214 research outputs found

    Marketing and Quality of Pencak Silat School Services

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    In accordance with the development of the era, each Pencak Silat (kind of martial arts) school requires to rethink the objectives and strategy in marketing ofPencak Silat. This is based on rapid changes in technologY; economic, social and cultural rights so that they can follow in accordance with the development and the needs of the community. This rapidly changes can make the privilege principles in carry on business in the past that no longer apply.The challenge in the recent years, there are many Pencak Silat school face the new problem, they have to fight in a harder globalization competition, for example: the coaching qualities, neglected infrastructure improvement, achievement stagnation, and inability educator. Those are the problem but can be a business opportunity for Pencak Silat School in the marketing process.Sport activity which involved the facilities called goods and the activity of the coaches called service. Both of the goods products and services cannot be separate in the process of teachinglearning, so, the service quality of Pencak Silat must give many attentions so that it will improve the service quality

    Laju Perpindahan Panas pada Radiator dengan Fluida Campuran 80% Air dan 20% Radiator Coolant pada Putaran Konstan

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    Mobil yang digunakan untuk menempuh perjalanan yang jauh biasanya dipacu dengankecepatan yang cukup tinggi dengan putaran mesin berkisar pada putaran 2000 rpm dan dalam jangkawaktu yang cukup lama. Agar tidak terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan akibat suhu mesin melebihi suhunormal mesin saat bekerja, maka penelitian ini perlu dilakukan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengujianperbandingan laju perpindahan panas mesin antara pemakaian 100% air dengan campuran 80% air dan20% radiator coolant dengan metode paired comparison pada putaran 2000 rpm. Dari penelitian tersebutdiambil data antara lain temperatur masuk dan keluar radiator, dan volume aliran fluida radiator (Q) yangkemudian dilakukan pengolahan data untuk menentukan laju aliran massa (m), panas spesifik fluida (Cp),laju perpindahan panas radiator (q), dan pengolahan data secara statistik. Hasil pengujian terhadapcampuran fluida radiator 80% air dan 20% radiator coolant menunjukkan rata – rata selisih temperaturinlet radiator dengan temperatur outlet radiator yang lebih tinggi sebesar 4,725°C serta rata-rata lajuperpindahan panas radiator yang lebih tinggi juga sebesar 8,0378 kJ/s. Kondisi ini menunjukkan pada rpm2000, campuran 80% air dan 20% radiator coolant memiliki kemampuan penyerapan dan perpindahanpanas mesin yang lebih tinggi daripada 100% air

    Peranan Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia dalam Membantu Masyarakat yang Dirugikan Akibat Iklan yang Menyesatkan

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    Advertising is a marketing tool used by businesses to introduce a variety of products they produce to consumers, as well as to increase consumer awareness of the variety of products produced. Business operators to use advertising to promote the goods and / or services they produce to consumers through advertising and the consumer can obtain information about the goods and / or services . But in reality only concerned with profit businesses alone without realizing whether the information provided in the advertisement is correct and accurate instead tend to mislead. This is of course detrimental to consumers because consumers buy without knowing whether the goods and / or services are useful or not even be able to cause loss of life if not properly supervised. Issues to be discussed in this penlitian is how the implementation of the role of the Indonesian Consumers Foundation to help disadvantaged communities by advertising goods or services that are misleading? The way of writing of this research is to use legal research with socio-juridical approach, namely the implementation of the normative regulations misleading advertising field as the focus of the study. This paper seeks to examine and analyze the implementation of YLKI role in helping the public from misleading advertising, finding the obstacles faced and to attempt to formulate a solution to do YLKI against the constraints that exist

    Implentasi Algoritma K-nearest Neighbor Dalam Memprediksi Potensi Calon Kreditur Di Ksp Galih Manunggal

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    Seiring pertumbuhan bisnis, kredit merupakah masalah yang menarik untuk diteliti. Beberapa riset dibidang komputer untuk mengurangi resiko kredit telah banyak dilakukan. Penelitian ini membahas algoritma k-Nearest Neighbor (k-nn) yang diterapkan pada data nasabah yang menggunakan jasa keuangan kredit di Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) Galih Manunggal. Dari hasil perhitungan k-nearest neighbor yang diterapkan pada data calon kreditur dengan menggunakan dasar pertimbangan data riwayat kreditur lama, hasil dengan nilai tertinggi akan dijadikan acuan penilaiaan potensi calon kreditur dalam membayar angsuran kredit

    Analisa Sistem Mesin Pendingin Water Chiller yang Menggunakan Fluida Kerja R12 dengan Variasi Puli Kompresor

