18 research outputs found

    Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes do not support replication of Zika virus

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    The rapid spread of Zika virus (ZIKV) in the Americas raised many questions about the role of Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes in transmission, in addition to the key role played by the vector Aedes aegypti. Here we analysed the competence of Cx. quinquefasciatus (with or without Wolbachia endosymbionts) for a ZIKV isolate. We also examined the induction of RNA interference pathways after viral challenge and the production of small virus-derived RNAs. We did not observe any infection nor such small virus-derived RNAs, regardless of the presence or absence of Wolbachia. Thus, Cx. quinquefasciatus does not support ZIKV replication and Wolbachia is not involved in producing this phenotype. In short, these mosquitoes are very unlikely to play a role in transmission of ZIKV

    Evolutionary dynamics of endocellular bacteria Wolbachia and cytoplasmic incompatibilities in the mosquito Culex pipiens

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    Les Wolbachia sont des α-Protéobactéries endocellulaires transmises maternellement et qui manipulent la reproduction des Arthropodes pour augmenter leur transmission. Chez le moustique Culex pipiens, Wolbachia induit l'incompatibilité cytoplasmique (IC) qui se traduit par une forte mortalité embryonnaire lors de croisements entre individus infectés par des souches incompatibles de Wolbachia. Ce moustique se caractérise par une forte diversité génétique de ses Wolbachia (nommées wPip) et par des patrons d'IC complexes. Nous avons examiné les mécanismes qui façonnent la dynamique de cette association symbiotique aux niveaux génomique, phénotypique et populationnel. Nous avons montré que les souches wPip ont une origine génétique commune récente et qu'elles s'organisent en groupes génétiques présentant une structuration géographique. Nous avons mis en évidence des évènements de recombinaison entre souches wPip qui pourraient jouer un rôle majeur dans la diversité génétique des Wolbachia et dans l'évolution rapide des patrons d'IC. En croisant des lignées de moustiques d'origines géographiques diverses et infectées par des souches de différents groupes génétiques, nous avons montré que les IC (i) évoluent très rapidement chez Cx. pipiens; (ii) sont contrôlées par plusieurs déterminants génétiques, et (iii) qu'il y a une relation entre les patrons d'IC et les groupes génétiques des Wolbachia. Dans les populations naturelles, il apparaît que les IC sont contre sélectionnées au sein d'une population mais qu'une zone de contact entre populations infectées par des souches incompatibles peut se maintenir de façon stable.Wolbachia are maternally inherited endocellular α-Proteobacteria that manipulate the reproduction of Arthropods to promote their own transmission. In the mosquito Culex pipiens, Wolbachia induce cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) which results in high embryonic mortality in crosses between mosquitoes infected with incompatible Wolbachia strains. This mosquito is characterized by high genetic diversity of its Wolbachia (referred as wPip strains) and by complex CI patterns. We examined mechanisms that shape the dynamics of this symbiotic association at genomic, phenotypic and field population levels to understand how it evolves. We showed that wPip strains have a unique and recent evolutionary origin and that their diversity clusters into distinct genetic groups with a geographic structure. We revealed the existence of extensive recombinations among wPip strains, which could influence their adaptive dynamics by creating new wPip strains and thus allow the rapid emergence of new CI patterns. The analysis of crossing relationships between mosquito lines from different geographic origins and infected with wPip strains belonging to different genetic groups showed that CIs (i) evolve rapidly in Cx. pipiens; (ii) are controlled by several genetic factors, and (iii) there is a significant relationship between CI patterns and genetic divergence of wPip strains. In field populations, it appears that CIs are selected against within a population but a contact zone between populations infected by incompatible Wolbachia strains can be stably maintained

    Evolutionary dynamics of endocellular bacteria Wolbachia and cytoplasmic incompatibilities in the mosquito Culex pipiens

