57 research outputs found

    Predicting green: really radical (plant) predictive processing

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    In this article we account for the way plants respond to salient features of their environment under the free-energy principle for biological systems. Biological self-organization amounts to the minimization of surprise over time. We posit that any self-organizing system must embody a generative model whose predictions ensure that (expected) free energy is minimized through action. Plants respond in a fast, and yet coordinated manner, to environmental contingencies. They pro-actively sample their local environment to elicit information with an adaptive value. Our main thesis is that plant behaviour takes place by way of a process (active inference) that predicts the environmental sources of sensory stimulation. This principle, we argue, endows plants with a form of perception that underwrites purposeful, anticipatory behaviour. The aim of the article is to assess the prospects of a radical predictive processing story that would follow naturally from the free-energy principle for biological systems; an approach that may ultimately bear upon our understanding of life and cognition more broadly

    Swarming Behavior in Plant Roots

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    Interactions between individuals that are guided by simple rules can generate swarming behavior. Swarming behavior has been observed in many groups of organisms, including humans, and recent research has revealed that plants also demonstrate social behavior based on mutual interaction with other individuals. However, this behavior has not previously been analyzed in the context of swarming. Here, we show that roots can be influenced by their neighbors to induce a tendency to align the directions of their growth. In the apparently noisy patterns formed by growing roots, episodic alignments are observed as the roots grow close to each other. These events are incompatible with the statistics of purely random growth. We present experimental results and a theoretical model that describes the growth of maize roots in terms of swarming

    Physiologically mediated self/non-self discrimination in roots

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    Recent evidence suggests that self/non-self discrimination exists among roots; its mechanisms, however, are still unclear. We compared the growth of Buchloe dactyloides cuttings that were grown in the presence of neighbors that belonged to the same physiological individual, were separated from each other for variable periods, or originated from adjacent or remote tillers on the same clone. The results demonstrate that B. dactyloides plants are able to differentiate between self and non-self neighbors and develop fewer and shorter roots in the presence of other roots of the same individual. Furthermore, once cuttings that originate from the very same node are separated, they become progressively alienated from each other and eventually relate to each other as genetically alien plants. The results suggest that the observed self/non-self discrimination is mediated by physiological coordination among roots that developed on the same plant rather than allogenetic recognition. The observed physiological coordination is based on an as yet unknown mechanism and has important ecological implications, because it allows the avoidance of competition with self and the allocation of greater resources to alternative functions

    The effect of steepness of temporal resource gradients on spatial root allocation

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    Plants are able to discriminately allocate greater biomass to organs that grow under higher resource levels. Recent evidence demonstrates that split-root plants also discriminately allocate more resources to roots that grow under dynamically improving nutrient levels, even when their other roots grow in richer patches. Here, we further tested whether, besides their responsiveness to the direction of resource gradients, plants are also sensitive to the steepness of environmental trajectories. Split-root Pisum sativum plants were grown so that one of their roots developed under constantly-high nutrient levels and the other root was subjected to dynamically improving nutrient levels of variable steepness. As expected, plants usually allocated a greater proportion of their biomass to roots that developed under constantly high resource availability; however, when given a choice, they allocated greater biomass to roots that initially experienced relatively low but steeply improving nutrient availabilities than to roots that developed under continuously-high nutrient availability. Such discrimination was not observed when the roots in the poor patch experienced only gentler improvements in nutrient availability. The results are compatible with the notion that responsiveness to the direction and steepness of environmental gradients could assist annual plants to increase their performance by anticipating resource availabilities foreseeable before the end of the growing season. The results exemplify the ability of plants to integrate and utilize environmental information and execute adaptive behaviors which, until recently, were attributed only to animals with central nervous systems

    Resource pulses, species interactions and diversity maintenance in arid and semi-arid environments

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    Arid environments are characterized by limited and variable rainfall that supplies resources in pulses. Resource pulsing is a special form of environmental variation, and the general theory of coexistence in variable environments suggests specific mechanisms by which rainfall variability might contribute to the maintenance of high species diversity in arid ecosystems. In this review, we discuss physiological, morphological, and life-history traits that facilitate plant survival and growth in strongly water-limited variable environments, outlining how species differences in these traits may promote diversity. Our analysis emphasizes that the variability of pulsed environments does not reduce the importance of species interactions in structuring communities, but instead provides axes of ecological differentiation between species that facilitate their coexistence. Pulses of rainfall also influence higher trophic levels and entire food webs. Better understanding of how rainfall affects the diversity, species composition, and dynamics of arid environments can contribute to solving environmental problems stemming from land use and global climate change
