48 research outputs found
Perancangan Kontrol Masukan Bahan Bakar Pada Sistem Peralatan Konversi Bahan Bakar Gas Pada Motor Diesel (Dual Fuel)
Pengembangan sumber-sumber energi alternatif dalam rangka mengurangi ketergantungan pada satu sumber energi serta penggunaan sumber energi yang ramah lingkungan telah menjadi agenda penting dalam kaitannya dengan kebijakan energi nasional. Salah satu komponen penelitian tentang peralatan konversi bahan bakar yaitu penelitian sistem pengontrol masukan bahan bakar diesel (diesel modul ). Pada tulisan ini akan dibahas bagai mana merancang sistem kontrol masukan bahan bakar dual fuel dengan menggunakan sebuah cetral processing dan real time monitoring dibantu dengan module interface yang bertujuan agar hasil ahirnya memiliki kemudahan dalam penggunaan (user friendly)
Keragaman Galur Inbrida Generasi S3 Jagung Ungu (Zea Mays Var Ceratina Kulesh)
Jagung ungu memiliki nilai gizi yang lebih tinggi dari jagung kuning dan jagung putih. Selain itu, jagung ungu memiliki kandungan antosianin yang memiliki banyak manfaat untuk kesehatan manusia. Generasi (S3) pada pembentukan galur inbrida merupakan generasi penting karena dapat diketahui terjadinya segregasi apabila tanaman S2 yang dipilih heterozigot dan mengetahui famili yang potensial untuk diseleksi pada generasi selanjutnya. Penelitian inii bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman genotip jagung ungu pekat (UP) dan jagung ungu ketan (UK) generasi S3 dan mengetahui keragaman antar famili UP dan UK. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2014-Maret 2015 di kebun percobaan Fakultas Pertanian, desa Jatikerto, kabupaten Malang. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan tiga ulangan dan 32 famili. Variabel pengamatan kuantitatif yaitu tinggi tanaman, tinggi tongkol, umur anthesis, umur berbunga betina, jumlah tongkol, jumlah baris biji, panjang tongkol, diameter tongkol, dan bobot 100 biji. Variabel pengamatan kualitatif yaitu bentuk ujung daun, warna batang, warna glume, warna anther, warna silk, warna biji, dan warna janggel. Analisis data kualitatif menggunakan tabel distribusi frekuensi. Data kuantitatif menghitung analisis ragam dengan menghitung heritabilitas, KKG, KKF dan simpangan baku. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan genotip UK memiliki nilai KKG 0,00 – 7,02%, dan UP memiliki nilai KKG 0,00 – 7,26% dalam kriteria KKG rendah. Keragaman antar famili UK pada famili UK1 memiliki keragaman warna biji 46,67%, UK4 memiliki keragaman warna biji 7,69%, UK10 memiliki keragaman warna janggel 20,00%, UK14 memiliki warna batang 41,03%, warna biji 45,45%, dan warna janggel 18,18%, serta UK16 memiliki keragaman karakter warna batang 21,80
Pengaruh Parameter Proses Freis Terhadap Kekasaran Permukaan Baja Karbon Fasa Ganda
Dual phase is a new structure at low or medium carbon steel. The structure is obtained from the heating of low or medium carbon steel in the region α + γ (temperatures between A1-A3), then follow by holding process within a certain time and cooled quickly (quench) in water,brine or oil. The result has a microstructure of martensite and ferrite as well as a few otherstructures. The steel usually has high tensile strength, good elongation and there is no discontinuity yield. The problem is how the influence of parameters milling process on surface roughness the dual phase carbon steel The purpose of this study was to determine the outcome Freis CNC cutting conditions due to the formation process of double and tempering phase that begins with the process of forging (forging) on carbon steel .This study used AISI1045 steel Ø16mm x 150mm diameter, which was forged at a temperature of 950oC-900oC to form a rectangular cross section with a size of 10mm x 16mm x 180mm. Dual-phase heating was continued at a temperature of 770ºC, arrested at 90 'and cooled rapidly in oil , followed by atempering process 600⁰C/30 '. The process of cutting was done by cutting finishing with feeding 0.12; 0.14; 0.16 mm / put and depth of cut 0.4; 0.6; 0.8 mm while roughing cuts by feeding 0.2;0.4; 0.6 mm / put and depth of cut 1.2, 1.4;a1.6amm .The result Depth of cut can affect the deflection. The deflection could be increased by increasing the depth of cut. The results obtained increase the level of surface roughness. On the depth of cut 0.4 mm with feeding 0:16mm / put the value obtained average roughness Ra 0.64 μm, including group N6 roughness when compared with 0.8 mm depth of cut with the same feeding value of average roughness Ra 1.08 μm including N7. Surface roughness increased by feeding could affect the feeding of 0.12 mm / put and 0.16 mm / put, 0.2 mm / put and 0.6 mm /put because the distance from the cutting peak roughness increases, so the roughness of the rough and the process of finishing cuts on carbon steel dual phase is more subtle than on the untreated carbon steel with the same cutting parameters
Performa Reproduksi Udang Pisang Domestikasi Non-Ablasi Fenneropenaeus indicus
The aims of the study were to evaluate the reproductive performance of pond reared broodstock of Fenneropenaeus indicus without prior ablation for shrimp maturity. These technique being reported impair physiological process and finally offspring quality Pre-maturation was with (BFT) and without biofloc technology (non-BFT) system assessed during the trials. First trial, amount of 10 months old broodstock were acclimatized during four days before mating, while the second trial a total of 190 pairs shrimp at 11 months olds were culture separately (females and males) during four weeks and reared into biofloc system prior maturation performed. Molasse was used as carbon sources to maintain C/N ratio of 15:1. All maturation processed conducted using rectangular cement tanks at 10L and 14D condition. Shrimp fed on fresh diets consists of squid, oyster and live Nereis sp ca. 25% body weight (1:1:1). Daily water exchange rate of 100% in the morning and afternoon, respectively. It was found that the latency period from the trials (6-7 days) within the ranged of common intervals for F. indicus. However, daily spawners, nauplii production and postlarvae survival shows any significant differences (p<0,05) were 8.0% vs 11.4%; 33.850 vs 51.246 N spawner- and 30.7% vs 23.26%, respectively. Results finding shown that domesticated F. indicus can successfully produced healthy post larvae without prior broodstocks ablation. Study on BFT during pre-maturation of these species firstly report and there is the need for further research in terms of pre-maturation period, nutritional status of the broodstock, and compensatory growth in ponds
