23 research outputs found

    Structural changes in the brain and the clinical image of neuropsychological functions in men with alcohol use disorders

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    Wydział Psychologii i KognitywistykiCelem badań własnych było: 1) ukazanie siły i kierunku związków między wskaźnikami używania alkoholu, zmianami strukturalnymi mózgu a obrazem klinicznym funkcji neuropsychologicznych, 2) ocena struktury temperamentu jako moderatora zależności między zmianami strukturalnymi mózgu a sprawnością praksji dynamicznej, funkcji poznawczych i wykonawczych oraz 3) weryfikacja założeń modelu neuropsychologicznego poalkoholowych zmian mózgu jak i przedstawienie specyfiki profilu zmian patologicznych i niepatologicznych w mózgu wśród mężczyzn z zaburzeniem używania alkoholu. W badaniu przesiewowym, neuroobrazowym (na 1.5T i 3T MRI) i neuropsychologicznym (rozszerzonym o pomiar struktury temperamentu) wzięło udział 103 mężczyzn z zaburzeniem używania alkoholu. Na podstawie tak zaprojektowanego badania między innymi zweryfikowano dwa główne modele neuropsychologicznych zmian strukturalnych mózgu w zaburzeniu używania alkoholu, które opierają się na założeniach teorii mikrogenetycznej Jasona W. Browna. Wśród mężczyzn z zaburzeniem używania alkoholu o niezharmonizowanej strukturze temperamentu zaobserwowano silniejszą zależność między zanikiem korowo-podkorowym mózgu a obniżoną sprawnością pamięci i uczenia. Ponadto, u 1/3 zbadanych mężczyzn odnotowano znaczne zaburzenia neuropsychologiczne oraz patologiczne zmiany w płatach czołowych i układzie komorowym mózgu a także dłuższy czas nadużywania alkoholu i większą ilość dziennego spożycia alkoholu. Uzyskane wyniki mogą okazać się istotne dla rozwoju neuropsychologii uzależnień, w szczególności w obszarze diagnozy i leczenia.The most important goals of the research were: (1) to verify the strength and direction of the relationships between alcohol consumption rate, structural changes to the brain, and the clinical image of neuropsychological functions; (2) to evaluate temperament structure as a moderator of the relationship between structural changes to the brain and the efficiency of dynamic praxia and cognitive and executive functions; (3) to verify the neuropsychological model of alcohol-induced brain changes, while comparing the specific profile of pathological and nonpathological brain changes resulting from alcohol use disorder. The screening, neuroimaging (by using 1.5T and 3T MRI), and neuropsychological examination (extended to measure temperament structure) included 103 men with alcohol use disorder. Among other things, the examination tested two main models of neuropsychological structural changes to the brain in alcohol use disorder, based on the main assumptions of Jason W. Brown’s microgenetic theory. Among men with alcohol use disorder with a nonharmonized temperament structure a stronger association was observed between brain atrophy and impaired memory and learning. Moreover, one-third of the examined men were characterized by neuropsychological disorders, pathological changes in the frontal lobes and the ventricular system, longer alcohol abuse history, and greater daily alcohol use. These results should contribute to the development of dependence neuropsychology, especially in the areas of diagnosis and treatment.Badanie sfinansowano ze środków Narodowego Programu Zdrowia na lata 2016-2020


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    The aim of this article is to present the effects of neuropsychological therapy of a school-aged child diagnosed with autoimmune drug-resistant epilepsy. Material and methods: A battery of neuropsychological and clinical tests, an interview with the patient’s mother, observational data, and the results of previous psychological and medical tests were used to provide a neuropsychological diagnosis of an 8-year-old girl. The diagnosis was performed twice: before and after a year of neuropsychological therapy. The therapy program was based on the assumptions of microgenetic symptom theory (Brown & Pąchalska 2003), which aims at improving intellectual, visuospatial, and executive functions, as well as improving the emotional - social processes. The patient’s intellectual functions significantly improved: in 2017, the quotient of fluid intelligence ranged from light intellectual disability to lower than average. Currently, the IQ ranges from lower than average to average. Improvements also took place in the following areas: motor and constructional praxis, capacity of direct auditory memory, visuomotor coordination, spatial orientation, visual searching, and some executive functions. Other cognitive processes did not change, while an increase in the difficulty in switching attention from one task to another was observed. Neuropsychological therapy conducted in accordance with the theoretical assumptions of neuropsychology proved effective. We consider that neuropsychological therapy should be continued while new goals are established

    Structural changes in the brain and the clinical image of neuropsychological functions in men with alcohol use disorders

