17 research outputs found

    Średniowieczne wierzenia – nieczysta siła w kulturze Słowian

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    Książka jest zbiorem tekstów prezentujących szeroki wachlarz zagadnień dotyczących historii średniowiecznej Polski i Europy. W czterech działach – na wybranych, konkretnych przykładach – podjęto tematykę dotyczącą monarchów i ich rodzin, społeczeństwa i jego poczynań, sztuki, architektury i artefaktów życia codziennego, jak również światopoglądu ludzi wieków średnich. Tak różnorodne problemy badawcze zaciekawią wszystkich, którzy interesują się historią średniowiecza, w tym heraldyką, genealogią, archeologią czy historią sztuki

    Заговоры как пример веры в магию слова и её использования в культуре древних славян = Spells as the examples of faith in the magic of word in the culture of ancient Slavs

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    Marta Nowaczyk. Заговоры как пример веры в магию слова и её использования в культуре древних славян. Spells as the examples of faith in the magic of word in the culture of ancient Slavs. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(9):983-992. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.226226https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/sedno-webapp/works/774022 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health  and Sport eISSN  2391-8306  7© The Author (s)  2016;This article is published  with open  access at Licensee  Open Journal  Systems  of Kazimierz  Wielki  University in Bydgoszcz,  Pola ndOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of  the  Creative  Commons  Attribution  Noncommercial  License  which permits any  noncommercial  use,  distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/)  which permits unrestricted,  non commercial  use,  distribution and reproduction in any  medium,  provided the  work  is properly       cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial  use,  distribution  and reproduction in any medium,  provided the  work is properly    cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 20.08.2016. Revised 20.09.2016. Accepted: 26.09.2016.  Marta Nowaczyk[1]doktorantka - językoznawstwoWydział Humanistyczny, Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy Заговоры как пример веры в магию слова и её использования в культуре древних славянSpells as the examples of faith in the magic of word in the culture of ancient Slavs   AbstractNowadays, the ritual sphere is pushed to the margins of the human consciousness. For the general public it is only associated with superstitions, while the linguists link it with its magical function. The faith of the ancient slavs considered “the word” as a material unit. The titled spell is handed down from a generation to generation with the use of texts, which constituted one of the first literary genre of the folk prose. In this article this literary genre was presented as part of the rituals and the role of these texts was noted in the people’s lives. Among the ancient slavs, there was a deep belief in the magical power of a word and circumspection in the use of the language. The author discusses the structure of spells and subdivides them. Furthermore, he draws attention to the heroes of these magic formulas. Closely related to the topic of spells are also the ‘professions’ earning their living from them, which was also pondered in this article. Keywords: spells, word, ancient slavs, wizard, faith, heathen   АбстрактныеВ сегодняшнее время ритуальная сфера остаётся как будто на полях человеческого сознания. В обществе ассоцируется с суевериями, а среди языковедов соединяется с магической функцией. Древние славяне считают «слово» материальной единицей. Заглавные заговоры – это передаваемые из поколения в поколение тексты, составляющие  один из первых жанров народной прозы. В статье представлено этот жанр как элемент ритуалов а также подчёркнуто роль этих текстов в жизни людей. Среди древних славян существовала вера в магическую силу слова и осторожный подход к языку. Автор анализирует структуру заговоров а также проводит их деление. Кроме того автор обращает внимание на персонажей магических формул. С темой заговоров тесно связаны и профессии и люди, занимающиеся словесными ритуалами, на что также намекает статья. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: заговор, слово, язычники, древние славяне, колдуны, вера[1] mgr Marta Nowaczyk, doktorantka – językoznawstwo, e-mail: [email protected]

    Zaćma jako powikłanie przewlekłej steroidoterapii stosowanej w leczeniu choroby Leśniowskiego-Crohna

