37 research outputs found

    Gender and respiratory findings in workers occupationally exposed to organic aerosols: A meta analysis of 12 cross-sectional studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gender related differences in respiratory disease have been documented. The aim of this study was to investigate gender related differences in respiratory findings by occupation. We analyzed data from 12 of our previously published studies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Three thousand and eleven (3011) workers employed in "organic dust" industries (1379 female and 1632 male) were studied. A control group of 806 workers not exposed to any kind of dust were also investigated (male = 419, female = 387). Acute and chronic respiratory symptoms and lung function were measured. The weighted average method and the Mantel-Haentszel method were used to calculate the odds ratios of symptoms. Hedge's unbiased estimations were used to measure lung function differences between men and women.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were high prevalences of acute and chronic respiratory symptoms in all the "dusty" studied groups compared to controls. Significantly less chronic cough, chronic phlegm as well as chronic bronchitis were found among women than among men after the adjustments for smoking, age and duration of employment. Upper respiratory tract symptoms by contrast were more frequent in women than in men in these groups. Significant gender related lung function differences occurred in the textile industry but not in the food processing industry or among farmers.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of this study suggest that in industries processing organic compounds there are gender differences in respiratory symptoms and lung function in exposed workers. Whether these findings represent true physiologic gender differences, gender specific workplace exposures or other undefined gender variables not defined in this study cannot be determined. These data do not suggest that special limitations for women are warranted for respiratory health reasons in these industries, but the issue of upper respiratory irritation and disease warrants further study.</p

    Noise Pollution in Metalwork and Woodwork Industries in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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    This study was conducted in metalwork and woodwork industries in Jeddah Industrial Estate. The purpose of this study was to assess the magnitude of industrial noise exposure and to propose remedial actions. Noise was measured at different times of a day in 28 randomly selected factories and workshops. Results indicated that noise levels varied according to the type and size of a factory, and the type and number of machines used. Mean noise levels in metalwork factories were higher than those in woodwork factories. The highest noise levels were observed while manufacturing cans and forming steel reinforcement for concrete, where noise levels exceed 90 dB(A). All mean noise levels in all studied metalwork factories and in 50% of studied woodwork industries were higher than the standard level of 85 dB(A)


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    Objective To evaluate the impact of preoperative accelerated hyperfractionated radiotherapy in the management of bladder carcinoma in Egyptian patients. Patients and Methods Between December 1996 and February 2000, 104 Egyptian patients with pathologically proven infiltrative bladder carcinoma were enrolled in this prospective study. Patients with all pathological subtypes, non-metastatic disease, clinical stage T2-T4, and medically operable were eligible for this study. A total preoperative dose of 45 Gy was given in an overall time of 3 weeks, 1.5 Gy/fraction, 2 fractions/day with an interval of 6 hours in between, 5 days/week. Three weeks later, this was followed by radical cystectomy with pelvic node dissection. The clinical radiation response of the tumor was evaluated by C.T. scan done before irradiation and just before surgery. Only 56 patients completed this treatment program. The median follow-up was 26 months, ranging from 9 to 32 months. Results The actuarial 2-year disease-free survival (DFS) of the 56 patients was 63.9%, with 50% of failures due to pelvic recurrences. The univariate analysis revealed that only lymph node infiltration and pathological staging correlated significantly with DFS. There was a marginal insignificant improvement of DFS among patients who showed an increased tumor regression after radiotherapy. The multivariate analysis using the Cox model showed that lymph node affection is the only significant predictor for DFS. Other factors including age, sex, cell type, bilharzial infestation and clinical radiation response did not show a significant importance regarding the DFS. Minimal acute radiation toxicity with no late tissue reaction was observed among the whole group of patients. No increased operative difficulty related to irradiation nor an increased postoperative morbidity was found. Conclusion The potential biological advantage of this preoperative radiation schedule (in terms of a shorter overall duration of treatment, a shorter preoperative treatment period, a lower dose per fraction and an overall dose equivalent to conventional fractionation), aiming at an increased tumor regression and a decrease of late normal tissue reaction with its impact on DFS, remains to be further investigated with a larger number of patients and a longer follow-up. La Radiothérapie Néo-Adjuvante dans le Carcinome de la Vessie en Egypte Etude Préliminaire de 56 Patients Objectifs Evaluer l'impact de la radiothérapie pré-opératoire fractionnée par accélérateurs dans la prise en charge du carcinome vésical chez les patients égyptiens. Patients et Méthodes De décembre 1996 à février 2000, 104 patients égyptiens présentant un carcinome infiltrant de la vessie histologiquement prouvé ont été inclus dans cette étude prospective. Les patients de tous sous-types histologiques, présentant des tumeurs non métastatiques, aux stades cliniques T2-T4 et médicale-ment opérables ont été éligibles pour cette étude. Une dose totale pré-opératoire de 45 Gy a été délivrée en trois semaines à raison de 1,5 Gy/fraction, 2 fractions/jour avec un intervalle de 6 heures entre les séances et 5 fois /semaine. Une cystectomie radicale avec lymphadénectomie a été réalisée trois semaines après la radiothérapie. La réponse clinique de l'irradiation a été évaluée par tomoden-sitométrie faite juste avant la radiothérapie et reprise juste avant la chirurgie. Seuls 56 patients ont suivi complètement ce protocole thérapeutique. Le délai moyen de suivi était de 26 mois avec des extrêmes de 9 et 32 mois. Résultats : La survie actuarielle sans maladie à 2 ans pour les 56 patients était de 63.9 %, dont 50% d'échec due à une récidive pelvienne. L'analyse uni-variée a montré que seule l'envahissement ganglionnaire et le grade histologique étaient significativement corrélés à une survie sans maladie. Il y'avait une amélioration marginale non significative chez les patients qui avaient montré une régression tumorale importante après la radiothérapie. L'analyse multi-variée utilisant le Modèle de Cox a montré que l'envahissement ganglionnaire était le seul facteur prédictif significatif de guérison. Les autres facteurs incluant l'âge, le sexe, le type cellulaire, l'infestation bilharzienne et la réponse clinique à la radiothérapie n'avaient pas d'importance significative quant à la guérison. Une toxicité radique aiguë sans réaction tissulaire tardive a été observée chez tous les patients. Il n'y avait ni majoration de la difficulté opératoire ni de morbidité post-opératoire. Conclusion Les avantages biologiques potentiels de ce protocole de radiothérapie pré-opératoire (en terme de raccourcissement de la durée globale du traitement, une dose plus réduite par fraction pour une dose globale équivalente au fractionnement conventionnel), visant à obtenir une réduction tumorale importante et une diminution des réaction tissulaires tardives et son impact sur la guérison nécessitent une évaluation plus approfondie avec un nombre plus important de patients et un suivi plus prolongé. African Journal of Urology Vol.8(3) 2002: 104-11

