16 research outputs found

    Algoritma Genetika Dalam Program Pencarian Jalur Alternatif

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    Pencarian jalur alternatif pada saat terjadi kemacetan atau penutupan jalan bisadilakukan dengan mengingat setiap jalan yang terhubung dengan jalan terse\u27but, tapi hal inihanya bisa dilakukan oleh pengguna jasa kendaraan yang sudah mengenal jalan tersebut.Bentuk permasalahan yang terjadi diubah dalam bentuk graf dimana tiap titik merupakanperwujudan dari tiap persimpangan yang ada pada peta, sedangkan jaraknya diwujudkan dalambentuk garis.Pencarian jaraknya adalah dimulai dengan penginputan titik asal dan titik tujuan. Melaluiperhitungan dengan algoritma genetika maka akan didapat jalur yang menurut sistemmerupakan jalur yang dapat dilewati, dan jika terjadinya kemacetan pada jalur tersebut sistem akan mencari ulang jalur alternatifnya dengan titik awal adalah persimpangan dimanakemacetan terjadi.Algoritma Genetika merupakan algoritma pencarian yang berdasarkan pada genetik danseleksi alam. Dikarena prosesnya menggunakan evolusi yang diwakili dengan bilangan random,maka hasil yang didapat bervariasi mulai dari diketahui jalur alternatif paling baik, sampai jaluryang diinginkan tidak didapat

    Perbedaan Prestasi Belajar dan Keterampilan Proses Sains Materi Fisika

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze and find (1) the differences of academic achievement based on laboratory techniques, (2) the performance of academic achievement based on entry behavior, (3) the interaction between the practice and entry behavior on student achievement. The study was conducted in junior high school SMP Ma’arif 12 Terbanggi Besar, Lampung Tengah.Data collecting technique used observation technique and questionnaires, also all data being analyzed factorial design. The results showed that (1) there was difference in academic achievement of sciences based on practice technique because value sig,000 0,05 so Ho received.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dan menemukan (1) perbedaan prestasi belajar yang disebabkan perbedaan teknik praktikum, (2) perbedaan prestasi belajar yang disebabkan perbedaan kemampuan awal (3) interaksi praktikum dan kemampuan awal terhadap prestasi belajar siswa. Penelitian dilakukan di SMP Ma’arif 12 Terbanggi Besar Lampung Tengah. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes, observasi dan angket serta dianalisis menggunakan desain faktorial. Hasil penelitian diperoleh (1) ada perbedaan prestasi belajar IPA yang disebabkan teknik praktikum karena nilai sig,000 0,05 sehingga Ho diterima

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Dokumentasi Jaringan

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    Company networks are continually expanding to meet the needs of the company. Therefore the company must add or even change the structure of the network or network topology. In this case a network administrator must also change the network documentation ​​in accordance with the development, The documentation contains information from every device on the network. Topology changes can be difficult for network administrators in managing the network if it does not have good documentation. The application built by the author proved helpful in making the network documentation. It provide and assist network administrators in making the topology and document in the printed form that can be used as documentation of the network by the company. So it can help network administrators manage and maximize the network

    Rancang Bangun Alat Pengontrol Suhu Pada Proses Pengomposan Sampah Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega8

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    Compost is organic materials like leaves, straws, reeds, grasses, and even the animal faces which have experienced decomposition process by micro organism so can be used to repair the nature of soils. The aims of this research are (1) Designing Temperature Controller system by using LM35 temperature Censor with Atmega8 microcontroller, (2) Designing and constructing software using C language program to control temperature automatically, (3) Testing temperature controller device at composting machine. Research parameters include censor calibrating, microcontroller testing, and whole device testing. The research conduction got the result for temperature sensor 1, 2, 3, and 4 used LM35 censor at range 25oC – 70oC. Linear regression for censor 1: y = 0.098x + 2.059 determination coefficient score is 0,996. Linear regression for censor 2: y = 0.101x + 0.876 determination coefficient score is 0,995 Linear regression for censor 3 and 4: y = 0.098x + 2.059 with determination coefficient = 0,996. From the whole device testing, first step intake of temperature data, 30 minutes interval for 3 days: deviation score 1st day = 0.98, 2nd day = 0.906, and 3rd day = 0.937. Controlled temperature composting needs less time and produce less stink than composting without temperature control

    Penerapan Metode USAbility Testing Pada Visualisasi Pembelajaran Protokol Spanning Tree

