10 research outputs found

    Effect of bisphenol a on human health

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    The migration of low molecular weight compounds is one of the most important problems associated with the packaging of plastics and other plastics intended for contact with food products. Bisphenol A (BPA) is one of the most common migration substances. Bisphenol A (BPA, 2,2-bis (4-hydroxyphenyl) propane) is used in the production of containers, such as baby bottles and resins, which line metal cans for food and drink. BPA is also used as a plasticizer to soften and increase flexibility in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) products. It also has medical applications in dental sealants and composites used for filling. BPA attracts special attention of scientists due to widespread use in food packaging. It has been observed to occur in large quantities in human body fluids, disrupting the endocrine system. Developing fetuses, infants, children and pregnant women are most at risk of BPA exposure. There are also some concerns about the negative effects of BPA exposure in adult men, as bisphenol A may cause production abnormalities, thereby disrupting sex hormone production and fertility. An extensive literature search showed 49 studies linking BPA to human health. This review presents literature showing the relationship between BPA exposure and adverse health effects in the perinatal, pediatric and adult periods, including effects on reproduction, metabolic diseases and other health effects. These studies cover both prenatal and postnatal exposure, and include several study regimens and population types, which provides increasing support that BPA exposure can be harmful to humans, especially regarding behavioral effects in children

    Vitamin D deficiency in selected diseases

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    Witamina D jest hormonem plejotropowym ważnym dla prawidłowego funkcjonowania układów wielonarządowych. Niedobór witaminy D jest bardzo powszechny oraz wiąże się z różnorodnymi przewlekłymi schorzeniami w populacji ogólnej. Do tej pory najlepiej udokumentowanym związkiem z niedoborem witaminy D jest występowanie chorób układu kostnego np. krzywicy u dzieci oraz niemowląt. Jednak istnieją dane sugerujące, że niedobór witaminy D wpływa również na zwiększenie ryzyka wielu innych chorób np. insulinooporności, cukrzycy typu 2, chorób układu krążenia oraz różnych typów nowotworów. Niniejszy przegląd ma na celu podsumowanie aktualnej bazy wiedzy na temat niedoboru witaminy D w różnych jednostkach chorobowych.Vitamin D is a pleiotropic hormone important for the proper functioning of multi-organ systems. Vitamin D deficiency is very common and is associated with a variety of chronic conditions in the general population. So far, the best documented association with vitamin D deficiency is the occurrence of skeletal diseases, e.g. rickets in children and infants. However, there are data suggesting that vitamin D deficiency also increases the risk of many other diseases, such as insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and various types of cancer. This review aims to summarize the current knowledge base on vitamin D deficiency in various diseases

    Application of the pulsed electric field (PEF) as the extraction assistant treatment

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    Fruits, vegetables and yeast contain numerous biologically active compounds called "phytonutrients". The phytonutrients can include phenolic compounds, minerals and vitamins. Conventional techniques used to extract these nutrients suffer from several disadvantages. These methods are characterized by poor efficiency of the extraction process, high energy and solvent consumption, long processing times and the formation of thermal decomposition by products. For this reason, scientists together with food engineers are looking for a safe and efficient extraction of bioactive compounds. In recent years, several modern techniques to support the extraction process have been proposed. One of them is the pulsed electric field (PEF). Pulsed electric field is one of the non-thermal methods used to control microbiological safety and change the properties (nutritional, sensory and physicochemical) of food products. The principle of operation of PEF is based on the formation of pores in the cell membrane under the influence of short bursts of electricity, which increases its permeability. Due to the formation of pores, various components, such as ions, molecules and other more complex compounds, such as vitamins or lipids, can flow freely through the cell membrane. The use of PEF for extraction reduces the process time, increases the efficiency of the process and is characterized by a low processing temperature. This review shows the use of a pulsed electric field as a process supporting the extraction of biological compounds from algae, vegetables, fruits and in the brewing industry. The optimal conditions of the pulsed electric field, which may affect the extraction efficiency, e.g. electric field strength, number of pulses and pulse width, are also discussed. Based on the collected literature data, it was found that the pulsed electric field contributes to the increase of the extraction efficiency