    Biological treatment of hydrogen sulfide in an airlift bioreactor with direct gas injection

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    Bioconversion of H2S into elemental sulfur has been investigated using an airlift bioreactor with direct injection of the gas into the bioreactor. Almost complete removal of H2S has been achieved at its inlet concentrations lower than 25 000 ppm. Maximum bioconversion capacity of ca 111.3 g/(m3·h) and up to 93.5% conversion of the inlet sulfide to elemental sulfur was obtained. To further improve the bioreactor performance, factors influencing mass transfer and biological activity should be investigated in future studies

    إضافات جديدة إلى جيولوجية وجيوكيميائية والتوضع التكتوفي لجرانيتات أسوان - جنوب مصر

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    The Aswan granitic rocks occupy a region in southern Egypt between the stable Archaean craton of the south Western Desert and the less stable Pan-African belt of the south Eastern Desert. They include light-grey medium grained granites, red coarse-grained granites and fine-grained granites. The setup, field relations and petrography of the granitic rocks are discussed in detail. Seventeen new chemical analyses for both major and trace elements are presented. Also, the chemical analyses of four biotites, four feldspars and three magnetites separated from the granitic rocks are presented and three magnetites separated from the granitic rocks are presented and plotted on variation diagrams. The field evidences indicate that the Aswan granites should be classed with the post-collisional granites, whereas the petrochemical and geochemical data suggest progressive differentiation from the granodiorite through monzogranite to syenogranite and that they are probably related to a single magmatic intrusive sequence. The Aswan granites have a related petrogenetic history with the calc-alkaline volcanic suites of the south Eastern Desert.تحتل صخور أسوان الجرانيتية منطقة في جنوب مصر تقع بين راسخة الاركي الثابتة بجنوب الصحراء الغربية وحزام ألبان - افريقي Pan - African الأقل ثباتا بجنوب الصحراء الشرقية وتشتمل على تنوع من الجرنيتات متوسطة التحبب الرمادية - الناتجة ، الجرانيتات خشنة التحبب الحمراء اضافة إلى الجرانيتيات دقيقة التحبب . يناقش البحث بالتفصيل التوضع والعلاقات الحقلية لهذه الصخور الجرانيتية كما يقدم سبعة عشر تحليلا كيميائيا جديدا للعناصر العظيمة والشحيحة اضافة إلى تحاليل لأربع من كل من البيوتايت والفلسبار اضافة إلى ثلاث من المجنيتيت . وقد دلت الأدلة الحقلية على أن جرانيتات أسوان يجب أن تصنف ضمن الجرانيتات البعد تصادمية في حين دلت المعلومات الجيوكيميائية على عمليات تفارق متتالية من الجرانوديوريىت عبر المونزوجرانيت إلى السيانوجرانيت والتي تنتمي على أغلب الظن تتابع تداخلي مجماتي واحد ويبدو كذلك أن جرانيتات أسوان تنتمي في أصولها إلى البركانيات الكلس -قلية بجنوب الصحراء الشرقية المصرية