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    Wydział Psychologii i KognitywistykiCelem badań własnych było: 1) ukazanie siły i kierunku związków między wskaźnikami używania alkoholu, zmianami strukturalnymi mózgu a obrazem klinicznym funkcji neuropsychologicznych, 2) ocena struktury temperamentu jako moderatora zależności między zmianami strukturalnymi mózgu a sprawnością praksji dynamicznej, funkcji poznawczych i wykonawczych oraz 3) weryfikacja założeń modelu neuropsychologicznego poalkoholowych zmian mózgu jak i przedstawienie specyfiki profilu zmian patologicznych i niepatologicznych w mózgu wśród mężczyzn z zaburzeniem używania alkoholu. W badaniu przesiewowym, neuroobrazowym (na 1.5T i 3T MRI) i neuropsychologicznym (rozszerzonym o pomiar struktury temperamentu) wzięło udział 103 mężczyzn z zaburzeniem używania alkoholu. Na podstawie tak zaprojektowanego badania między innymi zweryfikowano dwa główne modele neuropsychologicznych zmian strukturalnych mózgu w zaburzeniu używania alkoholu, które opierają się na założeniach teorii mikrogenetycznej Jasona W. Browna. Wśród mężczyzn z zaburzeniem używania alkoholu o niezharmonizowanej strukturze temperamentu zaobserwowano silniejszą zależność między zanikiem korowo-podkorowym mózgu a obniżoną sprawnością pamięci i uczenia. Ponadto, u 1/3 zbadanych mężczyzn odnotowano znaczne zaburzenia neuropsychologiczne oraz patologiczne zmiany w płatach czołowych i układzie komorowym mózgu a także dłuższy czas nadużywania alkoholu i większą ilość dziennego spożycia alkoholu. Uzyskane wyniki mogą okazać się istotne dla rozwoju neuropsychologii uzależnień, w szczególności w obszarze diagnozy i leczenia.The most important goals of the research were: (1) to verify the strength and direction of the relationships between alcohol consumption rate, structural changes to the brain, and the clinical image of neuropsychological functions; (2) to evaluate temperament structure as a moderator of the relationship between structural changes to the brain and the efficiency of dynamic praxia and cognitive and executive functions; (3) to verify the neuropsychological model of alcohol-induced brain changes, while comparing the specific profile of pathological and nonpathological brain changes resulting from alcohol use disorder. The screening, neuroimaging (by using 1.5T and 3T MRI), and neuropsychological examination (extended to measure temperament structure) included 103 men with alcohol use disorder. Among other things, the examination tested two main models of neuropsychological structural changes to the brain in alcohol use disorder, based on the main assumptions of Jason W. Brown’s microgenetic theory. Among men with alcohol use disorder with a nonharmonized temperament structure a stronger association was observed between brain atrophy and impaired memory and learning. Moreover, one-third of the examined men were characterized by neuropsychological disorders, pathological changes in the frontal lobes and the ventricular system, longer alcohol abuse history, and greater daily alcohol use. These results should contribute to the development of dependence neuropsychology, especially in the areas of diagnosis and treatment.Badanie sfinansowano ze środków Narodowego Programu Zdrowia na lata 2016-2020

    The clinical image of memory, attention, and executive functions in a school-aged child with autoimmune epilepsy: A case study

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    The aim of this study was to identify specific aspects of the cognitive and socioemotional functioning of a school-age child with autoimmune-resistant epilepsy, and to provide a detailed explanation of the executive dysfunctions significant in this type of disorder. A battery of neuropsychological tests and clinical trials were used to neuropsychologically diagnose an eight-year-old girl. Data from an interview with the patient’s mother, observational data, and the results of previous psychological and medical tests were also taken account. Neuropsychological diagnosis was performed in line with the clinical–experimental and psychometric -test models. The patient’s current level of intellectual functions is below average. The patient obtained low results in tests examining executive functions, direct auditory memory, phonemic hearing, and visual–spatial organization. In comparison with children of her age group and with similar intelligence quotients, she obtained average results relating to tasks involving direct visual memory. No difficulty was seen in terms of semantic fluency, concentration, or persistence of the attention process. Executive dysfunctions are among the dominant disorders seen in clinical settings; these significantly hinder the systematic and orderly organization of the child’s learning process. Such difficulties in cognitive functioning, but also in emotional and social functioning, can significantly impede the normal development of the child

    Disturbances in intentional action among patients with frontal lobes dysfunction from the self-regulatory point of view