    The Use of Iron-Enriched Yeast for the Production of Flatbread

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    The most common cause of iron deficiency is an improperly balanced diet, in which the body’s need for iron cannot be met by absorption of this element from food. Targeted iron supplementation and food fortification may be the main treatments for iron deficiency in the population. However, many iron-rich supplements and foods have low bioavailability of this element. In our study, we used yeast enriched with iron ions to produce flatbread. The yeast cells accumulated iron ions from the medium supplemented with Fe(NO3)3·9H2O, additionally one of the cultures was treated with pulsed electric field in order to increase the accumulation. The potential bioavailability of iron from flatbread containing 385.8 ± 4.12 mg of iron in 100 g dry mass was 10.83 ± 0.94%. All the flatbreads had a moderate glycemic index. There were no significant differences in antioxidant activity against DPPH• between flatbread with iron-enriched and non-iron-enriched yeast. Sensory evaluation showed that this product is acceptable to consumers since no metallic aftertaste was detected. Iron enriched flatbread can potentially be an alternative to dietary supplements in iron deficiency states

    Unconventional methods of extractions : green extraction

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    Extraction is a method of extracting a chemical from a solution or mixture of solid substances. Conventional methods of extraction, for example, Soxhlet method, require the use of hazardous solvents, are time-consuming and cause degradation of the extracted compounds. Green extraction is characterized by the speed, it gives a quantitative recovery of the extract and does not cause degradation of the components. It takes place at a lower energy consumption than conventional extraction. A number of novel alternatives to conventional extraction techniques have been proposed, including ultrasonic assisted extraction (UAE), supercritical fluid extraction (SFE), enzyme extraction or pulsed electric field. These techniques allow to reduce or eliminate the use of toxic solvents, improve process efficiency and extract quality. The temperature of the above-mentioned processes is low, which affects the behavior of temperature-sensitive substances. The widely used "green extraction" is SFE - extraction with supercritical fluid. The solvent is a supercritical fluid, most often carbon dioxide. Ultrasonic extraction is environmentally friendly, easy to use, versatile and relatively cheap compared to other innovative techniques. This technique can be used to extract, for example, polysaccharides, essential oils, proteins, peptides, dyes, pigments and bioactive substances. Extraction with the use of pulsed electric field is used to extract mainly polyphenols and other bioactive components. Extraction with enzymes (mainly pectinases, cellulases and hemicellulases) is widely used in the food industry, eg for clarifying beer and juices. The extraction yield depends on the solvent system, temperature, enzyme function, substrate availability and pH

    Accumulation of Vitamin C in Yeast under Pulsed Electric Field (PEF) Conditions

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    Enriching food with vitamin C is a process that challenges food engineers. To prevent the degradation of this vitamin, a microencapsulation can be used in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. Previous works have shown that applying a pulsed electric field can increase the efficiency of the accumulation of minerals in yeast. The aim of this study was to optimize PEF parameters in order to increase the accumulation of vitamin C in yeast cells, to evaluate the effect of electroporation on biomass and yeast viability, and to assess the effect of storage conditions on the vitamin C content and its antioxidant activity. The most effective accumulation of vitamin C in cells (approx. 1.3 mg/g dry mass) was achieved when a 20-h yeast culture was treated with PEF at a concentration of 5 mg/mL vitamin C in the medium. The optimal PEF parameters were: voltage of 1000 V, pulse width of 10 µs, treatment time of 20 min, and number of pulses, 1200. The process conditions did not affect significantly biomass production nor cell viability. Yeast cells with vitamin C were stored for 7, 14, and 28 days at 20 °C (after prior freeze-drying), 4 °C, and −22 °C. The lowest decrease in vitamin C content was observed for the freeze-dried yeast stored at 20 °C

