137 research outputs found

    An investigation of short period oscillations of the solar irradiance and their time variations

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    Measurements of solar irradiance fluctuations by the Active Cavity Radiometer (ACRIM) instrument onboard the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) show variations on a time scale of about 5 minutes due to solar p-mode oscillations, as well as longer-term variations related to solar magnetic activity. The question was studied whether the p-mode frequencies change with time as a result of changing solar structure associated with the activity cycle. The ACRIM data on SMM are particularly well-suited for this purpose, because the instrument operated continuously from February 1980 to December 1980 and again from May 1984 to the present. The main activity entailed a detailed study of the observational data to determine if a change in the p-mode frequencies is evident from the time of solar maximum to that of solar minimum. It was concluded that the measured eigenfrequencies were significantly higher during the 1980 time frame than during the 1984 to 1986 time frame. The conclusion that there is significant change in the eigenfrequencies with the activity cycle remains only tentative, and needs confirmation from analysis of more data during the upcoming solar maximum

    Observational and theoretical investigations in solar seismology

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    This is the final report on a project to develop a theoretical basis for interpreting solar oscillation data in terms of the interior dynamics and structure of the Sun. The topics covered include the following: (1) studies of the helioseismic signatures of differential rotation and convection in the solar interior; (2) wave generation by turbulent convection; and (3) the study of antipodal sunspot imaging of an active region tomography

    Study of magnetic notions in the solar photosphere and their implications for heating the solar atmosphere

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    This progress report covers the first year of NASA Grant NAGw-2545, a study of magnetic structure in the solar photosphere and chromosphere. We have made significant progress in three areas: (1) analysis of vorticity in photospheric convection, which probably affects solar atmospheric heating through the stresses it imposes on photospheric magnetic fields; (2) modelling of the horizontal motions of magnetic footpoints in the solar photosphere using an assumed relation between brightness and vertical motion as well as continuity of flow; and (3) observations and analysis of infrared CO lines formed near the solar temperature minimum, whose structure and dynamics also yield important clues to the nature of heating of the upper atmosphere. Each of these areas are summarized in this report, with copies of those papers prepared or published this year included

    Study of Magnetic Motions in the Solar Photosphere and their Implications for Heating the Solar Atmosphere

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    We continued our program of CO observations with the McMath-Pierce facility at Kitt Peak National Solar Observatory. Uitenbroek has developed a two-and three dimensional radiative transfer code that now includes chemical equilibrium calculations. This code allows us to compute a CO spectrum from for instance a snapshot of a solar granulation simulation (e.g. Stein & Nordlund 1989, Apj 342, L95) and compare these theoretical spectra with our spatially resolved CO spectroscopy. Van Ballegooijen and Uitenbroek have started calculations of two-dimensional fluxtube models that account consistently for hydrogen ionization in the calculation of the electron density. To this end we solve radiative transfer for hydrogen (bound-bound and bound-free transitions) in the two-dimensional models, including the effect of partial frequency redistribution (PRD) in the Lyman (alpha) and (beta) lines. From our internally consistent models we will calculate emergent spectra and the way these vary with location of some well-known spectral diagnostics and compare our results with observed line profiles. We can readily compare theoretical CO profiles from out models with our spatially resolved CO observations. Also we can compare with spatially resolved Ca II (ground based) and Mg II (we have observations done with the UVSP/SMM instrument), and Lyman (alpha) observations that should be available from SUMER/SOHO

    Determination of stellar, orbital and planetary parameters using complete Monte-Carlo analysis -- the case of HAT-P-7b

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    The recently discovered transiting very hot Jupiter, HAT-P-7b, a planet detected by the telescopes of HATNet, turned out to be among the ones subjected to the highest irradiation from the parent star. As known, the combination of photometric and spectroscopic data for such an object yields the stellar, orbital and planetary parameters. In order to best characterize this particular planet, we carried out a complex analysis based on a complete and simultaneous Monte-Carlo solution using all available data. We included the discovery light curves, partial follow-up light curves, the radial velocity data, and we used the stellar evolution models to infer the stellar properties. This self-consistent way of modeling provides the most precise estimate of the a posteriori distributions of all of the system parameters of interest, and avoids making assumptions on the values and uncertainties of any of the internally derived variables describing the system. This analysis demonstrates that even partial light curve information can be valuable. This may become very important for future discoveries of planets with longer periods -- and therefore longer transit durations -- where the chance of observing a full event is small.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of IAU Symposium 253, "Transiting Planets", May 2008, Cambridge, MA, US

    New insight in the solar T(sub MIN) region from the CO lines at 4.67 micron

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    We discuss recent observations of the fundamental vibration-rotation transitions of carbon monoxide (CO) in the solar infrared spectrum. Employing a new array detector at the McMath-Pierce facility on Kitt Peak we find that the CO lines sketch a rich picture of the dynamics of the solar temperature minimum region, the lower boundary of the chromosphere. In a spectra-spectroheliogram and a time-sequence of the slit-spectra obtained during exceptional seeing conditions we observe small-scale bright, ring shaped, blueshifted features. We speculate that they are the signature of granular overshoot into the convectively stable temperature minimum. The centers of the rings are among the coolest elements seen in strong CO-line heliograms on the disk, and may be instrumental to the low temperature observed in CO close to the solar limb

    A Program to Detect and Characterize Extra-Solar Giant Planets

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    This is the final report for this NASA grant. Work under the first three years of the Grant (from May 1 2001 through April 30 2004) has been described in previous annual reports. Here we briefly summarize that work, and then focus on activities between May 1 2004 (the start of a 1-year no-cost extension period) and April 30 2005, the end of the Grant period