6 research outputs found


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    Fire is a disaster that often occurs but can be prevented. Based on data from the Bandung City Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), in 2018 there were 198 fire incidents (16.5 events / month), and in a periode 2012 - 2017 fires caused by LPG gas had the second largest percentage at 17%. Therefore a fire extinguishing system that can detect and prevent it quickly and can be monitored remotely in real time will help minimize losses. This system design uses an LM35 sensor which can detect temperature, the KY-026 sensor can detect the presence of hotspots in any room, and the MQ-6 sensor can detect the levels of LPG gas in the room. Moreover, this system design is also able to drive 2 emergency doors, pumps and exhaust fans according to the specified algorithm. The system interface can provide actuator information on the prototype as well as the location of the fire plan with a delay of each data change of 6.67 seconds. And the system is able to provide an indicator of the evacuation route during a fire


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    Hal terpenting pada machine learning adalah fitur ekstraksi dari sebuah data mentah. Pada jurnal ini akan dijelaskan mengenai Implementasi Machine Learning untuk identifikasi orang batuk / bersin. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah bagaimana mengklasifikasi suara bersin dan batuk pada situasi yang sulit seperti noise yang terdapat pada data mentah. Pekembangan kecerdasan buatan yang cukup pesat terutama pada klasifikasi suara menggunakan machine learning dapat membantu untuk membedakan batuk dan bersin berdasarkan suara. Dalam tugas akhir ini, algoritma Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) digunakan karena algoritma ini mampu mengklasifikasikan pola suara dari suatu data. Untuk menghasilkan program pendeteksi batuk penulis membuat 3 program utama yaitu Pre-Processing, Training, dan Prediction. Melalui metode yang digunakan, Implementasi Machine Learning untuk identifikasi orang batuk / bersin mampu mencapai nilai rata-rata akurasi 68,52%, presisi 88,10% dan recall 62,03%

    Defect Detection System on Stamping Machine Using the Image Processing Method

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    Quality products are very influential in creating profits for the company and are also closely related to the level of customer satisfaction. The higher the quality of the products produced by a company, the higher the satisfaction felt by consumers. The biggest challenge in the production process is achieving good quality with a product defect rate close to zero defect. Defects in the product are usually small. This is of course very difficult for workers to inspect each product for a long time. Thus, manual inspection is certainly ineffective and inefficient because humans have a saturation point and get tired if they work for a long time. Previous research on detecting defective objects using image processing has been carried out but has not been able to detect up to the shape and size, while in this study it can detect up to the shape and size. Therefore, to implement an automatic product defect detection system we will use image processing and RFID technology. Image processing is processing on the image using a computer so that the image quality becomes better and produces value information for each color. Image processing techniques consist of image conversion from RGB to grayscale, thresholding (binarization), and morphological operations (segmentation). While RFID is an identification method by using a means called an RFID label or transponder to store and retrieve data remotely This study aims to implement a control system on HMI and also a detection system on defect products using a visual inspection system with the aim of getting the machine effectiveness value. One method to get this value is the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) method. It is proven by implementing a visual inspection system that gets an accuracy rate of 95.97% to detect rejected products and optimize the OEE presentation value obtained. In this study, the implementation of the production monitoring system was successfully implemented with an average OEE value of 52.49%

    Implementasi Wireless Sensor Network pada Sistem Manajemen Gedung Menggunakan Protokol Komunikasi Modbus TCP

