61 research outputs found

    Allergic reactions to midazolam: A case series from an Italian allergy unit.

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    Midazolam is a short-acting benzodiazepine with central nervous system depressing action, commonly used for conscious sedation for various procedures and for its pharmacologic properties. In literature, severe adverse reactions to this drug are described, but only in few cases positive allergological tests were demonstrated. The authors collected herein five clinical cases of different allergic reactions to midazolam demonstrated by positive skin tests. The 1° case is a suspected Kounis syndrome with cardiorespiratory arrest during an elective video laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The 2° and 5° cases are two systemic reactions with involvement of the skin and the gastrointestinal/respiratory system during elective surgeries in two patients with clinical history of atopia, while the 3° and 4° cases are local skin reactions in correspondence with the infusion site of midazolam during the execution of a colonoscopy. All the patients performed a complete allergological evaluation for the reaction involved drugs. In all cases, only the intradermal test (IDT) with midazolam at 0.5 mg/mL was positive.Allergological tests performed in 10 healthy controls with negative results supported the diagnosis. Therefore, midazolam is often considered a safe drug, because it does not have any active metabolites, in rare cases, it could cause different types of allergic adverse reactions: from severe anaphylaxis with cardiorespiratory arrest to simple local skin reactions. Skin tests remain the first line in the diagnosis of an immediate-type hypersensitivity to midazolam; even if they could lose in sensitivity with increasing latency from the event. However the concentrations recommended by current guidelines of European Network for Drug Allergy (ENDA) and the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) drug allergy interest groups might not rule out some false-positive reactions due to an irritant effect that should be considered. In doubt cases, other allergological or laboratory tests (i.e., basophil activation tests, serum tryptase, or provocation tests) remain useful to support the diagnosis of an IgE-mediated reaction. Midazolam associated anaphylaxis is relatively rare and the risk factors associated with this event are actually unknown; however, it remains important to obtain a detailed allergic history and each surgical/endoscopic examination unit should be prepared to handle any situation or emergency that may occur

    Eosinophilic oesophagitis (in nickel-allergic patient) regressed after nickel oral desensitization: A case report

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    The eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE) is a chronic immune/antigen disorder of the oesophagus clinically characterized by dysphagia and pathologically by mucosa eosinophilic infiltration. Th2-type allergic reactions are considered having important roles in the aetiopathogenesis of EoE. Avoidance of food allergens, administration of steroidal anti-inflammatory medications and dilation of the oesophagus are the most important treatments. 'Systemic nickel allergy syndrome' (SNAS) interests about 20% of patients with nickel contact allergy which could present systemic cutaneous manifestations (urticaria, oedema, etc.) and also respiratory and digestive symptoms (meteorism, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, etc.). In the literature, it is demonstrated that nickel oral immunotherapy is effective in reducing symptoms of SNAS and in modulating inflammatory parameters. We describe the case of a 48-year-old woman suffering from EoE not responsive to the topical steroid administration and diagnosis of SNAS. The patient started nickel oral desensitization according to the literature protocol continuing nickel-free diet. After 1\u2009year from the beginning of the treatment, during the maintenance dose (500\u2009ng three times a week), she decreased gradually the dosage of immunotherapy and reintroduced all the culprit foods. After the immunotherapy interruption, during the free diet, she repeated the oesophagogastroscopy with a complete macroscopic and histological resolution. We showed the first case of an EoE in a patient affected by SNAS responsive to the nickel-free diet and the oral immunotherapy

    Utility of Basophil Activation Test for monitoring the acquisition of clinical tolerance after oral desensitization to cow's milk: Pilot study

