5 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan keterampilan proses sains (KPS) siswa setelah diterapkan model pembelajaran inkuiri. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan kuantitatif. Subyek penelitian ini yaitu siswa kelas VIII pada salah satu SMP di Mojoagung. Tahapan penelitian meliputi tiga tahap, yaitu tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan, dan tahap analisis. Hasil analisis data penerapan model pembelajaran inkuiri untuk meningkatkan KPS siswa, Keterampilan proses sains (KPS) siswa didapatkan dari hasil analisis menggunakan N-gain score. Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilaksanakan, keterampilan proses sains siswa kelas VIII-A dan VIII-B mengalami peningkatan. Nilai N-gain yang didapatkan dari masing-masing kelas VIII-A dan VIII-B yaitu 0,54 dan 0,56, yang mana keduanya termasuk dalam kategori sedang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model inkuiri dalam pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan keterampilan proses sains siswa SMP.Kata Kunci : Penerapan, Inkuiri, Keterampilan Proses Sains (KPS
Self-efficacy takes a profound and significant effect on the initial status of reading comprehension (Louicka, et. al., 2016). Within the learning motivation of the students, self-efficacy is involved, which includes personal belief of the individual to accomplish particular goal (Sitzmann and Ely, 2011). Academic self-efficacy is correlated with academic performance which constitutes as moderate factors mediating and identifying several elements such as effort regulation, management strategy, and objective orientation as well as causality which requires to be established between self-efficacy and academic achievement. (Honicke and Broadbent, 2016). The study reported in this paper sought to investigate the effect of self-regulated learning strategy on the self-efficacy among high school students. This study was a quasi-experimental study with non-equivalent groups, which includes pre and post-test design with the control group. In the present study, the researchers used covariance analysis technique to further analyze the data obtained. The findings on this present study revealed the negative correlation between selfefficacy and experiment group which obtained r = -0.267, p > 0,01. Additionally, no interaction was confirmed between experiment and control group which was indicated by significance score above 0.05 (F = 0,656, p > 0,05). Using ANACOVA analysis, the average of self-efficacy on post-test (M = 170.5000; SD 10) is higher than self-efficacy on pre-test (M = 163.8848: SD = 13). Hence, it is confirmed that self-efficacy of the students is improving after being given treatment. Additionally, this study reported that there is a difference on self-efficacy between experiment group who possess …… self-efficacy which was indicated by F = 23,616, p>0,05 and there is no difference between post-test and pre-test on experiment group which was indicated by F =2,057, p < 0,05
Social Emotional Development and Character as the Focus of the Education Policy
Abstract The importance of emotional and social skills of the character is perceived today for students, communities and workers. In view of the number of risky behavior in our society today, for example, drug use, violence, and other forms of emotional, excessive feelings of frustration and so forth are also venturing into the world of education experienced by students in Indonesia. The problems being faced by this country has always focused on character education. Social learning emotional is a process where children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve goals that are positive, feel and show empathy for others, building and maintaining a positive relationships and make a responsible decision. This learning appears when an understanding that learning in the context of a supportive relationship that makes learning challenging, interesting, and meaningful. And this is best done through effective classroom instruction, students' involvement in positive activities in and out of the classroom, and parents are spacious and community involvement in the planning, implementation, and evaluation. Social emotional learning and character is considered very effective if imposed from preschool through high school. Educators, parents, and policy makers synergize and ensure that the core competencies of social and emotional learning is necessary for the functioning of life for students effective and these skills need to be taught.
Keywords: Social and Emotional Learning, Character, Policy Focu
Process of Self Regulated Learning an Student’s Strategic Studies Activities in Learning Environment
Many changes in the concept of educational psychology right now, so that self-regulated learning has been a major focus of research. There are some similarities that emerge from different theoretical concepts that exist in learning self-regulation. Model self-regulated learning is rooted in a broader conception of the development of self-regulation has been associated with a variety of domains to understand how active a person's role, objectives and reflect on their own function or behavior. Contemporary models of self-regulated learning proposing that the self-regulated learning is influenced by social factors and contextual, so it supports the perspective of social-cognitive most well understood is the reciprocal relationship, where cognitive personal factors, environment and behavior interact by way of reciprocity. The interrelationship, which includes the social environment and a variety of learning contexts, is as fundamental social cognition. The neighborhood has a significant impact on development, and also affects actualizing self-regulated learning. Seeing the cognitive and social perspective, requires the assumption that the social and the self is seen as a separate entity, while the role of social and environmental factors are factors to influence students and provide opportunities for the development of self-regulated learning skills. The theoretical framework of self-regulated learning assumes that social factors as a central factor
Pemanfaatan Olahan Daun Kelor untuk Menekan Angka Stunting di Kelurahan Limbangan Wetan
Pemerintah Indonesia saat ini sedang gencar menangani permasalahan kekurangan gizi yang cukup besar di masyarakat terutama permasalahan stunting pada bayi dan anemia serta kekurangan energi kronis yang diderita oleh ibu-ibu hamil. Stunting merupakan keadaan gagal tumbuh pada balita akibat kekurangan gizi kronis. Faktor utama pemicu gizi kurang ini yaitu asupan nutrisi yang tidak baik. Faktor utama ini biasanya dipicu oleh masalah kemiskinan. Tujuan dilakukan pengabdian ini adalah 1) untuk mengedukasi masyarakat tentang nilai manfaat daun kelor untuk meningkatkan asupan gizi bagi balita yang dikemas dalam bentuk puding daun kelor; 2) mengedukasi masyarakat tentang beragam olahan daun kelor; dan 3) nilai ekonomis olahan daun kelor serta mendorong masyarakat untuk membudidayakan pohon kelor sehingga bisa dimanfaatkan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan gizi keluarga setiap hari. Guna mencapai tujuan tersebut, dilakukanlah sosialisasi pemanfaatan daun kelor yang dapat diolah menjadi puding dan menekan angka stunting di masyarakat. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dimulai dengan pemberian materi tentang stunting, dilanjutkan dengan pemanfaatan daun kelor untuk beragam makanan olahan. Melalui kegiatan ini masyarkat di desa Limbangan Wetan semakin teredukasi tentang beragam nilai manfaat daun kelor yang banyak mereka temukan di lingkungan sekitar mereka. Sosialisasi pemanfaatan olahan daun kelor untuk menekan angka prevalensi stunting di Kelurahan Limbangan Wetan, Brebes telah dilaksanakan secara efektif. Hal itu terlihat dari sejumlah indikator yang diperoleh pasca-sosialisasi. Dari indikator kemudahan dan ketuntasan materi, setidaknya 30% peserta menganggap bahwa materi yang disampaikan sangat mudah dan 45% peserta lainnya menyatakan bahwa materi mudah untuk dicerna dan dipraktikkan. Meskipun masih ada 2,5 % peserta yang menyatakan sulit. Sementara itu, pada indikator keefektivan 40 % peserta menganggap efektif dan 45% lainnya menganggap kegaitan ini efektif, sedangkan dari indikator kebermanfaatan kegiatan sosialisasi, setidaknya 77,5% peserta menganggap bahwa kegiatan ini sangat bermanfaat