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    Les Wolbachia sont des a-Protéobactéries endocellulaires transmises maternellement et qui manipulent la reproduction des Arthropodes pour augmenter leur transmission. Chez le moustique Culex pipiens, Wolbachia induit l'incompatibilité cytoplasmique (IC) qui se traduit par une forte mortalité embryonnaire lors de croisements entre individus infectés par des souches incompatibles de Wolbachia. Ce moustique se caractérise par une forte diversité génétique de ses Wolbachia (nommées wPip) et par des patrons d'IC complexes. Nous avons examiné les mécanismes qui façonnent la dynamique de cette association symbiotique aux niveaux génomique, phénotypique et populationnel. Nous avons montré que les souches wPip ont une origine génétique commune récente et qu'elles s'organisent en groupes génétiques présentant une structuration géographique. Nous avons mis en évidence des évènements de recombinaison entre souches wPip qui pourraient jouer un rôle majeur dans la diversité génétique des Wolbachia et dans l'évolution rapide des patrons d'IC. En croisant des lignées de moustiques d'origines géographiques diverses et infectées par des souches de différents groupes génétiques, nous avons montré que les IC (i) évoluent très rapidement chez Cx. pipiens; (ii) sont contrôlées par plusieurs déterminants génétiques, et (iii) qu'il y a une relation entre les patrons d'IC et les groupes génétiques des Wolbachia. Dans les populations naturelles, il apparaît que les IC sont contre sélectionnées au sein d'une population mais qu'une zone de contact entre populations infectées par des souches incompatibles peut se maintenir de façon stable.Wolbachia are maternally inherited endocellular a-Proteobacteria that manipulate the reproduction of Arthropods to promote their own transmission. In the mosquito Culex pipiens, Wolbachia induce cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) which results in high embryonic mortality in crosses between mosquitoes infected with incompatible Wolbachia strains. This mosquito is characterized by high genetic diversity of its Wolbachia (referred as wPip strains) and by complex CI patterns. We examined mechanisms that shape the dynamics of this symbiotic association at genomic, phenotypic and field population levels to understand how it evolves. We showed that wPip strains have a unique and recent evolutionary origin and that their diversity clusters into distinct genetic groups with a geographic structure. We revealed the existence of extensive recombinations among wPip strains, which could influence their adaptive dynamics by creating new wPip strains and thus allow the rapid emergence of new CI patterns. The analysis of crossing relationships between mosquito lines from different geographic origins and infected with wPip strains belonging to different genetic groups showed that CIs (i) evolve rapidly in Cx. pipiens; (ii) are controlled by several genetic factors, and (iii) there is a significant relationship between CI patterns and genetic divergence of wPip strains. In field populations, it appears that CIs are selected against within a population but a contact zone between populations infected by incompatible Wolbachia strains can be stably maintained.MONTPELLIER-BU Sciences (341722106) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Rapid evolution of Wolbachia incompatibility types

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    International audienceIn most insects, the endosymbiont Wolbachia induces cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), an embryonic mortality observed when infected males mate either with uninfected females or with females infected by an incompatible Wolbachia strain. Although the molecular mechanism of CI remains elusive, it is classically viewed as a modification-rescue model, in which a Wolbachia mod function disables the reproductive success of the sperm of infected males, unless eggs are infected and express a compatible resc function. The extent to which the modification-rescue model can predict highly complex CI pattern remains a challenging issue. Here, we show the rapid evolution of the mod-resc system in the Culex pipiens mosquito. We have surveyed four incompatible laboratory isofemale lines over 50 generations and observed in two of them that CI has evolved from complete to partial incompatibility (i.e. the production of a mixture of compatible and incompatible clutches). Emergence of the new CI types depends only on Wolbachia determinants and can be simply explained by the gain of new resc functions. Evolution of CI types in Cx. pipiens thus appears as a gradual process, in which one or several resc functions can coexist in the same individual host in addition to the ones involved in the self-compatibility. Our data identified CI as a very dynamic process. We suggest that ancestral and mutant Wolbachia expressing distinct resc functions can co-infect individual hosts, opening the possibility for the mod functions to evolve subsequently. This gives a first clue towards the understanding of how Wolbachia reached highly complex CI pattern in host populations

    Multiple Wolbachia determinants control the evolution of cytoplasmic incompatibilities in Culex pipiens mosquito populations.

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    International audienceWolbachia are maternally inherited endosymbionts that can invade arthropod populations through manipulation of their reproduction. In mosquitoes, Wolbachia induce embryonic death, known as cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), whenever infected males mate with females either uninfected or infected with an incompatible strain. Although genetic determinants of CI are unknown, a functional model involving the so-called mod and resc factors has been proposed. Natural populations of Culex pipiens mosquito display a complex CI relationship pattern associated with the highest Wolbachia (wPip) genetic polymorphism reported so far. We show here that C. pipiens populations from La RĂ©union, a geographically isolated island in the southwest of the Indian Ocean, are infected with genetically closely related wPip strains. Crossing experiments reveal that these Wolbachia are all mutually compatible. However, crosses with genetically more distant wPip strains indicate that Wolbachia strains from La RĂ©union belong to at least five distinct incompatibility groups (or crossing types). These incompatibility properties which are strictly independent from the nuclear background, formally establish that in C. pipiens, CI is controlled by several Wolbachia mod/resc factors