Genetic Diversities In The Sixth - Generation Of Selection (S6) Of Some Inbred Lines Of Maize Based On The Phenotypic Characters And Ssr
The objectives of this research were to find out inbred line diversities based on the phenotype characters and the molecular marker using SSR. The research was performed from February to June 2011, which was divided into field research and laboratory research for molecular analysis. The molecular analysis was conducted at the Biotecnology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University of Malang. The field trial was done in Kandat, Junrejo, Batu. Materials were used 35 genotypes of maize. Steps for molecular analysis at the laboratory were as followed: (1) DNA isolation, (2) DNA-quality test, (3) PCR SSR, (4) Visualization of the amplification result. The field trial was done by planting genotypes using a RCBD with 2 replications. Result of the dendogram analysis showed that 35 genotypes of maize were divided into 2 main clusters, A and B, that having 35% similarity level. Result for the analysis of variance showed significant difference among genotypes of maize on the entire of the observed phenotype characters. Heritability (H) ranged 61.8% - 98.1%. Coefficient of variance ranged 0.71 – 7.20%. Analysis on the genotypic correlation ranged 0.06 – 1.0. Numbers of rows ear-1 showed significant correlation, in which Jaccard\u27s similarity coefficient (rs) = +0.4
Kepuasan Kerja Tenaga Medis pada Era Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional
Medical personnel as the spearhead of hospital services deeply feel the change in health care system inNational Health Insurance (NHI) era that implements the system of quality control and cost control. The aimof the research was to explore the employee satisfaction of medical personnel in the era of the National HealthInsurance in Regional Public Hospital of Sinjai. The research was a descriptive qualitative study with a case studyapproacch. The informants were medical personnel as functional personnel. To obtain additional information ascomparison, the researcher also interviewed the director, the head of service and nursing unit, the head of financialsub-unit, and Sisrute officials in Regional Public Hospital of Sinjai. The data were obtained through indepthinterview, observation and documentation. The result of the research indicate the service system in the era ofNational Health Insurance is good, but its implementation has not runas it is expected. The cooperation betweenBPJS and Regional Public Hospital of Sinjai is considered slow and inconsistent and sometimes the problemsolving is not followed up. Medical personnel in Regional Public Hospital of Sinjai is satisfied with transparencyof medical service division, but the number of Ina CBGs packages are still under the standar and time of paymentof medical service is late
Responsive, Integrity, Morality and Fairness Law Enforcement as Social Change Instrument
This article reviews the essence of law enforcement as social change instrument. Law in the context of Indonesia that embrace democratic system is upholding the justice values in it that fairness principles for all Indonesian people. As positive law in a legal state, law enforcement is required to be professional, proportional, good, fair, and wisely so in accordance with the rules of expediency, kindness and equality in the law itself. The outcomes of the research indicate that law and community cannot be separated, for law the community is a resource that gives life (to nature) and move the law. The communities live the law with the values, ideas, concepts. And also contribute the community to implement the law
Kepuasan Kerja Tenaga Medis pada Era Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional
Medical personnel as the spearhead of hospital services deeply feel the change in health care system inNational Health Insurance (NHI) era that implements the system of quality control and cost control. The aimof the research was to explore the employee satisfaction of medical personnel in the era of the National HealthInsurance in Regional Public Hospital of Sinjai. The research was a descriptive qualitative study with a case studyapproacch. The informants were medical personnel as functional personnel. To obtain additional information ascomparison, the researcher also interviewed the director, the head of service and nursing unit, the head of financialsub-unit, and Sisrute officials in Regional Public Hospital of Sinjai. The data were obtained through indepthinterview, observation and documentation. The result of the research indicate the service system in the era ofNational Health Insurance is good, but its implementation has not runas it is expected. The cooperation betweenBPJS and Regional Public Hospital of Sinjai is considered slow and inconsistent and sometimes the problemsolving is not followed up. Medical personnel in Regional Public Hospital of Sinjai is satisfied with transparencyof medical service division, but the number of Ina CBGs packages are still under the standar and time of paymentof medical service is late