    Pulsed electric field (PEF) enhances iron uptake by the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of a pulsed electric field (PEF) on the level of iron ion accumulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells and to select PEF conditions optimal for the highest uptake of this element. Iron ions were accumulated most efficiently when their source was iron (III) nitrate. When the following conditions of PEF treatment were used: voltage 1500 V, pulse width 10 µs, treatment time 20 min, and a number of pulses 1200, accumulation of iron ions in the cells from a 20 h-culture reached a maximum value of 48.01 mg/g dry mass. Application of the optimal PEF conditions thus increased iron accumulation in cells by 157% as compared to the sample enriched with iron without PEF. The second derivative of the FTIR spectra of iron-loaded and -unloaded yeast cells allowed us to determine the functional groups which may be involved in metal ion binding. The exposure of cells to PEF treatment only slightly influenced the biomass and cell viability. However, iron-enriched yeast (both with or without PEF) showed lower fermentative activity than a control sample. Thus obtained yeast biomass containing a high amount of incorporated iron may serve as an alternative to pharmacological supplementation in the state of iron deficiency

    The Impact of Electric Current for Sewage Sludge Characteristics from Anaerobic Sequencing Bio-Electrochemical Treatment of Sewage Generated During Soilless Tomato Cultivation

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    The aim of the present study was to determine: the impact of electric current density on the quantity and quality of sewage sludge produced in anaerobic sequencing bio-electrochemical reactor (AnSBBER) with an iron electrode during the treatment of drainage from soilless cultivation of tomatoes. Direct electric current (DC) effect was determined at its following densities (J): 0.63 A/m2 (R1), 1.25 A/m2 (R2), 2.5 A/m2 (R3), and 5 A/m2 (R4). Sodium acetate in (C:N) ratio of 1.0 was supplied to the reactors to ensure the proper biofilm development. Contents of elements (K, P, S, Na, Al, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn, Mg, C, N and Ca) in the biofilm were determined. Additionally, the content of total suspended solids and the percentage share of volatile suspensions (VSS) in the sludge were determined. The study showed that the organic matter content in the sludge corresponded to the values typical of the stabilized sludge (up to 28.8% d.m. in R2).The increase in electric current density caused an increase in the concentration of phosphorus in the formed sludge (from 6.34 to 8.00 % d.m. in 0.63 and 5.00 A/m2, respectively). The analyzed sludge, compared to municipal sludge from wastewater treatment plants with biological reactors and activated sludge chambers, is richer in such elements as phosphorus, nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and iron

    Czy terapia Recover skutecznie zmniejsza ból u kobiet z wulwodynią?