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    ABSTRAKWireless Sensor Network merupakan suatu solusi potensial dalam sistem manajemen gedung agar pengelolaan sumber daya gedung menjadi lebih efektif. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai implementasi wsn pada sistem manajemen gedung dengan menerapkan metode komunikasi Modbus TCP. Sistem terdiri dari monitoring volume sampah, pengendalian kunci pintu, tombol emergency dan sistem pengawasan video dengan memanfaatkan dashboard Node-RED dan Platform IoT Ubidots. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa sistem berfungsi sesuai program yang dibuat dengan nilai rata-rata error pembacaan sensor 2,52%, maksimal jarak antara Node sensor dengan Node sink yaitu 20 meter. Tingkat keberhasilan sistem kontrol kunci pintu melalui dashboard Node-RED dan Ubidots sebesar 100 % dengan masing-masing rata-rata delay sebesar 225ms dan 489 ms kemudian nilai rata-rata delay pengiriman pesan notifikasi whatsapp sebesar 2504 ms.Kata kunci: WSN, Building, Modbus TCP, Raspberry Pi, Node-RED ABSTRACTWireless Sensor Network is a potential solution in building management systems so that building resource management becomes more effective. This study discusses the implementation of wsn on building management systems by applying the MODBUS TCP communication method. The system consists of garbage volume monitoring, door lock control, emergency buttons and a video surveillance system utilizing the Node-RED dashboard and Ubidots IoT Platform. The test results showed that the system functioned according to the program created with an average sensor reading error value of 2.52%, the maximum distance between the sensor Node and node sink is 20 meters. The success rate of the door lock control system through the Node-RED and Ubidots dashboards is 100% with an average delay of 225ms and 489 ms respectively and the average delay of whatsapp notification message delivery is 2504 ms.Keywords: WSN, Building, Modbus TCP, Raspberry Pi, Node-RE


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    Ser! Ser! Plong! (SSP) is a panglipur wuyung novelette written by Suparto Brata. In general, panglipur wuyung novelette can be interpreted as a love story which contains leisure aspect. Panglipur wuyung novelette of SSP reflects the behavior and habits of the leading figures in modern life, so as to reflect social changes in the society. This focused on the character and lifestyle which contained in the SSP novelette and analyzed using narrative structure approach by Seymour Chatman. Narrative structure is utilized to analyze the elements which contained in the story such as character and characterization, plot, setting, sequence of events, the characters association, and lifestyle changes on the figures contained therein. It is shown that the actions of the characters and the setting changes is important to build the plot. The flow of social change is shown and mainly occurs in the lifestyle of the characters. Lifestyle changes are supported by dynamic setting of space and time settings which shows the pattern of the lives of the characters who undergo changes. The form of the changes indicated by the pattern of life of the rural community that led to the habits of the metropolis and urban communities which have a tendency to move towards a modern life


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    Pemanas memiliki peran penting dalam proses industri dalam meningkatkan efisiensi proses dan menghasilkan kualitas produk yang baik, salah satunya adalah pemanas tangki berpengaduk kontinu. Masalah yang sering dihadapi dalam proses pemanasan adalah keakuratan suhu pada tangki pemanas. Agar suhu tangki tersebut mencapai titik setel dengan kecepatan respon dan akurasi yang tinggi, maka diperlukan sebuah pengendali. Pengendali PID merupakan salah satu jenis pengendali yang paling banyak digunakan oleh 90% industri karena sederhana, mudah diterapkan dan digunakan, serta fungsionalitas yang jelas. Oleh sebab itu, mahasiswa perlu didukung dengan media pembelajaran interaktif pada sistem kendali suhu pemanas tangki berpengaduk kontinu untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan kompetensinya. Artikel ini membahas rancangan graphical user interface pada model sistem pemanas tangki berpengaduk kontinu menggunakan sistem kendali dan antarmuka interaktif sebagai alat bantu pembelajaran. Model ini menggunakan LabVIEW 2017 sebagai sofware virtual instrument dan NI ELVIS II sebagai perangkat keras pengendali serta akusisi data sistem. Skema kendali yang digunakan adalah PID konvensional dimana pengguna dapat menentukan parameter PID. Selain itu, antarmuka dibuat dengan konsep interactive learning, dimana proses pembelajaran berpusat pada pengguna aplikasi. Pengguna dimaksudkan untuk berkesperimen menggunakan antarmuka sistem pemanas tangki berpengaduk kontinu untuk mempelajari pengaruh perubahan parameter pengendali PID dan parameter fisik terhadap respon sistem