16 research outputs found

    The Meta-Plot: A Graphical Tool for Interpreting the Results of a Meta-Analysis

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    The meta-plot is a descriptive visual tool for meta-analysis that provides information on the primary studies in the meta-analysis and the results of the meta-analysis. More precisely, the meta-plot portrays (1) the precision and statistical power of the primary studies in themetaanalysis, (2) the estimate and confidence interval of a random-effects meta-analysis, (3) the results of a cumulative random-effects metaanalysis yielding a robustness check of the meta-analytic effect size with respect to primary studies' precision, and (4) evidence of publication bias. After explaining the underlying logic and theory, the meta-plot is applied to two cherry-picked meta-analyses that appear to be biased and to 10 randomly selected meta-analyses from the psychological literature. We recommend accompanying any meta-analysis of common effect size measures with the meta-plot

    Plangebied Dorpscentrum, gemeente Wognum : archeologisch vooronderzoek: een bureau- en inventariserend veldonderzoek

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    Sensatie in het Nederlandse televisienieuws 1980-2004

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    Contains fulltext : 56618.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)RU Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 14 september 2007Promotor : Beentjes, J.W.J. Co-promotor : Hendriks Vettehen, P.G.J.152 p

    Over competitie in de televisienieuwsmarkt en sensationeel nieuws als publiekstrekker: Het Nederlandse televisienieuws in de periode 1980-2004 [Competition in the television news market and sensationalism as a means to attract attention: Television news in the Netherlands 1980-2004]

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    Contains fulltext : 56481.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Trends in sensationalism in Dutch television news were investigated through content analysis of a series of Dutch TV news programs on fifteen sequential measurements between 1980 and 2004. In this period competition in the Dutch television (news) market continuously increased. Indicators of sensationalism were derived from three categories: ‘arousing content’, ‘tabloid packaging’ en ‘vivid storytelling’. Although our findings suggest that the increase in sensationalism in Dutch television news broadcasts is not as comprehensive and ubiquitous as some observers seem to fear, results indicate that Dutch television news programs show an increase in sensationalist features between 1980 and 2004. For example, we see an increase in ‘dramatic subject’, ‘dramatic sounds’, ‘personalization’, ‘close up’ and ‘layperson speaking’. The results of our study further suggest that the increased competition in the Dutch television news market is one of the driving forces behind sensationalism in television news broadcasts. From our results, we can conclude that the increase of sensationalism (at least partly) can be traced back to (a) the rise of new, commercial television news providers, that (b) develop new and more sensational television news formats, and to (c) existing television news programs’ responses to a developing market situation.22 p

    In need of an audience: Sensationalism in Dutch Public Service News and Current Affairs Programs in the 1990's

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    In this paper we discuss a number of questions concerning the more or less sensationalist character of PSB news and current affairs programs in the Netherlands over the past decades. First, three categories of sensationalist stories are distinguished, which are connected to theoretical ideas of human evolution and theories of information processing. Second, theoretical effects of sensationalism on audience ratings, as well as on information processing, are discussed. Third, studies on trends in sensationalism are discussed in the Netherlands and abroad, with a special focus on public broadcasting. Finally, some guiding principles for future PSB news and current affairs programs are formulated

    Ik lokaliseer, ik adverteer en ik boek effect? Een studie naar de perceived ad intrusiveness van location based advertising in een virtuele supermarkt

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    Contains fulltext : 99406-OA.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Om reclamevermijding te verminderen, zullen advertenties moeten aansluiten bij de consument. Op basis van ‘perceived ad intrusiveness’ onderzoekt deze studie middels een innovatief virtueel labexperiment in hoeverre ‘Location Based Advertising’ (LBA) hieraan voldoet. Volgens de resultaten ervaren gebruikers LBA als minder storend dan locatie-onafhankelijke advertenties, met als gevolg een positieve beïnvloeding van attitude en gedragsintentie ten aanzien van LBA

    De schuivende achterban van de Nederlandse publieke omroep [The membership of Dutch public broadcasting associations in social-cultural flux]

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    In the past decades, Dutch society has changed a lot in a social-cultural sense. Three trends can be distinguished; a process of individualization, a changing emphasis on equality and solidarity, and de-ideologization. In this article we study whether membership of Dutch public broadcasting associations has changed in accordance with these trends, and whether they still represent the social-cultural diversity in Dutch society. The study is based on data from six national surveys between 1979 and 2005. A three dimensional joint correspondence analysis shows that membership of the Dutch public broadcasting associations has indeed changed in accordance with societal trends, though not at the same pace. The membership of the religious broadcasting associations has changed much more than the membership of the neutral, socialist, and intellectual broadcasting associations. Over the years, the members of the Dutch public broadcasting associations have social-culturally become more alike, though the differences are still considerable. Also, the membership of the public broadcasting associations is declining, becoming older, and higher educated. Thus, considering all of this, there is ample reason to reconsider the system of representation of social-cultural diversity in the Netherlands through social-culturally diverse public broadcasting associations

    Arousing news characteristics in Dutch television news 1990-2004: An exploration of competitive strategies

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    Contains fulltext : 99550.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)This study investigates the processes by which competition in the television news market might promote the presence of arousing characteristics in television news. A total of 3,024 news stories from six Dutch television news programs over the period 1990 to 2004 were investigated through content analysis. The findings of the study show overall increases in all 6 arousing characteristics. The findings also show that commercial newcomers included more arousing characteristics in their news stories than the public service broadcasters, that commercial newcomers developed a news format that featured more arousing characteristics, and that existing programs reacted to newcomers by increasing the amount of arousing characteristics in their news stories.20 p