yang dikaji terdiri daripada faktor Polisi (PO), Pembiayaan (FF), Sumber Manusia (HR) dan Fasiliti (FC) pada setiap proses inovasi, iaitu Penjanaan Idea (P1), Reka Bentuk (P2), Prototaip (P3), Pembangunan (P4) dan Pemasaran (P5). Menggunakan Analisis Kepentingan dan Keberkesanan (AKK), min bagi setiap faktor inovasi dihitung dan diplotkan ke dalam grid AKK yang terdiri daripada empat kuadran. Kuadran I dinamai “Kekalkan Keberkesanan”, Kuadran II “Berlebihan”, Kuadran III “Tumpuan Rendah” dan Kuadran IV “Tumpuan Utama”. Faktor inovasi yang perlu diberi Tumpuan Utama (Kuadran IV) adalah faktor P1_FC, P3_FC, P4_FC dan P1_HR bagi syarikat bersaiz kecil, faktor P2_PO dan P2_FF dalam syarikat bersaiz sederhana, manakala bagi syarikat bersaiz besar adalah faktor P2_FC, P4_FC, P1_HR, P4_HR dan P4_FF. Hasil dapatan AKK membantu pihak pengurusan syarikat menentukan strategi seterusnya bagi meningkatkan keupayaan inovasi syarikat dengan memfokuskan sumber dan tenaga syarikat kepada faktor-faktor inovasi yang penting tetapi dilaksanakan secara kurang berkesan

    A new imperative of relationship between individual creativity and organisational innovation : a systematic review

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    Innovation is imperative for competitiveness and works as a critical breakthrough determinant for organisations’ sustainable performance, while creativity functions as a catalyst for innovation processes or activities. One of the reasons for inadequate innovation is the lack of attention to creativity. Scholars have recently given a lot of attention to creativity by targeting individuals or employees but minimal systematic reviews were carried out on the correlation between organisational innovation and individual creativity. Hence, this article analysed the existing literature on the relationship between individual creativity and organisational innovation. We employed the PRISMA Statement (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis) method of review, a methodical review of the Web of Science and Scopus repository and recognised 29 related studies. A more in-depth reviews of these articles produced five key themes and six sub-themes. We highlighted specific suggestions for attending more studies on qualitative methods and exploring more untapped determinants, moderating and mediating factors of individual creativity towards organisational innovation

    Religious personality and gender differences in the perceived behaviour towards inter-ethnic everyday life among youths

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    The present study examined the influence of religious personality, as the manifestation of one’s religious belief, on the inter-ethnic perceived behaviour among the different ethnic and gender backgrounds. Religious personality comprises of three major factors: pro-social behaviour, ritual behaviour and anti-social behaviour. It was hypothesized that religious personality of the youth might influence inter-ethnic perceived behaviour by enhancing mutual understanding and respect, tolerance, and appropriate behaviour to live in peace and harmony. Respondents were 563 high school students, who were randomly selected from various schools in Selangor. The Inter-ethnic Tolerance Questionnaire (IETQ) was used as a self-designed questionnaire to measure the inter-ethnic perceived behaviour and the Universal Religious Personality Inventory (URPI) (Krauss et al., 2006). The findings gathered in the present study indicated that Indian, Malay and Chinese students scored the highest levels of the pro-social behaviour, ritual behaviour and anti-social behaviour, respectively. Comparing the genders among all races, female students were found to score higher than the male students in the pro-social behaviour, but scored lower in the anti-social behaviour. The multiple regression analysis indicated that the pro-social factor was found to be a significant positive predictor of the inter-ethnic perceived behaviour

    Religious personality and perceived behavior among faith-practicing communities in Malaysia: uniting or dividing factors?

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    This paper aims to report the findings on the contribution of religious personality, as the manifestation of one’s religious belief, on the interethnic behavior. Religious personality is comprised of three major factors: pro-social behavior, ritual behavior and anti-social behavior. While religious practice is categorized into high, medium, low and not practicing. It is hypothesized that religious personality of the youth may influence interethnic behavior by enhancing a mutual understanding and respect. Respondents were 563 high school students from randomly selected schools in Selangor. Instruments used were the Inter-ethnic Tolerance Questionnaire (IETQ) a self-designed questionnaire to measure interethnic perceived behavior and the Universal Religious Personality Inventory (URPI) (Krauss et al., 2006). The findings of the study indicated that religious personality traits of types pro-social behavior and ritual behavior have significant effects on inter-ethnic tolerant behavior. Also for students with high and medium levels of religious practice, pro-social behavior is found to significantly influence their inter-ethnic tolerant behavior. The higher their mean scores for pro-social behavior, the more positive are their tolerant behavior on inter-ethnic issues

