1,498 research outputs found

    An adaptive finite element method for laser surface hardening of steel problem

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    ACMAC’s PrePrint Repository aim is to enable open access to the scholarly output of ACMAC

    Problems and Prospects of Shrimp Farming in Bangladesh

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    Shrimp is one of the leading exportable products in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is earning about 500 millions of foreign currency yearly by exporting shrimp and contributing 3.78% in GDP. This study intends to find out the problems related to the shrimp industry in Bangladesh to export in the international markets. As such a research study has been undertaken on shrimp farmers, experts and government employees of the shrimp farming areas. To gauge the prospects of shrimp farming, the south-western region of Bangladesh has been considered as the core farming areas. These three categories of stakeholders are related to the problems and prospects of shrimp industry in Bangladesh. A total of 100 stakeholders were selected to respond. The author suggested that problems including high mortality rate, lack of virus screening facility and the unfair practices should be taken into account for the both operative and strategic level without delay. Enforcement of food security from the external sector of the government ought to be discovered.

    Design of Experiment Analysis of an Electronics Package Lid Using Finite Element Analysis

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    A design of experiment analysis is reported on data from warpage simulations using finite element analysis of a lidded electronics package. Warpage in a lid of an optical electronics package can detrimentally affect the reliability of the package as well as its optical performance. The present study focuses on the variety of materials and designs of lids relevant to recent technologies in electronics packaging. The finite element analysis (FEA) formulation in this study accurately predicts deformation and warpage in the elastic region with optimal computational time achieved through a choice of boundary conditions and mesh sensitivity studies. The results from FEA are compared to analytical calculations made using the classical laminate plate theory (CLPT) as well as the modified Suhir’s theory. It is observed that FEA results are more accurate as they account for the performance of die attach/ underfill materials regardless of the small thickness of the layer. The FEA data are finally used to conduct a design of experiments (DOE) analysis to investigate the influence of 3 distinct designs and 6 material choices on warpage of a lid. The analysis indicates that there is no significant interaction between the two parameters expected to affect the warpage in the lid. Material properties of the lid are found to have a greater effect on the warpage of the lid as compared to variabilities introduced in lid designs in this study. The FEA simulations performed consider only material behavior within the elastic limit and, in some situations, plastic deformation may occur which is more permanent and as such requires a more comprehensive analysis in the plastic region to enhance the data set for DOE studies


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    There is need to develop a fast and efficient procedure for detecting blood type that makes use of an electronic measurement to minimize human error and is portable so that it can be used in triage situations. A process to develop a crossover frequency based blood typing device is described. Alternating field drives red blood cells over the sensing electrodes and depending on the capacitance measured between pairs of sensing electrodes, the position of these RBCs can be determined. The convergence/divergence of these cells at a particular frequency determines blood type, since each type has a characteristic frequency. This project aims to obviate the need for optics in blood typing by making use of a purely electric measurement. A microdevice was fabricated with different designs of sensing electrodes. These electrodes were passivated using Parylene-C and hafnia. A fluidic chamber was placed over them, with inlet/outlet ports for RBCs suspended in solution. An LCR meter was used to measure capacitance between different pairs of electrodes. While testing is still in progress, preliminary data suggests measurable difference in capacitance between readings taken when the fluidic chamber was filled with just ultrapure water, phosphate buffered solution and solution containing RBCs, proving this method as a viable route to blood typing. Analytical calculations and COMSOL 4.4 simulations suggest coupling of sensing frequency to the driving frequency will necessitate switching in order to improve accuracy. Areas of high cell concentration were studied and these will be used for optimizing design of sensing electrodes to improve accuracy

    Technical Capacity, Policymaking and Food Standards: An Overview of Indian Experience

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    The SPS Agreement in the WTO gives legal validity to the CODEX\ud standards. Since the developed countries have been at the forefront of\ud setting the food standards in the CODEX, the developing countries have\ud been increasingly engaged in the CODEX, and also in the WTO, with an\ud objective to increase their exports of the agricultural and food products.\ud But such objective and desire have often been stymied by the lack of\ud institutions which can sustain the intense technical negotiations at the\ud CODEX. If these participations are not qualitatively satisfactory, the very\ud objective of such participations is not fulfilled. But since most of the\ud developing countries are lacking in such high technical capacity, they are\ud unable to influence or qualitatively shape the negotiations in the CODEX.\ud This also impacts their exports of agricultural and food products.\ud India has been an active member of the WTO. But whether it has been\ud able to influence or respond to the play of events internationally and\ud concomitantly balance it with the domestic imperatives that are embedded\ud in the international legal and technological regimes, institutional capacity\ud constraints and other social issues. This paper examines such issues, and\ud also examines some bilateral trade agreements which demonstrate the\ud mounting pressure on the developing countries to conform to the food\ud standards of the developed countries