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    In this article we present a case of 49-year-old patient hospitalizated in the Department of Gastroenterology, Human Nutrition and Internal Diseases of Clinical Hospital in Poznan due to Lesniowski-Crohn’s disease. In order to the remission of ongoing inflammation and control of relapses, patient used an intense steroid therapy for period of 5 years. In the discussion we describe shortly Lesniowski-Crohn’s disease, one of the inflammatory bowel diseases, including gastrointensinal and parenteral symptoms. The authors focused on multi-organ complications of chronic steroid therapy. In the article we watch out for ocular symptoms and the development of posterior subcapsular cataract which was diagnosed in patient. It is a problem present in a large group of patients, including the side effects of long-term steroid therapy. It should be stressed that steroid-induced cataract is a major problem in the population of patients with long-term treatment, and might impact the quality of life. This article includes above all clinical symptoms, pathological mechanism and risk factors inducing cataract. We present also medical indications qualifying for surgical implantation of intraocular lenses (IOLs). It came out that discontinuation of steroid therapy does not cure cataract and does not prevent further side effects of the management, so long treatment and clinical supervision of the patient are necessary. The study highlights complications that can occur after ophthalmic surgery. The role of the physician who prescribes steroid therapy is very significant because he is in charge of implementation of prevention steps and treatment of complications. The aim is to underline that only interdisciplinary approach in patients with Lesniowski-Crohn’s disease can benefit and it concerns both specialist as well general practitioner.W artykule przedstawiono przypadek 49-letniego pacjenta leczonego w Klinice Gastroenterologii, Żywienia Człowieka i Chorób Wewnętrznych w Poznaniu z powodu choroby Leśniowskiego-Crohna. W celu remisji toczącego się stanu zapalnego oraz opanowania rzutów choroby u pacjenta stosowano intensywną steroidoterapię przez okres pięciu lat. W poniższym omówieniu zawarto krótką charakterystykę choroby Leśniowskiego-Crohna, należącej do nieswoistych chorób zapalnych jelit oraz poszczególnych objawów pozajelitowych, występujących w jej przebiegu. Autorzy skupili się na licznych wielonarządowych powikłaniach wynikających z przewlekłej steroidoterapii. W artykule zwrócono uwagę na objawy oczne i rozwój zaćmy podtorebkowej tylnej, którą rozpoznano u przedstawionego pacjenta podczas konsultacji okulistycznej. Stanowi ona problem obecny u sporej grupy pacjentów, u której opisano skutki uboczne wieloletniego leczenia glikokortykosteroidami. Należy zatem podkreślić, że zaćma posteroidowa stanowi istotny problem w populacji dłu­gotrwale leczonych pacjentów, wpływający na jakość życia oraz chęć dalszej współpracy z lekarzem. W pracy uwzględniono przede wszystkim objawy kliniczne, patomechanizm oraz czynniki predysponujące do rozwoju zaćmy posteroidowej. Omówiono wskazania kwalifikujące pacjenta do zabiegu operacyjnego wszczepienia sztucznych soczewek. Okazuje się, że samo odstawienie glikokortykosteroidów nie powoduje wyleczenia zaćmy, co dodatkowo komplikuje postępowanie z pacjentem oraz wydłuża konieczność postępowania terapeutycznego i obserwacji. W pracy wyróżniono również powikłania mogące wystąpić po przeprowadzonym zabiegu okulistycznym. Zwrócono uwagę na rolę lekarza zlecającego leczenie glikokortykosteroidami — jego rolę we wdrażaniu odpowiednich kroków w profilaktyce oraz w leczeniu powikłań, przed ich dalszym rozwinięciem. Celem pracy jest podkreślenie konieczności wieloaspektowego i wielodyscyplinarnego podejścia do pacjenta z chorobą Leśniowskiego-Crohna zarówno przez lekarza specjalistę, jak i lekarza medycyny rodzinnej

    Osteoporoza posteroidowa w chorobie Leśniowskiego-Crohna — studium przypadku

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    Choroba Leśniowskiego-Crohna cechuje się przewlekłym przebiegiem i wymaga długotrwałego leczenia. Intensywna steroidoterapia prowadzi do wystąpienia licznych powikłań, w tym wtórnej osteoporozy. Wykonywanie odpowiednich badań diagnostycznych (densytometria), właściwa profilaktyka oraz wdrożenie leczenia w odpowiednim czasie minimalizują negatywne skutki steroidoterapii. W niniejszym artykule opisano pacjenta, u którego wystąpiła posteroidowa osteoporoza w przebiegu choroby Leśniowskiego-Crohna

    Verification of electron beam parameters in an intraoperative linear accelerator using dosimetric and radiobiological response methods

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    Background: The availability of linear accelerators (linac) for research purposes is often limited and therefore alternative radiation sources are needed to conduct radiobiological research. The National Centre for Radiation Research in Poland recently developed an intraoperative mobile linac that enables electron irradiation at energies ranging from 4 to 12 MeV and dose rates of 5 or 10 Gy/min. The present study was conducted to evaluate the electron beam parameters of this intraoperative linac and to verify the set-up to evaluate out-of-field doses in a water phantom, which were determined through dosimetric and biological response measurements. Materials and methods: The distribution of radiation doses along and across the radiation beam were measured in a water phantom using a semiconductor detector and absolute doses using an ionisation chamber. Two luminal breast cancer cell lines (T-47D and HER2 positive SK-BR-3) were placed in the phantom to study radiation response at doses ranging from 2 to 10 Gy.  Cell response was measured by clonogenic assays. Results and Conclusion: The electron beam properties, including depth doses and profiles, were within expected range for the stated energies. These results confirm the viability of this device and set-up as a source of megavoltage electrons to evaluate the radiobiological response of tumour cells

