8,408 research outputs found

    Structure Effects on Coulomb Dissociation of 8^8B

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    Coulomb Dissociation provides an alternative method for determining the radiative capture cross sections at astrophysically relevant low relative energies. For the breakup of 8^8B on 58^{58}Ni, we calculate the total Coulomb Dissociation cross section and the angular distribution for E1, E2 and M1. Our calculations are performed first within the standard first order semiclassical theory of Coulomb Excitation, including the correct three body kinematics, and later including the projectile-target nuclear interactions.Comment: 6 pages, proceedings from International Workshop on RNB, Puri, India, January 1998 - to be published in J. Phys.

    On quasi-Jacobi and Jacobi-quasi bialgebroids

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    We study quasi-Jacobi and Jacobi-quasi bialgebroids and their relationships with twisted Jacobi and quasi Jacobi manifolds. We show that we can construct quasi-Lie bialgebroids from quasi-Jacobi bialgebroids, and conversely, and also that the structures induced on their base manifolds are related via a quasi Poissonization

    Portuguese sprayers inspections: issues to overcome

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    The EN 13790 and agricultural products certification standards stimulated the sprayers inspections in a yearly basis in Portugal. Since 2006 Centro Operativo e Tecnológico Hortofrutícola Nacional (COTHN) inspected almost 3000 sprayers throughout the all country, including field crops sprayers, air assisted sprayers for bush and tree crops and a few hand held sprayers for greenhouse crops. In 2009 and 2010, Ambi3Q and A.CANO began with sprayers inspections in the north and south of Portugal, respectively. The implementation of the article 8 of the European Directive CE 128/09 in all member states is an important step to minimize environmental impacts, protect human health and improve plant protection efficacy. However it is not an easy task due to the characteristics of agriculture and sprayers in use of each country.The actual legislation concerning the construction and inspection of sprayers was published in the last 3 years. According to the article 8 of the European Directive, the Official Service Direcção-Geral de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural (DGADR) of the Agriculture Ministry, developed the Portuguese law Decreto-Lei n.º 86/2010 de 15 de Julho, in 2010, to impose that mounted sprayers, trailed sprayers and self-propelled sprayers must be inspected and approved before 26 November, 2016.The sprayers inspections carried out in Portugal should be an important tool to assess the sprayers in use and decide the best action plan to implement the article 8. Despite the sprayers inspections had been done mostly as a consequence of the European and National market rules, and so, the data collected are a rough sample of the real Portuguese situation, it is possible to observe that only one-third, of the sprayers inspected until now, have less than 5 years old. This means that the majority of the sprayers may not be in accordance with the standards and the article 8 of the European Directive

    Brane Isotropisation in Extra-Dimensional Tolman-Bondi Universe

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    We consider the dynamics of a 3-brane embedded in an extra-dimensional Tolman-Bondi Universe where the origin of space plays a special role. The embedding is chosen such that the induced matter distribution on the brane respects the spherical symmetry of matter in the extra dimensional space. The mirage cosmology on the probe brane is studied, resulting in an inhomogeneous and anisotropic four dimensional cosmology where the origin of space is also special. We then focus on the spatial geometry around the origin and show that the induced geometry, which is initially inhomogeneous and anisotropic, converges to an isotropic and homogeneous Friedmann-Lemaitre 4d space-time. For instance, when a 3-brane is embedded in a 5d matter dominated model, the 4d dynamics around the origin converge to a Friedmann-Lemaitre Universe in a radiation dominated epoch. We analyse this isotropisation process and show that it is a late time attractor.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, one reference adde

    Processing and properties of natural fibers reinforced thermoplastic and thermosseting composites

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    In this work, three different natural fibers were studied and characterized, using optical and SEM microscopy. Woven fabrics of those reinforcement fibers were used to reinforce polyester and epoxy matrices and produce composite plates by vacum lay-up. Also, using an experimental piston blender equipment, long fiber reinforced PLA (LFT) composites were manufactured by hot compression molding. All different obtained composite plates were submitted to mechanical testing in order to determine relevant mechanical proprieties.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Processing and properties of composites obtained from natural fibres and thermosetting matrices

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    In this work, different natural fibres were studied and characterized, using optical and SEM microscopy. Those fibres were used to reinforce polyester and epoxy matrices and produce composite plates by hand lay-up. A vacuum bag was then used to allow improving the fibre impregnation, establishing a controlled pressure atmosphere. All different obtained composite plates were submitted to mechanical testing, in order to determine relevant mechanical proprieties. The produced composites were, namely, submitted to flexure and tensile tests, in accordance to ISO 14125 and ISO 527, standards, respectively. It was also determined, for each type of composite, the GIIc property (critical energy release rate in mode II), in order to assess their impact behaviour.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Transfer reactions and the dispersive optical-model

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    The dispersive optical-model is applied to transfer reactions. A systematic study of (d,p)(d,p) reactions on closed-shell nuclei using the finite-range adiabatic reaction model is performed at several beam energies and results are compared to data as well as to predictions using a standard global optical-potential. Overall, we find that the dispersive optical-model is able to describe the angular distributions as well as or better than the global parameterization. In addition, it also constrains the overlap function. Spectroscopic factors extracted using the dispersive optical-model are generally lower than those using standard parameters, exhibit a reduced dependence on beam energy, and are more in line with results obtained from (e,ep)(e,e'p) measurements.Comment: Phys. Rev. C 84, 044611 (2011

    Non-symplectic symmetries and bi-Hamiltonian structures of the rational Harmonic Oscillator

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    The existence of bi-Hamiltonian structures for the rational Harmonic Oscillator (non-central harmonic oscillator with rational ratio of frequencies) is analyzed by making use of the geometric theory of symmetries. We prove that these additional structures are a consequence of the existence of dynamical symmetries of non-symplectic (non-canonical) type. The associated recursion operators are also obtained.Comment: 10 pages, submitted to J. Phys. A:Math. Ge