    Diversification of Wolbachia Endosymbiont in the Culex pipiens Mosquito

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    International audienceThe α-proteobacteria Wolbachia are among the most common intracellular bacteria and have recently emerged as important drivers of arthropod biology. Wolbachia commonly act as reproductive parasites in arthropods by inducing cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), a type of conditional sterility between hosts harboring incompatible infections. In this study, we examined the evolutionary histories of Wolbachia infections, known as wPip, in the common house mosquito Culex pipiens, which exhibits the greatest variation in CI crossing patterns observed in any insect. We first investigated a panel of 20 wPip strains for their genetic diversity through a multilocus scheme combining 13 Wolbachia genes. Because Wolbachia depend primarily on maternal transmission for spreading within arthropod populations, we also studied the variability in the coinherited Cx. pipiens mitochondria. In total, we identified 14 wPip haplotypes, which all share a monophyletic origin and clearly cluster into five distinct wPip groups. The diversity of Cx. pipiens mitochondria was extremely reduced, which is likely a consequence of cytoplasmic hitchhiking driven by a unique and recent Wolbachia invasion. Phylogenetic evidence indicates that wPip infections and mitochondrial DNA have codiverged through stable cotransmission within the cytoplasm and shows that a rapid diversification of wPip has occurred. The observed pattern demonstrates that a considerable degree of Wolbachia diversity can evolve within a single host species over short evolutionary periods. In addition, multiple signatures of recombination were found in most wPip genomic regions, leading us to conclude that the mosaic nature of wPip genomes may play a key role in their evolution

    Discovery of Culex pipiens associated tunisia virus: a new ssRNA(+) virus representing a new insect associated virus family

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    International audienceIn the global context of arboviral emergence, deep sequencing unlocks the discovery of new mosquito-borne viruses. Mosquitoes of the species Culex pipiens, C. torrentium, and C. hortensis were sampled from 22 locations worldwide for transcriptomic analyses. A virus discovery pipeline was used to analyze the dataset of 0.7 billion reads comprising 22 individual transcriptomes. Two closely related 6.8 kb viral genomes were identified in C. pipiens and named as Culex pipiens associated tunisia virus (CpATV) strains Ayed and Jedaida. The CpATV genome contained four ORFs. ORF1 possessed helicase and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) domains related to new viral sequences recently found mainly in dipterans. ORF2 and 4 contained a capsid protein domain showing strong homology with Virgaviridae plant viruses. ORF3 displayed similarities with eukaryotic Rhoptry domain and a merozoite surface protein (MSP7) domain only found in mosquito-transmitted Plasmodium, suggesting possible interactions between CpATV and vertebrate cells. Estimation of a strong purifying selection exerted on each ORFs and the presence of a polymorphism maintained in the coding region of ORF3 suggested that both CpATV sequences are genuine functional viruses. CpATV is part of an entirely new and highly diversified group of viruses recently found in insects, and that bears the genomic hallmarks of a new viral family

    Insecticide resistance genes affect Culex quinquefasciatus vector competence for West Nile virus

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    International audienceInsecticide resistance has been reported to impact the interactions between mosquitoes and the pathogens they transmit. However, the effect on vector competence for arboviruses still remained to be investigated. We examined the influence of two insecticide resistance mechanisms on vector competence of the mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus for two arboviruses, Rift Valley Fever virus (RVFV) and West Nile virus (WNV). Three Cx. quin-quefasciatus lines sharing a common genetic background were used: two insecticide-resistant lines, one homozygous for amplification of the Ester 2 locus (SA2), the other homozygous for the acetylcholinesterase ace-1 G119S mutation (SR) and the insecticide-susceptible reference line Slab. Statistical analyses revealed no significant effect of insecticide-resistant mechanisms on vector competence for RVFV. However, both insecticide resistance mechanisms significantly influenced the outcome of WNV infections by increasing the dissemination of WNV in the mosquito body, therefore leading to an increase in transmission efficiency by resistant mosquitoes. These results showed that insecticide resistance mechanisms enhanced vector competence for WNV and may have a significant impact on transmission dynamics of arboviruses. Our findings highlight the importance of understanding the impacts of insecticide resistance on the vectorial capacity parameters to assess the overall consequence on transmission

    Stable coexistence of incompatible Wolbachia along a narrow contact zone in mosquito field populations

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    International audienceIn arthropods, the intracellular bacteria Wolbachia often induce cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) between sperm and egg, which causes conditional embryonic death and promotes the spatial spread of Wolbachia infections into host populations. The ability of Wolbachia to spread in natural populations through CI has attracted attention for using these bacteria in vector-borne disease control. The dynamics of incompatible Wolbachia infections have been deeply investigated theoretically, whereas in natural populations, there are only few examples described, especially among incompatible infected hosts. Here, we have surveyed the distribution of two molecular Wolbachia strains (wPip11 and wPip31) infecting the mosquito Culex pipiens in Tunisia. We delineated a clear spatial structure of both infections, with a sharp contact zone separating their distribution areas. Crossing experiments with isofemale lines from different localities showed three crossing types: wPip11-infected males always sterilize wPip31-infected females; however, while most wPip31-infected males were compatible with wPip11-infected females, a few completely sterilize them. The wPip11 strain was thus expected to spread, but temporal dynamics over 7 years of monitoring shows the stability of the contact zone. We examined which factors may contribute to the observed stability, both theoretically and empirically. Population cage experiments, field samples and modelling did not support significant impacts of local adaptation or assortative mating on the stability of wPip infection structure. By contrast, low dispersal probability and metapopulation dynamics in the host Cx. pipiens probably play major roles. This study highlights the need of understanding CI dynamics in natural populations to design effective and sustainable Wolbachia-based control strategies