3 research outputs found

    The effect of total sulfated glycosaminoglycans from crown-of-thorns acanthaster planci on wound healing

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    Coral reef deforestation by corallivore crown-of-thorns (COTS) Acanthaster planci could result into a hazardous effect towards the quantity and quality of the majestic coral reefs. Effort should be made to generate wealth from COTS, a material that does not have any commercial value, such as studies to identify the therapeutic potentials from the COT. This study investigate the occurrence of total sulfated GAGs from the integument, internal tissue and coelomic fluid of COTS starfish and evaluate the effect of total sulfated GAGs on wound healing in rats using macroscopic and microscopic evaluations. The integument and coelomic fluid from body region were the highest source of total and N-sulfated GAGs. There was more N-sulfated GAGs compared to O-sulfated GAGs for percentage (%) division in both regions. This finding suggested heparin and/or heparin sulphate, the only species of GAGs that have N-sulfated group in its disaccharide chain, could be found in body region of COTS, particularly integument and coelomic fluid parts. 20 μl of 1 μg/ml concentration of total sulfated GAG from each anatomical part of each COTS region were applied to the full-thickness excisional wound model from Day 0 to Day 12, with PBS application as control group. The progress of healing was assessed through macroscopic examination and analysis of epithelization, inflammatory cells, fibroblasts proliferation, new vessels formation andcollagen fibers organisation using light microscope (LM), transmission electron microscope (TEM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Macroscopic examination revealed significant (p<0.0167) wound contraction percentage (%) on each observation (Day 1, Day 6 and Day 12) and epithelization progress occurred in all sulfated GAGs treated group from COTS’ body region as compared to control group. LM and SEM evaluations showed that all treatment groups have fully bridged the excised wound on the 12th day of observations. LM and TEM evaluations showed enhanced fibroblasts proliferation with significant (p<0.0167) finding occurred in all sulfated GAGs treated group from COTS’ body region and integument of arm region compared to control group. For new vessels formation, LM and TEM analysis showed a significant (p<0.0167) increase in the sulfated GAGs treated group from integument of body region (2.00, IqR 0.17) and integument of arm region (2.02, IqR 0.11) as compared to control group. LM, TEM and SEM evaluations showed that sulfated GAGs from all anatomical parts of both COTS’ regions stimulate dense organisation of collagen fibers on the 12th day of observation, significantly (p<0.0167) compared to control group. This study strongly indicate that sulfated GAGs in particularly from its integument and coelomic fluid of COTS’ body region, seems to hasten the wound healing event through positive effect on acceleration of wound contraction percentage (%), enhance epithelization migration, fibroblast proliferation, angiogenesis process and collagen organizatio

    The Effect of Sulfated Glycosaminoglycans Extracted from Acanthaster planci on Full Thickness Excision Wound Healing in Animal Model

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    In this study, sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) was extracted from Acanthaster planci and its wound healing effects was assessed. Macroscopic examination revealed significant (p<0.05) contraction percentage (%) of wound on each observation (Day 1, Day 6 and Day 12) as compared to control group. Microscopic evaluations using light microscope, scanning, and transmission electron microscope showed that sulfated GAGs from A. planci enhanced epithelial cells migration and fibroblasts proliferation, and stimulate dense organisation of collagen fibers on the 12th day of observation, significantly (p<0.05) compared to control group. The microscopic study concluded that the second-intention excisional wound healing occurs faster in the GAGs treated group as compared to the saline-treated control group, while microscopical study using light microscope, scanning and transmission electron microscope revealed that the GAGs treated group have a significant effect in enhanced epithelization formation, fibroblasts proliferation and collagen fibers organization parameters as compared to the control group

    A Study on Customer Satisfaction Towards Ambiance, Service and Food Quality in Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), Petaling Jaya

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    This case study is on customer satisfaction towards ambiance of facilities, service, and food quality from a behavioural perspective. The study is aimed at investigating customer complaints on the unhygienic conditions and bad attitude of staff during working hours in KFC Petaling Jaya, Malaysia (Laeranduil, 2018). The research examined the impact of food quality, investigated the effect of service quality and identified the influence of ambiance on customer satisfaction. To achieve the study goals, the researcher designed a questionnaire to collect data from randomly selected customers in KFC Petaling Jaya. From the questionnaires distributed to respondents, 294 were returned. The study’s results on food quality showed that most respondents agreed that KFC serves good quality food at KFC Petaling Jaya. For service quality, most of the respondents agreed that the crew at KFC Petaling Jaya serve customers well. For ambiance of the facilities, most of the respondents agreed that the ambiance in KFC Petaling Jaya is pleasing. Overall, the customers surveyed were satisfied with the ambiance of the facilities, service, and food quality of KFC Petaling Jaya