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    Objective: The quantification of basophil activation by flow cytometry is a useful tool for the assessment of immediate-type responses to food allergens and the prediction of clinical tolerance in food allergy patients. The aim of this study is to investigate how the analysis of allergen-induced CD63 up-regulation by flow cytometry can be effective in monitoring the acquisition of clinical tolerance by specific oral desensitization in food allergy. To our knowledge, this is the first study to examine this topic. Materials and methods: Three male patients affected by cow’s milk allergy underwent successful oral desensitization to cow’s milk. In order to monitor the acquired clinical tolerance that occurred after treatment, we performed laboratory tests for total and specific IgE, specific IgG4 and the Basophil Activation Test (BAT) both at baseline and at the end of the desensitization protocol. Results: Using a fluorescent enzyme immunoassay, the comparison of specific cow’s milk antibodies before and after treatment showed a decrease of specific IgE levels, without reaching normal values, and an increase of specific IgG4 levels. A complete suppression of cow’s milk proteins (a-lactoalbumin, b-lactoglobulin and casein) induced CD63 regulation was observed in all three reported cases. Conclusions: Using flow cytometry, food allergen-specific basophil responses could be monitored in order to identify an acquired tolerance induced by desensitization treatment. Although further studies are needed to develop this important new topic, it was interesting to note that the BAT seemed to be more sensitive and characterized by a close correlation with clinical tolerance

    Chronic cholesterol administration to the brain supports complete and long-lasting cognitive and motor amelioration in Huntington's disease

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    : Evidence that Huntington's disease (HD) is characterized by impaired cholesterol biosynthesis in the brain has led to strategies to increase its level in the brain of the rapidly progressing R6/2 mouse model, with a positive therapeutic outcome. Here we tested the long-term efficacy of chronic administration of cholesterol to the brain of the slowly progressing zQ175DN knock-in HD mice in preventing ("early treatment") or reversing ("late treatment") HD symptoms. To do this we used the most advanced formulation of cholesterol loaded brain-permeable nanoparticles (NPs), termed hybrid-g7-NPs-chol, which were injected intraperitoneally. We show that one cycle of treatment with hybrid-g7-NPs-chol, administered in the presymptomatic ("early treatment") or symptomatic ("late treatment") stages is sufficient to normalize cognitive defects up to 5 months, as well as to improve other behavioral and neuropathological parameters. A multiple cycle treatment combining both early and late treatments ("2 cycle treatment") lasting 6 months generates therapeutic effects for more than 11 months, without severe adverse reactions. Sustained cholesterol delivery to the brain of zQ175DN mice also reduces mutant Huntingtin aggregates in both the striatum and cortex and completely normalizes synaptic communication in the striatal medium spiny neurons compared to saline-treated HD mice. Furthermore, through a meta-analysis of published and current data, we demonstrated the power of hybrid-g7-NPs-chol and other strategies able to increase brain cholesterol biosynthesis, to reverse cognitive decline and counteract the formation of mutant Huntingtin aggregates. These results demonstrate that cholesterol delivery via brain-permeable NPs is a therapeutic option to sustainably reverse HD-related behavioral decline and neuropathological signs over time, highlighting the therapeutic potential of cholesterol-based strategies in HD patients. DATA AVAILABILITY: This study does not include data deposited in public repositories. Data are available on request to the corresponding authors

    Specific oral immunotherapy in food allergic patients: transient or persistent tolerance?

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    Introduction: The first therapeutic choice for food allergy is avoidance of the responsible food, but when this approach is not possible, specific oral desensitization could be considered as a good alternative. It is not clear yet whether the acquired tolerance is transient or persistent. Aim: We report on a subset of 13 patients of a larger study, treated successfully with specific oral tolerance induction who experienced secondary loss of tolerance after a period of allergen avoidance. Material and methods: Thirteen patients affected by IgE-mediated food allergy: to cow milk (3 patients), to hen egg (3 patients), to cod fish (2 patients), to peanuts (1 patient) and to corn (1 patient) confirmed by a complete allergological workup and a double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge (DBPCFC), were treated with sublingual-oral desensitization. After the interruption of the maintenance phase, the laboratory tests were performed and 12 of 13 patients underwent DBPCFC. Results: Oral specific desensitization was completed successfully in all the 13 reported patients. At different times after the end of treatment, they decided, on their own initiative, to stop the ingestion of incriminated food. A new food allergen re-exposure caused adverse reactions in 12 of 13 patients. The detection of specific IgE and IgG4 during the period of allergen avoidance showed an increase in or a stable level of specific IgE and a decrease in specific IgG4 in 8 patients. Conclusions: According to our experience, the tolerance obtained through the desensitizing treatment is transient and so the regular allergen intake is necessary for its maintenance
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