1,233 research outputs found

    Propofol administration in the induction phase of general anesthesia in Portugal

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    Introdução: A administração adequada de propofol por via intravenosa durante a indução da anestesia geral implica um bom conhecimento da farmacocinética e da farmacodinâmica, um bom entendimento de como a anestesia altera a consciência e a habilidade de interpretar corretamente a monitorização dos sinais vitais. Este trabalho pretende avaliar a prática usual dos anestesiologistas em Portugal no que diz respeito à administração de propofol por via intravenosa durante a indução da anestesia geral. Material e Métodos: Estudo observacional transversal, descritivo e analítico realizado através de um questionário enviado por correio eletrónico a todos os médicos internos e especialistas em Anestesiologia de vários hospitais portugueses. O questionário apresentava um cenário convencional (Sujeito do sexo masculino, 50 anos, 60 kg, 160 cm, ASA I, submetido a anestesia geral com propofol a 1%) e incluía 10 questões relacionadas com a administração de propofol durante a indução. Foi realizada análise descritiva dos dados obtidos através do programa SPSS 23.0®. Resultados: Responderam ao inquérito 118 médicos, sendo que, a maioria eram especialistas há mais de 5 anos (56,9%). Baseados no cenário apresentado, a maioria dos anestesiologistas administraria uma dose de 60 mg de propofol na indução, a uma velocidade superior a 1200 mL/horas, avaliariam a perda de consciência através da perda do reflexo palpebral, o que se refletiria num índica BIS de 60. A maioria dos participantes medem a pressão arterial do doente a cada 5 minutos e nunca utilizaram sistemas de infusão alvo-controlada. Discussão: Os resultados do inquérito mostraram que existe uma grande variedade de métodos para avaliar a perda de consciência, uma diversidade no manuseamento e doses de propofol na indução, uma falta de experiência no uso de sistemas de infusão alvo-controlada e na avaliação da relação entre a dose, a velocidade e a concentração de propofol. Neste trabalho apresentaram-se também algumas sugestões para os anestesiologistas ponderarem implementar nas suas práticas clínicas. Conclusão: Parece haver uma diversidade na quantidade e na forma como os anestesiologistas portugueses utilizam o propofol na indução da anestesia geral.Introduction: Administering propofol intravenously adequately during induction of general anesthesia implies a good knowledge of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, a good understanding of how anesthesia alters consciousness and the ability to correctly interpret vital signs monitoring. The purpose of this study was to assess the usual practice of anesthesiologists in Portugal regarding the administration of propofol during the induction of general anesthesia. Methods: A transversal observational analytical and descriptive study, conducted through a questionnaire sent by e-mail to all anesthesiologists of several Portuguese hospitals. The questionnaire presented a conventional scenario (male subject, 50 years, 60 kg, 160 cm, ASA I, submitted to general anesthesia with 1% propofol) and has 10 questions directed to the administration of propofol during induction phase of general anesthesia. A descriptive analysis of the data was performed through SPSS 23.0®. Results: A total of 118 physicians responded to the survey, most of whom were experts for more than 5 years (56.9%). Based on the presented scenario, most anesthesiologists would administer mL/hours, and would assess loss of consciousness by evaluating loss of the eyelid reflex, which, in BIS index, would be reflected in a 60 value. Most participants measure the patient's blood pressure every 5 minutes and have never used target-controlled infusion systems. Discussion: The survey showed that there is a wide variety of methods to assess the loss of consciousness, a diversity in handling propofol in induction, a lack of experience in the use of targetcontrolled infusion systems and in the evaluation of the relationship between dose, velocity and concentration of propofol. In this work, some suggestions were also made for anesthesiologists to consider implementing in their clinical practices. Conclusion: There seems to be a diversity in the amount and in the way propofol is used by the Portuguese anesthesiologists to induce general anesthesia.Foundation for Science and Technology ((FCT), Portugal, for the PhD Scholarship SFRH/BD/98915/2013 and for the project UID/ SEM/50022/2013.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Incidência regional e tendências de evolução de incêndios em Portugal (1980-2013)

