1,855 research outputs found

    The Choice of Topics in Male, Female and Mixed-sex Groups of Students of Petra Christian University in Their Chatting

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    This study analyzed some conversations in the male, female and male-female groups of some university students. Using McCarthy\u27s classification of topics, the results show that \u27Persons\u27 is the typical topic in the female group, while \u27Objects/ belongings\u27 is the most favorite topic in the male group. In the mixed-sex group, it is interesting to see how both sexes negotiated the topics by proposing the typical topics of the other sex group

    Tailoring optical response of a hybrid comprising a quantum dimer emitter strongly coupled to a metal nanoparticle

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    We study theoretically the optical response of a nanohybrid comprising a symmetric quantum dimer emitter coupled to a metal nanoparticle (MNP). The interactions between the exitonic transitions in the dimer and the plasmons in the MNP lead to novel effects in the composite's input-output characteristics for the light intensity and the absorption spectrum, which we study in the linear and nonlinear regimes. We fnd that the exciton-plasmon hybridization leads to optical bistability and hysteresis for the one-exciton transition and enhancement of excitation for the two-exciton transition. The latter leads to a signifcant decrease of the field strength needed to saturate the system. In the linear regime, the absortion spectrum has a dispersive (Fano-like) line shape. The spectral position and shape of this spectrum depend on the detuning of the dimer's one-exciton resonance relative to the plasmon resonance. Upon increasing the applied field intensity to the nonlinear regime, the Fano-like singularities in the absorption spectra are smeared and they disappear due to the saturation of the dimer, which leads to the MNP dominating the spectrum. The above effects, for which we provide physical explanations, allow one to tailor the Fano-like shape of the absorption spectrum, by changing either the detuning or the input power

    Peran Emosi dalam Pengajaran Pendldlkanjasmani dan Olahraga

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    This analysis is performed to give a description concerning the role of emotions in teaching ofphysical education and sport. Description early with definition ofemotion expressed with results from the perception ofsome happening and described also as a state of physiological and psychological imbalance. Fear, love; and rage are the three "classical" emotions. Emotional arousal is necessary for peak pertormance, however, it is conceded that too much emotional stimulation tend to interfere with the early stages of motor learning. Emotions are involved in any situation, not only in sports situation. The right kind and the approproate amount ofemotional arousal can truly help a student to reach peaks ofachievement, which would not have been possible without it. Measuring success and failure by the number ofwins and losses parameter representing inadvisable action, because too many frustration and too many failures can be debilitating and disorganizing.The true measure ofsuccess for a student must be his achievement in term of his potentials and the degree ofself-fulfillment achieved through participation

    Pencegahan Dan Pengendalian Diabetes Melitus Melalui Olahraga

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    Diabetes melitus adalah suatu sindroma yang ditandai dengan hiperglikemiakronik dan gangguan metabolisme karbohidrat, lemak dan protein yang berhubungandengan defisiensi absolut atau relatif pada sekresi insulin dan aksi insulin. Ada empatsyarat untuk mencegah dan mengendalikan diabetes melitus yaitu edukasi, perencanaanmakan, olahraga dan intervensi farmakologis. Salah satu syarat pengelolaan diabetesmelitus yaitu dengan berolahraga. Olahraga merupakan suatu kegiatan yang murah,mudah dan dapat dikerjakan setiap waktu serta aman selama dipersiapkan dan dimonitordengan baik. Olahraga bermanfaat untuk menurunkan berat badan dan memperbaikisensitivitas terhadap insulin, sehingga akan memperbaiki kendali glukosa darah.Sekalipun tidak terjadi penurunan berat badan, peningkatan sensitivitas insulin sertapenurunan kadar glukosa darah tetap terjadi. Walaupun demikian, penderita diabetesmelitus yang mengalami penurunan berat badan akan mendapat manfaat yang lebihbesar. Sebelum melakukan olahraga, penderita diabetes harus memperhatikan persiapanpersiapan khusus, memilih jenis-jenis olahraga yang cocok, berserta intensitas danfrekuensinya yang tepat sehingga olahraga tersebut dapat memberikan manfaat yanglebih besar, aman, nyaman dan memperbaiki kualitas hidup penderita diabetes melitus

    Sikap Anggota Spa Medica YOGYAKARTA Terhadap Senam Penyembuhan Medicadalam Mengatasi Stres