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    Dysfunkcja w płatach czołowych doprowadza do pojawienia się szerokiego spektrum zaburzeń poznawczych i emocjonalno-motywacyjnych, zakłócając codzienne funkcjonowanie jednostki. Jednym z kluczowych deficytów są trudności w działaniu celowym, które mogą być ujmowane z perspektywy procesu samoregulacji. Badania wskazują również na zależności między zaburzeniem procesu samoregulacji a deficytami funkcji wykonawczych, samoświadomości czy samokrytycyzmu. Analizując proces samoregulacji, odwołano się do koncepcji Alberta Bandury, akcentując ważność działania celowego – ukierunkowanego na elastyczne modyfikowanie swojego zachowania, w tym świadomego i krytycznego korygowania trudności. W artykule przedstawiono również potencjalne źródła opisywanych trudności u osób z uszkodzeniem płatów czołowych, weryfikując dane dotyczące znaczenia zarówno mechanizmów obronnych, jak i neuropsychologicznych uwarunkowań

    Resources evaluation in patients with multiple sclerosis: A moderation effect of time since diagnosis

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    Multiple sclerosis significantly affects how patients maintain the resources they consider important. The aim of this paper is to describe the moderation effect of time since diagnosis on the evaluation of resources by patients with multiple sclerosis, on the basis of S.E. Hobfoll’s Conservation of Resources (COR) theory. The study was conducted using paper and pencil methods and involved 77 patients, of whom 32 received their diagnosis less than four years ago, and 45 more than four years ago. The patients’ resource evaluation was investigated using the Polish adaptation of the COR questionnaire. Patients who received their diagnosis more than four years ago were more likely to consider vital and spiritual resources to be more important. In patients diagnosed less than four years ago, the loss of economic, political, and vital resources was significant. It is shown moderation effect of time since diagnosis. The results may for the basis for further research

    Resources evaluation in patients with multiple sclerosis: A moderation effect of time since diagnosis

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    Multiple sclerosis significantly affects how patients maintain the resources they consider important. The aim of this paper is to describe the moderation effect of time since diagnosis on the evaluation of resources by patients with multiple sclerosis, on the basis of S.E. Hobfoll’s Conservation of Resources (COR) theory. The study was conducted using paper and pencil methods and involved 77 patients, of whom 32 received their diagnosis less than four years ago, and 45 more than four years ago. The patients’ resource evaluation was investigated using the Polish adaptation of the COR questionnaire. Patients who received their diagnosis more than four years ago were more likely to consider vital and spiritual resources to be more important. In patients diagnosed less than four years ago, the loss of economic, political, and vital resources was significant. It is shown moderation effect of time since diagnosis. The results may for the basis for further research

    Corpus Callosum Atrophy in Alcohol-Dependent Men with Memory Disorders and Visual Attention Difficulties

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    Background: The earlier research confirm the relationship between structural changes in the corpus callosum and difficulties in attention and memory in the group of patients with alcohol use disorder (AUD). Nevertheless, the image of auditory and visual memory disorders in men with gradual atrophy of the corpus callosum and different alcohol abuse duration, it has not been explained yet. The overriding objective of this study was: (1) to determine whether there are principal and interaction effects of visuospatial and auditory-verbal memory on alcohol consumption and cross-sectional corpus callosum area in men with alcohol use disorder, (2) to assess the impact of callosal changes on the memory and visual attention processes. Methods: 97 men with alcohol use disorder were examined. T1-weighted scans were used to carry out corpus callosum segmentation and volumetric measurements. The cognition profile included two domains: attention, memory (visuospatial and auditory-verbal). Results: The results showed that participants with visuospatial memory disorder had inferior education background, and were characterized by a longer duration of alcohol abuse, more severe alcohol use disorder, and greater alcohol consumption per day. Second, alcohol-dependent men with auditory and visual memory disorders had a smaller frontal and posterior part of the corpus callosum areas. Additionally, among the alcohol-dependent men with memory disorders the smaller rostral body of corpus callosum was determined by the longer alcohol abuse duration. On the other hand, the smaller rostral body of corpus callosum was predicted by the older age only in alcohol-dependent men with normal memory. Among all examined individuals were observed a statistically significant relationships among visual attention, visuospatial memory and corpus callosum subregions including in particular genu and isthmus. Conclusions: The smaller corpus callosum cross-sectional area significantly affects visual attention and memory difficulties in alcohol use disorder, especially have differentiated the patients with normal and disordered memory. Longer alcohol abuse duration plays also a significant role in the corpus callosum atrophy in alcohol-dependent men with disordered memory (visuospatial in particular)