    Faktor penentu kesejahteraan kewangan dalam kalangan belia Melayu menggunakan pemodelan kuasa dua terkecil separa

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    Berdasarkan Laporan Indeks Belia Malaysia 2019, tahap kesejahteraan ekonomi belia Melayu adalah pada tahap sederhana. Walau bagaimanapun, dapatan ini menunjukkan peningkatan berbanding pada tahun 2015-2017 yang mencatatkan tahap kesejahteraan ekonomi belia Melayu pada tahap tidak memuaskan. Ini memberi gambaran bahawa masih ada ruang untuk menambah baik kelemahan belia Melayu dalam menguruskan kewangan dan ekonomi. Justeru, kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk menentukan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesejahteraan kewangan dalam kalangan belia Melayu menggunakan Pemodelan Kuasa Dua Terkecil Separa. Kaedah pensampelan mudah dilakukan di zon tengah iaitu di Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor. Seramai 205 orang responden yang terdiri daripada kakitangan awam dan swasta terlibat dalam kajian ini. Instrumen kajian yang digunakan adalah borang soal selidik. Hasil analisis Pemodelan Kuasa Dua Terkecil Separa menunjukkan bahawa semua faktor yang dipertimbangkan menyumbang kepada kesejahteraan kewangan. Misalnya, penggajian didapati mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan stres kewangan, kepuasan kewangan, dan kesejahteraan kewangan. Manakala, stres kewangan pula menunjukkan hubungan negatif dengan kepuasan kewangan dan dapatan ini menyokong kajian penyelidik terdahulu

    Pengaruh kepimpinan terhadap budaya, pengurusan perubahan dan produktiviti serta kesannya terhadap prestasi institusi pengajian tinggi

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    Pengukuran prestasi mengikut acuan sendiri adalah lebih tepat dan bermakna dalam memerihalkan sistem pengurusan prestasi sesebuah Institusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPT) khususnya yang melibatkan nilai-nilai teras. Kajian telah dijalankan dalam menguji nilai-nilai teras dalam beberapa konstruk yang mempengaruhi prestasi organisasi seperti kepimpinan, budaya, pengurusan perubahan serta produktiviti yang menyokong model teori, iaitu Model Kecemerlangan Prestasi berasaskan Nilai Teras (VBPTEM) khususnya di IPT. Soal selidik telah diedarkan di beberapa IPT awam dan sebanyak 537 soal selidik digunakan untuk dianalisis. Pendekatan kaedah Kuasa Dua Terkecil Separa (KDTS) digunakan untuk menyelidiki pengaruh nilai-nilai teras konstruk terhadap prestasi IPT. Berdasarkan analisis pemodelan yang dijalankan, didapati sebahagian besar sumbangan adalah signifikan, iaitu konstruk kepimpinan mempengaruhi budaya dan pengurusan perubahan organisasi yang turut mempengaruhi produktiviti. Konstruk pendam produktiviti pula didapati mempunyai kesan yang signifikan terhadap prestasi IPT. Sumbangan nilai-nilai teras dalam konstruk produktiviti turut menerangkan sebanyak 67.5% variasi dalam prestasi IPT

    Model kecemerlangan prestasi berasaskan nilai teras: kesan faktor dalaman dan luaran terhadap prestasi universiti awam

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    Model Kecemerlangan Prestasi berasaskan Nilai Teras (Value-Based Total Performance Excellence Model, VBTPEM) merupakan satu daripada alat pengukur prestasi organisasi secara keseluruhan yang menekankan kepada pengukuran aspek-aspek tidak zahir, iaitu nilai-nilai teras organisasi. Dalam makalah ini, prestasi universiti awam diukur berasaskan faktor dalaman meliputi nilai kepimpinan, pengurusan sumber dan budaya, dan juga faktor luaran, iaitu nilai pihak-pihak berkepentingan. Sebelas buah uinversiti awam telah mengambil bahagian dalam satu tinjauan pengukuran nilai-nilai teras menggunakan borang soal selidik. Kajian ini menggunakan perisian SmartPLS untuk mengkaji hubungan faktor-faktor yang dinyatakan dan prestasi Keputusan daripada analisis PPS-KDTS yang dijalankan menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan di antara nilai-nilai dalam pengurusan sumber dan prestasi universiti awam, dengan nilai-nilai budaya organisasi sebagai pemboleh ubah pengantara serta wujud hubungan tidak langsung yang signifikan antara nilai-nilai kepimpinan dan prestasi universiti awam melalui nilai-nilai pihak berkepentingan