1,032 research outputs found

    On the generating function of weight multiplicities for the representations of the Lie algebra C2C_2

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    We use the generating function of the characters of C2C_2 to obtain a generating function for the multiplicities of the weights entering in the irreducible representations of that simple Lie algebra. From this generating function we derive some recurrence relations among the multiplicities and a simple graphical recipe to compute them.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1304.720

    On the Bohnenblust-Hille inequality and a variant of Littlewood's 4/3 inequality

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    The search for sharp constants for inequalities of the type Littlewood's 4/3 and Bohnenblust-Hille, besides its pure mathematical interest, has shown unexpected applications in many different fields, such as Analytic Number Theory, Quantum Information Theory, or (for instance) in deep results on the nn-dimensional Bohr radius. The recent estimates obtained for the multilinear Bohnenblust-Hille inequality (in the case of real scalars) have been recently used, as a crucial step, by A. Montanaro in order to solve problems in the theory of quantum XOR games. Here, among other results, we obtain new upper bounds for the Bohnenblust-Hille constants in the case of complex scalars. For bilinear forms, we obtain the optimal constants of variants of Littlewood's 4/3 inequality (in the case of real scalars) when the exponent 4/3 is replaced by any r4/3.r\geq4/3. As a consequence of our estimates we show that the optimal constants for the real case are always strictly greater than the constants for the complex case

    Creating and broadcasting video-based multi-platform experiences

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    The majority of TV consumers now watch TV programs in a multi-display environment. Second screens –most often smartphones - are generally used to check information not directly related to the events in the TV content being watched. Broadcasters have tried to orchestrate these different platforms, and there is reason to believe this contributes to user engagement. However, their success has been limited. This might be caused, at least in part, by the different formats of content being used: mobile apps show graphics and text similar to web content, while TV renders a continuous stream of audiovisual content. The arrival of virtual reality displays to the living room further increases the need for consistent experiences across displays. ImmersiaTV is an European H2020 Research and Innovation action that is redesigning the production and delivery process to offer a new form of broadcast multi-platform video. This novel form of multi-platform video is based on the following assumptions: 1. The arrival of head-mounted displays (HMD) to the living room further requires the delivery of content that is consistent across displays, giving freedom to the end-user to engage with content in one or another device. This means that content must be adapted to the specificities of each device, both in terms of content format and interactive input (or lack of interaction, for the case of the TV), but the end-user should be free to adopt one or another device at different moments of the program being broadcasted. 2. This new form of broadcast multi-platform video must seamlessly integrate with and further augment traditional TV and second screen consumer habits. For TV, this means that content can be consumed simply by sitting on the couch and watching, without further input, and that the audiovisual language used follows established conventions. For tablets and smartphones, it means that user input and social media integration must work seamlessly with the specificities of each device. To address these requirements, in the first year of the project we have designed and implemented an end-to-end production, delivery and rendering pipeline for offline content production which specifically addresses these needs. In this short article we outline the design principles, production and delivery methods as well as the tools used and developed for this purpose. Section 2 outlines the design principles adopted, and related academic work. Section 3 introduces the elements constituting the ImmersiaTV end-to-end pipeline and, where there exist, commercial alternatives. Section 4 introduce our main conclusions and further planned work within ImmersiaTV to address some of the limitations detected. The content examples are adapted from the first pilot of ImmersiaTV

    La Ingeniería Divertida: Gravity Challenge.

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    La competición se utiliza en muchos entornos educativos, especialmente en el ámbito anglosajón, como medio para contribuir al desarrollo de las habilidades de los alumnos, aspecto este que se encuentra íntimamente ligado a la adquisición de determinadas competencias profesionales. En el sector de la ingeniería y arquitectura resulta de gran importancia y por ello, la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ha organizado durante el curso 2006‐07 un conjunto de competiciones de estudiantes muy diversas. Una de estas competiciones es la denominada GRAVITY CHALLENGE, en la que los equipos participantes se enfrentaban al reto de lanzar un huevo desde una altura de 15 metros y conseguir que aterrice en el suelo sin romperse. Los equipos ganadores serían aquellos que lograsen este objetivo de la forma más creativa. En este trabajo se describe el procedimiento seguido para la organización de esta competición en la que participaron 27 equipos de distintas universidades. También se presentan los resultados y se hace una reflexión sobre los objetivos formativos que consideramos alcanzados

    Estudio teórico de la intensidad en infrarrojo de la banda de tensión gel grupo carbonilo

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Sección de Químicas, 1974.Fac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEProQuestpu

    Estudio teórico de la intensidad en infrarrojo de la banda de tensión gel grupo carbonilo

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Sección de Químicas, 1974.Fac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEProQuestpu

    Ciencia de datos para el análisis de la percepción ciudadana sobre la ciudad de Barcelona (CS)

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    El estudio de fin de grado que el lector se dispone a leer se centra en la utilización de la ciencia de datos para analizar la percepción ciudadana sobre la ciudad de Barcelona y la obtención de relaciones entre los datos de los habitantes encuestados. Con tal de desarrollar el trabajo se han utilizado la mineria de datos, análisis estadísticos exploratorios y analisis de Clustering. En esta memoria se presenta la documentación teórica relacionada con el estudio, los archivos de datos utilizados, los métodos estadísticos realizados, los resultados obtenidos y las conclusiones extraídas. Todos los procesos analíticos de este trabajo han sido realizados con el lenguaje de programación Python con las librerías de Pandas y KmodesL'estudi de fi de grau que el lector es disposa a llegir es centra en la utilització de la ciència de dades per a analitzar la percepció ciutadana sobre la ciutat de Barcelona i l'obtenció de relacions entre les dades dels habitants enquestats. Per tal de desenvolupar el treball s'han utilitzat la mineria de dades, anàlisis estadístiques exploratòries i anàlisis de Clustering. En aquesta memòria es presenta la documentació teòrica relacionada amb l'estudi, els arxius de dades utilitzades, els mètodes estadístics realitzats, els resultats obtinguts i les conclusions extretes. Tots els processos analítics d'aquest treball han estat realitzats amb el llenguatge de programació Python amb les llibreries de Pandes i KmodesThe final-degree project that the reader is about to read focuses on the use of data science to analyse citizen perception of the city of Barcelona and to obtain relationships in the data of the inhabitants surveyed. In order to develop the project, data mining, exploratory statistical analysis and clustering analysis have been used. This report presents the theoretical documentation related to the study, the data files used, the statistical methods used, the results obtained and the conclusions drawn. All the analytical processes in this work have been done using the Python programming language with the Pandas and Kmodes librarie

    Estudio de la influencia del sistema de referencia en la evaluación de parámetros de acabado superficial

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    In the present paper the influence of the reference system with regard to the characterization of the surface finishing is analyzed. The effect of the reference system’s choice on the most representative surface finishing parameters (e.g. roughness average Ra and root mean square values Rq) is studied. The study can also be applied to their equivalent parameters in waviness and primary profiles. Based on ISO and ASME standards, three different types of regression lines (central, mean and orthogonal) are theoretically and experimentally analyzed, identifying the validity and applicability fields of each one depending on profile’s geometr