21 research outputs found

    Вплив дипроспану на розвиток епідурального фіброзу в спинному мозку щура

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    As agent potent to reduce post operational epidural fibrosis betamethasone based drags proved to be useful. Investigation of the diprospan in dose 1 ml/kg impact on artificially induced epidural fibrosis of rat spinal cord was conducted. Betamethason is main active component of this drug. Reduce of the number of fibrosis structures after diprospan application was shown. Wherein fraction of connective tissue reduced on 27 %. Decline of maximum thickness reached 43 % relative to control. Area reduction of fibrosis was observed. It was lesser up to 41 % relative to control. Betamethasone as active component through its anti-inflammatory effect as a glucocorticosteroid has high potential for therapy of epidural spinal cord fibrosis. Also betamethason included in diprospan drag formula has high glucocorticosteroid effect but mineralcorticoidal effect is relatively insignificant. Through antiinflamatory action and ability greatly reduce epidural scar adhesion this drug mixture can by useful in medical practice related to spinal cord fibrosis.Препаратами, спроможними зменшувати розвиток післяопераційного епідурального фіброзу, уважають препарати на основі бетаметазону. Досліджено вплив препарату дипроспану в дозі 1 мл/кг на індукований епідуральний фіброз спинного мозку щура. Бетаметазон – основна діюча речовина цього препарату. Показано зниження кількості фіброзних структур при застосуванні дипроспану. При цьому співвідношення сполучної тканини після ініціації фіброзу зменшилася на 27 %. Зменшення максимальної товщини фіброзу склало 43 %, порівняно з контрольними значеннями. Зафіксовано зменшення загальної площі фіброзного утворення – 41 %, порівняно з контролем. Бетаметазон як діюча речовина в складі препарату дипроспану проявив високу протифіброзну активність і завдяки власній протизапальній дії такий глюкокортикостероїд має, на нашу думку, перспективи для його терапевтичних упроваджень під час лікування епідурального фіброзу спинного мозку

    Dynamic Properties of Skeletal Muscle Contraction in Rats with Diabetes

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    The study was conducted on 20 white nonlinear male rats, which were divided into 2 groups of 10 animals each. Rats in the first group were used as control. Rats in the second group were induced type I diabetes by intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration of streptozotocin (65 mg/kg). Diabetes in rats was confirmed by the presence of hyperglycemia. For the establishment of nociceptive pain sensation, mechanical nociceptive test and tail-flick test were conducted in rats. Further animals were anesthetized by i.p. administration of Nembutal (40 mg/kg). The study of dynamic properties of muscle contraction was performed under conditions of the tibia muscle activation by using the modulated stimulation of efferent n. tibialis. Streptozotocin (STZ) was injected in rats; as a result, the blood glucose level was increased by 4.4 times (p ≤ 0.001). Pain sensitivity in diabetic rats was suppressed, indicating the development of peripheral neuropathy. In rats with diabetes, biomechanical parameters of tibia muscle contraction such as the maximum force of contraction, the speed of maximum force of contraction, the retention time of maximum force of contraction and integrated power of muscle contraction (it is calculated on the total area of the received force curves) were violated. This prevents adequate implementation motor neuron pools muscular system, which will have significant consequences in accurate positional movements

    Analysis of the dynamic characteristics of force active muscle fibers under the influence of diazinon

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    Показано, що пригнічення динамічних характеристик м’язового скорочення відбувалось, починаючи з концентрації 1•10-6моль/л. Використання концентрації діазинону 10-5 моль/л, майже повністю інгібувало активність скелетно-м’язових препаратів. Показана зміна структури динамічного компоненту м’язової відповіді та перехід до утримання нових рівнів утримання стаціонарного стану скорочення в міру збільшення концентрації досліджуваного пестициду.It was shown that depression of muscle contraction dynamical characteristics take place starting from diazinon concentration 1•10-6 mol/l. Usage of diazinon in concentration 1•10-6mol/l almost inhibited activity of muscle samples. The change of the dynamical component of muscle responce and transition to retention of a new levels of contraction stationary state during increade of pesticide concentration was shown

    The change of the length of the muscle shortening m. tibialis anterior, frog Rana temporaria under the influence of diazynon.

