27 research outputs found

    Penerapan Edugame Interaktif untuk Pengenalan Pakaian Adat Nasional Indonesia

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    Interactive Edugame is an educational media are widely used in today, with interesting visualization, so that the public easily identify the information submitted. Interactive Edugame introduction o f the National Indigenous Apparel Indonesia can be a medium of learning and creativity, so that is making user easier to understand the National Indigenous Apparel. Interactive Edugame developed using Adobe Flash and action script programming language. The results already obtained from tests using questionnaires and calculated the Likert method is 74.1 percent, it can be concluded that the application interactive edugame introduction o f the National Indigenous Apparel Indonesia entered good criteria

    Penerapan Seo (Search Engine Optimization) Menggunakan Teknik Together in a Single Connection (Tsc) Dalam Meningkatkan Kunjungan Pada Sebuah Blog

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    One of the internet service used by the people of Indonesia is a blog that can be accessed via http://blogspot.com or http://wordpress.com and others. Everyone can use this medium for the purpose of publication of information in the form of text, images, sounds, or video without having to master web programming languages. One of the obstacles a person who has a blog is a way of increasing number of visitors to his blog. In order for many visitors the blog owner needs to understand about SEO (Search Engine Optimization).To allow users to blog in increasing the number of visitors and ranking his blog, they invented a system that utilizes parallel processing techniques and create a new method, named TSC (Together in a Single Connection) to increase the number of visitors, number of pages viewed and ranking.Increase blog traffic system based on parallel processing can improve the effectiveness in increasing traffic to a blog. With this system the blog owner is expected to be easier to rise to visit his blog

    Penerapan Sistem Keamanan dengan Kriptografi Advanced Encryption Standard (Aes) dan Key Administrator pada Sinkronisasi File

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    File synchronization is the process of homogenization or adjustment between one file at a location with other files in the event that a change to be used up and running in a system. File synchronization is generally a process of data exchange in order to have the same amount of data. To maintain the confidentiality of the data necessary to maintain services for data security. The use of cryptographic AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) to encrypt the file and combined with the administrator as an authentication key in making additions or changes to the file is a security system that can be applied to synchronize the files so that data confidentiality will be maintained. The results of the implementation of file synchronization application by applying the AES cryptography and key administrators who carried on the local network and the Internet as a service application data synchronization between the user and the service back-up data as manual handling if storage was damaged and can avoid the theft of data from a file synchronized

    Pemanfaatan Direction Api ( Application Programming Interface ) Pada Layanan Google Map Untuk Pencarian Rumah Ibadah Di Kotamadya YOGYAKARTA Pada Handphone Berbasis Android

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    Since the smartphone android as open technology was found, the Users can take some advantages from Google's map service which is exist in the application to build the applications service. API direction can using HTTP to determine the location of the inter-view destination, mileage and road routes that can be passed either as a text string or as a latitude or longitude that can be implemented through a Google map.By using this direction google map service, API, can be used this service to create a searching application service to search the houses of worship. Besides used for knowing generally the houses of worship that exist around the Yogyakarta city, the determination of the shortest path is needed because in this life people often travel from one place to another by considering the efficiency of time, mileage and expenses.Searching service of the houses of worship is existed in the application, it can be tested in various service providers through the internet and GPS signal strength which is optimal enough to obtain the shortest distance with the direction on the map and with a percentage accuracy of the average distance between Google on the map with the actual distance of 99%

    Automatisasi Penentuan Jalur Koneksi Internet pada Tiga Provider

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    Along with the times, the computer network has undergone many changes from time to time. Eventually, internet network is known. To test the reachability of a host on an IP address (internet protocol) network and to measure the round-trip time for messages sent from the host to the destination, computer needs to perform ping process. Ping operates by sending ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) echo request packets to the target host and waiting for an ICMP response. internet connection lane determination automation uses three providers done by comparing the smallest average value of the result of the ping. The test results are printed in the form of a statistical summary of the response packets received, including the minimum, maximum and average round-trip time. The signal strength is not directly proportional to the value of average, because the signal strength is affected by the report the data RSCP, throughput and quality of services covering CSSR (Call Setup Success Ratio), CCSR (Call Completion Success Ratio), DCR (Dropped Call Ratio) and BCR (Blocked Call Ratio) which can be used to optimize the network