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    Em pouco mais de três décadas (1980-2013) registaram-se, em Portugal continental, cerca de 745 mil ignições e uma área ardida que ronda 3,7 milhões de hectares. Todavia, quando se analisa a distribuição espacial dos incêndios verifica-se que há distritos especialmente suscetíveis à sua deflagração e outros mais favoráveis à propagação das chamas. A dicotomia Norte/Centro vs Sul de Portugal, tanto no número de ignições como na área ardida, é igualmente bem conhecida. Com o presente trabalho pretende-se analisar a distribuição espacial e detetar tendências de evolução temporal, no período de 1980-2013, tanto na densidade de ignições, como na percentagem de áreas ardidas a nível regional, e, ainda, definir o grau de similaridade existente entre os distritos que compõem Portugal continental, no que se refere à incidência de incêndios florestais. Os resultados referentes à densidade de ignições são perentórios quanto ao seu acréscimo pois, em todas as unidades territoriais, a correlação – baseada quer no coeficiente de Pearson quer no coeficiente de Spearman, de acordo com a análise - revela-se estatisticamente significativa. No que se refere às percentagens de superfície média incinerada, os resultados são mais díspares. Com tendências positivas (p-value <0,05) sobressaem todos os distritos da região Norte, enquanto os de Beja e Évora manifestam a mesma tendência, apenas se aplicado o coeficiente de Spearman. Com tendência inversa, isto é, de decréscimo, apenas se destaca Coimbra. Nos restantes distritos as tendências observadas não revelam significado estatístico

    Lavandula pedunculata polyphenol-rich extracts obtained by conventional, MAE and UAE methods: exploring the bioactive potential and safety for use a medicine plant as food and nutraceutical ingredient

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    Nowadays, plant-based bioactive compounds (BCs) are a key focus of research, supporting sustainable food production and favored by consumers for their perceived safety and health advantages over synthetic options. Lavandula pedunculata (LP) is a Portuguese, native species relevant to the bioeconomy that can be useful as a source of natural BCs, mainly phenolic compounds. This study compared LP polyphenol-rich extracts from conventional maceration extraction (CE), microwave and ultrasound-assisted extraction (MAE and UAE). As a result, rosmarinic acid (58.68–48.27 mg/g DE) and salvianolic acid B (43.19–40.09 mg/g DE) were the most representative phenolic compounds in the LP extracts. The three methods exhibited high antioxidant activity, highlighting the ORAC (1306.0 to 1765.5 mg Trolox equivalents (TE)/g DE) results. In addition, the extracts obtained with MAE and CE showed outstanding growth inhibition for B. cereus, S. aureus, E. coli, S. enterica and P. aeruginosa (>50%, at 10 mg/mL). The MAE extract showed the lowest IC50 (0.98 mg DE/mL) for angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition and the best results for α-glucosidase and tyrosinase inhibition (at 5 mg/mL, the inhibition was 87 and 73%, respectively). The LP polyphenol-rich extracts were also safe on caco-2 intestinal cells, and no mutagenicity was detected. The UAE had lower efficiency in obtaining LP polyphenol-rich extracts. MAE equaled CE’s efficiency, saving time and energy. LP shows potential as a sustainable raw material, allowing diverse extraction methods to safely develop health-promoting food and nutraceutical ingredients.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Variação espacial das principais causas dos incêndios florestais em Portugal (2001-2012)

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    O conhecimento das causas dos incêndios florestais, e dos respetivos fatores de ignição, é indispensável para a eficaz implementação de medidas que visem a prevenção da sua ocorrência. Na bacia do Mediterrâneo as causas que estão na origem dos incêndios florestais são maioritariamente humanas, ficando a dever-se a causas naturais uma ínfima parte das ignições. Por sua vez, as causas dos incêndios, além de diferirem de país para país, são também espacialmente distintas dentro do mesmo país, pois a sua incidência espacial depende de um conjunto específico de fatores regionais, associados não só às componentes ambientais, onde se incluem as condições climático-meteorológicas, o relevo, as caraterísticas dos combustíveis, entre outras, mas também às atitudes e aos comportamentos humanos. Com o presente trabalho pretende-se (i) analisar, à escala do município, a distribuição espacial das principais causas que estão na origem das ignições, no período compreendido entre 2001 e 2012, tendo por base os incêndios florestais investigados e cuja causa foi apurada, dando particular ênfase às causas negligentes (e dentro destas às denominadas de queimadas, que se relacionam com a queima pelo fogo de combustíveis agrícolas e florestais) e às causas intencionais (onde se integra o incendiarismo), (ii) detetar inter-relações entre variáveis biofísicas, socioeconómicas e a incidência de determinado tipo de causa de ignição

