3 research outputs found

    Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Mutu dan Kinerja Guru di SDN Bojong Rawalumbu VI

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    This research aims to analyze and demonstrate the principal's leadership style in planning each school program; carry out the implementation of school programs; supervise school programs; evaluate the performance of teachers and school programs; and overcoming obstacles and supports in the implementation and design of school programs. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach or method. Through case studies that directly see, analyze and research at SDN Bojong Rawalumbu VI. This study also uses data collected through observation, interviews and documentation studies, data analysis using qualitative analysis with activity steps; reduction; presentation of field data; drawing conclusions and verifying. The results of this study indicate that: school principal planning includes, namely: compiling various annual school programs; carry out the implementation of learning programs and the vision and mission that have been designed, carried out routinely and efficiently; carry out clinical supervision or in-depth supervision of teacher performance; evaluating teacher programs and performance so that they are in line with the school program plans that have been made; overcoming obstacles that occur in the implementation of school programs and always involving all stakeholders or members of the school community in supporting the school's vision and mission to improve the quality of education and teacher performance at SDN Bojong Rawalumbu VI


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    AbstrakFurniture merupakan perlengkapan rumah tangga yang berfungsi untuk duduk, berbaring ataupun menyimpan pakaian. Clothes cabinet merupakan salah satu contoh produk furniture PT. ATMI Solo yang materialnya didominasi oleh plat baja yang berfungsi untuk menyimpan pakaian  atau barang pribadi. Kemajuan jaman menuntut perusahaan untuk menciptakan produk furniture yang memiliki sifat ringkas dan praktis, maka terciptalah desain clothes cabinet yang menerapkan konsep knock-down dengan sistem penguncian baut untuk menyatukan komponen – komponennya. Penerapan konsep knock-down dapat meningkatkan kepraktisan dan sifat ringkas dalam hal pengemasan produk sehingga dapat mengurangi biaya pengiriman. Desain clothes cabinetknock-down memiliki dimensi 1800 mm x 1000 mm x 500 mm dan dimensi produk produk saat dikemas adalah 1820 mm x 540 mm x 295 mm. Pengembangan rancangan produk clothes cabinetknock-down dapat mengurangi volume pengemasan sebesar 70%, meningkatkan kapasitas pengiriman sebesar 400% dan mengurangi biaya pengiriman dan pengemasan sebesar 47%.Kata kunci: furniture, knock-down, clothes cabinet, PT ATMI SoloAbstractFurniture is household equipment that functions to sit, lie down, or store clothes. A clothes cabinet is an example of PT. ATMI Solo, whose material is dominated by steel plates that function to store clothes or personal items. The progress of the times requires companies to create furniture products that are concise and practical, so a clothes cabinet design is created that applies the knock-down concept with a screw locking system to unite its components. Applying the knock-down concept can increase the practicality and concise nature of product packaging to reduce shipping costs. The knock-down clothes cabinet design has 1800 mm x 1000 mm x 500 mm, and the product dimensions when packaged are 1820 mm x 540 mm x 295 mm. Developing a knock-down clothes cabinet product design can reduce packaging volume by 70%, increase shipping capacity by 400% and reduce shipping and packaging costs by 47%.Keywords: furniture, knock-down, clothes cabinet, PT ATMI Sol