64 research outputs found

    Direct bandgap materials based on the thin films of SexTe100 - x nanoparticles

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    In this study, we fabricated thin films of Se(x)Te(100 − x) (x = 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 24) nanoparticles using thermal evaporation technique. The results obtained by X-ray diffraction show that the as-synthesized nanoparticles have polycrystalline structure, but their crystallinity decreases by increasing the concentration of Se. They were found to have direct bandgap (E(g)), whose value increases by increasing the Se content. These results are completely different than those obtained in the films of Se(x)Te(100 − x) microstructure counterparts. Photoluminescence and Raman spectra for these films were also demonstrated. The remarkable results obtained in these nanoparticles specially their controlled direct bandgap might be useful for the development of optical disks and other semiconductor devices

    Sustainable drug release from polycaprolactone coated chitin‑lignin gel fibrous scaffolds

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    Non-healing wounds have placed an enormous stress on both patients and healthcare systems worldwide. Severe complications induced by these wounds can lead to limb amputation or even death and urgently require more effective treatments. Electrospun scaffolds have great potential for improving wound healing treatments by providing controlled drug delivery. Previously, we developed fibrous scaffolds from complex carbohydrate polymers [i.e. chitin-lignin (CL) gels]. However, their application was limited by solubility and undesirable burst drug release. Here, a coaxial electrospinning is applied to encapsulate the CL gels with polycaprolactone (PCL). Presence of a PCL shell layer thus provides longer shelf-life for the CL gels in a wet environment and sustainable drug release. Antibiotics loaded into core–shell fibrous platform effectively inhibit both gram-positive and -negative bacteria without inducting observable cytotoxicity. Therefore, PCL coated CL fibrous gel platforms appear to be good candidates for controlled drug release based wound dressing applications

    Luminescence Properties of CaF 2

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    Nanostructures of calcium fluoride (CaF2) doped with Eu, Tb, Dy, Cu, and Ag were synthesized by the coprecipitation method and studied for their thermoluminescence (TL) and photoluminescence (PL) properties. The PL emission spectrum of pure CaF2 nanostructure has a broad band in the 370–550 nm range. Similar spectra were observed in case of doped samples, beside extra bands related to these impurities. The maximum PL intensity was observed in Eu doped sample. The TL results of Eu, Cu, Ag, and Tb doped samples show weak glow peaks below 125°C, whereas Dy doped one is found to be highly sensitive with a prominent peak at 165°C. This sample was further exposed to a wide range of gamma rays exposures from 137Cs source. The response curve is linear in the 100 Gy-10 kGy range. It is also observed that the particle size of CaF2 nanostructure was significantly reduced by increasing Dy concentration. These results showed that Dy is a proper activator in the host of CaF2 nanostructure, providing a highly sensitive dosimeter in a wide range of exposures and also plays a role as a controlling agent for particle size growth

    High-energy ball milling technique for ZnO nanoparticles as antibacterial material

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    Nanoparticles of zinc oxide (ZnO) are increasingly recognized for their utility in biological applications. In this study, the high-energy ball milling (HEBM) technique was used to produce nanoparticles of ZnO from its microcrystalline powder. Four samples were ball milled for 2, 10, 20, and 50 hours, respectively. The structural and optical modifications induced in the ‘as synthesized’ nanomaterials were determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), and photoluminescence emission spectra (PL). SEM and TEM results show a gradual decrease in particle size from around 600 to ∼30 nm, with increased milling time. The initial microstructures had random shapes, while the final shape became quite spherical. XRD analysis showed ZnO in a hexagonal structure, broadening in the diffracted peaks and going from larger to smaller particles along with a relaxation in the lattice constant c. The value of c was found to increase from 5.204 to 5.217 Å with a decrease in particle size (600 to ∼30 nm). PL result showed a new band at around 365 nm, whose intensity is found to increase as the particles size decreases. These remarkable structural and optical modifications induced in ZnO nanoparticles might prove useful for various applications. The increase in c value is an important factor for increasing the antibacterial effects of ZnO, suggesting that the HEBM technique is quite suitable for producing these nanoparticles for this purpose

    The Effect of Poly (Glycerol Sebacate) Incorporation within Hybrid Chitin–Lignin Sol–Gel Nanofibrous Scaffolds