    Cyber-d subjekti: DeLillov Cosmópolis i Shteyngartova Super tužna istinita ljubavna priča

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    In recent times, concerns have been raised by writers, and others associated with the literary field, about the fact that the novel may be a dying art and that the habit of reading among the general populace is on the decline. One of the key reasons cited for the same is the emergence of the cyberspace, which offers a number of options for leisure time activities that compete with reading for the attention of the masses. Furthermore, it is commonly argued that the cyberspace has impacted and altered people’s psyches as the information overload and ready access to various modes of entertainment cause people to lose the capacity to maintain focus for an extended period of time on any one particular task. This also, purportedly, causes people to become more and more reliant on machines to do their everyday tasks, their thinking for them. Such concerns are highlighted in Don DeLillo’s Cosmopolis (2003) and Gary Shteyngart’s A Super Sad True Love Story (2010), both of which are set in dystopic societies where people use their devices as crutches to enable them to navigate the world. These anxieties, this paper will argue, are caused by shifts in the literary fields which have been brought on by increasing possibilities in terms of creation, dissemination, and reading of texts in the internet age. These misgivings, therefore, will be framed and unpacked to understand and highlight their ideological underpinnings.U posljednje vrijeme sve je prisutnija zabrinutost pisaca i drugih koji se bave književnošću zbog činjenice da je roman umjetnost koja umire i da je navika čitanja u opadanju među širim stanovništvom. Jedan od ključnih razloga koji se navodi je pojava cyber prostora, koji nudi brojne mogućnosti za slobodno vrijeme natječući se s čitanjem za pozornost širokog sloja stanovništva. Osim toga, često se raspravlja o tome kako je cyber prostor utjecao na promjenu psihe ljudi preopterećujući ih informacijama i pružajući im neometan pristup različitim načinima zabave, što je uzrokovalo da ljudi gube sposobnost da na duže vrijeme zadrže pozornost na nekom određenom zadatku. To također, navodno, uzrokuje da se ljudi sve više i više oslanjaju na strojeve da izvrše njihove svakodnevne zadatke i misle umjesto njih. Takvi su problemi istaknuti u romanu Dona DeLilla Cosmopolis (2003) te romanu Garyja Shteyngarta Super tužna istinita ljubavna priča (2010), koja su oba smještena u distopijskim društvima gdje ljudi rabe svoje uređaje kao štake koje im omogućuju kretanje svijetom. Te tjeskobe, prema tvrdnjama iznesenima u radu, uzrokovane su promjenama u književnim poljima, koje su nastale povećanim mogućnostima stvaranja, diseminacije i čitanja tekstova u doba interneta. Te bojazni, dakle, bit će uokvirene i „raspakirane“ kako bi se razumjela i istaknula njihova ideološka podloga

    Recent trends in Gender Mainstreaming and Poverty Alleviation: The Kudumbashree Initiative

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    Kudumbashree was officially launched in 1998 in the State of Kerala, India, with the objective of eradicating absolute poverty in 10 years through community action. It is a comprehensive women-based poverty eradication programme jointly initiated by Government of Kerala and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), scaled up from earlier UNICEF-assisted initiatives in Alappuzha Municipality and Malappuram district. The programme is implemented by community-based organizations (CBOs) of poor women in co-operation with local governments (Panchayats).Kudumbashree focuses on empowerment of women through its CBOs and activities such as service coordination, encouraging thrift and internal lending, and start-up of micro enterprises. There are success stories of enterprises such as catering and canteen services at bus stands and offices in several places across the state. Handling of solid waste in municipalities is another emerging area of activity

    A Third World Woman\u27s View of the Convention

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    By most accepted criteria, the First NWSA Convention qualifies as a resounding success. The more than 1,000 people who attended could select from 246 sessions representing a wide range of topics in two general groups: (a) women\u27s studies research in literature, feminist theory, art, etc.; (b) issues for women\u27s programs and pedagogy, including teaching and curriculum administration. The Program Committee (Emily Abel, Deborah Rosenfelt, and Peg Strobel) put together an ambitious and successful series of sessions. Yet, as a feminist and a long-time supporter of women\u27s studies, I also came away with an uneasy feeling