135 research outputs found

    Local modulations of the spin-fluctuation mediated pairing interaction by impurities in d-wave superconductors

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    We present a self-consistent real space formulation of spin-fluctuation mediated d-wave pairing. By calculating all relevant inhomogeneous spin and charge susceptibilities in real space within the random phase approximation (RPA), we obtain the effective pairing interaction and study its spatial dependence near both local potential and hopping impurities. A remarkably large enhancement of the pairing interaction may be obtained near the impurity site. We discuss the relevance of our result to inhomogeneities observed by scanning tunneling spectroscopy on the surface of cuprate superconductors.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Local electronic structure near oxygen dopants in BSCCO-2212: a window on the high-Tc pair mechanism?

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    The cuprate material BSCCO-2212 is believed to be doped by a combination of cation switching and excess oxygen. The interstitial oxygen dopants are of particular interest because scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) experiments have shown that they are positively correlated with the local value of the superconducting gap, and calculations suggest that the fundamental attraction between electrons is modulated locally. In this work, we use density functional theory to try to ascertain which locations in the crystal are energetically most favorable for the O dopant atoms, and how the surrounding cage of atoms deforms. Our results provide support for the identification of STM resonances at -1eV with dopant interstitial O atoms, and show how the local electronic structure is modified nearby.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Extinction of impurity resonances in large-gap regions of inhomogeneous d-wave superconductors

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    Impurity resonances observed by scanning tunneling spectroscopy in the superconducting state have been used to deduce properties of the underlying pure state. Here we study a longstanding puzzle associated with these measurements, the apparent extinction of these resonances for Ni and Zn impurities in large-gap regions of the inhomogeneous BSCCO superconductor. We calculate the effect of order parameter and hopping suppression near the impurity site, and find that these two effects are sufficient to explain the missing resonances in the case of Ni. There are several possible scenarios for the extinction of the Zn resonances, which we discuss in turn; in addition, we propose measurements which could distinguish among them.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Role of the impurity-potential range in disordered d-wave superconductors

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    We analyze how the range of disorder affects the localization properties of quasiparticles in a two-dimensional d-wave superconductor within the standard non-linear sigma-model approach to disordered systems. We show that for purely long-range disorder, which only induces intra-node scattering processes, the approach is free from the ambiguities which often beset the disordered Dirac-fermion theories, and gives rise to a Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten action leading to vanishing density of states and finite conductivities. We also study the crossover induced by internode scattering due to a short range component of the disorder, thus providing a coherent non-linear sigma-model description in agreement with all the various findings of different approaches.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figur

    Magnetic excitations in two-leg spin 1/2 ladders: experiment and theory

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    Magnetic excitations in two-leg S=1/2 ladders are studied both experimentally and theoretically. Experimentally, we report on the reflectivity, the transmission and the optical conductivity sigma(omega) of undoped La_x Ca_14-x Cu_24 O_41 for x=4, 5, and 5.2. Using two different theoretical approaches (Jordan-Wigner fermions and perturbation theory), we calculate the dispersion of the elementary triplets, the optical conductivity and the momentum-resolved spectral density of two-triplet excitations for 0.2 <= J_parallel/J_perpendicular <= 1.2. We discuss phonon-assisted two-triplet absorption, the existence of two-triplet bound states, the two-triplet continuum, and the size of the exchange parameters.Comment: 6 pages, 7 eps figures, submitted to SNS 200

    Spectral Properties of Magnetic Excitations in Cuprate Two-Leg Ladder Systems

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    This article summarizes and extends the recent developments in the microscopic modeling of the magnetic excitations in cuprate two-leg ladder systems. The microscopic Hamiltonian comprises dominant Heisenberg exchange terms plus an additional four-spin interaction which is about five times smaller. We give an overview over the relevant energies like the one-triplon dispersion, the energies of two-triplon bound states and the positions of multi-triplon continua and over relevant spectral properties like spectral weights and spectral densities in the parameter regime appropriate for cuprate systems. It is concluded that an almost complete understanding of the magnetic excitations in undoped cuprate ladders has been obtained as measured by inelastic neutron scattering, inelastic light (Raman) scattering and infrared absorption.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures, review for Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Optical spectroscopy of (La,Ca)14Cu24O41 spin ladders: comparison of experiment and theory

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    Transmission and reflectivity of La_x Ca_14-x Cu_24 O_41 two-leg spin-1/2 ladders were measured in the mid-infrared regime between 500 and 12000 1/cm. This allows us to determine the optical conductivity sigma_1 directly and with high sensitivity. Here we show data for x=4 and 5 with the electrical field polarized parallel to the rungs (E||a) and to the legs (E||c). Three characteristic peaks are identified as magnetic excitations by comparison with two different theoretical calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to SCES 200

    A momentum-dependent perspective on quasiparticle interference in Bi_{2}Sr_{2}CaCu_{2}O_{8+\delta}

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    Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES) probes the momentum-space electronic structure of materials, and provides invaluable information about the high-temperature superconducting cuprates. Likewise, the cuprate real-space, inhomogeneous electronic structure is elucidated by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy (STS). Recently, STS has exploited quasiparticle interference (QPI) - wave-like electrons scattering off impurities to produce periodic interference patterns - to infer properties of the QP in momentum-space. Surprisingly, some interference peaks in Bi_{2}Sr_{2}CaCu_{2}O_{8+\delta} (Bi-2212) are absent beyond the antiferromagnetic (AF) zone boundary, implying the dominance of particular scattering process. Here, we show that ARPES sees no evidence of quasiparticle (QP) extinction: QP-like peaks are measured everywhere on the Fermi surface, evolving smoothly across the AF zone boundary. This apparent contradiction stems from different natures of single-particle (ARPES) and two-particle (STS) processes underlying these probes. Using a simple model, we demonstrate extinction of QPI without implying the loss of QP beyond the AF zone boundary
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