    Establishment of 2D Cell Cultures Derived From 3D MCF‐7 Spheroids Displaying a Doxorubicin Resistant Profile

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    In vitro 3D cancer spheroids generally exhibit a drug resistance profile similar to that found in solid tumors. Due to this property, these models are an appealing for anticancer compounds screening. Nevertheless, the techniques and methods aimed for drug discovery are mostly standardized for cells cultured in 2D. The development of 2D cell culture models displaying a drug resistant profile is required to mimic the in vivo tumors, while the equipment, techniques, and methodologies established for conventional 2D cell cultures can continue to be employed in compound screening. In this work, the response of 3D-derived MCF-7 cells subsequently cultured in 2D in medium supplemented with glutathione (GSH) (antioxidant agent found in high levels in breast cancer tissues and a promoter of cancer cells resistance) to Doxorubicin (DOX) is evaluated. These cells demonstrated a resistance toward DOX closer to that displayed by 3D spheroids, which is higher than that exhibited by standard 2D cell cultures. In fact, the 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50 ) of DOX in 3D-derived MCF-7 cell cultures supplemented with GSH is about eight-times higher than that obtained for conventional 2D cell cultures (cultured without GSH), and is only about two-times lower than that attained for 3D MCF-7 spheroids (cultured without GSH). Further investigation revealed that this improved resistance of 3D-derived MCF-7 cells may result from their increased P-glycoprotein (P-gp) activity and reduced production of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Antioxidant activity and cytotoxicity of solubilized C60 and its conjugates with butylated hydroxytoluene

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    It has been described that fullerenes (C60) present interesting properties with potential application in clinical conditions related to oxidative stress. One of the most prominent features of fullerenes is the ability to quench free radicals. However, because of its poor solubility, this has been studied mostly in organic solutions, while the antioxidant activity and cytotoxicity of fullerenes and their derivates in aqueous medium is not well characterized. The antioxidant capacity of synthesised C60-conjugates has been investigated and its was higher comparing to C60 isolated. The aim of this study was to assess the viability of C60-conjugates by determining its antioxidant activity and cytotoxicity in bio-relevant media

    Online group consultation on labor analgesia for pregnant women: is it feasible?

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    Introduction: Our department of anesthesiology has been conducting weekly, for several years, a group consultation to educate childbearing people about labor analgesia. The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic forced an adaptation to a virtual consultation format. Since there are no studies about online group consultation on labor analgesia in order to understand its role, an anonymous questionnaire was created and applied. The objective was to evaluate this new consultation format, namely the ease of access, usefulness of the content provided, and its impact on the satisfaction and experience of childbirth. Materials and methods: An observational prospective study was conducted. A questionnaire was sent by email after childbirth to all childbearing people participating in the online consultation from January 20, 2021, to March 2, 2022. SPSS Statistics version 28.0 (IBM Corp. Released 2021. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 28.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp) was used for statistical analysis. Internal consistency was analyzed using Cronbach’s alpha. Results: A total of 563 participants were eligible, and 404 (71.8%) completed questionnaires were analyzed. A few technical problems were reported. The participants considered their privacy respected, and more than 90% were satisfied with the content of the online consultation, the opportunity to pose questions, and the help managing expectations. Considering face-to-face consultation, 89.6% of patients considered the online format an effective alternative, 63.2% believed it could replace the old model, and 96.3% would recommend it. Conclusions: Our study demonstrates that online consultation on labor analgesia was a good strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic and has the potential to be used in this format in the future.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio