74 research outputs found

    Maternal inflammatory and microbial drivers of low birthweight in low- and middle-income countries.

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    BACKGROUND: Low birthweight (LBW) is when an infant is born too soon or too small, and it affects one in seven infants in low- and middle-income countries. LBW has a significant impact on short-term morbidity and mortality, and it impairs long-term health and human capital. Antenatal microbial and inflammatory exposure may contribute to LBW. METHODS: Ovid-Medline, Embase and Cochrane databases were searched for English-language articles evaluating inflammatory, microbial or infective causes of LBW, small-for-gestational age, intra-uterine growth restriction or prematurity. Inclusion criteria were human studies including published data; conference abstracts and grey literature were excluded. A narrative synthesis of the literature was conducted. RESULTS: Local infections may drive the underlying causes of LBW: for example, vaginitis and placental infection are associated with a greater risk of prematurity. Distal infection and inflammatory pathways are also associated with LBW, with an association between periodontitis and preterm delivery and environmental enteric dysfunction and reduced intra-uterine growth. Systemic maternal infections such as malaria and HIV are associated with LBW, even when infants are exposed to HIV but not infected. This latter association may be driven by chronic inflammation, co-infections and socio-economic confounders. Antimicrobial prophylaxis against other bacteria in pregnancy has shown minimal impact in most trials, though positive effects on birthweight have been found in some settings with a high infectious disease burden. CONCLUSION: Maternal inflammatory and infective processes underlie LBW, and provide treatable pathways for interventions. However, an improved understanding of the mechanisms and pathways underlying LBW is needed, given the impact of LBW on life-course

    Inflammation, cytomegalovirus and the growth hormone axis in HIV-exposed uninfected Zimbabwean infants.

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    OBJECTIVES: Despite avoiding HIV infection, HIV-exposed uninfected (HEU) infants have poorer clinical outcomes than HIV-unexposed infants, including impaired growth. The growth hormone (GH) axis is an important regulator of infant growth through hepatic synthesis of insulin-like growth-factor-1 (IGF-1), and may be disrupted by chronic inflammation and acute infections, including cytomegalovirus (CMV). We tested the hypothesis that these factors lead to disruption of the GH axis in HEU infants, which might contribute to their impaired growth. DESIGN: Substudy of 343 infants from the ZVITAMBO trial in Harare, Zimbabwe. METHODS: IGF-1, growth parameters, C-reactive protein (CRP) and CMV viraemia were evaluated in 243 HEU infants and 100 HIV-unexposed infants. Univariable linear and logistic regression models were used to determine associations between IGF-1 and growth parameters, CRP and CMV. RESULTS: Mean 6-week IGF-1 was significantly lower in HEU compared with HIV-unexposed infants (29.6 vs. 32.6 ng/ml; P = 0.014), and associated with subsequent linear and ponderal growth through 6 months of age. CRP was inversely correlated with IGF-1 in all infants regardless of HIV exposure status (β = -0.84; P = 0.03). CMV viral loads were inversely correlated with IGF-1 in HEU (β = -1.16; P = 0.008) but not HIV-unexposed (β = 0.21; P = 0.83) infants. CONCLUSION: Overall, we found evidence for greater disruption of the GH axis in HEU compared with HIV-unexposed infants as early as 6 weeks of age, suggesting a role for reduced IGF-1 in mediating growth impairment in HEU infants. Inflammation and coinfections may be drivers of growth impairment in HEU infants by disrupting the GH axis

    Characterising school-age health and function in rural Zimbabwe using the SAHARAN toolbox

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    INTRODUCTION: We developed the School-Age Health, Activity, Resilience, Anthropometry and Neurocognitive (SAHARAN) toolbox to address the shortage of school-age assessment tools that combine growth, physical and cognitive function. Here we present i) development, acceptability and feasibility of the SAHARAN toolbox; ii) characteristics of a pilot cohort; and iii) associations between the domains measured in the cohort. METHODS: Growth was measured with anthropometry, knee-heel length and skinfold thicknesses. Bioimpedance analysis measured lean mass index and phase angle. Cognition was assessed using the mental processing index, derived from the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children version 2, a fine motor finger-tapping task, and School Achievement Test (SAT). Physical function combined grip strength, broad jump and the 20m shuttle-run test to produce a total physical score. A caregiver questionnaire was performed in parallel. RESULTS: The SAHARAN toolbox was feasible to implement in rural Zimbabwe, and highly acceptable to children and caregivers following some minor modifications. Eighty children with mean (SD) age 7.6 (0.2) years had mean height-for-age (HAZ) and weight-for-age Z-scores (WAZ) of -0.63 (0.81) and -0.55 (0.85), respectively. Lean mass index and total skinfold thicknesses were related to WAZ and BMI Z-score, but not to HAZ. Total physical score was associated with unit rises in HAZ (1.29, 95% CI 0.75, 1.82, p<0.001), and lean mass index (0.50, 95% CI 0.16, 0.83, p = 0.004), but not skinfold thicknesses. The SAT was associated with unit increases in the mental processing index and child socioemotional score. The caregiver questionnaire identified high levels of adversity and food insecurity. CONCLUSIONS: The SAHARAN toolbox provided a feasible and acceptable holistic assessment of child growth and function in mid-childhood. We found clear associations between growth, height-adjusted lean mass and physical function, but not cognitive function. The SAHARAN toolbox could be deployed to characterise school-age growth, development and function elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa

    Design of an Intervention to Minimize Ingestion of Fecal Microbes by Young Children in Rural Zimbabwe.

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    We sought to develop a water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) intervention to minimize fecal-oral transmission among children aged 0-18 months in the Sanitation Hygiene Infant Nutrition Efficacy (SHINE) trial. We undertook 4 phases of formative research, comprising in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, behavior trials, and a combination of observations and microbiological sampling methods. The resulting WASH intervention comprises material inputs and behavior change communication to promote stool disposal, handwashing with soap, water treatment, protected exploratory play, and hygienic infant feeding. Nurture and disgust were found to be key motivators, and are used as emotional triggers. The concept of a safe play space for young children was particularly novel, and families were eager to implement this after learning about the risks of unprotected exploratory play. An iterative process of formative research was essential to create a sequenced and integrated longitudinal intervention for a SHINE household as it expects (during pregnancy) and then cares for a new child

    Inflammation and epithelial repair predict mortality, hospital readmission, and growth recovery in complicated severe acute malnutrition.

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    Severe acute malnutrition (SAM) is the most high-risk form of undernutrition, particularly when children require hospitalization for complications. Complicated SAM is a multisystem disease with high inpatient and postdischarge mortality, especially in children with comorbidities such as HIV; however, the underlying pathogenesis of complicated SAM is poorly understood. Targeted multiplex biomarker analysis in children hospitalized with SAM (n = 264) was conducted on plasma samples, and inflammatory markers were assessed on stool samples taken at recruitment, discharge, and 12 to 24 and 48 weeks after discharge from three hospitals in Zimbabwe and Zambia. Compared with adequately nourished controls (n = 173), we found that at baseline, complicated SAM was characterized by systemic, endothelial, and intestinal inflammation, which was exacerbated by HIV infection. This persisted over 48 weeks despite nutritional recovery and was associated with children's outcomes. Baseline plasma concentrations of vascular endothelial growth factor, glucagon-like peptide-2, and intestinal fatty acid-binding protein were independently associated with lower mortality or hospital readmission over the following 48 weeks. Following principal components analysis of baseline biomarkers, higher scores of a component representing growth factors was associated with greater weight-for-height z score recovery and lower mortality or hospital readmission over the 48 weeks. Conversely, components representing higher gut and systemic inflammation were associated with higher mortality or hospital readmission. These findings highlight the interplay between inflammation, which damages tissues, and growth factors, which mediate endothelial and epithelial regeneration, and support further studies investigating interventions to reduce inflammation and promote epithelial repair as an approach to reducing mortality and improving nutritional recovery

    The associations of parity and maternal age with small-for-gestational-age, preterm, and neonatal and infant mortality: a meta-analysis

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    Background: Previous studies have reported on adverse neonatal outcomes associated with parity and maternal age. Many of these studies have relied on cross-sectional data, from which drawing causal inference is complex. We explore the associations between parity/maternal age and adverse neonatal outcomes using data from cohort studies conducted in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). / Methods: Data from 14 cohort studies were included. Parity (nulliparous, parity 1-2, parity ≥3) and maternal age (<18 years, 18-<35 years, ≥35 years) categories were matched with each other to create exposure categories, with those who are parity 1-2 and age 18-<35 years as the reference. Outcomes included small-for-gestational-age (SGA), preterm, neonatal and infant mortality. Adjusted odds ratios (aOR) were calculated per study and meta-analyzed. / Results: Nulliparous, age <18 year women, compared with women who were parity 1-2 and age 18-<35 years had the highest odds of SGA (pooled adjusted OR: 1.80), preterm (pooled aOR: 1.52), neonatal mortality (pooled aOR: 2.07), and infant mortality (pooled aOR: 1.49). Increased odds were also noted for SGA and neonatal mortality for nulliparous/age 18-<35 years, preterm, neonatal, and infant mortality for parity ≥3/age 18-<35 years, and preterm and neonatal mortality for parity ≥3/≥35 years. / Conclusions: Nulliparous women <18 years of age have the highest odds of adverse neonatal outcomes. Family planning has traditionally been the least successful in addressing young age as a risk factor; a renewed focus must be placed on finding effective interventions that delay age at first birth. Higher odds of adverse outcomes are also seen among parity ≥3 / age ≥35 mothers, suggesting that reproductive health interventions need to address the entirety of a woman’s reproductive period. / Funding: Funding was provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (810-2054) by a grant to the US Fund for UNICEF to support the activities of the Child Health Epidemiology Reference Group

    Maternal fecal microbiome predicts gestational age, birth weight and neonatal growth in rural Zimbabwe.