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    Dunia industri dewasa ini bidang refrigerasi memiliki pertumbuhan yang mantap. Penerapan teknik refrigerasi yang terbanyak adalah refrigerasi industri, ini meliputi pemrosesan, pengawetan makanan, penyerapan panas dari bahan-bahan kimia, perminyakan dan industri petrokimia. Selain itu terdapat penggunaan khusus seperti pada industri manufaktur dan konstruksi. Pada mesin pendingin ini proses pendinginan air (water chiller) terjadi pada evaporator, di mana kalor air yang diserap digunakan untuk penambahan kalor refrigeran pada tekanan konstan sehingga penguapan refrigeran menuju uap jenuh.Oleh sebab itu dalam penelitian ini penulis mencoba membahas tentang salah satu terapan dari bidang refrigerasi yaitu pembuatan mesin pendingin water chiller Pembahasan mengenai persiapan alat untuk pengujian yang menyangkut dari segi kekuatan material dan konstruksi tidak dilakukan. Alat ukur buatan pabrik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diasumsikan sudah dikalibrasi oleh pabrik pembuatnya, sehingga tidak dibahas. Titik berat dari penelitian ini adalahanalisa pengaruh pendinginan pada kondensor terhadap performansi sistem berdasarkan analisa keseimbangan energi, di mana seluruh sifat-sifat termodinamika berkaitan dengan energi. Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah menganalisa performansi sistem water chiller dengan fluida kerja R12 dengan variasi puli kompresor, sedangkan analisa kerusakan alat tidak dibahas

    Aspek Farmakologi Tetrahidrokurkumin: Metabolit Utama Kurkumin

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    Tetrahydrocurcumin is a main metabolite product from biotransformation process of curcuminin the body. Biotransformation of curcumin is fast and occurred during absorption process ingastrointestinal tract. The biotransformation of curcumin to tetrahydrocurcumin and the stability oftetrahydrocurcumin play important roles in the biological effects of curcumin in the body. Thepresent article discussed about the pharmacological aspects of tetrahydrocurcumin.Tetrahydrocurcumin was reported possessing several pharmacological activities such as:antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotector, anti-allergy, protective for atherosclerosis and renaldamage, and also anticarcinogenesis. It’s main pharmacological activity is antioxidant, which isunderlying and responsible for the other activities. The antioxidant activity of tetrahydrocurcuminwas reported better than this of curcumin. The main factors for the antioxidant or free radicalscavenger effects of tetrahydrocurcumin are it’s aromatic/phenolic hydroxy and -diketon moieties

    Konsep Design Catalyst Dalam Revitalisasi Kawasan Studi Kasus Penataan Kawasan Kota Agung Kabupaten Tanggamus

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    Phisycal intervention in the planning process could be the ‘micro\u27 intervention, which mean thatthe pysical aspect of infilltration is the growth ‘catalyst\u27 of the area/environment. Catalyst is oneof the concept for revitalitation strategy in built area/environment. In the concept of urbancatalyst, architectural design could be the catalyst for area/environment planning and designingprocess. This concept give important point for revitalitation process, which mean ‘designarchitectural\u27 could be the catalyst for revitalitation. Kota Agung as the municipal of KabupatenTanggamus has a significant history as one of important place in South of Sumatra in colonialismera, which is also indicate by its location. This study take as design study with synoptic method asthe metodology of the study. From the analysis process, showed that public space, commercialcenter and beach/waterfront activity could be the catalyst for the growth of Kota Agung. Thisprocess also could reinforce the cultural aspect of the place. Those catalyst could be moresignificant with the forming of linkage system in the area/environment

    Pemanfaatan Museum Bri Dan Museum Jenderal Sudirman Sebagai Sumber Belajar IPS Oleh Siswa Dan Guru SD Di Purwokerto

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    Museum having the role and function of to use in the life of. Function museum unable to give spirit to develop the idea. Besides its function gather, identify, recording and next exhibiting. These functions explain a museum is not just exhibition dead , but also invited the historian , experts history, the community, teachers and students to have knowledge and get information value relics left by the history. This study was conducted in museum BRI and museum Jenderal Sudirman and including research qualitative. Technique data collection using interviews, observation and study documents. This study aims to analyze how the use of second this museum by teachers and primary school student. Keywords: museum, learning resources, social studie

    Menggambar Dari Angka Bagi Guru Tk Ump

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    Activities to produce a work of art is a process that requires sensitivity to the object as a work activity creates. Drawing is part of the global movement for children\u27s motor, the whole body is involved in the drawing. Although graffiti children aged under five can not be called an image but in a later stage, the resulting strokes will be meaningful for children and parents. Drawing is the stage after passing through the stage of the graffiti-crossed. Phase drawing, children do work that involves coordination from imagination, hands, eyes and other body parts. The training was attended by 11 teachers in the UMP kindergarten. Training results showed an increase in terms of composition and creativity of teachers in the drawing of the numbers. Keywords: drawing, figure, ar
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