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    Introduction: Vulvodynia (Vd) is a form of chronic vulvar pain and other discomfort that persists for morethan three months in the absence of any evident vulvovaginal pathology. Provoked Vd is one of the reasonsof dyspareunia. Vd is classified as a functional pain syndrome that is mediated by pelvic floor musclesdysfunction (PFMD overactive state) and psychological predisposition. Treatment standards do not exist,although multidisciplinary therapy seems to be the most effective. Material and methods: Retrospective study was performed within 121 women with Vd who undergo Recovertherapy. Nineteen therapeutic sessions were included, with manual pelvic therapy, initial general physiotherapyand psychological consultations performed during minimum 5 days. Vd patients with PFMD overactivestate were qualified by a gynecologist to the therapy, who also summarizes the treatment. Pain rate andcharacteristics of vulvar discomfort were assessed before and 2 and 6 months after therapy, recorded in NRS. Results: Vulvar pain and discomfort subjective reduction by 65% was confirmed after therapy, even more,2/3 of women reported a minimum 50% relief in pain, the improvements were maintained over the time.The best treatment results in dyspareunia women caused by provoked Vd were obtained. The outcome wasnot dependent on the duration of Vd. Conclusions: In the center when women with vulvar diseases and Vd are treated, interdisciplinary Vd therapeuticprogram was developed. Recover therapy can lead to clinically meaningful improvement in Vdpain, according to chronic pain therapy assessment criteria. Randomized clinical trial with control groupis indicated, when other key parameters of IMMPACT consensus, for Recover therapy assessment, wouldbe taken under consideration.Wstęp: Wulwodynia (Vd) to ból lub dyskomfort na sromie utrzymujący się przez ponad 3 miesiące przy braku innych widocznych zmian patologicznych. Prowokowana Vd to jeden z powodów dyspareunii, czyli bólu związanego ze współżyciem seksualnym. Wulwodynia jest bólem czynnościowym, współistnieje z nadmiernym napięciem mięśniowo-powięziowym w zakresie miednicy i predyspozycją psychologiczną. Nie wypracowano standardów leczenia, ale najlepsze wyniki przynosi terapia multidyscyplinarna. Materiał i metody: Przeprowadzono badanie retrospektywne wśród 121 kobiet z Vd, które przebyły terapię Recover. Program obejmuje 19 sesji terapeutycznych w zakresie terapii miednicy, wstępnej fizjoterapii i konsultacji psychologicznych w ciągu minimum 5 dni. Do programu ginekolog kwalifikuje pacjentki z Vd i dysfunkcją mięśniowo-powięziową miednicy (overactive state) i podsumowuje leczenie. Oceniono nasilenie i charakter bólu w numeric rating scale (NRS) przed terapią oraz 2 i 6 miesięcy po terapii. Wyniki: W ocenie bólu na sromie potwierdzono subiektywne zmniejszenie dolegliwości o 65% po terapii, ponadto 2/3 kobiet określiło redukcję bólu i dyskomfortu o minimum 50% (2 i 6 mies. po terapii Recover), przy czym poprawa utrzymywała się na tym samym poziomie z upływem czasu. Najlepsze wyniki uzyskano w redukcji bólu u kobiet z dyspareunią spowodowaną Vd prowokowaną. Okres trwania Vd nie miał znaczenia dla wyników leczenia. Wnioski: W ośrodku leczenia kobiet z chorobami sromu i Vd wypracowano skuteczny, interdyscyplinarny program terapii Vd. Zgodnie z kryteriami oceny skuteczności leczenia, program Recover przyniósł zmniejszenie bólu w Vd. Warto przeprowadzić badanie z randomizacją i grupą kontrolną z uwzględnieniem także innych kluczowych parametrów oceny terapii Recover, zgodnie z konsensusem Initiative on Methods, Measurement, and Pain Assessment in Clinical Trials (IMMPACT)

    Evolution Of The Results Of 1500 Liver Transplantations Performed In The Department Of General, Transplant And Liver Surgery Medical University Of Warsaw

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    Liver transplantation is a well-established treatment of patients with end-stage liver disease and selected liver tumors. Remarkable progress has been made over the last years concerning nearly all of its aspects. The aim of this study was to evaluate the evolution of long-term outcomes after liver transplantations performed in the Department of General, Transplant and Liver Surgery (Medical University of Warsaw). Material and methods. Data of 1500 liver transplantations performed between 1989 and 2014 were retrospectively analyzed. Transplantations were divided into 3 groups: group 1 including first 500 operations, group 2 including subsequent 500, and group 3 comprising the most recent 500. Five year overall and graft survival were set as outcome measures. Results. Increased number of transplantations performed at the site was associated with increased age of the recipients (p<0.001) and donors (p<0.001), increased rate of male recipients (p<0.001), and increased rate of piggyback operations (p<0.001), and decreased MELD (p<0.001), as well as decreased blood (p=0.006) and plasma (p<0.001) transfusions. Overall survival was 71.6% at 5 years in group 1, 74.5% at 5 years in group 2, and 85% at 2.9 years in group 3 (p=0.008). Improvement of overall survival was particularly observed for primary transplantations (p=0.004). Increased graft survival rates did not reach the level of significance (p=0.136). Conclusions. Long-term outcomes after liver transplantations performed in the Department of General, Transplant and Liver Surgery are comparable to those achieved in the largest transplant centers worldwide and are continuously improving despite increasing recipient age and wider utilization of organs procured from older donors