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    BACKGROUND: Preterm birth and low birth weight (LBW) affect one in ten and one in seven livebirths, respectively, primarily in low-income and middle-income countries (LMIC) and are major predictors of poor child health outcomes. However, both have been recalcitrant to public health intervention. The maternal intestinal microbiome may undergo substantial changes during pregnancy and may influence fetal and neonatal health in LMIC populations. METHODS: Within a subgroup of 207 mothers and infants enrolled in the SHINE trial in rural Zimbabwe, we performed shotgun metagenomics on 351 fecal specimens provided during pregnancy and at 1-month post-partum to investigate the relationship between the pregnancy gut microbiome and infant gestational age, birth weight, 1-month length-, and weight-for-age z-scores using extreme gradient boosting machines. FINDINGS: Pregnancy gut microbiome taxa and metabolic functions predicted birth weight and WAZ at 1 month more accurately than gestational age and LAZ. Blastoscystis sp, Brachyspira sp and Treponeme carriage were high compared to Western populations. Resistant starch-degraders were important predictors of birth outcomes. Microbiome capacity for environmental sensing, vitamin B metabolism, and signalling predicted increased infant birth weight and neonatal growth; while functions involved in biofilm formation in response to nutrient starvation predicted reduced birth weight and growth. INTERPRETATION: The pregnancy gut microbiome in rural Zimbabwe is characterized by resistant starch-degraders and may be an important metabolic target to improve birth weight. FUNDING: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, UK Department for International Development, Wellcome Trust, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, US National Institutes of Health, and UNICEF

    Early neonatal vitamin A supplementation and infant mortality: an individual participant data meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

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    Background Biannual vitamin A supplementation is a well-established survival tool for preschool children 6 months and older in vitamin A deficient populations but this schedule misses the opportunity to intervene on most young infant deaths. Randomised trials of neonatal vitamin A supplementation (NVAS) in the first few days of life to assess its impact on under 6-month mortality in low/middle-income countries have had varying results. Methods Investigators of 11 published randomised placebo-controlled NVAS trials (n=163 567 children) reanalysed their data according to an agreed plan and pooled the primary outcomes of mortality from supplementation through 6 and 12 months of age using random effects models and meta-regression. One investigator withdrew but allowed use of the data. Findings Overall there was no effect of NVAS on infant survival through 6 (risk ratio (RR) 0.97; 95% CI 0.89 to 1.06) or 12 months of age (RR 1.00; 95% CI 0.93 to 1.08) but results varied by study population characteristics. NVAS significantly reduced 6-month mortality among the trials conducted in Southern Asia (RR 0.87; 95% CI 0.77 to 0.98), in contexts with moderate or severe vitamin A deficiency (defined as 10% or higher proportion of women with serum retinol 32% mothers had no schooling (RR 0.88; 95% CI 0.80 to 0.96). NVAS did not reduce mortality in the first 6 months of life in trials conducted in Africa, in contexts characterised by a low prevalence of vitamin A deficiency, lower rates of infant mortality and where maternal education was more prevalent. There was a suggestion of increased infant mortality in trials conducted in Africa (RR 1.07; 95% CI 1.00 to 1.15). Individual-level characteristics such as sex, birth weight, gestational age and size, age at dosing, parity, time of breast feeding initiation, maternal education and maternal vitamin A supplementation did not modify the impact of NVAS. Conclusion NVAS reduced infant mortality in South Asia, in contexts where the prevalence of maternal vitamin A deficiency is moderate to severe and early infant mortality is high; but it had no beneficial effect on infant survival in Africa, in contexts where the prevalence of maternal vitamin A deficiency is lower, early infant mortality is low

    Using Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Analysis Methods to Assess Household Water Access and Sanitation Coverage in the SHINE Trial

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    Access to water and sanitation are important determinants of behavioral responses to hygiene and sanitation interventions. We estimated cluster-specific water access and sanitation coverage to inform a constrained randomization technique in the SHINE trial. Technicians and engineers inspected all public access water sources to ascertain seasonality, function, and geospatial coordinates. Households and water sources were mapped using open-source geospatial software. The distance from each household to the nearest perennial, functional, protected water source was calculated, and for each cluster, the median distance and the proportion of households within 1500 m of such a water source. Cluster-specific sanitation coverage was ascertained using a random sample of 13 households per cluster. These parameters were included as covariates in randomization to optimize balance in water and sanitation access across treatment arms at the start of the trial. The observed high variability between clusters in both parameters suggests that constraining on these factors was needed to reduce risk of bia
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