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    Вплив розчинів діазинону в концентраціях 1•10-6, 2,5•10-6, 5•10-6, 7,5•10-6, 1•10-5 моль/л, показав, що пригнічення динамічних характеристик м’язового скорочення відбувалось, в усіх випадках, починаючи вже з 2-ї хвилини дії пестициду. Проведений в роботі аналіз динамічних властивостей скорочення пучків м’язових волокон свідчить про те, що динаміка зміни їх довжини багато в чому визначається не лише концентрацією, але і часом дії вказаного пестициду. Показано, що збільшення часу досягнення максимального вкорочення в динамічному компоненті призводило не лише до часової затримки встановлення нового стаціонарного рівня, але і до зменшення амплітуди руху.The influence of solutions of diazinon is in the concentrations of 1•10-6, 2,5•10-6, 5•10-6, 7,5•10-6, 1•10-5 mol/l, showed that oppression of dynamic descriptions of muscular reduction had taken place, in all cases, starting already on the 2nd minute of action of pesticide. The analysis of dynamic properties of reduction of bunches of muscle fibres conducted in-process under the action of diazinon testifies that the dynamics of change of their length is in a great deal determined not only by concentration, but also sometimes by actions of the indicated pesticide. It was shown that increasing the time to achieve the maximal shortening in a dynamic component resulted not only in the sentinel delay of establishment of new stationary level but also to diminishing of amplitude to motion

    Effect of C60 fullerene on recovery of muscle soleus in rats after atrophy induced by achillotenotomy

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    Biomechanical and biochemical changes in the muscle soleus of rats during imitation of hind limbs unuse were studied in the model of the Achilles tendon rupture (Achillotenotomy). Oral administration of water-soluble C 60 fullerene at a dose of 1 mg/kg was used as a therapeutic agent throughout the experiment. Changes in the force of contraction and the integrated power of the muscle, the time to reach the maximum force response, the mechanics of fatigue processes development, in particular, the transition from dentate to smooth tetanus, as well as the levels of pro- and antioxidant balance in the blood of rats on days 15, 30 and 45 after injury were described. The obtained results indicate a promising prospect for C 60 fullerene use as a powerful antioxidant for reducing and correcting pathological conditions of the muscular system arising from skeletal muscle atrophy

    Protective effect of water-soluble C60 fullerene nanoparticles on the ischemia-reperfusion injury of the muscle soleus in rats

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    The biomechanical parameters of muscle soleus contraction in rats and their blood biochemical indicators after the intramuscular administration of water-soluble C60 fullerene at doses of 0.5, 1, and 2 mg/kg 1 h before the onset of muscle ischemia were investigated. In particular, changes in the contraction force of the ischemic muscle soleus, the integrated power of the muscle, the time to achieve the maximum force response, the dynamics of fatigue processes, and the parameters of the transition from dentate to smooth tetanus, levels of creatinine, creatine kinase, lactate and lactate dehydrogenase, and parameters of prooxidant-antioxidant balance (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, hydrogen peroxide, and reduced glutathione and catalase) were analyzed. The positive therapeutic changes in the studied biomechanical and biochemical markers were revealed, which indicate the possibility of using water-soluble C60 fullerenes as effective prophylactic nanoagents to reduce the severity of pathological conditions of the muscular system caused by ischemic damage to skeletal muscles

    Vlijanie C60-fullerena na dinamiku ustalostnych processov v kambalovidnoj myšce krysy posle išemii-reperfuzii

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    Effect of pristine C60 fullerene aqueous colloid solution (C60FAS; 1 mg/kg dose) on the dynamics of fatigue processes in rat soleus muscle after ischemia-reperfusion injury using the tensiometric method was studied. Experiments were conducted during the first 5 h and for 5 days after ischemia. The changes in maximal strength of muscle contraction and its level of generation between the beginning and end of stimulated irritation after intravenous and intramuscular administration of C60FAS unmodified fullerene aqueous colloid solution were analyzed. The pronounced protective effect of this drug on the dynamics of skeletal muscle contraction was first determined. Protective effect of C60FAS unmodified fullerene aqueous colloid solution relative to changes in the levels of muscle contraction strength generation between the beginning and end of stimulated irritation was 15% in the first 5 h after ischemia and increased to 92% on the 5th day of the experiment. In such a case, the intravenous therapeutic administration of C60 fullerene aqueous colloid solution was the most optimal: the protective effect was 67% versus 49% under intramuscular administration. Thus, the development of biomedical nanotechnology with the application of pristine C60 unmodified fullerene as a strong antioxidant opens up new possibilities in prevention and treatment of ischemic injury in the skeletal muscles

    Analysis of biomechanical parameters of muscle soleus contraction and blood biochemical parameters in rat with chronic glyphosate intoxication and therapeutic use of C60 fullerene