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    Chitin and lignin primarily accumulate as bio-waste resulting from byproducts of crustacean crusts and plant biomass. Recently, their use has been proposed for diverse and unique bioengineering applications, amongst others. However, their weak mechanical properties need to be improved in order to facilitate their industrial utilization. In this paper, we fabricated hybrid fibers composed of a chitin–lignin (CL)-based sol–gel mixture and elastomeric poly (glycerol sebacate) (PGS) using a standard electrospinning approach. Obtained results showed that PGS could be coherently blended with the sol–gel mixture to form a nanofibrous scaffold exhibiting remarkable mechanical performance and improved antibacterial and antifungal activity. The developed hybrid fibers showed promising potential in advanced biomedical applications such as wound care products. Ultimately, recycling these sustainable biopolymers and other bio-wastes alike could propel a “greener” economy

    Effect of Composition on Electrical and Optical Properties of Thin Films of Amorphous GaxSe100−x Nanorods

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    We report the electrical and optical studies of thin films of a-GaxSe100−x nanorods (x = 3, 6, 9 and 12). Thin films of a-GaxSe100−x nanorods have been synthesized thermal evaporation technique. DC electrical conductivity of deposited thin films of a-GaxSe100−x nanorods is measured as a function of temperature range from 298 to 383 K. An exponential increase in the dc conductivity is observed with the increase in temperature, suggesting thereby a semiconducting behavior. The estimated value of activation energy decreases on incorporation of dopant (Ga) content in the Se system. The calculated value of pre-exponential factor (σ0) is of the order of 101 Ω−1 cm−1, which suggests that the conduction takes place in the band tails of localized states. It is suggested that the conduction is due to thermally assisted tunneling of the carriers in the localized states near the band edges. On the basis of the optical absorption measurements, an indirect optical band gap is observed in this system, and the value of optical band gap decreases on increasing Ga concentration

    Color Centers Formation in Lithium Fluoride Nanocubes Doped with Different Elements

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    Nanocrystalline cubes of pure and doped LiF material were fabricated. They were doped with Cu, Ag, Dy, Tb, and Eu and studied for their PL properties. Shape of the obtained nanocubes was found to be modified by introducing dopants into the host of LiF. The crystallinity was also decreased by increasing the concentration of these dopants (i.e., Eu and Tb). These impurities could induce exothermic peaks at around 250°C in the measured DSC curves. Moreover, incorporating such impurities into the host of LiF was found to enhance intensity of the broad band at 370–550 nm that was observed in the pure one. Extra sharp emissions were also observed in Eu and Tb doped samples. These results showed that the active color centers created in pure LiF nanocubes can be enriched/enhanced by these impurities, mainly Eu and Tb. This implies that these nanocubes might be useful in the development of optical devices and advanced color center laser

    Structural and Electrochemical Properties of Physically and Chemically Activated Carbon Nanoparticles for Supercapacitors

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    The demand for supercapacitors has been high during the integration of renewable energy devices into the electrical grid. Although activated carbon materials have been widely utilized as supercapacitor electrodes, the need for economic and sustainable processes to extract and activate carbon nanomaterials is still crucial. In this work, the biomass waste of date palm fronds is converted to a hierarchical porous nanostructure of activated carbon using simple ball-milling and sonication methods. Chemical and physical activation agents of NaOH and CO2, receptively, were applied on two samples separately. Compared with the specific surface area of 603.5 m2/g for the CO2-activated carbon, the NaOH-activated carbon shows a higher specific surface area of 1011 m2/g with a finer nanostructure. Their structural and electrochemical properties are functionalized to enhance electrode–electrolyte contact, ion diffusion, charge accumulation, and redox reactions. Consequently, when used as electrodes in an H2SO4 electrolyte for supercapacitors, the NaOH-activated carbon exhibits an almost two-fold higher specific capacitance (125.9 vs. 56.8 F/g) than that of the CO2-activated carbon at the same current density of 1 A/g. Moreover, using carbon cloth as a current collector provides mechanical flexibility to our electrodes. Our practical approach produces cost-effective, eco-friendly, and flexible activated carbon electrodes with a hierarchical porous nanostructure for supercapacitor applications