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    Penelitian Inl bertujuan untuk mengetahui sikap paraanggota SPa Aiedica terhadap senam penyembuhan medica dalammengatasi stres, dengan mengidcntifikasi komponen sikap, kognitif,afekdf, dan konatif. Hal itu mcncakup sikap terhadap SPa Medicadan kesehatan, meditasi dan daya pikir, stres mental dan stres fisikpara anggota SPa Medica Yogyakarta.Populasi penelitian ini melipuu seluruh anggota di limasanggar SPa Medica Yogyakarta. Pengambilan sampel denganteknik insidetal sampling. Instrumen penelidan berupa angketdengan empat alternatif jawaban. AnaUsis data menggunakanteknik analisis data deskripuf.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa anggota SPa Medicaterhadap senam penyembuhan medica dalam mengatasi stres dalamkategori sangat positif dengan persentase untuk komponenkognitif 83.41 %, afektif 82.89 %, dan konatif 81.77 %. Ditinjau dari objek sikap, hasil perhimngan menunjukkan bahwa sikapanggota terhadap SPa Medica dan kesehatan 84.81 %, meditasidan daya pikir 83.02 %, sedangkan untuk stres mental dan stresfisik 80.67 Vo. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa secaraumum anggota SPa Medica mempunyai pengetahuan, pandangan,dan keyakinan yang sangat positif terhadap senam penyembuhanmedica dalam mengatasi stre

    Peran Kinestesis dalam Pembelajaran Motorik

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    This article describes the role of kinesthesis in motor learning. It starts with a definition that kinesthesis is generally regarded as“a feeling or awareness” of body position and body movement. But there are four factors seemingly quite common in definitions of kinesthesis: positioning of body segments, precision of movement, balance, and spatial orientation. Any appropriate reference explaining the reception and tramsmission of kinesthetic information during movement has not yet been determined to the satisfaction of all those working in this area. Traditionally, it has been assumed that the proprioceptor in the muscles represents the source of kinesthesis. The possibility of improving the capability of the kinesthetic organ of sense has been a subject of considerableinterest in discussions among instructors of physical education. But there is, as yet, no convincing evidence that kinesthesis can be improved. It is generally stated, though, that the more one practices in repeating a certain movement, the more skillful one becomes in making that movement. One can feel, however, that “feeling” and “balance”, as main elements of kinesthesis, can be improved through increased practice frequency and or creation of a conducive condition

    Plasmon-assisted two-photon Rabi oscillations in a semiconductor quantum dot -- metal nanoparticle heterodimer

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    Tho-photon Rabi oscillations hold potential for quantum computing and quantum information processing, because during a Rabi cycle a pair of entangled photons may be created. We theoretically investigate the onset of this phenomenon in a heterodimer comprising a semiconductor quantum dot strongly coupled to a metal nanoparticle. Two-photon Rabi oscillations in this system occur due to a coherent two-photon process involving the ground-to-biexciton transition in the quantum dot. The presence of a metal nanoparticle nearby the quantum dot results in a self-action of the quantum dot via the metal nanoparticle, because the polatization state of the latter depends on the quantum state of the former. The interparticle interaction gives rise to two principal effects: (i) - enhancement of the external field amplitude and (ii) - renormalization of the quantum dot's resonance frequencies and relaxation rates of the off-diagonal density matrix elements, both depending on the populations of the quantum dot's levels. Here, we focus on the first effect, which results in interesting new features, in particular, in an increased number of Rabi cycles per pulse as compared to an isolated quantum dot and subsequent growth of the number of entangled photon pairs per pulse. We also discuss the destructive role of radiative decay of the excitonic states on two-photon Rabi oscillations for both an isolated quantum dot and a heterodimer.Comment: 11 pages, 19 figure

    Pengelolaan Ekspresi Budaya Tradisional (Ebt) Di Daerah Pasca Undang-undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 Tentang Hak Cipta

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    Ekspresi budaya tradisional menunjukkan identitas kultural. Ekspresi budaya tradisional menampilkan watak dan corak kebudayaan daerah. Historisitas daerah itu dimanivestasikan dan dengan demikian sekaligus juga karekter atau identitas, sehingga bangsa Indonesia kaya akan budaya. Ekspresi budaya tradisional yang merupakan salah satu kekayaan intelektual yang bersifat komunal memiliki hak ekonomi. Ekspresi budaya tradisional bila digunakan oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab dapat merugikan atau mengurangi hak ekonomi masyarakat pengembannya. Selain itu bila tidak dilindungi maka akan dapat disalahgunakan dan juga berpotensi terjadi sengketa. Untuk itu perlu adanya peraturan Perundang-undangan yang memadai dan perlunya pengelolaan yang baik terhadap ekspresi budaya tradisional. Pengelolaan ekspresi budaya tradisional yang dilakukan pemerintah harus memperhatikan asas-asas pemerintahan yang baik dan harus bekerjasama dengan stakeholder dan Sentra Kekayaan Intelektual yang ada di daerah. Pengelolaan ekspresi budaya tradisional dilakukan dengan menginventarisasi dan melindunginya sesuai dengan peraturan Perundang-undangan yang berlaku saat ini yakni dengan mendaftarkannya di instansi pemerintah yang berwenang
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