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    The widespread use of glyphosate as a herbicide in agriculture can lead to the presence of its residues and metabolites in food for human consumption and thus pose a threat to human health. It has been found that glyphosate reduces energy metabolism in the brain, its amount increases in white muscle fibers. At the same time, the effect of chronic use of glyphosate on the dynamic properties of skeletal muscles remains practically unexplored. The selected biomechanical parameters (the integrated power of muscle contraction, the time of reaching the muscle contraction force its maximum value and the reduction of the force response by 50% and 25% of the initial values during stimulation) of muscle soleus contraction in rats, as well as blood biochemical parameters (the levels of creatinine, creatine phosphokinase, lactate, lactate dehydrogenase, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, hydrogen peroxide, reduced glutathione and catalase) were analyzed after chronic glyphosate intoxication (oral administration at a dose of 10 μg/kg of animal weight) for 30 days. Water-soluble C60 fullerene, as a poweful antioxidant, was used as a therapeutic nanoagent throughout the entire period of intoxication with the above herbicide (oral administration at doses of 0.5 or 1 mg/kg). The data obtained show that the introduction of C60 fullerene at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg reduces the degree of pathological changes by 40–45%. Increasing the dose of C60 fullerene to 1 mg/kg increases the therapeutic effect by 55–65%, normalizing the studied biomechanical and biochemical parameters. Thus, C60 fullerenes can be effective nanotherapeutics in the treatment of glyphosate-based herbicide poisoning

    Analysis of biomechanical and biochemical markers of rat muscle soleus fatigue processes development during long-term use of C60 fullerene and N-acetylcysteine

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    The development of an effective therapy aimed at restoring muscle dysfunctions in clinical and sports medicine, as well as optimizing working activity in general remains an urgent task today. Modern nanobiotechnologies are able to solve many clinical and social health problems, in particular, they offer new therapeutic approaches using biocompatible and bioavailable nanostructures with specific bioactivity. Therefore, the nanosized carbon molecule, C60 fullerene, as a powerful antioxidant, is very attractive. In this study, a comparative analysis of the dynamic of muscle soleus fatigue processes in rats was conducted using 50 Hz stimulation for 5 s with three consistent pools after intraperitoneal administration of the following antioxidants: C60 fullerene (a daily dose of 1 mg/kg one hour prior to the start of the experiment) and N-acetylcysteine (NAC; a daily dose of 150 mg/kg one hour prior to the start of the experiment) during five days. Changes in the integrated power of muscle contraction, levels of the maximum and minimum contraction force generation, time of reduction of the contraction force by 50% of its maximum value, achievement of the maximum force response, and delay of the beginning of a single contraction force response were analyzed as biomechanical markers of fatigue processes. Levels of creatinine, creatine phosphokinase, lactate, and lactate dehydrogenase, as well as pro- and antioxidant balance (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, hydrogen peroxide, reduced glutathione, and catalase activity) in the blood of rats were analyzed as biochemical markers of fatigue processes. The obtained data indicate that applied therapeutic drugs have the most significant effects on the 2nd and especially the 3rd stimulation pools. Thus, the application of C60 fullerene has a (50-80)% stronger effect on the resumption of muscle biomechanics after the beginning of fatigue than NAC on the first day of the experiment. There is a clear trend toward a positive change in all studied biochemical parameters by about (12-15)% after therapeutic administration of NAC and by (20-25)% after using C60 fullerene throughout the experiment. These findings demonstrate the promise of using C60 fullerenes as potential therapeutic nanoagents that can reduce or adjust the pathological conditions of the muscular system that occur during fatigue processes in skeletal muscles

    Вплив лонгідази на індукований епідуральний фіброз спинного мозку

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    Longidaza at dose 1ml/kg impact on artificially induced epidural fibrosis in spinal cord of the wistar rat was investigated. It was shown that administration of chosen concentration of a drug leads to fibrosis structures quantity decrease. Wherein proportion between neural and connective tissue after induction of fibrosis and drug application reduced on 23 % during 5 days and 38 % after 10 days. Maximum fibrosis thickness decline accordingly on 31 % and 43 %. The most significant changes was in decrease of the fibrosis area, up to 56 % after 5 days of the experiment and 78 after 10 days. Results show that longidaza is effectively influences measure of pathological alteration of spinal cord tissues during epidural fibrosis. Due to longidaza administration not only pathologicaly affected area is diminish but also scar tissue itself became less dense and thick. Because of the destructiveness of used fibrosis induction methods in experiment we can suggest that probably it is possible almostly prevent fibrosis using longidaza during minor traumas of spinal cord and surrounding tissues.Досліджено вплив лонгідази в дозі 1мл/кг на індукований епідуральний фіброз спинного мозку щура. Показано зниження кількості фіброзних структур при застосуванні препарату. При цьому співвідношення кількості сполучної тканини в різні періоди після ініціації фіброзу зменшилося на 23 % після п’ятої доби експерименту й на 38 % – після 10. Зменшення максимальної товщини фіброзу становило, відповідно, 31 та 43 %. Найсуттєвіші зміни проявились у зменшенні загальної площі фіброзного утворення – на 46 % після п’ятої доби експерименту й 68 % – після 10. Результати засвідчили, що лонгідаза може знижувати епідуральну рубцеву адгезію в піддослідних щурів і чинить позитивну дію на запобігання епідуральному фіброзу й забезпечує зменшення щільності фіброзної тканини