    Semantic and structural analysis of lexis denoting color in Russian language

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    The article determines an analysis of the lexis, used to express color in Russian. To achieve this aim, the theoretical aspect as well as the collected files of the selected linguistic units serving as the research material were presented. The examples relate to all the meanings of ten colors: red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, dark blue, purple, pink, brown, and scarlet

    Lipid Formulations and Bioconjugation Strategies for Indomethacin Therapeutic Advances

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    Indomethacin (IND) is a drug which after successful clinical trials became available for general prescription in 1965 and from that time is one of the most widely used anti-inflammatory drug with the highest potencies in the in vitro and in vivo models. However, despite its high therapeutic efficacy in relieving the symptoms of certain arthritis and in treating gout or collagen diseases, administration of IND causes a number of adverse effects, such as gastrointestinal ulceration, frequent central nervous system disorders and renal toxicity. These obstacles significantly limit the practical applications of IND and make that 10–20% of patients discontinue its use. Therefore, during the last three decades many attempts have been made to design novel formulations of IND aimed to increase its therapeutic benefits minimizing its adverse effects. In this review we summarize pharmacological information about IND and analyze its new lipid formulations and lipid bioconjugates as well as discuss their efficacy and potential application

    Computational Tools and Resources Supporting CRISPR-Cas Experiments

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    The CRISPR-Cas system has become a cutting-edge technology that revolutionized genome engineering. The use of Cas9 nuclease is currently the method of choice in most tasks requiring a specific DNA modification. The rapid development in the field of CRISPR-Cas is reflected by the constantly expanding ecosystem of computational tools aimed at facilitating experimental design and result analysis. The first group of CRISPR-Cas-related tools that we review is dedicated to aid in guide RNA design by prediction of their efficiency and specificity. The second, relatively new group of tools exploits the observed biases in repair outcomes to predict the results of CRISPR-Cas edits. The third class of tools is developed to assist in the evaluation of the editing outcomes by analysis of the sequencing data. These utilities are accompanied by relevant repositories and databases. Here we present a comprehensive and updated overview of the currently available CRISPR-Cas-related tools, from the perspective of a user who needs a convenient and reliable means to facilitate genome editing experiments at every step, from the guide RNA design to analysis of editing outcomes. Moreover, we discuss the current limitations and challenges that the field must overcome for further improvement in the CRISPR-Cas endeavor

    pNiPAM-Nanoparticle-Based Antiapoptotic Approach for Pro-Regenerative Capacity of Skeletal Myogenic Cells

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    The biocompatibility of pNiPAM (Poly N-isopropylacrylamide) copolymers has been examined and they did not exert any cytotoxic effects. Their properties and vulnerable temperature characteristics make them candidates for use in medical applications. We synthesized a well-characterized nanoparticles-based cargo system that would effectively deliver a biological agent to human skeletal myogenic cells (SkMCs); among other aspects, a downregulating apoptotic pathway potentially responsible for poor regeneration of myocardium. We confirmed the size of the pNiPAM based spheres at around 100 nm and the nanomeric shape of nanoparticles (NP) obtained. We confirmed that 33 °C is the adequate temperature for phase transition. We performed the dynamics of cargo release. A small amount of examined protein was detected at 10 min after reaching LCTS (lower critical solution temperature). The presented results of the test with BSA (bovine serum albumin) and doxorubicin loaded into nanoparticles showed a similar release profile for both substances. SkMCs incubated with NP loaded with antiapoptotic agent, BCB (Bax channel blocker), significantly diminished cell apoptosis (p < 0.01). Moreover, the lowest apoptotic level was detected in SkMCs treated with camptothecin and simultaneously incubated with pNiPAMs loaded with BCB. Application of nanoparticles loaded with BCB or subjected to BCB alone did not, however, diminish the amount of apparently necrotic cells

    Targeted Hybrid Nanocarriers as a System Enhancing the Skin Structure

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    The skin is constantly exposed to external and internal factors that disturb its function. In this work, two nanosystems-levan nanoparticles and a surfactin-stabilized nanoemulsion were preserved (tested for microbial growth) and characterized (size, polydispersity, Zeta potential, and stability). The nanosystems were introduced in the model formulations-cream, tonic, and gel, and confirmed by TEM. The analysis showed that nanoemulsion has a spherical morphology and size 220–300 nm, while levan nanoparticles had irregular shapes independently of the use of matrix and with particle size (130–260 nm). Additionally, we examined the antiradical effect of levan nanoparticles and nanoemulsion in the prototype of formulations by scavenging DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl; EPR spectroscopy). The model cream with both nanosystems and the whole range of products with nanosystems were evaluated in vivo for hydration, elasticity, smoothness, wrinkles and vascular lesions, discoloration, respectively. The cream improved skin condition in all tested parameters in at least 50% of volunteers. The use of more comprehensive care, additionally consisting of a tonic and gel, reduced the previously existing skin discoloration to 10.42 ± 0.58%. The presented prototype formulations are promising in improving skin conditions