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    Topologi ganda sangat dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan availabilitas suatau jaringan dengan mencegah tidak bisa diaksesnya suatu bagian jaringan karena gagalnya komunikasi dalam suatu titik. Namun demikian topologi ganda dapat memunculkan permasalahan looping frame yang bisa menyebabkan kepadatan lalu lintas paket. Protokol Spanning Tree yang berjalan di Layer 2 dikembangkan untuk mengatasi munculnya looping pada topologi ganda. Protokol ini menggunakan mekanisme pengaturan port-port yang berperan dalam topologi ganda dalam status forwarding dan blocking (alternatif forward) secara administratif. Visualisasi Pembelajaran Protokol Spanning Tree ini dibuat untuk menjadi salah satu media pembelajaran yang menyajikan materi Protokol Spanning Tree dalam bentuk animasi, soal-soal latihan, dan studi kasus yang membantu dalam proses pemahaman dan pembelajaran Protokol Spanning Tree. Untuk mengukur tingkat USAbilitas program ini, digunakan beberapa metode Usability Testing yang ada, yaitu: compatibility, consistency, flexibility, learnability, perceptual limitation, dan minimal action. Dari hasil penelitian terhadap mahasiswa kategori belum pernah belajar Protokol Spanning Tree sebelumnya diperoleh nilai Compatibility: 81.09%, Consistency: 75.64%, Flexibility: 76.73%, Learnability: 77.45%, Minimal Action: 74.55%, dan Perceptual Limitation: 77.82%. Sedangkan Penelian terhadap mahasiswa yang sudah pernah belajar Protokol Spanning Tree diperoleh nilai Compatibility: 78.67%, Consistency: 74.67%, Flexibility: 74.22%, Learnability: 72.89%, Minimal Action: 75.11%, dan Perceptual Limitation: 80%

    Evolusi Tektonik Di Daerah Nenas Dan Kefamenanu, Nusa Tenggara Timur Implikasinya Terhadap Potensi Perangkap (Trap) Hidrokarbon Pada Cekungan Timor Bagian Barat

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    In Timor island found many indications of hydrocarbons such as oil seeps, gas seeps and mud volcanoes. In the eastern part of the territory there are indications of more oil, while in the western part of the territory more gas indications (Charlton, 2001). It is a challenge for a geologist in particular to uncover all the potential that exists in the Timor Basin.The purpose of this study was to determine the composition of the stratigraphy in the study area, which is developing the geological structure and its relationship with the existing stratigraphy in the study area, the main emphasis is to work towards the western part of Timor Island, Explaining the tectonic evolution of the study area and type of trap hydrocarbons that exist in the study area.The method used in this thesis is a survey method and analysis methods. Methods of geological mapping survey with a description of the characteristics of each formation encountered and measured thick layer of rock that is useful for stratigraphic cross sections, and measurement of structural elements such as bedding plane, joint, faults and folds. Analysis method by analyzing both the geological structure alignment analysis and analysis stereografis.The composition of the regional stratigraphic in research area from old to young is Maubise Formation, Atahoc Formation, Cribas Formation, Niof Formation, Babulu Formation, and Aitutu Formation. Geological structures that developed in the study area at Permian old rocks there are a reverse fault has trending NW-SE, strike slip fault has trending N-S, and normal fault has trending NW-SE, whereas in Triassic old rocks there are a reverse fault has trending NE-SW, strike slip fault has trending NE-SW, and normal fault has trending NE-SW. Look at the similarity of has trending reverse fault and normal fault orientation at Permian age, interpreted that reverse fault is result of reactivation from normal fault plane with same plane orientation. This also applies to Niof Formation, Babulu Formation and Aitutu Formation are Triassic old rocks there are a reverse fault has trending NE-SW and normal fault has trending NE-SW. the similarity of that trending orientation can interpreted as a result from reactivation of that happened at Permian old rocks. The main stress in Permian old rocks is NE-SW, while in Triassic old rocks is E-W. Based on analysis, trap hydrocarbon potential is structural trap with type are anticline and reverse faul

    Households, Financial Distress, and Predatory Lending: an Experimental Study

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    A substantial part of households and micro enterprises, particularly in developing countriesincluding Indonesia, did not have access to formal financial institutions which thenlead them to borrow money from illegal loan providers. Using an experimental study, wetested whether predatory loan, an illegal short-term loan with high interest rate, waspreferable or not by comparing with pawnshop loan, bank loan and household's limitedsaving when households confront with financial distress. We divided the participantsinto three groups: lower low, low, and upper low income. We found that predatory loanwas preferable especially for lower low and low income group. Result also confirmedthat even if the predatory loan charge was increased, the lower low- and low-incomegroups still prefer to ease their financial distress through predatory loans. Moreover, thelonger the duration of the predatory loan, the higher its probability to be chosen as afunding source in times of household financial distress